115 research outputs found

    Diagnosis and Instrument of the Financial Analysis

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    Considering the general point of view, the concept of diagnosis has assumed the identification of disfunctionalities specific to its activities, as well as the analysis of facts and responsibilities, identification of causes and measurements that have to lead towards the improvement of the economical-financial situation.Of the same mind, other specialists in the field have been aware of this, and whom opinion is summarized to the fact that analysis of a diagnosis has assumed the localization of symptoms, of disfunctionalities related to a company, the research and analysis of facts and responsibilities, identification of causes specific to disfunctionalities, the elaboration of certain programs of activity, where the recovery or amelioration of performances is being assured by using their practical applying.As a matter of fact, performing a company’s diagnosis can be motivated not only by the situation where this shows difficulties, or disfunctionalities respectively, but also when an enterprise proves a health state, but wishes its improvement.global diagnosis, financial diagnosis, financial analysis, enterprise

    Methods of Analysis and Evaluation of the Bankruptcy Risk

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    The profitableness of an enterprise cannot be appreciated irrespective of the risks wherewith this is confronting, risks corresponding to economic and financial profitableness: the economic risk, carried out into organizational lever effect and the financial risk, in terms of the negative lever. The financial lever deepens the economic risk, turning into a greater vulnerability of treasury (to the outgoings concerning the interest, those of loan’s reimbursement are added), which finally generates the enterprise’s inability of payment, meaning the bankruptcy risk.Profitableness, risk, bankruptcy, analysis, evaluation


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    The information contained in this article is intended to clarify the evolution of the stock price of listed companies under the influence of their own strategies, on the one hand, and under the impetus of the actions of "panic buying" and "panic selling" specific to group mentality, on the other hand. The price of shares on the stock exchange is getting formed depending on supply and demand whereas the price of a transaction is made wherever the demand meets the offer. The higher the demand, the higher the price is, namely those who want to buy shares are more than those who want to sell them, and inversely if the supply of a share is higher than the demand, namely those who want to sell are more than those who want to buy, then the price will decline. In addition to supply and demand, the share price is also influenced by other factors such as: company's internal events, economic performance and results, events related to the industry wherein the issuer carries out his activity or news related to competitors, dividends granted, increment or reduction of the share capital, massive share purchases or sales by a single investor, as well as the economic, political and legislative, national or international background. The price of shares can be influenced by the general market sentiment and investors' psychology. This is difficult to explain from an economic point of view, but that does not mean that it does not impress on the price of shares, so it is important for potential investors to be receptive to the market signals and get connected to the economic reality

    New Challenges For Ict Skills In The Republic Of Moldova

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    ICT skills became in our days a need and a must. IT is an international aspect. Developing professional skills in ICT is a key factor that determines the development of the ICT sector from Moldova. Moldova is still facing with the problem of insufficient trained workers in IT field

    Oncogenesis- kaleidoscopic and multi-level reality

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    Oncogenesis is an extremely complex phenomenon. The mechanisms by which cancer is induced is only partially known. Consequently, therapeutic targets may be uncertain and results are often unsatisfactory. The purpose of this paper is to develop a trans-level and multiple transdisciplinary perspective describing the kaleidoscopic reality of oncogenesis. This manner of understanding oncogenesis as a complex process characterized by a non-linear dynamic, far from equilibrium and with unpredictable evolution, transcends the classical perspective and requires a paradigm shift. This approach is also facilitated by recent studies that focus on group phenomena, with emerging behaviors in a continuous phase transition. Biological systems, and obviously the human organism, express this type of behavior with critical self-organizing valences in the context of a genome - mesotope (environment) - phenotype interaction. For example, nature has transposed in the ecosystem, among other things, the performance pattern of its mineral history represented by the dynamic energy-matter-information unit (the principle of invariance). And multi-cell biological systems in the phylogenetic tree crown have multiple directed aerobic metabolisms in accordance with specific functions. Cancers, in turn, have a hybrid (anaerobic and aerobic) and unidirectional metabolism whose only and ultimate reason is the survival of the malignant cell. Understanding the transdisciplinary reality of oncogenesis offers novel development paths for new therapeutic strategies compared to current ones which have relatively limited efficiency

    Talent management in air transport enterprises

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    Для авіаційного транспорту надзвичайно актуальною сьогодні є тенденція браку талантів. Одним з напрямків вдосконалення управління талантами на авіатранспортних підприємствах можуть стати інструменти управління знаннями працівників.Lack of talents is a highly actual tendency in the air transport sphere. One of the talent management improvement directions at the air transport enterprises could be the knowledge management instruments.Для авиационного транспорта необычайно актуальной сегодня является тенденция дефицита талантов. Одним из направлений усовершенствования управления талантами на авиатранспортных предприятиях могут стать инструменты управления знаниями работников

    Spin Transfer Torque in Antiferromagnetic Spin-Valves: From Clean to Disordered Regimes

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    Current-driven spin torques in metallic spin-valves composed of antiferromagnets are theoretically studied using the non-equilibrium Green's function method implemented on a tight-binding model. We focus our attention on G-type and L-type antiferromagnets in both clean and disordered regimes. In such structures, spin torques can either rotate the magnetic order parameter coherently (coherent torque) or compete with the internal antiferromagnetic exchange (exchange torque). We show that, depending on the symmetry of the spin-valve, the coherent and exchange torques can be either in the plane, {\alpha} n\times(q \times n) or out of the plane {\alpha} n \times q, where q and n are the directions of the order parameter of the polarizer and the free antiferromagnetic layers, respectively. Although disorder conserves the symmetry of the torques, it strongly reduces the torque magnitude, pointing out the need for momentum conservation to ensure strong spin torque in antiferromagnetic spin-valvesComment: 10 pages, 11 figure


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah perizinan angkutan udara bukan niaga menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 Tentang Penerbangan dan bagaimanakah pemberlakuan sanksi atas administratif atas pelanggaran izin angkutan udara, yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Perizinan angkutan undara bukan niaga menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 Tentang Penerbangan dapat dilakukan setelah memperoleh izin dari Menteri. Persyaratan untuk mendapatkan izin kegiatan angkutan udara bukan niaga yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah, pemerintah daerah, badan usaha Indonesia, dan lembaga tertentu paling sedikit harus memiliki: persetujuan dari instansi yang membina kegiatan pokoknya;  akta pendirian badan usaha atau lembaga yang telah disahkan oleh menteri yang berwenang; nomor pokok wajib pajak (NPWP); surat keterangan domisili tempat kegiatan yang diterbitkan oleh instansi yang berwenang; dan rencana kegiatan angkutan udara. Untuk mendapatkan izin kegiatan angkutan udara bukan niaga yang digunakan oleh orang perseorangan paling sedikit harus memiliki: tanda bukti indentitas diri yang diterbitkan oleh instansi yang berwenang; nomor pokok wajib pajak (NPWP); surat keterangan domisili tempat kegiatan yang diterbitkan oleh instansi yang berwenang; dan  rencana kegiatan angkutan udara. Dokumen diserahkan dalam bentuk salinan yang telah dilegalisasi oleh instansi yang mengeluarkan dan dokumen aslinya ditunjukkan kepada Menteri. 2. Pemberlakuan sanksi administratif atas pelanggaran izin angkutan udara dikenakan sanksi administratif berupa:peringatan; pembekuan izin; dan/atau  pencabutan izin. Pemegang izin usaha angkutan udara niaga dan pemegang izin kegiatan angkutan udara bukan niaga yang tidak melakukan kegiatan angkutan udara secara nyata dengan mengoperasikan pesawat udara selama 12 (dua belas) bulan berturut-turut maka izin kegiatan angkutan udara bukan niaga yang diterbitkan tidak berlaku dengan sendirinya. Pemegang izin usaha angkutan udara niaga dan pemegang izin kegiatan angkutan udara bukan niaga yang melanggar ketentuan sebagaimana telah diuraikan dikenakan sanksi administratif berupa peringatan dan/atau pencabutan izin serta denda.Kata kunci: angkutan udara; penerbangan