117 research outputs found

    Diaphragmatic Breathing Reduces Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress

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    Diaphragmatic breathing is relaxing and therapeutic, reduces stress, and is a fundamental procedure of Pranayama Yoga, Zen, transcendental meditation and other meditation practices. Analysis of oxidative stress levels in people who meditate indicated that meditation correlates with lower oxidative stress levels, lower cortisol levels and higher melatonin levels. It is known that cortisol inhibits enzymes responsible for the antioxidant activity of cells and that melatonin is a strong antioxidant; therefore, in this study, we investigated the effects of diaphragmatic breathing on exercise-induced oxidative stress and the putative role of cortisol and melatonin hormones in this stress pathway. We monitored 16 athletes during an exhaustive training session. After the exercise, athletes were divided in two equivalent groups of eight subjects. Subjects of the studied group spent 1 h relaxing performing diaphragmatic breathing and concentrating on their breath in a quiet place. The other eight subjects, representing the control group, spent the same time sitting in an equivalent quite place. Results demonstrate that relaxation induced by diaphragmatic breathing increases the antioxidant defense status in athletes after exhaustive exercise. These effects correlate with the concomitant decrease in cortisol and the increase in melatonin. The consequence is a lower level of oxidative stress, which suggests that an appropriate diaphragmatic breathing could protect athletes from long-term adverse effects of free radicals

    Survey on food hygiene knowledge on board ships

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    Background and aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes on food hygiene in seafarers.Materials and methods: The study was conducted using an anonymous questionnaire presented to the workers of 7 tankers of an Italian shipping company (Finaval S.p.A.). As a reference, the analysis was extended to office employees of the same firm. Data were divided according to the rank of seafarers to assess possible differences in perceiving the risk.Results: Overall knowledge on food safety concept was not high among seafarers. In general, galley and catering workers group provided a lower percentage of correct answers than other crew members. Foodservices staff revealed little awareness of the risks linked with handling food and their perception of risk of disease transmission through food was low. Answers about risk related to specific food (eggs and fish) showed that knowledge about these problems was less than satisfactory. Moreover, the percentage of ‘I don’t know’ answers was high. These findings suggest that this personnel is aware of the right stepsof health protection in terms of food hygiene, but does not understand why it is necessary.Conclusions: Galley and catering group workers were not the most informed about food hygiene problems.This highlights the need to hire qualified personnel of the food industry on board ships. All those working inthe food service area should be properly trained on food hygiene. Seafarers should be the target of specificinformative campaigns about health risks linked with aliments, possible consequences of it and also oneson how to minimise the exposure to potentially dangerous agents/behaviours during travel/life at sea

    J Clin Microbiol

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    Serotype 1 is an important cause of invasive pneumococcal disease in South Africa and has declined following the introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in 2011. We genetically characterized 912 invasive serotype 1 isolates from 1989 to 2013. Simpson's diversity index (D) and recombination ratios were calculated. Factors associated with sequence types (STs) were assessed. Clonal complex 217 represented 96% (872/912) of the sampled isolates. Following the introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13), ST diversity increased in children 14 years (D, 0.35 to 0.54, P 14 years (242/305 [79%] versus 96/148 [65%], P = 0.001), whereas ST-9067 increased (4/684 [0.6%] versus 24/228 [11%], P < 0.001). Three subclades were identified within ST-217: ST-217C1 (353/382 [92%]), ST-217C2 (15/382 [4%]), and ST-217C3 (14/382 [4%]). ST-217C2, ST-217C3, and single-locus variant (SLV) ST-8314 (20/912 [2%]) were associated with nonsusceptibility to chloramphenicol, tetracycline, and co-trimoxazole. ST-8314 (20/912 [2%]) was also associated with increased nonsusceptibility to penicillin (P < 0.001). ST-217C3 and newly reported ST-9067 had higher recombination ratios than those of ST-217C1 (4.344 versus 0.091, P < 0.001; and 0.086 versus 0.013, P < 0.001, respectively). Increases in genetic diversity were noted post-PCV13, and lineages associated with antimicrobial nonsusceptibility were identified.2016-04-25T00:00:00Z26962082PMC484471

    Food safety on board tankers. Results of analysis from ‘Healthy Ship’ project

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    Background: Microbiological monitoring of surfaces used for food preparation, as required by the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan, is important in risky conditions as those observed in the kitchens of ships. Limits to introduce a classification of risk levels and methods to adopt in conditions as those occurring in tankers have not been investigated. This paper presents the results of the “Healthy Ship” project on HACCP monitoring of surfaces used in food preparation on Italian flag tankers.  Materials and methods: Microbiological monitoring was carried out on 19 tankers between 2013 and 2017. Food handlers were also trained on board ship according to HACCP standards. Contact plates (ISO 18593:2004 compliant) were used to determine the colonies and bacterial charge according to the Wirtanen and Salo’s method.  Results: A total of 1074 samples, 108 before the first course, 168 after the first course, 390 during the period of refresher (2015–2016), and 408 after the refresher training, were obtained from the three main kitchen surfaces: the worktop, cutting board, and kitchen sink. A good level of hygiene was observed in 56.9% of all samples, 0.1% were classified as adequate, and the remaining 43% as poor. The highest contamination was observed on the cutting board and kitchen sink and involved the total aerobic count. The only surface with inadequate levels of hygiene was the worktop. A reduction of contaminated samples was noted after training.  Conclusions: Our results suggest that continuous training should be provided for personnel responsible for handling foodstuffs on board ships.

    Recommendations for assessing water quality and safety on board merchant ships

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    Introduction: Health and diseases on board ships may depend on water. Interventions to improve the quality of water may bring to significant benefits to health and water stores/supply and should be controlledto protect health. This paper has reviewed the main regulations for the control of water safety and qualityon board ships and presents some practical recommendations for keeping water healthy and safe in passenger and cargo merchant ships.Methodology: The main international regulations and guidelines on the topic were analysed. Guidelines forWater Quality on Board Merchant Ships Including Passenger Vessels of Health Protection Agency, World Health Organisation (WHO) Guide to Ship Sanitation, WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, WHO Water Safety Plan and the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention Vessel Sanitation Program were examined. Recommendations for passenger and, if available, for cargo ships were collected and compared. Recommended questionnaire: A questionnaire summarising the main information to collect for assessingthe enough quality of water for the purposes it should be used on board is proposed. The need of havinga crew member with water assessment duties on board, trained for performing these activities properlyis discussed.Conclusions: Water quality on board ships should be monitored routinely. Monitoring should be directedto chemical and microbiological parameters for identifying possible contamination sources, using specifickits by a designed crew member. More detailed periodic assessments should be under the responsibility ofspecialised personnel/laboratories and should be based on sample collection from all tanks and sites of waterdistribution. It is important to select a properly trained crew member on board for monitoring water quality

    Immunological pattern alteration in shoe, hide, and leather industry workers exposed to exavalent chromium

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    The aim of this work was to assess the effects of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] on shoe, leather, and hide industry workers, based on the assumption that Cr(VI) can behave as an environmental immunological "stressor." The immunological patterns of 84 male subjects were studied in relation to Cr(VI) hematic and urinary levels. Cr(VI) was measured through atomic absorption. Lymphocyte subsets, mitogen-mediated lymphocyte-proliferation, cytokine levels, and natural killer (NK) cytotoxic activity were also assayed. RESULTS: The urinary levels of the total amount of Cr(VI) were significantly higher in a subgroup of exposed subjects (group B) than in the control or in the lower exposed (group A). In group B, Cr(VI) caused a decrease in the density of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and a increase of IL-6. Cr(VI) did not modify NK-mediated cytotoxicity, the plasmatic levels of inflammatory cytokines and related soluble receptors, and prostaglandin levels, while it tended to increase lymphocyte sensitivity to mitogens and the production of immunomodulant cytokines (IFN-gamma, IL-4, and IL-2). The experimental addition of Cr(VI) to the in vitro lymphocyte culture determined a significant inhibition of phagocytosis percentage, index, and killing percentage. These effects were neutralized by exogenous IFN-gamma. Cr(VI) could represent an environmental immunological stressor whose effects can be evaluated through laboratory surveys. The lymphocyte mitogen-induced proliferation, GR receptor on PBMC, and IL-6 plasma levels may represent a discriminating element between Cr(VI)-induced stress and other kinds of stress

    Epidemiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents

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    The childhood overweight and obesity epidemic has become a global emergency in public health and a crucial challenge of the twenty-first century. Nowadays, childhood and adolescent obesity represent a significant public health problem both in developing and developed countries. Globally, above 340 million children and adolescents aged 5–19 years were overweight or obese in 2016. Childhood obesity is a critical burden because it can be associated with a higher possibility of obesity, premature death, and disability in adults, as well as early markers of cardiovascular disease. In Europe, childhood obesity remains a significant health challenge and is distributed disparately across and between countries and population groups. In 2019, over 398,000 children aged 6–9 years were severely obese in Europe. Particularly, Southern European countries such as Greece, Italy, Malta, San Marino, and Spain had one in five children obese in 2018. In Europe, different initiatives and actions have been launched in recent years to fight childhood obesity. However, the progress on combating obesity in children has been slow and inconsistent across the region. In this chapter, we have discussed the prevalence of obesity in children and existing policies to combat childhood obesity in the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region


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    Background: Comprehensive misunderstanding about medicine usage is often associated with high treatment risks which have led to unexpected and adverse effects or even death. Many researches assessing health literacy have been undertaken, but only in adults. This study was undertaken to evaluate the level of understanding in students of medical terms and its correlation with gender, grade and parental occupation.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from September to October 2017 with 594 students (28.6% of men and 71.4% of women) of Hanoi University of Pharmacy from freshman to fifth-year students chosen randomly. The knowledge of pharmacy students was assessed by a questionnaire including 25 medical terms. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were used with p&lt;0.05 as level of statistical significance.Results: The level of understanding of students was high with most of medical terms reaching over 70% correct answers. A positive significant association between health literacy and education was found with higher knowledge demonstrated in upper years, while there was no difference among students with and without parents belonging to the medical field. Regarding the relation with gender, there was no significant correlation for most medical terms.Conclusions: Levels of understanding of medical terms in pharmacy students was high, presenting a significant association with education. This study should be extended in order to assess the level of health literacy in various populations, thereby indirect evaluating implementation of medical preventive programs

    Anionic polysaccharides for stabilization and sustained release of antimicrobial peptides

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    Chemical and enzymatic in vivo degradation of antimicrobial peptides represents a major challenge for their therapeutic use to treat bacterial infections. In this work, anionic polysaccharides were investigated for their ability to increase the chemical stability and achieve sustained release of such peptides. The investigated formulations comprised a combination of antimicrobial peptides (vancomycin (VAN) and daptomycin (DAP)) and anionic polysaccharides (xanthan gum (XA), hyaluronic acid (HA), propylene glycol alginate (PGA) and alginic acid (ALG)). VAN dissolved in buffer of pH 7.4 and incubated at 37 °C showed first order degradation kinetics with a reaction rate constant k obs of 5.5 × 10 -2 day -1 corresponding with a half-life of 13.9 days. However, once VAN was present in a XA, HA or PGA-based hydrogel, k obs decreased to (2.1-2.3) × 10 -2 day -1 while k obs was not affected in an alginate hydrogel and a dextran solution (5.4 × 10 -2 and 4.4 × 10 -2 day -1). Under the same conditions, XA and PGA also effectively decreased k obs for DAP (5.6 × 10 -2 day -1), whereas ALG had no effect and HA even increased the degradation rate. These results demonstrate that the investigated polysaccharides (except ALG for both peptides and HA for DAP) slowed down the degradation of VAN and DAP. DSC analysis was used to investigate on polysaccharide ability to bind water molecules. Rheological analysis highlighted that the polysaccharides containing VAN displayed an increase in G' of their formulations, pointing that the peptides interaction act as crosslinker of the polymer chains. The obtained results suggest that the mechanism of stabilization of VAN and DAP against hydrolytic degradation is conferred by electrostatic interactions between the ionizable amine groups of the drugs and the anionic carboxylate groups of the polysaccharides. This, in turn, results in a close proximity of the drugs to the polysaccharide chain, where the water molecules have a lower mobility and, therefore, a lower thermodynamic activity

    Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Determinants and Obstacles among Italian University Students

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    The awareness of citizens concerning the health risks caused by environmental pollution is growing, but studies on determinants of pro-environmental behaviors have rarely examined health-related aspects. In this study, we investigated these determinants using data from a large survey among Italian university students (15 Universities: 4778 filled questionnaires). Besides the health-related aspects, represented by environmental health risk perception and functional health literacy, we considered social and demographic characteristics (gender, area of residence, sources of information, trust in institutional and non-institutional subjects, and students' capacity of positive actions, indicated as internal locus of control). The attitudes towards pro-environmental behaviors were positive for more than 70% of students and positively related with health risk perception, internal locus of control, and health literacy. The correspondence between the positive attitudes towards pro-environmental behaviors and the real adoption of such behaviors was approximately 20% for most behaviors, except for the separate collection of waste (60%). Such a discrepancy can be attributable to external obstacles (i.e., lack of time, costs, lack of support). The health-related aspects were linked to the pro-environmental attitudes, but to a lesser extent to pro-environmental behaviors, owing to the complexity of their determinants. However, they should be taken in account in planning education interventions