164 research outputs found

    Oceanic giants in the Mediterranean: first mitochondrial analysis of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas

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    The leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761) is an occasional trophic visitor of the Mediterranean basin. So far, very few individuals have been genetically analysed from this sea and none from Italy. We sequenced a mitochondrial DNA fragment of three specimens of D. coriacea found in recent years along the North-Adriatic and Tyrrhenian shores. They were all females approaching adult stage. Causes of death were attributable to the main threats for sea turtles in Mediterranean waters, all related to human activities (collisions with boats, entanglement in fishing nets and plastic debris ingestion). Two different mitochondrial haplotypes were observed, with the two North-Adriatic turtles sharing the same one. Compared to known Dermochelys sequences and previous genetic characterization of rookeries, these results suggest that the most probable origin of at least two of the three leatherbacks was the western Atlantic

    Nocturnal flights lead to collision risk with power lines and wind farms in Lesser Kestrels: a preliminary assessment through GPS tracking

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    We present here the first report about Lesser Kestrels' flight height behaviour and potential collision risk with wind farms and power lines in two colonies (Gravina in Puglia and Altamura; Apulia, Italy) that present the highest density of Lesser Kestrels worldwide in urban areas. Using accurate GPS data-loggers on nine Lesser Kestrels, we collected data on flight activities during the nestling period. The tracked Lesser Kestrels spent 50% of the monitoring time at heights above ground level (AGL) lower than 41 m, and 75% of time below 98 m AGL. Flight heights resulted not significantly different between the two colonies. Instead, at night Lesser Kestrels resulted to fly at significantly lower altitudes than in the daytime. Our findings, although preliminary, underline the potential collision risk with power lines and wind farms at night in the Lesser Kestrels' colony of Gravina in Puglia. Instead, collision risk resulted negligible during the daytime for both colonies. We conclude that the disappearing of pseudo-steppes in the study area is forcing Lesser Kestrels to flight also at night for foraging purposes during the breading season, which in turn leads to an increased risk of collision with power lines and wind farms

    Behavioural networks: a new methodology to study birds’ habits

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    We introduce here a new methodology, named Behavioural Networks (BeNe), to thoroughly analyze birds’ habits in space and time. Behavioural Networks are based on GIS technologies, association rules and network capabilities, all applied to GPS data. They return an information-rich and easily-interpretable synthesis of the activities taken by birds during a user-defined time interval. As a case study, we applied BeNe to the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni of the Santeramo in Colle colony (Apulia, Italy). Our methodology has been able to extract the main rules of the bird’s behaviour during the most critical part of the chick-rearing period. BeNe can be applied to any bird species, to any time interval and to both local and migratory GPS data

    Prilog poznavanju kseno-raznolikosti Ĺľivotinja duĹľ obale Kalabrije (juĹľna Italija, srednji Mediteran)

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    In this paper a contribution to the knowledge of marine and brackish water alien species recorded along the Calabrian coasts (Southern Italy, Central Mediterranean) during the period 2000-2013 is given. The study area is located in the center of the Mediterranean. Records of alien species come from 13 years of both field and opportunistic fishing surveys. Also a bibliographical search in the scientific literature and public and private archives was performed. Eighteen of marine alien species recorded: 1 cnidarian, 11 molluscs, 3 crustaceans, and 4 bony fishes; in addition to these, was considered also the presence of four bony fish, that have naturally spread into the Mediterranean: Sphoeroides pachygaster, Gymnothorax moringa, Pseunes pellucidus and Zenopsis conchifera. The highest number of records comes from the Messina Strait. The most common and widest observed species were Percnon gibbesi, Callinectes sapidus, Fistularia commersonii and Procambarus clarckii. The record of Ruditapes philippinarum in the Foce Crati is the first for the Ionian Sea and for the Central Mediterranean. Gymnothorax moringa is here recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean.Ovaj rad predstavlja prilog poznavanju stranih vrsta pronađenih u morskoj i boćatoj vodi duž Kalabrijske obale (južna Italija, Središnji Mediteran) u razdoblju od 2000. do 2013. godine. Područje istraživanja se nalazi u središtu Mediterana. Evidencija stranih vrsta je proizišla iz 13 godina terenskog rada i oportunističkih istraživanja. Također su izvršena bibliografska pretraživanja u znanstvenoj literaturi u javnim i privatnim arhivima. Ukupno je zabilježeno 18 morskih stranih vrsta: 1 cnidaria, 11 mekušaca, 3 raka i 4 ribe koštunjače koje su se prirodno proširile u Mediteranu: Sphoeroides pachygaster, Gymnothorax moringa, Pseunes pellucidus i Zenopsis conchifera. Najveći broj nalaza dolazi iz Mesinskog tjesnaca. Najčešće i najšire promatrane vrste su Percnon gibbesi, Callinectes sapidus, Fistularia commersonii i Procambarus clarkii. Zapis o nalazu vrste Ruditapes philippinarum, kod mjesta Foce Crati, je prvi za Jonsko more i središnji Mediteran. Gymnothorax moringaje po prvi put zabilježena u Mediteranu

    A nitric oxide-donor pravastatin hybrid drug exerts antiplatelet and antiatherogenic activity in mice

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    Aim of the present study was to compare the lipid-lowering, antithrombotic and antiatherogenic properties of NCX-6550, nitropravastatin, a nitric-oxide donating derivative of pravastatin, with those of pravastatin in hypercholesterolemic mice. LDL receptor-deficient mice (LDLR–/–) on a normal diet (ND) showed enhanced cholesterol levels as compared to wild type (WT) mice (6.8±1.2 mmol/L and 2.8±0.82 mmol/L, respectively). High fat diet (HFD) induced a large enhancement of cholesterolemia in LDLR–/– mice (23.7±5.7 mmol/L, p<0.0001 vs LDLR–/– ND and WT mice. Treatment with NCX 6550 (48 mg/kg), but not with equimolar pravastatin, reduced cholesterol in LDLR–/–HFD. Platelet adhesion to collagen under high shear rate (3000 sec–1) was significantly higher in LDLR–/– than in normal mice, and further enhanced in LDLR–/–HFD (-27%, p<0.0001 vs untreated). NCX 6550 (48 mg/kg), but not pravastatin, reduced platelet adhesion, especially in LDLR–/–HFD. U46619-induced platelet aggregation ex vivo was also inhibited by NCX 6550 (48 mg/kg) but not by the parent compound. Finally, photochemically-induced acute (1 hr) femoral artery thrombosis and delayed (21 days) intimal thickening was assessed. Thrombus size was larger in LDLR–/– on HFD than in normocholesterolemic mice (0.46±0.04 vs 0.18±0.08 mg) and it was reduced by NCX 6550 (48 mg/kg) (0.08±0.02 mg, p<0.0001), but not by pravastatin (0.4±0.01 mg p=NS). Intimal thickening was greater in hypercholesterolemic than in normal mice (I/M normal=0.53±0.16, LDLR–/–=1.1±0.15, LDLR–/–HFD=1.75 ±0.25). Both NCX 6550 and pravastatin reduced intimal thickening in normal (-95% and -74.5%, respectively) and LDLR–/– mice (-98% and -91%), while in strongly hyperlipidemic animals (LDLR–/–HFD) NCX 6550 was more effective than pravastatin (-98% vs -65%, p<0.0001). NCX 6550 shows greater antithrombotic and antiatherogenic activity than pravastatin in highly hypercholesterolemic mice

    Acquired Complement Regulatory Gene Mutations and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant–Related Thrombotic Microangiopathy

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    Abstract Hematopoietic stem cell transplant–related thrombotic microangiopathy (HSCT-TMA) is a severe complication whose pathophysiology is unknown. We describe 6 patients in which the disease was associated with complement regulatory gene abnormalities received from their respective donors. It is suggested that mutated and transplanted monocyte-derived cells are responsible for production of abnormal proteins, complement dysregulation, and, ultimately, for the disease. This observation might have important drawbacks as far as HSCT-TMA pathophysiology and treatment are concerned
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