98 research outputs found

    How Wind Turbines Alignment to Wind Direction Affects Efficiency? A Case Study through SCADA Data Mining

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    SCADA control systems are the keystone for reliable performance optimization of wind farms. Processing into knowledge the amount of information they spread is a challenging task, involving engineering, physics, statistics and computer science skills. The present work deals with the effects on the efficiency of turbine inability of optimal aligning to the wind direction, due to meandering wind caused by wakes. The approach is tested on a judiciously chosen cluster of turbines of a wind farm sited in southern Italy. By a post-processing method based on discretization of nacelle position measurements, a set of dominant patterns of the cluster is identified. The patterns associated to best performances are individuated and it is shown that they correspond to non-trivial alignment to wind direction

    On the Possible Wind Energy Contribution for Feeding a High Altitude Smart Mini Grid

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    The use of renewable energy sources to increase electricity access, especially in remote areas as high mountains, is a possible contribution to poverty reduction, climate change mitigation and improved resilience. In this paper an evaluation of the wind potential of a remote area in Nepal is performed, using CFD methods and the simulation of a micro wind turbine projected by Perugia University. With an accurate analysis of wind data and air density effects it is possible to test energy production potential in areas with high average wind speed. The overall estimated production for each turbine is an interesting result and an easily exportable contribution to the perspective of sustainable development at very high altitudes and remote areas

    Query Suggestion for On-Device Troubleshooting

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    Abstract. This paper describes a novel query suggestion tool we have designed and implemented to help users of office printing devices better formulate their queries, while searching a troubleshooting knowledge base provided as a service on the device itself. The paper traces the main motivations of the design of the query suggestion tool and outlines its technical details with an emphasis on its combination of features in relation to prior work

    Correctors of mutant CFTR enhance subcortical cAMP-PKA signaling through modulating ezrin phosphorylation and cytoskeleton organization

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    The most common mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene, F508del, produces a misfolded protein resulting in its defective trafficking to the cell surface and an impaired chloride secretion. Pharmacological treatments partially rescue F508del CFTR activity either directly by interacting with the mutant protein and/or indirectly by altering the cellular protein homeostasis. Here, we show that the phosphorylation of ezrin together with its binding to phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) tethers the F508del CFTR to the actin cytoskeleton, stabilizing it on the apical membrane and rescuing the sub-membrane compartmentalization of cAMP and activated PKA. Both the small molecules trimethylangelicin (TMA) and VX-809, which act as 'correctors' for F508del CFTR by rescuing F508del-CFTR-dependent chloride secretion, also restore the apical expression of phosphorylated ezrin and actin organization and increase cAMP and activated PKA submembrane compartmentalization in both primary and secondary cystic fibrosis airway cells. Latrunculin B treatment or expression of the inactive ezrin mutant T567A reverse the TMA and VX-809-induced effects highlighting the role of corrector-dependent ezrin activation and actin re-organization in creating the conditions to generate a sub-cortical cAMP pool of adequate amplitude to activate the F508del-CFTR-dependent chloride secretion

    Prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains producing carbapenemases and increase of resistance to colistin in an Italian teaching hospital from January 2012 To December 2014

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the spread of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPKP) in a tertiary level hospital using ongoing active surveillance with rectal swab cultures. Furthermore, this study analyzed the presence of CPKP in the clinical samples (CS) of a single patient as well as the evolution of Colistin-sensitive strains (CoS) to Colistin-resistant strains (CoR)

    Contributi alla flora vascolare di Toscana. VII (357-439)

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    New localities and/or confirmations concerning 83 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 71 genera and 33 families are presented: Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae), Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum (Amaryllidaceae), Anacyclus, Andryala, Carduus, Centaurea, Cichorium, Erigeron, Helichrysum, Helminthotheca, Hieracium, Limbarda, Pilosella, Scolymus, Sonchus, Tagetes, Urospermum, Xanthium (Asteraceae), Mahonia (Berberidaceae), Myosotis (Boraginaceae), Biscutella, Ionopsidium, Raphanus, Rapistrum (Brassicaceae), Buxus (Buxaceae), Vaccaria (Caryophyllaceae), Cistus (Cistaceae), Calystegia, Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae), Cymodocea (Cymodoceaceae), Cyperus (Cyperaceae), Amorpha, Emerus, Lathyrus, Lotus, Ononis, Trifolium, Vicia (Fabaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), Geranium (Geraniaceae), Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae), Malva (Malvaceae), Epipogium, Himantoglossum (Orchidaceae), Orobanche (Orobanchaceae), Osyris (Santalaceae), Oxalis (Oxalidaceae), Pinus (Pinaceae), Anisantha, Avellinia, Avena, Corynephorus, Crypsis, Cutandia, Elytrigia, Lolium, Panicum, Polypogon, Sporobolus (Poaceae), Rumex (Polygonaceae), Lysimachia (Primulaceae), Eranthis, Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae), Rubus (Rosaceae), Crucianella, Galium (Rubiaceae), Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae), Solanum (Solanaceae), Tamarix (Tamaricaceae), Viola (Violaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and eventual protection of the cited biotopes are discussed

    Report EduINAF anno 2021/2022

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    Il periodo a cui fa riferimento questo Report (Anno scolastico 2021/2022: Settembre 2021-Agosto 2022) è stato caratterizzato dal protrarsi dell’emergenza COVID in Italia con conseguenti difficoltà delle scuole e periodi di ricorso alla Didattica a Distanza (DaD). Il 2021/2022 è stato anche il terzo anno di attività della testata registrata EduINAF, il magazine di Didattica e Divulgazione dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica. In questo periodo, la redazione di EduINAF, oltre a pubblicare risorse didattiche e contenuti informativi sul mondo della Didattica e Divulgazione della scienza, ha organizzato e contribuito a organizzare numerose iniziative a sostegno della scuola e della società, come le dirette osservative della Serie “Il Cielo in Salotto”, i concorsi per le scuole e altre campagne di engagement. In questo Report si presentano le attività svolte nell’arco di tempo indicato e si analizzano i risultati ottenuti in termini di audience, di comportamento e di gradimento del pubblico. L’obiettivo è quello di fornire il contesto per strutturare il Piano Editoriale 2022/2023 che conterrà le linee guida per la programmazione del prossimo anno scolastico

    The role of the LISTANet Consortium in the European DEDIPAC-KH project

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    Aim:To improve understanding of the determinants of dietary, physical activity (PA), and sedentary behaviours, the European multi-disciplinary consortium on “Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity Knowledge Hub” (DEDIPAC-KH) includes 46 consortia and organisations supported by joint programming grants from 12 countries across Europe (Lakerveld et al., 2014). Six Italian Universities (e.g., Cassino, Chieti-Pescara, Palermo, Roma Foro Italico, Roma Sapienza, and UCSC) participating in the LISTANet consortium supported by MIUR (B84G14000040008) contributed to the Thematic Area2 “Determinants of dietary, PA, and sedentary behaviours across the life course and in vulnerable groups”. In particular, the coordinator of LISTANet Prof Capranica and Prof. MacDonncha from the Irish Physical Activity and Health Consortium act as Work Package (WP) Leaders of PA determinants (WP2.2). Methods: A mix of methods has been used in identifying PA determinants by developing PA taxonomy and a European framework (EU-PAD), seven umbrella systematic literature reviews (e.g., behavioural, biological, economic, physical, policy, psychological, and socio-cultural), and identifying ongoing/recently completed European-funded projects and data sets for secondary data analyses. Results: LISTANet participated in DEDIPAC-KH meetings/seminars/courses/conferences, and organized two workshops dedicated to the EU-PAD framework and umbrella SLRs. Outcomes included internal reports, presentations to international conferences, and scientific papers submitted for publications. Conclusions: The DEDIPAC-KH project represents an excellent start in setting up a complex, cross-country, organisational structure to: 1) guide a European strategic plan for novel and multi-disciplinary research addressing the complexity of determinants of PA behaviours across the life course; and 2) identify key aspects for potential strategies and intervention programmes to implement multi-sectoral European policies in PA. Finally, the cumulated experience of LISTANet could be valuable to fully exploit effective research and actions to increase PA levels of Italian citizens