4 research outputs found

    Le aziende del lusso a sostegno dell\u2019arte: una visione strategica della relazione arte e impresa

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    Recenti ricerche hanno evidenziato come molte imprese del settore moda stiano intessendo relazioni sempre pi\uf9 strette con il mondo dell\u2019arte, per appropriarsi di valori e significati da associare ai propri prodotti e alle proprie marche. In particolare, le imprese della moda del comparto del lusso starebbero mettendo in atto strategie atte a trasformare i prodotti in vere e proprie opere d\u2019arte, fronteggiando cos\uec il problema della commodificazione derivante dall\u2019aumento dei volumi produttivi. Il presente lavoro si compone di due parti: la prima \ue8 dedicata alla revisione della letteratura in ambito arte e impresa e alla individuazione e descrizione dei principali metodi di sostegno all\u2019arte dalle aziende private. La seconda parte approfondisce il concetto di artificazione, giungendo alla definizione di un processo applicabile alle imprese della moda di lusso. Tale processo viene poi esaminato con riferimento all\u2019impresa Louis Vuitton, marca di lusso francese, che sembra essere la pi\uf9 attiva nella costruzione del rapporto arte e impresa

    Clicco quindi educo. Genitori e figli nell'era dei social network

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    Una raccolta di testi sul valore educatico delle nuove tecnologie e sull'importanza del ruolo di genitori, insegnanti ed educatori a vario titolo nel guidare a un uso consapevole di questi strumenti da parte dei bambini e degli adolescenti. Il volume raccoglie in parte gli interventi del convegno "Clicco quindi educo", orgnaizzato da Aiart Milano, in collaborazione con l'Ufficio Comunicazioni Sociali della Diocesi di Milano nel gennaio 2017A collection of texts on the educational value of new technologies and on the importance of the role of parents, teachers and educators in in raising awareness in the use of these tools among children and teens. The volume partly collects talks given at the conference "Clicco quindi educo", organized by Aiart Milano, in collaboration with the Social Communications Office of the Diocesi of Milan in January 201

    The management of acute venous thromboembolism in clinical practice - study rationale and protocol of the European PREFER in VTE Registry

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    Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major health problem, with over one million events every year in Europe. However, there is a paucity of data on the current management in real life, including factors influencing treatment pathways, patient satisfaction, quality of life (QoL), and utilization of health care resources and the corresponding costs. The PREFER in VTE registry has been designed to address this and to understand medical care and needs as well as potential gaps for improvement. Methods/design: The PREFER in VTE registry was a prospective, observational, multicenter study conducted in seven European countries including Austria, France Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK to assess the characteristics and the management of patients with VTE, the use of health care resources, and to provide data to estimate the costs for 12 months treatment following a first-time and/or recurrent VTE diagnosed in hospitals or specialized or primary care centers. In addition, existing anticoagulant treatment patterns, patient pathways, clinical outcomes, treatment satisfaction, and health related QoL were documented. The centers were chosen to reflect the care environment in which patients with VTE are managed in each of the participating countries. Patients were eligible to be enrolled into the registry if they were at least 18 years old, had a symptomatic, objectively confirmed first time or recurrent acute VTE defined as either distal or proximal deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism or both. After the baseline visit at the time of the acute VTE event, further follow-up documentations occurred at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Follow-up data was collected by either routinely scheduled visits or by telephone calls. Results: Overall, 381 centers participated, which enrolled 3,545 patients during an observational period of 1 year. Conclusion: The PREFER in VTE registry will provide valuable insights into the characteristics of patients with VTE and their acute and mid-term management, as well as into drug utilization and the use of health care resources in acute first-time and/or recurrent VTE across Europe in clinical practice. Trial registration: Registered in DRKS register, ID number: DRKS0000479

    Twist exome capture allows for lower average sequence coverage in clinical exome sequencing

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