1,592 research outputs found

    Promoting the Products of Speed Electronics Using a Commercial Website

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    Speed Electronics is a home industry which producing electronic spare-parts for electronic goods. Since this company is still developing, it has to deal with several promotion problems. To solve this problem, Speed Electronics really needs to have a media which can promote its products and attract prospective customers. Thus, a commercial website will be suitable for Speed Electronics. It will consist of “Home”, “About Us”, “Our Products”, “Our Service”, “Our Distributors/Stores” and “How to Contact Us” parts. I believe only by seeing the pictures and the descriptions inside the website, the customers will be updated with the newest information about the spare-parts that Speed Electronics sell. Moreover, when they want to order the spare-parts, they can directly look at this website to avoid miscommunication. Besides, Speed Electronics will expectedly be able to widen its market or even get a chance to export its products to other countrie

    Segmenting the Italian coffee market: marketing opportunities for economic agents working along the international coffee chain

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    Globalization, either directly or indirectly (e.g. through structural adjustment reforms), has called for profound changes in the previously existing institutional order. Some changes adversely impacted the production and market environment of many coffee producers in developing countries resulting in more risky and less remunerative coffee transactions. This paper focuses on customization of a tropical commodity, fair-trade coffee, as an approach to mitigating the effects of worsened market conditions for small-scale coffee producers in less developed countries. fair-trade labeling is viewed as a form of “de-commodification” of coffee through product differentiation on ethical grounds. This is significant not only as a solution to the market failure caused by pervasive information asymmetries along the supply chain, but also as a means of revitalizing the agricultural-commodity-based trade of less developed countries (LDCs) that has been languishing under globalization. More specifically, fair-trade is an example of how the same strategy adopted by developed countries’ producers/ processors (i.e. the sequence product differentiation - institutional certification - advertisement) can be used by LDC producers to increase the reputation content of their outputs by transforming them from mere commodities into “decommodified” (i.e. customized and more reputed) goods. The resulting segmentation of the world coffee market makes possible to meet the demand by consumers with preference for this “(ethically) customized” coffee and to transfer a share of the accruing economic rents backward to the Fair-trade coffee producers in LDCs. It should however be stressed that this outcome cannot be taken for granted since investments are needed to promote the required institutional innovations. In Italy FTC is a niche market with very few private brands selling this product. However, an increase of FTC market share could be a big commercial opportunity for farmers in LDCs and other economic agents involved along the international coffee chain. Hence, this research explores consumers’ knowledge of labels promoting quality products, consumption coffee habits, brand loyalty, willingness to pay and market segmentation according to the heterogeneity of preferences for coffee products. The latter was assessed developing a D-efficient design where stimuli refinement was tested during two focus groups.fair-trade coffee, product decommodification, choice experiments, International Relations/Trade,


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    This research was conducted in Leuntou Village, Raimanuk sub District, District Belu. The research aimed to know the revenue and knowing the factors that affect the production of corn farming. Data was collected by interviews with 76 respondents using questionnaires. Tabulated and analyzed used the Cobb-Douglass production function model. The results showed that the total average income per hectare of corn farming was Rp. 10.212.331.58 with an average revenue per hectare was Rp. 13.363.486.84 and average total cost per hectare was Rp. from the results of regression function Cobb-Douglass, determination coefficients (R2) was 0.997. Test results of F (test diversity) obtained that factors production, selling price, labor, land area influenting corn production. While the results of the test t (partial test) obtained that factors which influenced corn farming were selling price (X1), production (X2), and pesticides (X6). Labor (X3), seed (X4), pesticides (X5), labor (X7) has no effect on corn production

    Sarcoidosis in an athlete

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    Head-mounted accelerometry accurately detects prey capture in California sea lions

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    Detecting when and where animals feed is key to understanding their ecophysiology, but our ability to collect these data in marine mammals remains limited. Here, we test a tag-based accelerometry method to detect prey capture in California sea lions. From synchronized underwater video and acceleration data of two trained sea lions, we isolated a combined acceleration and Jerk pattern that reliably indicated prey capture in training datasets. We observed a stereotyped feeding motion in underwater video that included (1) mouth opening while approaching prey; (2) head deceleration to allow initial suction or prey engulfment, and (3) jaw closure. This motion (1–3) was repeated if a prey item was not initially engulfed. This stereotyped feeding motion informed a signal pattern phrase that accurately detected feeding in a training dataset. This phrase required (1) an initial heave-axis Jerk signal surpassing a threshold based on sampling rate; (2) an estimated dynamic surge-axis deceleration signal surpassing −0.7 g beginning within 0.2 s of the initial Jerk signal; and (3) an estimated dynamic surge-axis acceleration signal surpassing 1.0 g within 0.5 s of the beginning of the prior deceleration signal. We built an automated detector in MATLAB to identify and quantify these patterns. Blind tests of this detector on non-training datasets found high true-positive detection rates (91%–100%) with acceleration sampled at 50–333 Hz and low false-positive detection rates (0%–4.8%) at all sampling rates (16–333 Hz). At 32 Hz and below, true-positive detection rates decreased due to attenuation of signal detail. A detector optimized for an adult female was also accurate at 32–100 Hz when tested on an adult male’s data, suggesting the potential future use of a generalized detector in wild subjects. When tested on the same data, a published triaxial Jerk method produced high true-positive detection rates (91–100%) and low-to-moderate false-positive detection rates (15–43%) at ≥ 32 Hz. Using our detector, larger prey elicited longer prey capture duration in both animals at almost all sampling rates 32 Hz or faster. We conclude that this method can accurately detect feeding and estimate relative prey length in California sea lions

    Body condition score (BCS) and metabolic status of shelter dogs

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    A group of 147 shelter dogs were weighted and assigned a body condition score (BCS) using a 9 point scale system, in order to evaluate the prevalence of obesity in the kennel. More than 60% of the animals showed a BCSÂł6 (overweight and obese) and this condition was mainly attributed to an excess of carbohydrates and fat in the diet. In 67/147 dogs, a blood sample was drawn and the effects of BCS, age and time spent in the shelter were evaluated on biochemical parameters. Obese dogs showed significantly higher levels of triglycerides (P<0.01), while increasing BCS determined only an increasing non significant trend on cholesterol values. Age influenced creatinine (P<0.05) and the oldest dogs scoring BCSÂł6 registered significant higher NEFA (P<0.05) and CK (P=0.01) levels. Time spent in the shelter did not affect any parameter. The dogs' metabolic condition reflects the need of taking more care of the quality of feed administered in the shelters to avoid the negative health effects caused by chronic obesity
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