134 research outputs found

    Potential Benefits to Dairy Cow Welfare of Using a Ceftiofur–Ketoprofen Combination Drug for the Treatment of Inflammatory Disease Associated with Pyrexia: A Field Clinical Trial on Acute Puerperal Metritis

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    This study aimed at investigating the benefits of using a drug combining ceftiofur and ketoprofen in a single injection on dairy cow welfare in the case of inflammatory disease with pyrexia, such as acute puerperal metritis (APM). Cows of an Italian dairy farm were examined between 5 and 14 days of calving: those with APM were randomly treated either with combined ceftiofur–ketoprofen (CD) or ceftiofur alone (C), starting from Day 0, and an equal number of healthy cows served as a control (CTR). Clinical examination and blood sampling were performed until Day 7 in each group according to specific schedules. Daily cow activity was recorded until Day 14 and daily milk production until Day 30. Additional data on fertility were collected until 120 days in milk (DIM). Data of 20 cows per group were analyzed. Body temperature and haptoglobin concentration dropped between Day 0 and 4 in both CD and C, approaching the level of CTR. The cure rate at Day 7 (body temperature < 39.0 °C) was 65 (CD) and 55% (C), without statistical difference. Neither cow activity nor milk production differed among the three groups. Reproductive performances in both CD and C were similar to CTR, but CD cows were 2.8 times more likely to be pregnant within 120 DIM than C, becoming pregnant about 14 days sooner. Both treatments (CD and C) have been effective in bringing the cows back to health conditions (CTR), and further studies would be needed to confirm the positive effect observed for CD on days open of the affected cows

    Relationship between Protein Oxidation Biomarkers and Uterine Health in Dairy Cows during the Postpartum Period

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    High neutrophil (PMN, Polymorphonuclear neutrophil) counts in the endometrium of cows affected by endometritis, suggests the involvement of oxidative stress (OS) among the causes of impaired fertility. Protein oxidation, in particular, advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), are OS biomarkers linked to PMN activity. To test this hypothesis, the relationship between protein oxidation and uterus health was studied in thirty-eight dairy cows during the puerperium. The animals were found to be cycling, without any signs of disease and pharmacological treatments. PMN count was performed either through a cytobrush or a uterine horn lavage (UHL). Cows were classified into four groups, based on the uterine ultrasonographic characteristics and the PMN percentage in the uterine horns with a higher percentage of high neutrophil horn (HNH). They were classified as: Healthy (H); Subclinical Endometritis (SCE); Grade 1 Endometritis (EM1); and Grade 2 Endometritis (EM2). AOPP and carbonyls were measured in plasma and UHL. UHL samples underwent Western blot analysis to visualize the carbonyl and dityrosine formation. Plasma AOPP were higher (p < 0.05) in EM2. AOPP and carbonyl group concentrations were higher in the HNH samples (p < 0.05). Protein concentration in the UHL was higher in the EM2 (p < 0.05). Carbonyl and dityrosine formation was more intense in EM1 and EM2. Protein oxidation observed in the EM2 suggests the presence of an inflammatory status in the uterus which, if not adequately hindered, could result in low fertility

    Neuropsychological Phenotype in Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

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    The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) is a rare genetic disorder that causes a range of intellectual disability from mild to severe. In this study, we used standard tools to psychometrically characterize the specific neuropsychological phenotype of WHS. We studied 57 individuals with WHS, ranging in age from 2.6 to 28.6 years representing 70% of the certified Italian WHS population. Results obtained by administering Griffiths' Mental Developmental Scales and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale revealed a typical WHS neuropsychological phenotype characterized by specific strengths and weaknesses. Despite their severe cognitive impairment, in both scales, patients showed better communication and social interaction skills compared to visuo-motor abilities. Results of our study could bring to the development of new and more effective treatments for individuals affected by WHS: based on neuropsychological phenotype description, it should be possible to design specific rehabilitation programs. These programs would then be aimed at improving rehabilitation protocols to optimize the developmental potential and personal independence of individuals with WHS and thus to improve their quality of life

    Physiological and Behavioural Responses in Piglets Submitted to Castration: Preliminary Study

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    With the perspective to test drugs that may reduce pain due to surgical castration, this preliminary study tries to find out a robust and valid method for pain assessment in piglets. In the present study three treatments were applied: handling (H), tail docking (TD) and surgical castration + tail docking (CTD). To evaluate pain response to the treatments different variables were analyzed: movement latency (time from placing back the piglet inside the farrowing crate after treatments and its first movement towards the nest or the sow), rectal temperature and plasma cortisol and lactate levels. Movement latency was measured for all treatments. Rectal temperature was measured before treatments H and CTD, and 1, 3, 5, 24 hours later. Blood samples for cortisol and lactate determination were collected 1 hour before treatments H and CTD, right after and 3, 5, 24 hours later. The significant increase of movement latency for CTD compared to H showed that pain can be assessed by this type of measure. Rectal temperature was significantly affected by time (P < 0.01) but not by treatment likely due to several factors that might have confounded the studied effect. Cortisol was significantly affected by interaction time*treatment (P < 0.01) particularly due to the high peak for CTD right after the surgical procedure. Lactate was modified only by time (P < 0.01). This preliminary study suggests that a non invasive and easy measure such as movement latency is a promising method to assess pain in piglets after surgical castration and tail docking

    Subacute Ruminal Acidosis and Evaluation of Blood Gas Analysis in Dairy Cow

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    Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) corresponds to an imbalance between lactate-producing bacteria and lactate-using bacteria, which results in a change in ruminal pH associated with a prevalent consumption of rapidly fermentable carbohydrates. In our study, 216 primiparus and multiparus dairy cows were selected from 20 Italian intensive dairy herds and were divided into three groups based on the risk of SARA. All the dairy cows had high average milk production. After blood sampling, a complete blood gas analysis was performed. One-way ANOVA was performed to compare the three groups. O2 Cont, PCO2, blood pH, O2Hb, urinary pH, and rumen pH were significantly lower in cows with rumen pH < 5.5. These results indicate that blood gas analysis is a valuable tool to diagnose acidosis in dairy cows because it provides good assessment of acidosis while being less invasive than rumen pH analysis

    Glucose infusion response on some metabolic parameters in dairy cows during transition period

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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of glucose tolerance test (GTT) on glucose, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and ÎČ-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentration in dairy cows during prepartum and postpartum period. Forty Two clinically healthy Holstein cows were enrolled in two high producing dairy farms in the Northeast Italy. All animals were divided into two equal groups on the basis of the farm of origin: Group A (farm located in Vicenza) and Group B (farm located in Padua). Body condition score (BCS) was determined for both groups. GTT was performed 7 ± 5 days before and 7 ± 5 days after calving. Blood samples were collected from each animal before (T0) and after the administration of glucose at different times. Plasma concentration of glucose, insulin, NEFA and BHB was evaluated. Application of two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant effect of farm and a significant effect of transition period (prepartum and postpartum) on BCS for both groups. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was applied to determine significant effects of infusion glucose time, transition period and farm on glucose, insulin, NEFA and BHB. No significant difference was observed between Groups A and B and a significant effect of transi tion period and glucose infusion was found on all parameters studied. Results confirm that glucose is an important direct controller of metabolic response in dairy cows during the transition period because of the inappropriate energetic supply that characterizing this physiological phases


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    Forty eight pigs were reared in outdoor pens (1.2 ha of land surface) from 80 to 180 kg of live weight. Two isoenergetic (ME = 14.6 MJ/kg DM) and isonitrogenous (CP=17.0% DM) feeds were compared; the first feed contained 10% of toasted full-fat soybean of conventional cultivars (TS), in the second one the toasted soybean was replaced by raw full-fat soybean low in antinutritional factors (RS). The pigs were blocked in 4 groups of 12 animals each and fed ad libitum. At 0, 43, 106 days on trial pigs were weighted, back-fat thickness was measured and blood samples were collected. At slaughter, samples of ham cover fat were collected to evaluate their acidic profile. The effects of feeds on growth performance, slaughter parameters, metabolic profile and nitrogen excretion (Nex) were studied. Nex was computed as difference between consumption and retention. No significant effects were observed on growth performance, carcass quality and metabolic profile, but with RS plasma urea concentration significantly decreased with respect to TS (5.33 vs. 6.67 mmol/l; P<0.01), reflecting a lower N digestibility of RS. Results indicated that 10% of low antinutritional factors raw soybean can be used on heavy pigs without relevant effects on performance and carcass quality. N in manure averaged 22.8 kg/pig place/year (assuming 3 cycles/year). Caution should be taken in outdoor pig systems since the land is uncropped and the risks of pollution are high

    Equine-Assisted Interventions (EAIs) for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Behavioural and Physiological Indices of Stress in Domestic Horses (Equus caballus) during Riding Sessions

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    Equine-assisted interventions (EAIs) are well-known complementary practices combining physical activity with emotional/cognitive stimulation. They are especially suited for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) who need a high degree of physical and psychological enrichment. Even though EAIs have become a common practice, stress responses in horses interacting with individuals that can manifest inappropriate behaviours, such as ASD children, have not been thoroughly investigated. Our multicentre study aimed to investigate behavioural and physiological indices of stress in horses involved in EAI standardised sessions with children with ASD compared to typically developing (TD) children. A controlled within-subject design with repeated measurements involving 19 horses and 38 children was adopted. Stress-related behaviours, heart rate, heart rate variability, and eye temperature were recorded during the riding sessions. Moreover, blood samples were collected from horses before and after each session to monitor changes in blood adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and catecholamines. Results indicate that, in general, stress responses in horses involved in EAIs did not differ as a function of the horse being ridden by children with ASD or TD. A lower sympathetic tone in horses involved in ASD sessions was found, while in the mounting and dismounting phases, horses displayed behavioural signs of stress, independently from children’s behaviour. We conclude that professionals working in EAI should increase their awareness of animal welfare and refine riding practices, taking into account horse’s needs

    Different ataxin-3 amyloid aggregates induce intracellular Ca2+ deregulation by different mechanisms in cerebellar granule cells

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    AbstractThis work aims at elucidating the relation between morphological and physicochemical properties of different ataxin-3 (ATX3) aggregates and their cytotoxicity. We investigated a non-pathological ATX3 form (ATX3Q24), a pathological expanded form (ATX3Q55), and an ATX3 variant truncated at residue 291 lacking the polyQ expansion (ATX3/291Δ). Solubility, morphology and hydrophobic exposure of oligomeric aggregates were characterized. Then we monitored the changes in the intracellular Ca2+ levels and the abnormal Ca2+ signaling resulting from aggregate interaction with cultured rat cerebellar granule cells. ATX3Q55, ATX3/291Δ and, to a lesser extent, ATX3Q24 oligomers displayed similar morphological and physicochemical features and induced qualitatively comparable time-dependent intracellular Ca2+ responses. However, only the pre-fibrillar aggregates of expanded ATX3 (the only variant which forms bundles of mature fibrils) triggered a characteristic Ca2+ response at a later stage that correlated with a larger hydrophobic exposure relative to the two other variants. Cell interaction with early oligomers involved glutamatergic receptors, voltage-gated channels and monosialotetrahexosylganglioside (GM1)-rich membrane domains, whereas cell interaction with more aged ATX3Q55 pre-fibrillar aggregates resulted in membrane disassembly by a mechanism involving only GM1-rich areas. Exposure to ATX3Q55 and ATX3/291Δ aggregates resulted in cell apoptosis, while ATX3Q24 was substantially innocuous. Our findings provide insight into the mechanisms of ATX3 aggregation, aggregate cytotoxicity and calcium level modifications in exposed cerebellar cells

    Metabolic signature of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infected and infectious dairy cattle by integrating nuclear magnetic resonance analysis and blood indices

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    The early diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is one of the current challenges of farmers and veterinarians. This work aimed to investigate the changes in metabolic levels associated with natural MAP infection in infected and infectious dairy cattle. The study included sera from 23 infectious/seropositive, 10 infected but non-infectious/seronegative, and 26 negative Holstein Fresian cattle. The samples were selected from a collection of samples gathered during a prospective study. The samples were analyzed by quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and routine blood chemistry. The blood indices and the 1H NMR data were concatenated by low-level data fusion, resulting in a unique global fingerprint. Afterwards, the merged dataset was statistically analyzed by the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), which is a shrinkage and selection method for supervised learning. Finally, pathways analysis was performed to get more insights on the possible dysregulated metabolic pathways. The LASSO model achieved, in a 10 time repeated 5-fold cross-validation, an overall accuracy of 91.5% with high values of sensitivity and specificity in classifying correctly the negative, infected, and infectious animals. The pathway analysis revealed MAP-infected cattle have increased tyrosine metabolism and enhanced phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis. The enhanced synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies was observed both in infected and infectious cattle. In conclusion, fusing data from multiple sources has proved to be useful in exploring the altered metabolic pathways in MAP infection and potentially diagnosing negative animals within paratuberculosis-infected herds
