90 research outputs found

    Customer value perception: Cross-generational preferences for wine

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    Purpose-A deeper understanding of the key drivers of consumer wine perception is a major challenge in the domain of wine marketing. The purpose of this paper is to examine the various dimensions of customer-perceived value that lead the customers-in general and divided into different age groups-to choose and consume a certain wine. Design/methodology/approach-In the exploratory study context of examining value-related consumer attitudes and behavioural effects, the drivers and outcomes of wine consumption based on a cross-generation sample, PLS path modelling was considered for the empirical tests of our hypotheses. Findings-Though there exist differences between Generation X and Generation Y consumers, the empirical results are supportive of the hypothesized positive relations between financial, functional, individual and social perceptions that influence the desire for and the consumption of wine. Research limitations/implications-For future research, the findings presented in the paper support the importance of enlarging the size of the sample and collecting data in different countries to compare the results on an international level. Practical implications-Successful wine marketing strategies should focus on the customer’s subjective expectations and individual value perceptions by addressing the specific value aspects that are highly relevant for consumer loyalty. Originality/value-The study results are valuable for researchers, managers and marketers because they address the question of how to measure and forecast the perceived value with the greatest influence on consumers’ wine choices. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Tasting green: An experimental design for investigating consumer perception of organic wine

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    Purpose: There is empirical evidence that the image of organic products has a stronger effect on consumer perception than the intrinsic characteristics. Against this background, the aim of this paper is twofold; first, to ascertain if the stimulus "organic food", placed by storytelling, influences the perception of wine. Based on this, the study tries to discover wherein a positive perception of organic wine might be reflected (e.g. willingness to pay premium prices, better taste perception). Design/methodology/approach: Focusing on the consumer perception and evaluation of conventional versus organic wine, it was decided to use an experimental design with a blind taste test procedure. The prediction was that subjects would rank a wine described as organic higher than a conventional wine - even if there is no objective difference. Consumer perceptions and attitudes toward the wines were assessed using a questionnaire including wine preference, buying and recommendation intention, and willingness to pay. Besides, consumer wine knowledge and consumer personal environmental orientation were measured as individual constructs. Findings: In accordance with existing research insights, consumers tend to prefer organic products over conventional ones. In this context, the experiment shows that adding information on the product's process during a blind test leads consumers to increase their ratings in favour of the "organic wine". Interesting is that consumers even give a better rating for "conventional wine" just described as being "organic", indicating that the appearance and taste are perceived to be better, and the price intention is higher - thus, a pure signalling effect is achieved. Originality/value: The key finding of the study was that even if they tasted the identical product, the respondents ascribe a significantly better taste to the organic-labelled wine compared to the conventional alternative. Besides, the willingness to recommend the organic wine and the willingness to pay differed significantly from the evaluation of the red wine presented as "conventional". Moreover, regardless of their knowledge and attitude towards organic products in general, all respondents rated the so-called organic wine higher in all given attributes. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Consumption-based material flow indicators - Comparing six ways of calculating the Austrian raw material consumption providing six results

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    Understanding the environmental implications of consumption and production depends on appropriate monitoring tools. Material flow accounting (MFA) is a method to monitor natural resource use by countries and has been widely used in research and policy. However, the increasing globalization requires the consideration of "embodied" material use of traded products. The indicator raw material consumption (RMC) represents the material use - no matter where in the world it occurs - associated with domestic final demand. It provides a consumption-based perspective complementary to the MFA indicators that have a territorial focus. Several studies on RMC have been presented recently but with diverging results; hence, a better understanding of the underlying differences is needed. This article presents a comparison of Austrian RMC for the year 2007 calculated by six different approaches (3 multi-regional input-output (MRIO) and 3 hybrid life-cycle analysis-IO approaches). Five approaches result in an RMC higher than the domestic material consumption (DMC). One hybrid LCA-IO approach calculates RMC to be lower than DMC. For specific material categories, results diverge by 50% or more. Due to the policy relevance of the RMC and DMC indicators it is paramount that their robustness is enhanced, which needs both data and method harmonization

    Brand extensions: A successful strategy in luxury fashion branding? Assessing consumers’ implicit associations

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    Although the investigation of brand extension strategies has gained importance, existing research focusses primarily on consumer attitudes to brand extensions, and to date, little research has been made on the luxury market. Moreover, studies on the impact of brand extensions have been limited to explicit measurement methods. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide new insights by focussing on the change of consumers’ brand perception related to downgrading and upgrading brand extensions strategies in the luxury market based on an implicit association test (IAT). In this exploratory study context of examining the spontaneous reaction time with reference to the luxury concept by confronting respondents with adequate verbal brand extension stimuli, a ST-IAT was considered for the empirical tests of these hypotheses. The study results give evidence that consumers’ perception of an upgrading or downgrading strategy of a brand varies in accordance to these hypotheses. Hence, the reaction time of the H&M subjects decreased after having read the upgrading stimulus whereby, in the case of Karl Lagerfeld, the ST-IAT reaction times showed that the downgrading information resulted in a weaker association of Karl Lagerfeld with luxury. The use of implicit measurement methods is becoming increasingly important for assessing consumer reaction to the new product line. Particularly, when luxury brands apply a downgrading strategy, the risks of possible damages to the core brand are much higher than in the case of an upgrade of a basic brand to the luxury or premium segment. © 2013, Emerald Group Publishing Limite

    Nanoliter Scale Parallel Liquid–Liquid Extraction for High‐Throughput Purification on a Droplet Microarray

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    In the current drug discovery process, the synthesis of compound libraries is separated from biological screenings both conceptually and technologically. One of the reasons is that parallel on-chip high-throughput purification of synthesized compounds is still a major challenge. Here, on-chip miniaturized high-throughput liquid–liquid extraction in volumes down to 150 nL with efficiency comparable to or better than large-scale extraction utilizing separation funnels is demonstrated. The method is based on automated and programmable merging of arrays of aqueous nanoliter droplets with organic droplets. Multi-step extraction performed simultaneously or with changing conditions as well as handling of femtomoles of compounds are demonstrated. In addition, the extraction efficiency is analyzed with a fast optical readout as well as matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry on-chip detection. The new massively parallel and miniaturized purification method adds another important tool to the chemBIOS concept combining chemical combinatorial synthesis with biological screenings on the same miniaturized droplet microarray platform, which will be essential to accelerate drug discovery

    A Self-administered version of the functioning assessment short test for use in population-based studies: A pilot study

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    Background: The Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST) is an interviewer-administered scale assessing functional impairment originally developed for psychiatric patients. Objectives: To adapt the FAST for the general population, we developed a self-administered version of the scale and assessed its properties in a pilot study. Methods: The original FAST scale was translated into German via forward and backward translation. Afterwards, we adjusted the scale for self-administered application and inquired participants from two ongoing studies in Germany, 'STAAB' (WĂŒrzburg) and 'BiDirect' (MĂŒnster), both recruiting subjects from the general population across a wide age range (STAAB: 30-79 years, BiDirect: 35-65 years). To assess reliability, agreement of self-assessment with proxy-assessment by partners was measured via intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) over the FAST score. Construct validity was estimated by conducting correlations with validated scales of depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (GAD-7), and health-related quality of life (SF-12) and regression analyses using these scales besides potentially disabling comorbidities (e.g. Chronic Back Pain (CBP)). Results: Participants (n=54) had a median age of 57.0 years (quartiles: 49.8, 65.3), 46.3% were female. Reliability was moderate: ICC 0.50 (95% CI 0.46-0.54). The FAST score significantly correlated with PHQ-9, GAD-7, and the mental sub-scale of SF-12. In univariable linear regression, all three scales and chronic back pain explained variance of the FAST score. In multivariable analysis, only CBP and the SF-12 remained significant predictors. Conclusion: The German self-administered version of the FAST yielded moderate psychometric properties in this pilot study, indicating its applicability to assess functional impairment in the general population
