85 research outputs found

    Modelling the impact of automated driving

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    The paper presents projections for the impact of private autonomous vehicles on destination choice, mode choice and thus overall travel demand for Germany and the USA. These results were obtained by combining a vehicle technology diffusion model and a travel demand model

    Assessment of real-world vehicle data from electric vehicles – potentials and challenges

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    This paper introduces benefits and challenges related to collecting and analyzing vehicle data, in particular relating to electric vehicles. We use data from a current research project as an example. We address both technical and legal issues related to the data collection. On the technical side, pre-processing steps are needed to enhance data quality because the measured data are not faultless. On the legal side, data-privacy issues arise since precise GPS locations of the vehicles are captured. Two data collection methods are introduced and compared with each other. The advantages of vehicle data collection over other data sources for addressing various research questions are discussed

    Engagiert euch - nicht? Wie das Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht politisches Engagement erschwert: eine empirische untersuchung der Allianz "Rechtssicherheit für politische Willensbildung" e.V. - gefördert von der Otto Brenner Stiftung (OBS)

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    Statt bürgerschaftliches Engagement großzügig zu fördern und rechtlich abzusichern, führt die aktuelle Praxis der Finanzämter beim Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht zu großer Rechtsunsicherheit. Das ist der zentrale Befund eines Arbeitspapiers, das den Nachweis erbringt, dass gleiche Mustersatzungen von den Finanzämtern unterschiedlich behandelt werden: Mal wird die Gemeinnützigkeit bestätigt, mal abgelehnt. Das Bundesfinanzministerium versuchte die Studie zu verhindern, als es davon erfuhr - ohne Erfolg

    A study on perceived usefulness of Eco driving assistant systems in Europe

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    Assessing the usefulness of eco driving assistant systems is of high interest for system developers and researchers. This applies especially to systems which try to influence the driver’s behaviour in everyday situations. This paper presents results of a survey simultaneously conducted in eleven European countries with more than 5000 respondents aiming at collecting needs and requirements for future eco driving assistant systems. Such systems have the potential of changing driving behaviour in the long run for supporting a more fuel efficient driving and reducing emissions caused by motorized traffic. Three different driver assistant systems are considered covering inefficiencies in pre-trip, on-trip and post-trip situations. Each system is assessed according to the factors of perceived usefulness, the expected environmental impact and the user’s willingness to pay for it. The study will show that in general car drivers welcome the deployment of eco driving assistant systems and rate them as useful. It likewise demonstrates that the acceptance of additional costs for the user is very low

    Calculating Potential Emission Reductions through the Introduction of Electric Vehicles

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    Electric vehicles are expected to significantly reduce road transport emissions, given an increasingly renewable power generation. While technological issues are more and more being overcome, the economic viability and thus possible adoption is still constrained, mainly by higher prices than for conventional vehicles. However, first vehicles have been available on the market for some time now and many more are expected to arrive soon and at decreasing cost. In our work we analyze the possible market development for electric vehicles with an application to Germany. We develop a drivetrain choice model with economical, technical and social constraints on the current vehicle registrations and inventory. It estimates the demand for electric vehicles until 2030 for private and commercially registered cars as well as light commercial vehicles. The results show a replacement potential of more than one fourth of the total German annual mileage for these vehicles. The result has a high granularity to allow for detailed emission calculation along different spatial areas as well as vehicle and engine types. Besides a baseline forecast, our method allows for calculating different scenarios regarding policy actions or the future development of important parameters such as energy prices. The results provide insights for policy measures as well as for transport and environmental modeling
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