44 research outputs found

    Problem formulations for both contexts (breast cancer screening problem and HIV testing problem).

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    <p>Problem formulations for both contexts (breast cancer screening problem and HIV testing problem).</p

    Six different types of visualization for the Bayesian 2-test case.

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    <p>(A) Euler diagram (B) Icon array (C) Frequency grid (D) Eikosogram (E) Roulette-wheel diagram, and (F) Tree diagram. Omitting the information on the second test in the different visualizations results in the corresponding visualization of the 1-test case.</p

    Three different tree diagrams with natural frequencies for the breast cancer screening problem (implemented in Study 2).

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    <p>Three different tree diagrams with natural frequencies for the breast cancer screening problem (implemented in Study 2).</p

    Design of the twelve resulting problem versions implemented (Study 2).

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    <p>Design of the twelve resulting problem versions implemented (Study 2).</p

    Design of the twelve resulting problem versions implemented (Study 1).

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    <p>Design of the twelve resulting problem versions implemented (Study 1).</p

    Probability and natural frequency tree of a 2-test case (implemented in studies 1 and 2).

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    <p>Probability and natural frequency tree of a 2-test case (implemented in studies 1 and 2).</p

    Additional file 1: Figures S1-S4. of Meis2 is essential for cranial and cardiac neural crest development

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    Fetal liver in Meis2-/- at E13.5 contains less erythrocytes and loses cell viability. Figure S2. Meis2 is abundant in the mesenchyme of the aorta-gonadmesonephros (AGM). Figure S3. Meis2 is strongly expressed in migrating NCC and in mesenchymal cells at E10.5. Figure S4. Proliferation and cell death of migrating NCC appears normal in Meis2-/- mutants. (PDF 1406 kb

    L1CAM is upregulated in the 5-FU-resistant cells.

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    <p>(A) Gene Ontology analysis of 319 genes upregulated in the B1V clone compared to the Nt clone of the Panc 03.27 cell line. (B) RNA levels (relative quantity) of L1CAM in the chemosensitive (Nt, Nw) and the chemoresistant (B1Q, B1V) cell lines, as measured by RT-PCR. Error bars represent standard deviation. Statistically significant difference between the chemosensitive and the chemoresistant clones (P <0.05) is indicated by *. (C)Western blot showing levels of L1CAM in all cell lines. (D) Flow cytometric analysis using anti L1CAM-PE antibody on all cell lines. Unstained cells are shown in grey and antibody-stained cells are shown in black. (E) Immunostain of L1CAM. Increased membrane localization of L1CAM can be seen in the of the chemoresistant lines (B1Q, B1V). Images are taken with 40x magnification.</p