24 research outputs found

    Securing Our Commons: New Forms of Financial Engineering to Secure Our (Global) Commons and Mobilise Trillions of Private Sector Liquidity

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    "There is no human security without economic security and this in consequence requires proper funding of our global commons.

    Die "halbierte Moral": zum Verhältnis der "Urteilskompetenz" bei L. Kohlberg und der Wertstrukturentwicklung bei S. Freud

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    Überlegungen zur Theorie der Entwicklung des moralischen Urteils von L. Kohlberg werden angestellt. Kohlberg beschreibt in aufsteigender Reihenfolge sechs Stufen der Gerechtigkeit. Trotzdem bleibt sein auf der Kognitionspsychologie J. Piagets aufgebauter Ansatz an einer entscheidenden Stelle unvollständig. Dies ergibt sich aus dem Umstand, dass L. Kohlberg für die Erklärung der Moralentwicklung ausschließlich auf kognitions- und bewusstseinspsychologische Elemente zurückgreift. Dieser Mangel lässt sich jedoch durch eine Rezeption psychoanalytischer Aspekte beheben. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die These aufgestellt, dass die Psychoanalyse in einer affektpsychologischen Lesart nicht nur kognitive und logische Aspekte in der Entwicklung der Urteilskompetenz des einzelnen komplettiert, da der Affektapparat eine zentrale Regulierungsinstanz von Beurteilungen darstellt, sondern es darüber hinaus erlaubt, psychopathologische Entwicklungen zu identifizieren. Die Bedeutung präverbaler und unbewusster Vorgänge oder auch das Verhältnis von Handeln und Einsicht liefern dabei weitere Aspekte im Verständnis der Moral- bzw. Wertstrukturentwicklung des Individuums. S. Freuds und Kohlbergs Aussagen widersprechen sich nicht prinzipiell, aber Freud nennt Bereiche in der "Entwicklung der Urteilskompetenz", die Kohlberg fremd sind, und gerade darin könnte eine konstruktive Auseinandersetzung liegen

    How to Finance our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Socioecological Quantitative Easing (QE) as a Parallel Currency to Make the World a Better Place

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    This paper tries to find an answer to the question of how to finance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the world has just decided to implement. I argue that besides the existing wealth of proposals, mainly along the lines of better governance and co-financing strategies, we need a complementary approach: parallel Quantitative Easing (QE) for SDGs only. Reverse pricing effects, drying out shadow economies and the impact of such a QE-SDG on the current liquidity trap and the debt trap are explained

    Education Isn’t Education: The Creativity Response or How to Improve the Learning Curve in Our Society

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    Despite rising expenditure and general enrolment rates on a global level, educational output is stagnating, if not declining. There is increasing empirical evidence that we need a completely different approach to enhancing the learning curve; this holds true for early childhood, primary education, secondary education and higher education. Most existing educational programs do not tap into the full creative potential of our minds and our brains and often lead to suboptimal outcomes both for the individual and for society as a whole. Findings in clinical psychology, neurobiology and social psychology are not sufficiently considered when setting up appropriate educational programs. It is not the cognitive part of the curriculum that makes a difference, but rather the non-cognitive features (including stress management, impulse control, self-regulation, emotional attachment etc.) that improve creativity. A ‘six-pack’ of features, including exercise, nutrition, social contact, mindfulness-based practices, sleeping well, and multi-sensory learning, is introduced as part of a ‘creativity response’. They are simple, affordable, evidence-based and efficient strategies that can be implemented promptly without additional costs, increasing our learning curve

    Tragedia wspólnego pastwiska – Garrett Hardin (1968) zaktualizowany

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    Garrett Hardin’s seminal 1968 paper describes the tragedy of the commons in terms of common goods being neglected or overused. His theory has been widely adopted. However, it refers only to a special case, when inadequate public goods have to compete with the maximisation of private yield. The real tragedy of the commons is not that it is overused or neglected, nor is it any free-rider and spillover effects it gives rise to, but rather the underlying financial incentives and disincentives that prevent an adequate supply. Consequently, the misalignment between our current monetary system and the global commons has led to the latter’s erosion and partial destruction. Introducing a new monetary and fiscal policy of strategic triangulation can provide an adequate tool to finance our commons. With their ongoing central bank digital currency (CBDC) initiatives, regulators and central banks can offer a direct monetary mechanism to overcome this tragedy of the commons

    Mercados Económicos y Patología Narcisista Ante el Trasfondo de la Discusión en Torno al Concepto de Rol Economic Markets and Narcissistic Pathology Considering the Discussion Around the Concept of Role

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    La psicología últimamente ha prestado un grado de atención creciente a la incidencia de factores sociales en ciertos fenómenos individuales tradicionalmente abordados por las psicologías clínicas clásicas. Esta preocupación por sistematizar la relación entre la sociedad y el ámbito de lo individual-subjetivo ha resaltado la necesidad de repensar estas relaciones de reciprocidad desde una perspectiva diferente a la de los paradigmas tradicionales. Al problematizar la relación entre el sujeto y la sociedad, en términos generales, se pueden distinguir dos modelos de sociedad, una forma colectivista y otra individualista, que, a su vez conllevan una cierta preconcepción implícita acerca de cómo pensar las relaciones entre sujeto y sociedad. A partir de una revisión crítica del concepto de rol, que se ofrece como la visagra entre el terreno de lo subjetivo y el campo de lo social, se proponen algunos elementos para la construcción de una teoría crítica de la subjetividad. Dicha teoría, más que un hecho acabado, es un desafío pendiente, que pretende situarse más allá de las distinciones academicistas y las diferencias ortodoxas, impuestas por la hegemonía discursiva de los "grandes metarrelatos". Finalmente, mediante el análisis del desempleo masivo y de las patologías narcisistas, se ejemplifica lo expuesto con anterioridadPsychology has recently demonstrated an increasing degree of attention concerning the influence of social factors on certain individual phenomena, traditionally handled by classical clinical psychologies. This concern about the systematization of the relationship between society and the individual-subjective's domain has emphasized the need to re-think the relations of reciprocity from another perspective, different than that propposed by traditional paradigms. Focussing in the relation between the subject and society, in general terms, two models of society can be distinguished, a collectivistic and an individualistic form, that, on the other hand, involve a certain implicit preconception on how relations between the subject and society have to be thought. From a critical revision of the concept of role some elements for a construction of a critical theory of subjectivity are propposed. Such a theory, more than an accomplished fact, is a pendant challenge that pretends to situate itself beyond academic distinctions and orthodox differences, imposed by the discursive hegemony of the "huge metanarrations". Finally, by the analysis of narcissist pathologies and massive unemployment, the previously exposed is illustrate