843 research outputs found

    Tractor service hints - Preventive maintenance

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    The meaning of the term Preventive Maintenance is easily understood. It refers to those items that can be carried out by the owner-operator and which, when correctly performed, should normally ensure trouble-free operation, and prevent mechanical failures, thus saving costly repair bills and even more costly loss of time

    Defining Short-Term Accommodation for Animals

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    Abstract The terms short-term, temporary, and transitional are related but can have different contexts and meanings for animal husbandry. The definitions and use of these terms can be pivotal to animal housing and welfare. We conducted three separate literature searches using Google Scholar for relevant reports regarding short-term, temporary, or transitional animal husbandry, and analysed key publications that stipulate relevant periods of accommodation. English Government guidance regarding acceptable short-term, temporary, or transitional accommodation for animals varies widely from 24 h, all animals at all facilities should be accommodated in conditions that are consistent with long-term housing, husbandry, and best practices

    Spatial considerations for captive snakes

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    Captive environments for snakes commonly involve small enclosures with dimensions that prevent occupants from adopting straight line body postures. In particular, the commercial, hobby, and pet sectors routinely utilize small vivaria and racking systems, although zoos and other facilities also commonly maintain at least some snakes under broadly similar conditions. Captive snakes may be the only vertebrates where management policy commonly involves deprivation of the ability and probable welfare need to freely extend the body to its natural full length. In this report we present background information concerning some relevant physical and behavioral characteristics of snakes, discuss pervading beliefs or folklore husbandry and its implications for animal welfare as well as factors concerning stress, its manifestations and measurement, and provide criteria for the assessment of captive snake welfare. As part of this review, we also conducted an observational component involving captive snakes and report that during 60-minute observation periods of 65 snakes 24(37%) adopted rectilinear or near rectilinear postures (stationary 42%; mobile 37%). Of the 31 snake species observed, 14(45%) adopted rectilinear or near rectilinear postures. Ectomorphological associations, normal behavior and innate drive states infer that snakes, even so-called sedentary species, utilize significant space as part of their normal lifestyles. We conclude that future policies for snake husbandry require a paradigm shift away from an erroneous belief system and toward recognising the greater spatial needs of these reptiles

    Reptile expos: an analysis and recommendations for control.

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    Reptile expos are typically itinerant events at which live wild-caught and/or captive-bred turtles, tortoises, crocodiles, lizards, and snakes are displayed, sold, or exchanged for pet keeping purposes. We conducted a literature review and analysis of reports regarding animal welfare and public health issues of concern associated with the display and sale of reptiles at expos in Europe and North America. We also conducted a limited survey of several relevant government authorities to briefly appraise existing situations regarding governance and law internationally, and performed a further limited examination of online advertisements in order to estimate the number of events. In addition, we conducted an analysis comparing husbandry standards for reptile expos versus other animal display or sale situations using UK formal legal guidance, which adopts the Five Welfare Needs as a basis. Finally, we also conducted a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of key features associated with reptile expos. We identified at least 10 animal welfare and 5 public health and safety problems as occurring and endemic to the typical operation of reptile expos. Comparisons between the ways in which animal welfare and public health issues are regarded or managed for reptile expos in relation to, for example, traditional zoos, mobile zoos, and pet sales are stark and concerning, with expos constituting the least protective and potentially most harmful situations out of all captive reptile-keeping scenarios. The lack of monitoring and control of reptile expos, combined with their frequent occurrence, strongly indicates the requirement to urgently control and prohibit these events. We recommend that where reptile expos are already essentially prohibited such bans should be immutable and not subject to any weakening provisions. Where reptile expos are permitted and/or subject to limiting conditions, or where reptile expos are not subject to limiting conditions, then our recommended 40 stipulations and overarching control principles should be applied as interim mitigating measures pending the introduction of prohibitions or ‘bans’. Governments should aim to ensure that enforcement of such measures is robust

    Dobutamine stress MRI in pulmonary hypertension: relationships between stress pulmonary artery relative area change, RV performance, and 10-year survival

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    In pulmonary hypertension (PH), right ventricular (RV) performance determines survival. Pulmonary artery (PA) stiffening is an important biomechanical event in PH and also predicts survival based on the PA relative area change (RAC) measured at rest using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this exploratory study, we sought to generate novel hypotheses regarding the influence of stress RAC on PH prognosis and the interaction between PA stiffening, RV performance and survival. Fifteen PH patients underwent dobutamine stress-MRI (ds-MRI) and right heart catheterization. RACREST, RACSTRESS, and ΔRAC (RAC STRESS – RAC REST) were correlated against resting invasive hemodynamics and ds-MRI data regarding RV performance and RV-PA coupling efficiency (n’vv [RV stroke volume/RV end-systolic volume]). The impact of RAC, RV data, and n’vv on ten-year survival were determined using Kaplan–Meier analysis. PH patients with a low ΔRAC (<−2.6%) had a worse long-term survival (log-rank P = 0.045, HR for death = 4.46 [95% CI = 1.08–24.5]) than those with ΔRAC ≥ −2.6%. Given the small sample, these data should be interpreted with caution; however, low ΔRAC was associated with an increase in stress diastolic PA area indicating proximal PA stiffening. Associations of borderline significance were observed between low RACSTRESS and low n’vvSTRESS, Δη’VV, and ΔRVEF. Further studies are required to validate the potential prognostic impact of ΔRAC and the biomechanics potentially connecting low ΔRAC to shorter survival. Such studies may facilitate development of novel PH therapies targeted to the proximal PA

    Mobile Zoos and Other Itinerant Animal Handling Events: Current Status and Recommendations for Future Policies

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    Mobile zoos are events in which non-domesticated (exotic) and domesticated species are transported to venues such as schools, hospitals, parties, and community centres, for the purposes of education, entertainment, or social and therapeutic assistance. We conducted literature searches and surveyed related government agencies regarding existing provisions within laws and policies, number of mobile zoos, and formal guidance issued concerning operation of such events in 74 countries or regions. We also examined governmental and non-governmental guidance standards for mobile zoos, as well as websites for mobile zoo operations, assessed promotional or educational materials for scientific accuracy, and recorded the diversity of species in use. We used the EMODE (Easy, Moderate, Difficult, or Extreme) algorithm, to evaluate identified species associated with mobile zoos for their suitability for keeping. We recorded 14 areas of concern regarding animal biology and public health and safety, and 8 areas of false and misleading content in promotional or educational materials. We identified at least 341 species used for mobile zoos. Mobile zoos are largely unregulated, unmonitored, and uncontrolled, and appear to be increasing. Issues regarding poor animal welfare, public health and safety, and education raise several serious concerns. Using the precautionary principle when empirical evidence was not available, we advise that exotic species should not be used for mobile zoos and similar itinerant events

    Ante-Autobiography and the Archive of Childhood

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    This essay examines the concept of children’s autobiography via several autobiographical extracts written by the author as a child. Although only a small proportion of people will compose and publish a full-length autobiography, almost everyone will, inadvertently, produce an archive of the self, made from public records and private documents. Here, such works are seen as providing access to writing both about and by children. The essay explores the ethics and poetics of children’s writing via the key debates in life writing; in particular, the dynamic relationship between adults and children, both as distinct stages of life and dual parts of one autobiographical identity. The term “ante-autobiography” is coined to refer to these texts which come before or instead of a full-length narrative. They are not read as less than or inadequate versions of autobiography, but rather as transgressive and challenging to chronological notions of the genre

    Pathways to economic well-being among teenage mothers in Great Britain

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    The present study examines pathways to independence from social welfare among 738 teenage mothers, participants of the 1970 British Cohort Study, who were followed up at age 30 years. Using a longitudinal design, a pathway model is tested, examining linkages between family social background, cognitive ability, school motivation, and individual investments in education, as well as work- and family-related roles. The most important factors associated with financial independence by age 30 are continued attachment to the labor market as well as a stable relationship with a partner (not necessarily the father of the child). Pathways to financial independence, in turn, are predicted through own cognitive resources, school motivation, and family cohesion. Implications of findings for policy making are discussed.© 2010 Hogrefe Publishing

    What’s sex got to do with it? A family-based investigation of growing up heterosexual during the twentieth century

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    This paper explores findings from a cross-generational study of the making of heterosexual relationships in East Yorkshire, which has interviewed women and men within extended families. Using a feminist perspective, it examines the relationship between heterosexuality and adulthood, focussing on sexual attraction, courtship, first kisses, first love and first sex, as mediated within family relationships, and at different historical moments. In this way, the contemporary experiences of young people growing up are compared and contrasted with those of mid-lifers and older adults who formed heterosexual relationships within the context of the changing social and sexual mores of the 1960s/1970s, and the upheavals of World War Two