34 research outputs found

    Pathophysiology of L-dopa-induced motor and non-motor complications in Parkinson's disease

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    Involuntary movements, or dyskinesia, represent a debilitating complication of levodopa (L-dopa) therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD). L-dopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) are ultimately experienced by the vast majority of patients. In addition, psychiatric conditions often manifested as compulsive behaviours, are emerging as a serious problem in the management of L-dopa therapy. The present review attempts to provide an overview of our current understanding of dyskinesia and other L-dopa-induced dysfunctions, a field that dramatically evolved in the past twenty years. In view of the extensive literature on LID, there appeared a critical need to re-frame the concepts, to highlight the most suitable models, to review the central nervous system (CNS) circuitry that may be involved, and to propose a pathophysiological framework was timely and necessary. An updated review to clarify our understanding of LID and other L-dopa-related side effects was therefore timely and necessary. This review should help in the development of novel therapeutic strategies aimed at preventing the generation of dyskinetic symptoms

    Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation Does Not Modify the Functional Deficits or Axonopathy Induced by Nigrostriatal α-Synuclein Overexpression

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    Abstract Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN DBS) protects dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) against 6-OHDA and MPTP. We evaluated STN DBS in a parkinsonian model that displays α-synuclein pathology using unilateral, intranigral injections of recombinant adeno-associated virus pseudotype 2/5 to overexpress wildtype human α-synuclein (rAAV2/5 α-syn). A low titer of rAAV2/5 α-syn results in progressive forelimb asymmetry, loss of striatal dopaminergic terminal density and modest loss of SNpc dopamine neurons after eight weeks, corresponding to robust human-Snca expression and no effect on rat-Snca, Th, Bdnf or Trk2. α-syn overexpression increased phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 (p-rpS6) in SNpc neurons, a readout of trkB activation. Rats received intranigral injections of rAAV2/5 α-syn and three weeks later received four weeks of STN DBS or electrode implantation that remained inactive. STN DBS did not protect against α-syn-mediated deficits in forelimb akinesia, striatal denervation or loss of SNpc neuron, nor did STN DBS elevate p-rpS6 levels further. ON stimulation, forelimb asymmetry was exacerbated, indicating α-syn overexpression-mediated neurotransmission deficits. These results demonstrate that STN DBS does not protect the nigrostriatal system against α-syn overexpression-mediated toxicity. Whether STN DBS can be protective in other models of synucleinopathy is unknown

    Impact of age and vector construct on striatal and nigral transgene expression

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    Therapeutic protein delivery using viral vectors has shown promise in preclinical models of Parkinson's disease (PD) but clinical trial success remains elusive. This may partially be due to a failure to include advanced age as a covariate despite aging being the primary risk factor for PD. We investigated transgene expression following intracerebral injections of recombinant adeno-associated virus pseudotypes 2/2 (rAAV2/2), 2/5 (rAAV2/5), 2/9 (rAAV2/9), and lentivirus (LV) expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in aged versus young adult rats. Both rAAV2/2 and rAAV2/5 yielded lower GFP expression following injection to either the aged substantia nigra or striatum. rAAV2/9-mediated GFP expression was deficient in the aged striatonigral system but displayed identical transgene expression between ages in the nigrostriatal system. Young and aged rats displayed equivalent GFP levels following LV injection to the striatonigral system but LV-delivered GFP was deficient in delivering GFP to the aged nigrostriatal system. Notably, age-related transgene expression deficiencies revealed by protein quantitation were poorly predicted by GFP-immunoreactive cell counts. Further, in situ hybridization for the viral CβA promoter revealed surprisingly limited tropism for astrocytes compared to neurons. Our results demonstrate that aging is a critical covariate to consider when designing gene therapy approaches for PD

    Recombinant adenoassociated virus 2/5-mediated gene transfer is reduced in the aged rat midbrain

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    Clinical trials are examining the efficacy of viral vector-mediated gene delivery for treating Parkinson\u27s disease. Although viral vector strategies have been successful in preclinical studies, to date clinical trials have disappointed. This may be because of the fact that preclinical studies fail to account for aging. Aging is the single greatest risk factor for developing Parkinson\u27s disease and age alters cellular processes utilized by viral vectors. We hypothesized that the aged brain would be relatively resistant to transduction when compared with the young adult. We examined recombinant adeno-associated virus 2/5-mediated green fluorescent protein (rAAV2/5 GFP) expression in the young adult and aged rat nigrostriatal system. GFP overexpression was produced in both age groups. However, following rAAV2/5 GFP injection to the substantia nigra aged rats displayed 40%-60% less GFP protein in the striatum, regardless of rat strain or duration of expression. Furthermore, aged rats exhibited 40% fewer cells expressing GFP and 4-fold less GFP messenger RNA. rAAV2/5-mediated gene transfer is compromised in the aged rat midbrain, with deficiencies in early steps of transduction leading to significantly less messenger RNA and protein expression

    Intrastriatal injection of pre-formed mouse α-synuclein fibrils into rats triggers α-synuclein pathology and bilateral nigrostriatal degeneration

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    Previous studies demonstrate that intrastriatal injections of fibrillar alpha-synuclein (α-syn) into mice induce Parkinson\u27s disease (PD)-like Lewy body (LB) pathology formed by aggregated α-syn in anatomically interconnected regions and significant nigrostriatal degeneration. The aim of the current study was to evaluate whether exogenous mouse α-syn pre-formed fibrils (PFF) injected into the striatum of rats would result in accumulation of LB-like intracellular inclusions and nigrostriatal degeneration. Sprague-Dawley rats received unilateral intrastriatal injections of either non-fibrillized recombinant α-syn or PFF mouse α-syn in 1- or 2- sites and were euthanized at 30, 60 or 180. days post-injection (pi). Both non-fibrillized recombinant α-syn and PFF α-syn injections resulted in phosphorylated α-syn intraneuronal accumulations (i.e., diffuse Lewy neurite (LN)- and LB-like inclusions) with significantly greater accumulations following PFF injection. LB-like inclusions were observed in several areas that innervate the striatum, most prominently the frontal and insular cortices, the amygdala, and the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc). α-Syn accumulations co-localized with ubiquitin, p62, and were thioflavin-S-positive and proteinase-k resistant, suggesting that PFF-induced pathology exhibits properties similar to human LBs. Although α-syn inclusions within the SNpc remained ipsilateral to striatal injection, we observed bilateral reductions in nigral dopamine neurons at the 180-day time-point in both the 1- and 2-site PFF injection paradigms. PFF injected rats exhibited bilateral reductions in striatal dopaminergic innervation at 60 and 180. days and bilateral decreases in homovanillic acid; however, dopamine reduction was observed only in the striatum ipsilateral to PFF injection. Although the level of dopamine asymmetry in PFF injected rats at 180. days was insufficient to elicit motor deficits in amphetamine-induced rotations or forelimb use in the cylinder task, significant disruption of ultrasonic vocalizations was observed. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that α-syn PFF are sufficient to seed the pathological conversion and propagation of endogenous α-syn to induce a progressive, neurodegenerative model of α-synucleinopathy in rats