660 research outputs found

    Coherence of marine alien species biosecurity legislation: A study of England and Wales

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    The marine environment is particularly at risk from the intentional and unintentional introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS); preventing their introduction and spread from occurring is therefore, a key component in the on-going management of marine IAS. Ensuring legislation is coherent and consistent is essential to the success of managing the existing and future impacts of marine IAS. We explore the coherence (determined as consistency and interaction) of marine biosecurity legislation for IAS at different geopolitical scales. There was consistency between both the Bern Convention and Convention on Biological Diversity and European and national legislation that had been created in response. There was a lack of interaction evidenced by the Ballast Water Management Convention, which had not yet been transposed into regional (mainly European) or national legislation. Implementation measures such as legislation should be coherent as any failure in the chain could potentially weaken the overall effort to establish and maintain biosecurity and achieve behaviour change

    Investigating the benefits of molecular profiling of advanced non-small cell lung cancer tumors to guide treatments.

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    In this study we utilized data on patient responses to guided treatments, and we evaluated their benefit for a non-small cell lung cancer cohort. The recommended therapies used were predicted using tumor molecular profiles that involved a range of biomarkers but primarily used immunohistochemistry markers. A dataset describing 91 lung non-small cell lung cancer patients was retrospectively split into two. The first group's drugs were consistent with a treatment plan whereby all drugs received agreed with their tumor's molecular profile. The second group each received one or more drug that was expected to lack benefit. We found that there was no significant difference in overall survival or mortality between the two groups. Patients whose treatments were predicted to be of benefit survived for an average of 402 days, compared to 382 days for those that did not (P = 0.7934). In the matched treatment group, 48% of patients were deceased by the time monitoring had finished compared to 53% in the unmatched group (P = 0.6094). The immunohistochemistry biomarker for the ERCC1 receptor was found to be a marker that could be used to predict future survival; ERCC1 loss was found to be predictive of poor survival

    Pathogens of Dikerogammarus haemobaphes regulate host activity and survival, but also threaten native amphipod populations in the UK

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    Dikerogammarus haemobaphes is a non-native amphipod in UK freshwaters. Studies have identified this species as a low-impact invader in the UK, relative to its cousin Dikerogammarus villosus. It has been suggested that regulation by symbionts (such as Microsporidia) could explain this difference in impact. The effect of parasitism on D. haemobaphes is largely unknown. This was explored herein using 2 behavioural assays measuring activity and aggregation. First, D. haemobaphes were screened histologically post-assay, identifying 2 novel viruses (D. haemobaphes bi-facies-like virus [DhbflV], D. haemobaphes bacilliform virus [DhBV]), Cucumispora ornata (Microsporidia), Apicomplexa, and Digenea, which could alter host behaviour. DhBV infection burden increased host activity, and C. ornata infection reduced host activity. Second, native invertebrates were collected from the invasion site at Carlton Brook, UK, and tested for the presence of C. ornata. PCR screening identified that Gammarus pulex and other native invertebrates were positive for C. ornata. The host range of this parasite, and its impact on host survival, was additionally explored using D. haemobaphes, D. villosus, and G. pulex in a laboratory trial. D. haemobaphes and G. pulex became infected by C. ornata, which also lowered survival rate. D. villosus did not become infected. A PCR protocol for DhbflV was also applied to D. haemobaphes after the survival trial, associating this virus with decreased host survival. In conclusion, D. haemobaphes has a complex relationship with parasites in the UK environment. C. ornata likely regulates populations by decreasing host survival and activity, but despite this benefit, the parasite threatens susceptible native wildlife

    The Use of Transdermal Estrogen in Castrate-resistant, Steroid-refractory Prostate Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Androgen-deprivation therapy is the mainstay of treatment for metastatic prostate cancer. Corticosteroids and estrogens are also useful agents in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). However, oral estrogens are associated with thromboembolic events, which limits their use, and transdermal estrogens may offer a safer alternative. This study was carried out to determine the safety and effectiveness of transdermal estrogens in CRPC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-one patients with CRPC and steroid-resistant prostate cancer were eligible for this dose-escalation study of transdermal estradiol. A starting dose of 50 mcg/24 hours was applied and increased if prostate-specific antigen (PSA) rose > 5 ng/mL in steps to 300 mcg/24 hours. The primary endpoint was PSA response, and secondary outcomes included incidence of thromboembolic events and progression-free survival. Patients who progressed were offered diethylstilbestrol. RESULTS: Five (13%) of 40 patients had > 50% PSA reduction for at least 1 month at any transdermal estradiol dose. No venous-thromboembolic events were observed, and responses plateaued at 200 mcg/24 hours. A correlation between PSA response and rising sex hormone binding globulin was seen. Fifty percent of patients subsequently responded to low-dose diethylstilbestrol. CONCLUSION: Transdermal estradiol appears to be a low toxicity treatment option to control CRPC after failure of steroid therapy. Modulation of sex hormone binding globulin by transdermal estradiol may be one mechanism of action of estrogens on CRPC. Oral estrogens remain effective after the use of transdermal estradiol

    HOT mutation screening in human glioblastomas

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    AIMS: Somatic mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 are described in glioblastomas (GBMs). Mutant IDH1 and IDH2 reduce α-KG to D-2HG which accumulates, and is proposed to promote tumorigenesis. HOT catalyzes the conversion of γ-hydroxybutyrate to succinic semialdehyde in a reaction that produces D-2HG. Since increased HOT enzyme activity could lead to an accumulation of D-2HG, coupled with the fact that only a minority of GBMs carry IDH1/2 mutations and 2HG accumulation has recently been described in IDH wild-type tumors, we analyzed a set of GBM samples for mutations in the HOT gene. MATERIALS & METHODS: We screened 42 human GBM samples for mutations in HOT. RESULTS: No mutations in HOT were identified in the 42 GBM samples screened. CONCLUSION: Mutations in the coding regions of HOT do not occur at an appreciable frequency in GBM

    The tumor suppressor protein OPCML potentiates anti-EGFR and anti-HER2 targeted therapy in HER2-positive ovarian and breast cancer.

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    OPCML is a tumor suppressor gene that is frequently inactivated in ovarian cancer and many other cancers by somatic methylation. We have previously shown that OPCML exerts its suppressor function by negatively regulating a spectrum of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as ErbB2/HER2, FGFR1 and EphA2, thus attenuating their related downstream signaling. The physical interaction of OPCML with this defined group of RTKs is a prerequisite for their downregulation. Overexpression/gene amplification of EGFR and HER2 is a frequent event in multiple cancers including ovarian and breast cancers. Molecular therapeutics against EGFR/HER2 or EGFR only, such as lapatinib and erlotinib respectively, were developed to target these receptors but resistance often occurs in relapsing cancers. Here we show that, though OPCML interacts only with HER2 and not with EGFR, the interaction of OPCML with HER2 disrupts the formation of the HER2-EGFR heterodimer and this translates into a better response to both lapatinib and erlotinib in HER2-expressing ovarian and breast cancer cell lines. Also, we show that high OPCML expression is associated with better response to lapatinib therapy in breast cancer patients and better survival in HER2-overexpressing ovarian cancer patients, suggesting that OPCML co-therapy could be a valuable sensitizing approach to RTK inhibitors

    Dominance, reproductive behaviours and female mate choice in sterilised versus non-sterilised invasive male crayfish

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Many methods of controlling invasive crayfishes have limited success because they fail to target all life stages of the population, notably by capturing only large adults that can result in increased juvenile recruitment by removing intraspecific predation. An alternative approach uses the sterile male release technique that involves the mass release of sterile males into the environment, which then mate with fertile females, resulting in unfertilised eggs and, ultimately, reduced juvenile recruitment. This does, however, rely on the sterilised males exhibiting behaviours similar to non-sterilised (entire) males and remaining attractive to females during mate choice. Post-copulatory male guarding behaviour and female promiscuity might also be affected by male sterilisation. To test for the presence of normal reproductive behaviours in sterilised male American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, a two-stage experiment examined how sterilisation affects female mate choice and promiscuity, male hierarchical status (relative dominance) and post-copulation guarding. Sterilised males showed similar reproductive behaviours to entire males and remained as attractive to females, with no differences in relative dominance. Post-copulation, guarding behaviours were also unaffected. Females did not display promiscuous behaviour and this was unaffected by whether males were entire or sterilised. The results demonstrated that sterilised males were equally as capable as entire males of achieving dominance and winning mates. In combination, these findings suggest that male sterilisation could be an effective control technique to help reduce juvenile recruitment in wild P. leniusculus populations by reducing reproductive success