31 research outputs found

    Parametr fazisnoj determinacii dejstvia pri vydelenii tipov taksisnyh otnosenij : (na materiale russkogo i nemeckogo azykov)

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    This paper characterizes one of the way to describe the meaning of phases in Russian. The author presents the different ways of translation of the phase meaning to German. The phase meaning, which in Russian in the morphologically way are expressed, are translated with the lexical-grammatical, lexical or contextually means

    Magdalena Jaszczyk-Grzyb. Mowa nienawiści ze względu na przynależność etniczną i narodową w komunikacji internetowej. Analiza porównawcza języka polskiego i niemieckiego. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. 2021. Pp. 375

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    Book review: Magdalena Jaszczyk-Grzyb. Mowa nienawiści ze względu na przynależność etniczną i narodową w komunikacji internetowej. Analiza porównawcza języka polskiego i niemieckiego. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. 2021. Pp. 375Book review: Magdalena Jaszczyk-Grzyb. Mowa nienawiści ze względu na przynależność etniczną i narodową w komunikacji internetowej. Analiza porównawcza języka polskiego i niemieckiego. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. 2021. Pp. 37

    Nemeckie tekstovye ekvivalenty russkih distributivnyh glagolov

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    The present paper characterizes translative tendencies in the case of translating the Russian distributive verbs into German. Russian literary texts and their renderings in German were used as an example. In the first part of the article there were described distributive Aktionsarten verbs in Russian. In the second part the author distinguished four groups of Russian distributive verbs equivalents in German. The largest group is formed by equivalents distributive meaning of which is expressed in German by syntactic means: plurality of object and/or subject. There were also noted the prefixed verbs, adverbs and adverbial phrases with an equivalent of the base verb, as well as examples in which the meaning of distributive verb is expressed by a German verb

    Dyskurs o bezpieczeństwie z perspektywy lingwosecuritologii

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    In the following book, an attempt has been made to indicate practical application of linguistic knowledge in actions undertaken by law enforcement and aimed at public security and public order. The book puts forward a proposition to create a sub-field of linguistics under the term „linguisecuritology” – theory and practice of the langugae of security. A semantic field of linguisecuritology encompasses all terms related to vital characteristics of a crisis situation conceptualized by its every participant. It has been indicated how to conduct talks with the perpetrator of a crisis situation with use of the theory of speech acts, and how to optimalize the flow of information between all the public service forces involved in a threat situation. The book consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The introduction specifies the purpose of the book and the contents of the chapters. A conceptual framework of the term „linguisecuritology” has been proposed. In chapter one W kręgu dyskursu kryzysowego. Konceptualizacja pojęć (Within crisis discourse. Conceptualization of notions), the notions of discourse and crisis discourse have been discussed from the perspective of pragmatic linguistics, and the possiblilities of use of the psycholinguistic knowledge in crisis situations have been indicated. The subject of chapter two is the specificity of the crisis discourse with the perpetrator considering the theory of speech acts. Strategies of communicating with the perpetrator have been discussed, including issues of promising, witholding information and lying during negotiations. This chapter also contains general remarks on the subject of the flow of information in crisis situations. Next, the flow of information during regional multi-level simulations in crisis management „Lotnisko 2011”(„Airport 2011”) has been characterized. In chapter three Perspektywy badawcze lingwosecuritologii. Opis projektów badawczych (Research perspectives of linguisecuritology. Description of research projects), a few linguisecuritological projects by the author have been discussed in the context of perspectives for development of this sub-field. The book is addressed for a broad circle of recipients including law enforcement, academic and research environment, students and lecturers involved in the fields of security, crisis situations, psychology and notably linguistics. The book is a continuation of my research and an attempt at applying linguistic knowledge for the optimalization of the flow of information in crisis situations

    Współdziałanie elementów kontekstu ze znaczeniem leksykalnym polskich czasowników inicjalnych

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    The article characterises so called ‘initial verbs’ in contemporary Polish. The author tries to capture the relation between their semantics and the context in which they appear. She describes aorist and perfective meaning by specifying the elements of the context that infl uence the way of expressing the beginning of the action

    Czasownikowe formanty modyfikacyjne w języku polskim

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    Verbal modificational formatives in PolishThe paper presents the classification of verbal derivatives according to Aktionsart in Polish (Verbs containing modificational formatives). In the first part of this paper the main aim is to describe a research project about the semantic-derivational category of Aktionsarten in Slavonic languages. The second part of this paper focuses on the characterization of Polish types of verbal action. The term «types of verbal action» subsumes semantic-derivational classes of verbs distinguished on the basis of modifications in the meanings of verb bases, from the point of view of quantitative characteristics. These derivatives represent the following Aktionsarten: temporal, Aktionsarten with the varied degree of intensity and iterative Aktionsarten. Within the scope of particular Aktiosarten the division of derivatives into semantic groups according to the subtypes of Aktionsarten are formal ways of expressing them has been carried out. The article points at the problem of explaining the various meaning of Aktionsarten

    Studium porównawcze nad kategorią semantyczno-słowotwórczą "Aktionsarten" w języku rosyjskim i polskim. T. 2, Czasowniki z formantami modyfikacyjnymi w konfrontacji przekładowej (na materiale rosyjsko-polskim i polsko-rosyjskim)

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    The aim of the study is to analyse how verbs containing modificational formatives are translated from Russian into Polish and from Polish into Russian. The book is the second volume of A comparative study of the semantic-derivational category of Aktionsarten in Russian and Polish, written within the framework of the grant A comparative study of the semantic- -derivational category of Aktionsarten in Slavonic languages financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The first volume was devoted to a synchronic description of the semantic-derivational category of Aktionsarten in Russian and in Polish. The second volume aims at identifying Polish textual equivalents of Russian Aktionsarten. The analysed material comprises Polish translations of Russian literary texts and Russian translations of Polish literary texts. All the source texts were created in the same period (20th century). The analysis starts from Russian texts with verbs belonging to types of action, for which I identified translational equivalents in the Polish target texts. In order to compare the results of this analysis, also translations in the opposite direction, i.e. Polish literary texts and the corresponding Russian target texts, were analysed. The structure of chapters and subchapters, and, consequently, the sequence of equivalents of types of action under discussion follows the classification from the first volume: A comparative study of the semantic-derivational category of Aktionsarten in Russian and Polish. Verbs containing modificational formatives. Chapter I of the second volume discusses Polish equivalents of Russian temporal types of action (phase, determinative and relational modifications) and Russian equivalents of Polish temporal types of action. Chapter II is devoted to Polish equivalents of Russian quantitative types of action expressing quantification of the degree of the progress of action (augmentative and diminutive modifications) and to Russian equivalents of Polish quantitative types of action. Chapter III discusses Polish equivalents of Russian iterative types of action (individual and multiple modifications) and Russian equivalents of Polish iterative types of action. Each subchapter refers to one type of action and is divided into two parts. The first part contains equivalents identified on the basis of the part of the corpus in which Russian is the source language and Polish is the target language. The second part, on the other hand, contains equivalents identified on the basis of the part of the corpus in which Polish is the source language and Russian is the target language. The number of examples from the corpus is specified for each type of equivalents. This monograph takes up some problems within the scope of translation studies, a field attracting a lot of attention from scholars and trainers. The corpus I compiled, comprising the Russian-Polish and the Polish-Russian language combinations, can be useful for work on a parallel corpus comprising two or more languages, not only Slavonic ones. The results of the study may influence the translational and lexicographic practice. The analysed material can be useful for compiling dictionaries (of one or both the languages), and also in translation studies. It can be used by everyone interested in various aspects of translation studies

    O magiczności momentu : (próba definicji polskich czasowników momentalnych)

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    Starting from a defi nition of moment, the author develops a critique of previous aspectological approaches to momentary verbs and proposes a new defi nition of this class of verbs. The present approach allows for the heterogeneity of momentary verbs and their relation to Vendler’s achievement verbs (Vendler 1957). Further, the author discusses the terms of use of momentary verbs with durative expressions (in an hour type), i.e. with adverbials denoting time spent in completing the action

    Russkie diminutivno-iterativnye glagoly i sposoby ih perevoda na nemeckij azyk

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    The aim of the article is a description of one of the group of Russian verbs of Aktionsarten (action types) and an examination of the ways of translating them into German. The paper consists of three parts. In part one the group of Russian Aktionsarten is classified. In part two their German equivalents are presented and discussed. Part three focuses on the lack of the explicit usage of the meanings of the Russian verbs. Russian is the source language, while German is the language of translation. The corpus consists of amples of modern Russian literature and their translations into German


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    Problematyka zaproponowana w niniejszej książce w ramach badań nad komunikowaniem się w sytuacji kryzysowej to tylko propozycje do dalszych dyskusji