22 research outputs found

    Tourist and Viral Mobilities Intertwined: Clustering COVID-19-Driven Travel Behaviour of Rural Tourists in South Tyrol, Italy

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    Travel patterns have dramatically changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism has been both a vector and a victim of the disease. This paper explores the pandemic’s impact on rural tourism, using the theoretical framework of the “mobilities turn” to investigate issues of corporeal and communicative travel found between the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. A sample of 874 guests visiting the Italian region of South Tyrol, where rural tourism is the norm, identified different patterns of physical travel and approaches to collecting on-site information on COVID-19. Results from a principal component analysis (PCA) and a cluster analysis highlighted at least two different approaches from visitors to the region: the first is more cautious, mostly practiced by domestic tourists, with limited mobility on-site, coupled with a need for information; the second is instead a more adventurous approach, with higher on-site mobility, more use of sustainable forms of transport and less interest in data evidence on COVID-19. Implications for rural tourism and its future are discussed. The hypothesis of an inverse relationship between corporeal and communicative travel needs further exploration in future research

    Early medieval Italian Alps: reconstructing diet and mobility in the valleys

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    In Early Middle Ages (sixth\u2013eleventh centuries AD), South Tyrol (Italian Alps) played a key role for geographical and military reasons. Historical sources document that allochthonous groups (germani) entered the territory, and the material culture shows mutual cultural exchanges between autochthonous and germani. Besides the nature of the migration, the demographic and socio-cultural impacts on the local population are still unknown. Stable isotope analyses were performed to provide insights into dietary patterns, subsistence strategies, changes in socio-economic structures, and mobility, according to spatial (e.g. valleys, altitudes) and chronological (centuries) parameters. Bone collagen of 32 faunal and 91 human bone samples from nine sites, located at different altitudes, was extracted for stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur isotope analyses. In total, 94% (30/32) of the faunal remains were of good quality, while the humans displayed 93% (85/91) of good quality samples for \u3b413C and \u3b415N and 44% (40/91) for \u3b434S stable isotopes. The isotopic results of the animals reflected a terrestrial-based diet. Statistical differences were observed within and among the humans of the different valleys. The \u3b413C values of individuals sampled from higher altitudes indicated a mainly C3 plant-based diet compared to areas at lower altitudes, where more positive \u3b413C values showed an intake of C4 plants. The \u3b415N values suggested a terrestrial-based diet with a greater consumption of animal proteins at higher altitudes. The data revealed higher variability in \u3b434S values in the Adige valley, with individuals probably migrating and/or changing dietary habits

    Management of energy and media in buildings

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    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie związane z racjonalizacją zużycia mediów i energii jako istotnego problemu zarówno dla odbiorców indywidualnych jak i gmin. W wielu przypadkach energia i media są marnotrawione, a poprzez różne działania techniczne i sprawne zarządzanie obiektem można uzyskać spore oszczędności. Można to osiągnąć modernizując obiekt, ale potrzebne są na to najczęściej znaczne środki finansowe. Drugim sposobem jest niskonakładowe zmniejszenie kosztów utrzymania budynku, poprzez kontrolowanie wielkości zużycia energii i mediów. W zależności od cech charakteryzujących obiekt, indywidualnie należy dobrać metodę ograniczenia kosztów jego użytkowania.The article presents the issue of rational usage of media and energy as an important problem for both individual customers and communities. In many cases energy and media are wasted, but due to various technical activities and efficient management of a building considerable savings can be made. This can be achieved by modernization of the building, but significant financial resources are needed for this purpose. Another way of making savings is a low cost reduction of maintenance expenses for the building by controlling the energy and media consumption. Depending on the building characteristics, the method of reducing the costs should be selected individually

    The conception of training in exploitation of the selected class of technical means

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    Artykuł omawia tematykę prowadzenia szkolenia użytkowników zgrzewarki do rur termoplastycznych. Prezentuje wybrane metody oraz techniki możliwe do wykorzystania na etapie prowadzenia tego szkolenia. Przedstawiono także urządzenie wspomagające nabywanie umiejętności manualnych, związanych z użytkowaniem urządzeń zgrzewających rury z tworzyw termoplastycznych. Artykuł kończą wnioski dotyczące podniesienia efektywności szkoleń, związanych z nabywaniem umiejętności w zakresie użytkowania urządzeń.The article discusses the subject of conducting training of user of welders for thermoplastic pipes. It presents the selected method and techniques, possible to use at a stage of conducting this training. The device, supporting the acquisition of manual skills, related to the use of devices sealing thermoplastic pipes was also shown. Conclusions on improving the effectiveness of training relatedthe acquisition of skills in the use of equipment finish the article

    Adaptation of truck crane to other applications in the light of applicable standards - case study

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    W artykule omówiono zagadnienie zastosowania żurawi przenośnych, stosowanych głównie do przemieszczania ładunków do innych potrzeb, zwłaszcza związanych z transportem ludzi. Obowiązujące w Unii Europejskiej prawo (w szczególności Dyrektywy Nowego Podejścia), nakłada na urządzenia techniczne wymóg spełnienia przez nie odpowiednich warunków w zakresie ochrony zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa. Do obrotu może być wprowadzona tylko taka maszyna, która nie stwarza zagrożeń lub poziom ryzyka przy jej wykorzystaniu jest znany i akceptowalny. Definiują go normy europejskie, zwane w tym przypadku normami zharmonizowanymi. Jeśli dane urządzenie może mieć różne zastosowania, musi spełniać wymagania różnych norm zharmonizowanych. Wymusza to często konieczność dokonywania w nich zmian konstrukcyjnych.The article discusses the issue of the mobile cranes, used primarily for moving cargoes to other needs, especially related to transport people. The applicable law in the European Union (in particular the New Approach Directives), imposes a requirement on technical equipment to meet the relevant conditions for the protection of health and safety. Marketing authorization may be granted only to a machine which does not pose a threat or when risk levels during its use are known and acceptable. The levels are defined by European standards which, in this case, are called harmonized standards. If a device can have various applications, it must meet the requirements of various harmonized standards. This often forces the need to make structural changes to them

    Modern methods of regeneration of used parts of machines

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    W artykule przedstawiono nowoczesne metody regeneracji zużytych elementów maszyn. Wykorzystuje się w nich kompozyty, które posiadają nie gorsze, a w wielu przypadkach lepsze właściwości mechaniczne w porównaniu z dotychczas stosowanymi tworzywami i metodami tradycyjnymi. Również technologie regeneracji z wykorzystaniem tych tworzyw pozwalają na szybsze wykonanie naprawy z zachowaniem odpowiednich parametrów użytkowych regenerowanych elementów. Technologia stosowania kompozytów nie powoduje zmian właściwości warstwy wierzchniej tworzywa, na który jest nakładana, tak jak to się dzieje np. przy napawaniu. Również koszt wykonania regeneracji jest niższy w porównaniu z metodami tradycyjnymi. Z tego względu taki sposób regeneracji jest coraz częściej stosowany w różnych dziedzinach przemysłu.The article presents modern methods of regeneration of worn machine parts. Using in theme composites , which have not inferior mechanical properties, and in many cases better, improved compared to the previously used conventional methods. Regeneration technologies, using these materials, allow to recover faster the appropriate performance characteristics of regenerated parts of machines. Technology use of composites does not change the properties of the surface layer of material to which it is applied, as it happens, for example, during welding. Also, the cost of regeneration is lower in comparison with traditional methods. For this reason, the method of regeneration is increasingly being used in various industries

    Statistical methods for social network: a focus on parallel computing

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    Aim of this presentation is to address some computational problems in ERGM estimation and propose to restate classical algorithms in order to exploit high performance computing

    Extracting meta-information by using network analysis tools

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    This paper has been developed in the frame of the European project BLUE-ETS (Economic and Trade Statistics), in the work-package devoted to propose new tools for collecting and analyzing data. In order to obtain business information by documentary repositories, we refer to documents produced with nonstatistical aims. The use of secondary sources, typical of data and text mining, is an opportunity not sufficiently explored by National Statistical Institutes. The use of textual data is still viewed as too problematic, because of the complexity and the expensiveness of the pre-processing procedures and often for the lack of suitable analytical tools. In this paper we pay attention to the problems related to the pre-processing procedures, mainly concerning with semantic tagging. We propose a semi-automatic strategy based on network analysis tools to create financial-economic meta-information useful for the semantic annotation of the terms

    Book of Short Abstracts 7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology RC33 - Logic and Methodology in Sociology

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    The books contains the paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology RC33 - Logic and Methodology in Sociology, held in Naples, September, 1-5 200

    Research Collaboration Networks in Biotechnology: Exploring the Trade-off between Institutional and Geographic Distance

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    This paper investigates the relationship between spatial and institutional distances in research collaboration networks using data on co-authorship in scientific publications in the Italian “red” biotech sector. Specific tools of social network analysis complemented by multivariate analysis are used to show that there is a trade-off between institutional and geographic distances whatever the nature of the knowledge exchanged, namely the degree to which knowledge is basic or applied. However, the levels of geographic and institutional distances substantially differ across basic and applied research networks. Measures of the intensity of relationships are also considered in the analysis