35 research outputs found


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    Στην ελάχιστα μελετημένη θαλάσσια περιοχή μεταξύ των νησιών Σίφνου και Κιμώλου πραγματοποιήθηκε μια εκτεταμένη ωκεανογραφική μελέτη, με σκοπό την καταγραφή της υποθαλάσσιας μορφολογίας και των χαρακτηριστικών των επιφανειακών ιζημάτων, καθώς και της πηγής προέλευσης αυτών. Έγιναν καταγραφές με πολυδεσμικό βυθόμετρο και δειγματοληψίες επιφανειακών ιζημάτων με box corer με το Ω/Κ Αιγαίο και ακολούθησαν αναλύσεις μεγέθους κόκκων, ορυκτολογίας και γεωχημείας. Ένα μεγάλο βαθυμετρικό βύθισμα εντοπίστηκε βόρεια της Κιμώλου, με μέγιστο βάθος 743 μ., που συγκεντρώνει λεπτόκοκκα ιζήματα. Η κατανομή των ιζημάτων ως προς το μέγεθος κόκκων χαρακτηρίζεται από σταδιακή μείωση του μεγέθους από νότο προς βορρά. Η ορυκτολογική σύσταση περιλαμβάνει ασβεστίτη, Mg-ασβεστίτη, αραγωνίτη, δολομίτη, χαλαζία, Κ-άστριους, πλαγιόκλαστα, αμφίβολους και αργιλικά ορυκτά. Οι κύριες ιζηματολογικές επαρχίες που αναγνωρίστηκαν είναι 1) η ρηχή περιοχή πλησίον της Κιμώλου, με υψηλό περιεχόμενο σε Si, Al, K, Rb και Ba, 2) η βαθιά περιοχή δυτικά της Σίφνου, όπου εμφανίζεται και το μεγάλο βύθισμα, που χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλό περιεχόμενο σε Fe, Ti, Na, Mg, S, Cr, Cu, Ni, V, Zn και 3) το στενό μεταξύ Σίφνου και Κιμώλου, με υψηλότερο περιεχόμενο σε Ca, S και Sr. Στο βύθισμα αυτό, παρατηρήθηκε σημαντικός εμπλουτισμός των ιζημάτων σε μαγγάνιο, ενώ τα οξείδια του Mn φαίνεται να προσροφούν διάφορα μέταλλα.An extensive oceanographic survey was conducted in the marine area between Kimolos and Sifnos Islands, a rather poorly-studied sector of the Aegean Sea, in order to gain better understanding of submarine geomorphological features and associated sediment provenance. Multi-beam bathymetry and surface sediment sampling with a box corer were carried out on board R/V Aegaeo, followed by grain-size analysis, XRD and XRF measurements. A large circular depression was identified north of Kimolos reaching a water depth of 743 m, filled with fine grained sediments. Surface sediment distribution is characterized by gradual decrease in grain-size from silty sand to silt in a S-N direction. The mineralogical composition comprises calcite, Mgcalcite, aragonite, dolomite, quartz, K feldspars, plagioclase, amphiboles and clay minerals. Major sediment provinces identified were: (i) the shallow sector proximal to Kimolos, characterized by higher contents in Si, Al, K, Rb and Ba; (ii) the deep area west of Sifnos, including the large depression, characterized by higher contents in Fe, Ti, Na, Mg, S, Cr, Cu, Ni, V, Zn; and (iii) the south passage between Kimolos and Sifnos, which exhibits higher Ca, S, and Sr contents. Manganese enrichment was observed in and around the bathymetric depression, where Mn oxides act efficiently as scavengers of a suite of metals

    The case for morphophonological intervention: Evidence from a Greek-speaking child with speech difficulties

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    Intervention with children with speech and language difficulties has been proven beneficial compared with no treatment yet, knowing what type of intervention to provide remains a challenge. Studies of English-speaking children indicate that intervention targeting the production of morphological targets may have a positive effect on phonological aspects and vice versa. However, studies have not reported on generalization effects to untreated morphemes and little is yet known about morphological intervention in the context of a highly inflected language. The purpose of the current intervention case study was to investigate the effect of intervention in relation to phonological and morphological targets in Greek, a language characterized by complex inflectional morphology. A single subject research design was used with pre- and post-intervention assessment carried out. The participant was a four-year-old Greek-speaking boy with speech difficulties. The production of /s/, a phoneme used in multiple phonological and morphological contexts was targeted with alternating focus of intervention between phonological and morphological targets. Assessment took place at two levels: macro-assessment to monitor broad changes in speech; micro-assessment to measure therapy-specific changes in the production of treated targets and generalization to untreated targets and control items. There were four phases of intervention with a total of 24 hours of therapy. Significant improvement in performance accuracy was found between assessment scores immediately pre- and post-intervention. Intervention targeting the production of a phoneme in the word stem was not sufficient to accomplish the accurate production of morphemes requiring the same phoneme; intervention directly targeting morphemes was successful. Within-domain generalization was observed in both domains. Improved naming accuracy was observed post-intervention that was maintained at follow-up. The present study supports the case for morphophonological intervention. Morphological elements should be addressed in a comprehensive intervention for speech sound disorders

    Reliability and Validity of the Ethiopian Version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in HIV Infected Patients

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    The hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) is a widely used instrument for evaluating psychological distress from anxiety and depression. HADS has not yet been validated in Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Amharic (Ethiopian language) version of HADs among HIV infected patients.The translated scale was administered to 302 HIV/AIDS patients on follow up for and taking anti-retroviral treatment. Consistency assessment was conducted using Cronbach's alpha, test-retest reliability using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Construct validity was examined using principal components analysis (PCA). Parallel analysis, Kaiser's criterion and the scree test were used for factor extraction.The internal consistency was 0.78 for the anxiety, 0.76 for depression subscales and 0.87 for the full scale of HADS. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was 80%, 86%, and 84% for the anxiety and depression subscales, and total score respectively. PCA revealed a one dimensional scale.This preliminary validation study of the Ethiopian version of the HADs indicates that it has promising acceptability, reliability and validity. The adopted scale has a single underlying dimension as indicated by Razavi's model. The HADS can be used to examine psychological distress in HIV infected patients. Findings are discussed and recommendations made

    Patient-reported adverse effects of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone treatment:a prospective web-based multi-center study in multiple sclerosis patients with a relapse

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    In a prospective multi-center observational study, we evaluated the frequency, severity, and impact on activities of daily living (ADL) of adverse effects (AEs) of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with a relapse. Online self-report questionnaires stating IVMP's most common AEs were completed at baseline, the 2nd day of treatment, and 1 day and 1 week after treatment. Eighty-five patients were included, 66 completed the baseline questionnaire, and 59 completed at least one post-baseline questionnaire. Patients reported on average 4 (median) AEs; two (3.4 %) reported no AE. Most frequent was change in taste (61 %), facial flushing (61 %), sick/stomach pain (53 %), sleep disturbance (44 %), appetite change (37 %), agitation (36 %), and behavioral changes (36 %). Of all AEs, 34.3 % were severe and 37.9 % impacted on ADL. A 3-day course resulted in 4 (median) AEs and a 5-day course in 7. All patients with high disease impact had two or more AEs, compared with 79 % of those with low impact (p <0.01). Of patients with high disability, 45 % had severe AEs, compared with 16 % of those with low disability. Severe central nervous system (CNS)-related AEs occurred two times more frequently in patients with high disease impact, and two-and-a-half times more frequently in patients with high disability. Therefore, in virtually all patients, high-dose IVMP leads to AEs, with about one of three AEs being severe with impact on ADL. Patients with high disease impact or high disability may experience more (severe) AEs, due to a higher occurrence of severe CNS-related AEs

    Observations in ovine myiosis in Greece, with special reference to clinical findings and treatment of genital myiosis

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    The present paper reports the clinical findings in myiosis in 33 sheep and in 11 dogs in the flocks of the affected sheep. Moreover, it presents a protocol for treatment of genital myiosis. Location of lesions in affected sheep was as follows: in 16 animals (9 rams, 7 ewes) at the genitalia, in 6 animals in one of their ear canals, in 5 animals at the hoofs in one of their legs, in 3 animals on the back, in 3 animals on the neck In the genitalia of rams, findings were difficult or partial exteriorising of penis, markedly thickened prepuce with fistulae along the tissue and presence of dipteran larvae in the subcutaneous tissue. In the genitalia of ewes, findings included vulvar oedema, hyperaemia and/or petechiae in the vaginal wall, muco-haemorrhagic discharge, 2-3 subcutaneous fistulae around the vulva and presence of dipteran larvae in the vagina or in the subcutaneous fistulae around the vulva. Location of lesions in affected dogs was as follows: in 6 animals on the neck, in 5 animals in one of their legs and in 1 animal in the tail. Larvae were collected and identified by using classical parasitological techniques; in 32 sheep cases and in all (11) dog cases, they were identified as Wohlfahrtia magnifica larvae, whilst in one sheep case they were identified as Lucilia sericata larvae (this being the first recovery of Lucilia sp. from myiosis in Greece). In cases of genital myiosis, treatment included, initially, mechanical removal of the larvae by using medical forceps whilst massaging the affected area; this was followed by thorough cleansing of the area with 2% chlorhexidine solution (1:40 in water); subsequently, moxidectin 1% inj. sol. (0.3 mg per kg bodyweight) and flunixin meglumine in sol. (2.2 mg/kg bodyweight) were administered. The procedure was repeated 8-10 days later. Ewes with genital infestation were also prescribed a 7-day long course of an injectable broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. In all cases, all larvae were successfully removed with the above treatment. However, in 5 animals (3 rams, 2 ewes), lesions, which had developed before start of treatment, were so extensive that it was considered that they would cause difficulties in subsequent matings or lambings; hence, it was advised to cull these animals. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved