21 research outputs found

    Impact of IFN lambda 3/4 single nucleotide polymorphisms on the cytomegalovirus reactivation in autologous stem cell transplant patients

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection represents one of the main cause mortality after Stem Cell Transplantation. Recently, a protective effect of the T allele of rs12979860 IL28B Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) against CMV infection in the allogenic stem cell transplantation was suggested. We investigate whether the rs12979860 IL28B SNP and the relative rs368234815 (IFNλ4) genotype may affect the incidence of active CMV infection in Autologous stem cell transplantation (Auto-SCT) setting. The study included 99 patients who underwent to Auto-SCT. IL28 and IFNΔ4 SNPs were correlated with CMV reactivation along with other clinical and treatment parameters. CMV reactivation by CMV DNAemia was evaluated once a week until day 100 from Auto-SCT. CMV reactivation was documented in 50% (TT-ΔG/ΔG), 35% (CC-TT/TT) and 29.2% (CT-TT/ΔG) of the patients respectively. No differences in CMV copies number were recorded at reactivation between different IL28/IFNλ4 genotypes. The analysis of patients older than 60 years showed a significantly higher incidence of active CMV infection in the TT-ΔG/ΔG (83%) population with respect to CC-TT/TT (21%) and CT-TT/ΔG (40%) patients. Our data suggest a negative role of TT-ΔG/ΔG genotype in the CMV reactivation in Auto-SCT. The exposure to rituximab and the pre-infusion presence of anti CMV IgG also significantly influenced CMV reactivation

    Lessons learned about the importance of raising risk awareness in the Mediterranean region (north Morocco and west Sardinia, Italy)

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    Code and data availability: The data set and software code are available at: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/GMKYQ (Ivčević, 2021). Supplement: The supplement related to this article is available online at: https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-21-3749-2021-supplement.Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). In order to mitigate the potentially dramatic effects of natural hazards, risk management measures are critical. However, the lack of interdisciplinary indicators and adaptable governance frameworks highlights society's vulnerability in the particular context of global environmental and climate change. This interdisciplinary research aimed at identifying reliable risk indicators and societal responses regarding natural hazards and climate change impacts to provide a governance framework for disaster risk reduction. Different societies face diverse risks and do not necessarily have the same level of local awareness of these risk. To explore the diversity of risks, two sites were selected from the Mediterranean basin, one chosen from the south coast (north Morocco) and the other from the north coast (the Italian island of Sardinia). North Morocco, a region of multi-risks, is characterised by high demographic and economic pressures; west Sardinia has remarkable biodiversity of wetlands and is characterised by high environmental and agricultural pressures, which in both cases intensify the vulnerability of the coastal areas. Testing for the local population's preparedness for future financial protection allowed for discussing the importance of risk awareness sessions or activities as an indicator of risk management. The significance of risk awareness sessions is shown in a quantitative part of the study, and its importance is also discussed with local stakeholders in north Morocco in a qualitative part of the study. It is shown that, although risk awareness sessions are recognised as important in risk management, they are not necessarily implemented. Based on these findings, further ideas on a new series of less descriptive, more dynamic and more user-friendly indicators are suggested. How can risk sessions be a dynamic indicator of a resilient society? The obtained results could serve in future governance frameworks for the mitigation of natural hazards in the Mediterranean region and more widely. Finally, the urgent need for continuous work to overcome the communication gap between the scientific community, risk administrators, civil society and the general population is emphasised.H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (grant no. 713750), the Regional Council of Provence–Alpes–Côte d’Azur and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (grant nos. ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02, ANR-11-LABE-0061 and ANR-1-1E-0001-02)

    The effect of a tariff reform on the demand of water for residential uses: a panel data analysis of water consumption in Sardinia

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    A panel of 240 Sardinian towns in a 6-years' period is analyzed in order to identify the determinants of residential water demand and the effect of a tariff reform under conditions that can typically be found in Mediterranean and arid regions: quantity constraints imposed to sustain periods of drought; the presence of tourists in private residences that inflates the domestic consumption during summer months; inefficient management of the resource. Panel data techniques are employed to estimate the effect on the domestic demand of water of standard economic and structural variables, such as price, income, which are all found significant, in line with previous literature results. Moreover, we are able to estimate the effect that weather differences (both in spatial and temporal dimension), tourist presence in secondary residences, demographic characteristics and quantity restrictions have on the final consumption of water in the domestic sector. Furthermore we explicitly analyze the impact of the tariff reform in average consumption

    A Panel Data Analysis of Electric Consumptions in the Residential Sector

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    The present work analyses a dataset on electricity consumption in an Italian region for a period of 11 years, using aggregated data on municipalities. Our aim is to estimate the value of the price elasticity, of the income elasticity and cross-price elasticity of other fuels and to analyse the influence of socio-economic, demographic, structural and climate variables on consumption levels and trends. The FEVD procedure, recently proposed by Plumper and Troeger (2007), is adopted to estimate panel data characterised by the presence of time invariant variables, or variables which vary rarely in time.electricity consumption, demand analysis, panel data