77 research outputs found

    Geometric field-line calculations

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    Procedure for calculating three components of vector field from spherical harmonic using either geocentric or geodetic coordinates as input and output is described. Three subroutines of computer program are explained. Program is written in FORTRAN for IBM 360 computer

    Fractal Stability Border in Plane Couette Flow

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    We study the dynamics of localised perturbations in plane Couette flow with periodic lateral boundary conditions. For small Reynolds number and small amplitude of the initial state the perturbation decays on a viscous time scale tRet \propto Re. For Reynolds number larger than about 200, chaotic transients appear with life times longer than the viscous one. Depending on the type of the perturbation isolated initial conditions with infinite life time appear for Reynolds numbers larger than about 270--320. In this third regime, the life time as a function of Reynolds number and amplitude is fractal. These results suggest that in the transition region the turbulent dynamics is characterised by a chaotic repeller rather than an attractor.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 4 eps-figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Le

    Comparison of proton irradiated P-channel and N-channel CCDs

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    Charge transfer inefficiency and dark current effects are compared for e2v technologies plc. p-channel and n-channel CCDs, both irradiated with protons. The p-channel devices, prior to their irradiation, exhibited twice the dark current and considerable worse charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) than a typical n-channel. The radiation induced increase in dark current was found to be comparable with n-channel CCDs, and its temperature dependence suggest the divacancy is the dominant source of thermally generated dark current pre and post irradiation. The factor of improvement in tolerance to radiation induced CTI varied by between 15 and 25 for serial CTI and 8 and 3 for parallel CTI, between −70 °C and −110 °C respectively

    Avalanche dynamics, surface roughening and self-organized criticality - experiments on a 3 dimensional pile of rice

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    We present a two-dimensional system which exhibits features of self-organized criticality. The avalanches which occur on the surface of a pile of rice are found to exhibit finite size scaling in their probability distribution. The critical exponents are τ\tau = 1.21(2) for the avalanche size distribution and DD = 1.99(2) for the cut-off size. Furthermore the geometry of the avalanches is studied leading to a fractal dimension of the active sites of dBd_B = 1.58(2). Using a set of scaling relations, we can calculate the roughness exponent α=DdB\alpha = D - d_B = 0.41(3) and the dynamic exponent z=D(2τ)z = D(2 - \tau) = 1.56(8). This result is compared with that obtained from a power spectrum analysis of the surface roughness, which yields α\alpha = 0.42(3) and zz = 1.5(1) in excellent agreement with those obtained from the scaling relations.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Critical synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on connectome and small world graphs

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    The hypothesis, that cortical dynamics operates near criticality also suggests, that it exhibits universal critical exponents which marks the Kuramoto equation, a fundamental model for synchronization, as a prime candidate for an underlying universal model. Here, we determined the synchronization behavior of this model by solving it numerically on a large, weighted human connectome network, containing 804092 nodes, in an assumed homeostatic state. Since this graph has a topological dimension d<4d < 4, a real synchronization phase transition is not possible in the thermodynamic limit, still we could locate a transition between partially synchronized and desynchronized states. At this crossover point we observe power-law--tailed synchronization durations, with τt1.2(1)\tau_t \simeq 1.2(1), away from experimental values for the brain. For comparison, on a large two-dimensional lattice, having additional random, long-range links, we obtain a mean-field value: τt1.6(1)\tau_t \simeq 1.6(1). However, below the transition of the connectome we found global coupling control-parameter dependent exponents 1<τt21 < \tau_t \le 2, overlapping with the range of human brain experiments. We also studied the effects of random flipping of a small portion of link weights, mimicking a network with inhibitory interactions, and found similar results. The control-parameter dependent exponent suggests extended dynamical criticality below the transition point.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures + Supplemenraty material pdf 2 pages 4 figs, 1 table, accepted version in Scientific Report

    Self-Organized Criticality in Developing Neuronal Networks

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    Recently evidence has accumulated that many neural networks exhibit self-organized criticality. In this state, activity is similar across temporal scales and this is beneficial with respect to information flow. If subcritical, activity can die out, if supercritical epileptiform patterns may occur. Little is known about how developing networks will reach and stabilize criticality. Here we monitor the development between 13 and 95 days in vitro (DIV) of cortical cell cultures (n = 20) and find four different phases, related to their morphological maturation: An initial low-activity state (≈19 DIV) is followed by a supercritical (≈20 DIV) and then a subcritical one (≈36 DIV) until the network finally reaches stable criticality (≈58 DIV). Using network modeling and mathematical analysis we describe the dynamics of the emergent connectivity in such developing systems. Based on physiological observations, the synaptic development in the model is determined by the drive of the neurons to adjust their connectivity for reaching on average firing rate homeostasis. We predict a specific time course for the maturation of inhibition, with strong onset and delayed pruning, and that total synaptic connectivity should be strongly linked to the relative levels of excitation and inhibition. These results demonstrate that the interplay between activity and connectivity guides developing networks into criticality suggesting that this may be a generic and stable state of many networks in vivo and in vitro

    Beyond Gaussian Averages: Redirecting Management Research Toward Extreme Events and Power Laws

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