80 research outputs found

    Crowd voting via online platforms as a way of citizens’ public participation in the development of municipalities (The active citizen case, Moscow)

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    Based on the theory of S. Arnstein, the paper considers crowd voting as one of the management levels available to citizens. The authors analyzed the Moscow online voting platform Active Citizen. Proceeding from the open data on the platform, the authors composed the socio-demographic profile of users, evaluated the proportion of active participation, the extent of their engagement in the voting processes depending on the themes of the problems brought to the attention of the townspeople

    Contradictions in the Development of the Welfare Non-Profit Sector in Russia

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    Received 28 April 2023. Accepted 8 August 2023. Published online 6 October 2023.The article focuses on the core contradictions within the development of the social non-profit sector in Russia. The empirical basis of the study comprises statistical data, legal documents regulating the social services’ sphere, research data from previous studies conducted in Russia, as well as qualitative data collected for this study. The introduction provides background information on the stages of reforming the social service system in Russia. The first part is devoted to the contradictions between international trends and Russian patterns. In line with a neoliberal approach, non-profit NGOs play a significant role as key actors in social work providing social services for different client groups. At the same time, they are not independent and Russian civil society is not yet strong enough to realize social rights of citizens. In the next section, some of the key issues of interaction between the government and NGOs are discussed. An analysis of the current situation demonstrates that while a social partnership between the state and NGOs is affirmed by authorities on official level, in practice, the state still dominates the social sector. The article then focuses on how Russian NGOs have reoriented their efforts toward financial sustainability through government support.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) under the project No. 19–18–00246-P, titled “Challenges of the transformation of welfare state in Russia: institutional changes, social investment, digitalization of social services”, implemented at St. Petersburg State University

    Application of low pressure capacitively coupled rf hydrogen plasma for low temperature reduction of iron clusters in structure of fe-pillared materials

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The unique properties of pillared materials determine their use in catalysis, purification and separation. The paper studies the reduction of composite catalysts, Fe-pillared materials. The authors compare their reduction in low temperature capacitively coupled RF hydrogen discharge of low pressure to their conventional direct hydrogen reduction in a tubular muffle furnace. X-ray diffraction analysis was used to characterize the iron-bearing phases. The results show that the reduction of iron hydro/oxide clusters associated with an aluminosilicate matrix to metallic iron is very challenging due to the degree of the pore space availability for hydrogen

    Social investment: Problems and development strategies

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    We present the findings of a survey aimed at identifying expert opinions about social investment policies. Our sample includes respondents from Russian regions (n = 160) involved in the production of social services – specialists and heads of state social institutions, non-profit organizations, social entrepreneurs, and authorities. Research findings suggest key factors that might contribute to the development of non-profit sector of social services and social entrepreneurship. The state and local governments are considered by experts as the main investors, while financial investments in the form of budget subsidies and grants are the most anticipated forms for solving regional social issues. Investing in infrastructure and personnel is among the most popular areas for social investment related to the development of new suppliers. According to the respondents, the priority spheres for social entrepreneurship are investments to children, youth, health, and active longevity. The survey participants view social investment as a strategy for the social development of regions based on the achievement of social goals combined with economic results. The professional community considers the lack of interest in the new type of entrepreneurship among residents of the regions, including private investors, and the weak interest of local governments as risks for social investment policy and social entrepreneurship © 2022. Terra Economicus.All Rights Reserved.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-18-00246Funding: The research is prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-18-00246 “Challenges of transformation of the welfare state in Russia: Institutional changes, social investment, digitalization of social services”, implemented at St. Petersburg State University

    Employees and non-operational disabled: features of valuable orientations

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    The comparative analysis of working and non-working people with disabilities showed that disabled people, for whom employment is a priority value of life, work, have a strong desire to be implemented in the profession, to be financially independent. Non-working disabled people prioritize the values of family, health, recognition of people around them and relatives, financial well-being. But they do not have clear ideas and plans how to implement these goals, they do not associate them with employment.Проведенный сравнительный анализ работающих и не работающих людей с инвалидностью показал, что инвалиды, для которых занятость и трудоустройство являются приоритетной жизненной ценностью, работают, имеют выраженное стремление реализоваться в профессии, быть финансово независимыми. Неработающие инвалиды в качестве приоритетных отмечают ценности семьи, здоровья, признания окружающих их людей и родных, финансовое благополучие. Но у них отсутствуют четкие представления и планы, как реализовать эти цели, они не связывают их с трудовой занятостью


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    The article describes the study of comparative efficiency of fenazid (isonicotinoilhydrazine-О,N’) ferrous dihydrate sulphate (II) and isoniazid in drug susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis patients.The high treatment efficiency namely significant improvement and improvement was observed in the patients of Group 1 – 84.1% which could be compared to the standard treatment regimen (85-7%) in Group 2. The total number of adverse reactions in the main group was confidently lower – 18.6% against 33.9%, p < 0.05. Hepatotoxic reactions with 2-3 fold increase of alaninetransferase level was registered significantly less (9.3%) in Group 1 compared to the Group treated with isoniazid

    Types of life strategy of people with disabilities in the perspective of labor employment

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    The article analyzes the concept of "life strategy", identifies the features and factors of life strategies of people with disabilities. Based on the results of the empirical research carried out by the authors, a typology of life strategies of disabled people – self-realization, adaptation, survival. Each of the selected strategies is characterized by a certain combination of components of the strategy, including the ability to solve life problems, social activity, self-esteem, value orientations of people with disabilities. The predominant strategies of working and non-working disabled people are shown.В статье проанализировано понятие «жизненная стратегия», выявлены особенности и факторы формирования жизненных стратегий людей с инвалидностью. На основе результатов эмпирического исследования, проведенного авторами, предложена типология жизненных стратегий инвалидов – самореализации, приспособления, выживания. Каждая из выделенных стратегий характеризуется определенным сочетанием компонентов стратегии, среди которых способ разрешения жизненных проблем, социальная активность, самооценка, ценностные ориентации людей с инвалидностью. Показаны преобладающие стратегии работающих и неработающих инвалидов

    Application of modern immunological methods in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients

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    Combination of TB and HIV-infection is still the most nowadays important problem, and it connects not only with steady growth of HIV infection, but with difficulties in TB diagnosis. X-ray lung studies often have unusual nature, clinical symptomatology appears when process are hard and spread. At the same time in global practice IGRAtests applying, to which they belong to SPOT.TB test and QuantiFERON®-TB Gold test, they pay great attention to it, particularly among patients with HIV- infection. In study there were data when 41 patients with lung TB were examined, 56 HIV-positive patients with lung TB and 58 healthy donors. When active TB IGRA-test and test with Diaskin test show comparable same results. Against the backdrop of HIV skin tests (Mantoux test with 2 TE and tests with Diaskin test) it was demonstrated direct dependence of level immunosuppression in contrast to IGRA – tests, that allows to carry out these researches in conditions when standard skin tests do not work

    Prognostic factors for tuberculosis development in children with latent tuberculous infection

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    Goal of the study: to detect specific immune response in children with latent tuberculous infection and define factors to forecast the development of the active disease in this group.Materials and methods. The changes in clinical, X-ray and immunological data were analyzed in 127 children when latent tuberculous infection was diagnosed and after 12 months of follow-up. The number of immunological tests was done for evaluation of humoral and cellular immunity in those suffering from latent tuberculous infection and active disease.Results. The obtained results showed high negative prognostic relevance of exposure to tuberculosis, concurrent disease, refusal to have preventive treatment and low efficiency of short-course preventive treatment, specific features of humoral and cellular immunity were defined which could be used as additional forecasting criteria for active tuberculosis development in children with latent tuberculous infection


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    According to the WHO data, tuberculosis still represents a serious public health problem worldwide. Deterioration of socio-economic conditions in the population complicates epidemic situation for tuberculosis inRussia, thus leading to increase in acute progressive and complicated forms of tuberculosis in children and, consequently, to worsening structure of its clinical forms. Objectives: to determine associations between certain HLA-DRB1 alleles and risk of tuberculosis development in children. We examined 188 children aged from 3 to 14 years with various manifestations of tuberculous infection. Along with thorough examination of the patients, including multi-spiral CT scans of chest, we undertook genotyping of HLA-DRB1 alleles. Activity of tuberculous infection was determined by a set of immunological tests, i.e., tuberculin skin test, DIASKINTEST® (recombinant allergen of tuberculosis DIASKINTEST®). X ray diagnostics was performed with multi-spiral «Aquilion-32» computed tomograph (Toshiba), according to standard procedures. Molecular genetic typing of HLA-DRB1 alleles was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR-SSP), using standard commercial kits PROTRANS Ceclerplate System Protrans HLA-DRB1*. The children were divided into two groups: I group, 90 healthy children, II group, 98 children with tuberculosis. A comparisons group consisted of healthy donors (n = 346). Statistical processing of genetic material included evauation and analysis of the following parameters: frequency distribution of the antigen (F), χ2 criterion for significance (chi-square), the relative risk ratio (RR), etiologic fraction (EF), preventive fraction (PF). Children of the II group had significantly higher *04 allele HLADRB1*, as compared with control group (36.7% vs. 21.1%, χ2 = 10.08; р < 0.01). This finding may suppose a predisposal of these allele carriers to development of tuberculosis. At the same time, the rates of *07 (14.3% vs. 27.5%, χ2 = 7.15, р < 0.01) and *15 (18.4% vs. 28.3%, χ2 = 3.92; р < 0.01) HLA-DRB1* alleles were significantly lower, thus suggesting a protective effect of this allele. *04 allele seems to be a predisposing factor, whereas *07 and *15 alleles are protective for development of tuberculosis in children