443 research outputs found
Culture, Utility or Social Systems?:Explaining the Cross-National Ties of Emigrants from Borsa, Romania
Emigrants from BorĆa, Romania, display two quite distinct patterns of ties with their community of origin: migration to Italy is discernibly transnational, with a strong reliance on migrant networks; while migration to the UK is more individualistic, with emigrants shunning interaction with compatriots and retaining only weak ties to BorĆa. We argue that prevalent theories of cross-national ties fail adequately to explain this divergence. Instead, we draw on systems theory to explain the discrepancy in terms of divergent conditions for societal inclusion. In Italy, incorporation into parallel, unofficial structures of work, welfare and accommodation encouraged a reliance on cultural criteria for maintaining social ties. In the UK, migrants were obliged to integrate into state-sponsored systems, encouraging the relinquishing of ethnic ties in favour of more strategic networking to facilitate societal inclusion
Pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning: do attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy facilitate the use of scientific theories to analyze teaching problems?
Using the theory of planned behavior, we investigated whether attitudes, subjective norms, and
self-efficacy facilitate pre-service teachersâ engagement in evidence-informed reasoning about
classroom problems. N=157 pre-service teachers were asked about these motivationally relevant
antecedents to engaging in evidence-informed reasoning about classroom-related challenges and
analyzed case scenarios of problematic teaching situations. Results revealed that self-reported evidence-informed reasoning was directly predicted by intention to engage in evidence-informed reasoning, self-efficacy, and attitude toward evidence-informed reasoning. However, the objectively
coded quality of teachersâ evidence-informed reasoning was seemingly negatively predicted by perceived costs and self-efficacy. Thus, the theory of planned behavior partly explained selfreported evidence-informed reasoning, but not objectively observed reasoning. Pre-service teachers might not be skilled enough to assess their own competency accurately and might be
unaware of external conditions facilitating or hindering evidence-informed reasoning. Thus, interventions aiming to foster pre-service teachersâ motivation to engage in evidence-informed reasoning might not be effective until such teachers gain the necessary skills
Promoting future teachers' evidence-informed reasoning scripts: effects of different forms of instruction after problem-solving
Pre-service teachers face difficulties when dealing with problem situations in the classroom if their evidence-informed reasoning script (EIRS) is not adequately developed. An EIRS might be promoted by demonstrating how to implement evidence-informed reasoning after a problem-solving activity on an authentic case. However, it is unclear what form of instruction is appropriate to promote pre-service teachers in the development of an EIRS. The present 2Ă3-factorial experimental intervention study investigated how different forms of instruction on functional procedures (example-free vs. example-based) and on dysfunctional procedures (without vs. example-free vs. example-based) affect the development of an EIRS. Nâ=â384 pre-service teachers worked on a written case vignette of a problem situation in a problem-solving phase, in which the crucial steps of the EIRS were prompted externally. In the subsequent instruction phase, the participants compared their own solution with an example-free or example-based instruction on functional procedures, which was either supplemented by an example-free or example-based instruction on typical dysfunctional procedures or not at all. The participantsâ learning success (declarative EIRS; near and far transfer problem-solving performance) and error awareness were assessed. The results revealed that the example-based instruction on functional procedures led to a higher learning success than the example-free instruction. Both forms of instruction on dysfunctional procedures improved learning success compared to learning without one. During learning, error awareness was higher for learners who worked with an example-free instruction on dysfunctional procedures. In order to promote the development of an EIRS in pre-service teachers, it is promising to provide instruction after problem-solving that presents a functional example of evidence-informed reasoning for the given problem and that also points out typical dysfunctional approaches to solving the problem. The results highlight the importance of selecting appropriate scaffolds in case-based learning approaches that aim to develop cognitive schemata. The mechanisms that explain when and why instructions on dysfunctional procedures work need to be further explored
Gekommen, um zu bleiben? Bei autochthonen West-Nil-Virus-Infektionen steht regional die Saison 2022 vor der TĂŒr
Im Jahr 2020 wurden in Deutschland 20 autochthone symptomatische und zwei asymptomatische Infektionen mit dem West-Nil-Virus (WNV) bei Menschen festgestellt und gemÀà Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) gemeldet; ein Ă€lterer Patient verstarb. 2021 sank die Fallzahl auf vier gemÀà IfSG gemeldete autochthone FĂ€lle und einen nach Transfusionsgesetz gemeldeten Fall, möglicherweise assoziiert mit einem relativ kĂŒhlen Sommer. Da WNV in Deutschland in StechmĂŒcken ĂŒberwinÂŹtern kann, ist davon auszugehen, dass es auch 2022 zur Zirkulation des Virus zwischen StechmĂŒ-cken und Vögeln und vor allem in dem in VorjahÂŹren betroffenen Gebiet vereinzelt auch zu mĂŒcken-ĂŒbertragenen Infektionen bei Menschen und Pferden kommt. Eine Ănderung bzw. Ausweitung des betroffenen Gebietes von Jahr zu Jahr ist möglich, insbesondere auch in wĂ€rmeren Sommern.Peer Reviewe
Kurze Inkubationszeiten bei AffenpockenfÀllen in Deutschland wÀhrend des aktuellen Ausbruchsgeschehens
Deutschland gehört zu den am stĂ€rksten betroffenen LĂ€ndern im Rahmen des aktuellen internationalen Affenpockenausbruchs. Um relevante Expositionen erkennen und angemessene PrĂ€ventionsmaĂnahmen durchfĂŒhren zu können ist es wichtig, die Spannweite der möglichen Inkubationszeiten zu kennen. In einer Datenauswertung von 161 FĂ€llen mit einem definierten Expositionszeitpunkt hatten 28 (17%) eine Inkubationszeit von nur 1-3 Tagen - kĂŒrzer als bisher generell angenommen.Peer Reviewe
Comparing pre-service teachers', in-service teachers' and educational researchers' evidence-informed reasoning about classroom situations â results of a mixed methods investigation
Pre-service teachers rarely engage in evidence-informed reasoning when they are confronted with problematic classroom situations. We argue that interventions that target pre-service teachersâ acquisition of evidence-informed reasoning skills should be informed by research that compares pre-service teachersâ, in-service teachersâ, and educational researchersâ evidenceinformed reasoning. We asked N = 55 pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and educational researchers to think aloud about a written classroom scenario and complete a retrospective interview on their evidence-informed reasoning. Results indicate that educational researchers describe problematic events more often than pre- and in-service teachers but do not seem to differ on a number of other reasoning activities. However, educational researchers more often refer to academic knowledge than pre- and in-service teachers. Pre- and in-service teachers do not seem to differ from each other, neither with respect to their reasoning activities nor concerning their use of academic knowledge. Additional qualitative analyses illustrate these findings
A heuristic framework for video-based teaching and learning scenarios in higher education
Video has been proven to be an effective tool for enhancing the professional vision of higher education students, which is a crucial situation-specific skill within their professional competence. To ensure the successful integration of video in higher education teaching and learning, several implementation actions and processes need to be considered. This paper proposes a heuristic framework for implementing video-based teaching and learning scenarios across various disciplines in higher education. The framework combines existing research strands on professional vision, video implementation, technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), and interactive, constructive, active, and passive (ICAP) learning activities. To highlight the interdisciplinary nature of the framework, examples from four different higher education disciplines (Catholic moral theology, Communication science, German as a second and foreign language, Medicine) are provided. These examples serve to underscore the frameworkâs applicability across a range of academic fields
Children of Mentally III Parents at Risk Evaluation (COMPARE): Design and Methods of a Randomized Controlled Multicenter StudyâPart I
Objectives: Mental disorders are frequent, associated with disability-adjusted life years, societal, and economic costs. Children of parents with a mental illness (COPMI) are at an increased risk to develop disorders themselves. The transgenerational transmission of mental disorders has been conceptualized in a model that takes parental and family factors, the social environment (i.e., school, work, and social support), parent-child-interaction and possible child outcomes into account. The goal of the âChildren of Mentally Ill Parents At Risk Evaluationâ (COMPARE) study will thus be twofold: (1) to establish the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a high-quality randomized controlled trial (RCT) with the aim of interrupting the intergenerational transmission of mental disorders in COPMI, (2) to test the components of the trans-generational transmission model of mental disorders.
Methods: To implement a randomized controlled trial (RCT: comparison of parental cognitive behavioral therapy/CBT with CBT + Positive Parenting Program) that is flanked by four add-on projects that apply behavioral, psychophysiological, and neuro-imaging methods to examine potential moderators and mediators of risk transmission (projects COMPARE-emotion/-interaction/-work/-school). COMPARE-emotion targets emotion processing and regulation and its impact on the transgenerational disorder transmission; COMPARE-interaction focuses especially on the impact of maternal comorbid diagnoses of depression and anxiety disorders and will concentrate on different pathways of the impact of maternal disorders on socio-emotional and cognitive infant development, such as parent-infant interaction and the infant's stress regulation skills. COMPARE-work analyzes the transmission of strains a person experiences in one area of life to another (i.e., from family to work; spill-over), and how stress and strain are transmitted between individuals (i.e., from parent to child; cross-over). COMPARE-school focuses on the psychosocial adjustment, school performance, and subjective well-being in COPMI compared to an adequate control group of healthy children.
Results: This study protocol reports on the interdisciplinary approach of COMPARE testing the model of the transgenerational transmission of mental disorders.
Conclusion: The combination of applied basic with clinical research will facilitate the examination of specific risk transmission mechanisms, promotion, dissemination and implementation of results into a highly important but largely neglected field.
Clinical Trial Registration: DRKS-ID: DRKS00013516 (German Clinical Trials Register, https://www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.do?navigationId=trial.HTML&TRIAL_ID=DRKS00013516)
Saison stechmĂŒckenĂŒbertragener Krankheitserreger beginnt
Wie schon in den Vorjahren jeweils im Mai und Juni wird auch dieses Jahr im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 22/2023 auf die beginnende Saison stechmĂŒckenĂŒbertragener Krankheitserreger hingewiesen. Seit mindestens 2018 zirkuliert in einem Endemiegebiet in Ostdeutschland saisonal das von heimischen (Culex-)StechmĂŒcken ĂŒbertragene West-Nil-Virus (WNV) zwischen StechmĂŒcken und Vögeln, wobei Menschen und Pferde gelegentlich als Fehlwirte infiziert werden. Im Jahr 2022 wurden in Deutschland 13 autochthone FĂ€lle von WNV-Infektionen ĂŒbermittelt, die die deutsche Referenzdefinition erfĂŒllten, sowie vier asymptomatische autochthone Infektionen. In Deutschland breitet sich auĂerdem die Asiatische TigermĂŒcke (Ae. albopictus) immer weiter aus. Sie kann grundsĂ€tzlich exotische saisonale Krankheitserreger wie das Chikungunya-, Dengue- oder Zika-Virus auf Menschen ĂŒbertragen, wenn sie diese Viren zuvor von infizierten ReiserĂŒckkehrenden aus Endemiegebieten aufgenommen hat. Dies ist bislang in Deutschland nicht beobachtet worden, mit möglichen autochthonen menschlichen Chikungunya-Virus-Infektionen ist im Sommer jedoch zu rechnen und aufgrund des Klimawandels dĂŒrfte auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit von autochthonen Dengue-Virus-Infektionen eher zunehmen
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