17 research outputs found

    Clinical analysis of blood traces of rats after subcutaneous implantation of Nd-Fe-B magnets with protective PVD ZrN coatings

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    It is possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment of various anomalies of occlusion with the help of orthodontic appliances, including permanent magnets as components. But a significant disadvantage of magnetic materials is low corrosion resistance, which can be prevented by applying to the magnets various PVD protective coatings leading to passivation of the surface of the magnetic material. The effect of Nd-Fe-B magnets with and without protective ZrN coating after subcutaneous implantation in rats on the results of laboratory blood tests has been evaluated.Ефективність лікування різних аномалій прикусу можна підвищити за допомогою ортодонтичних апаратів, на основі постійних магнітів. Але суттєвим недоліком магнітних матеріалів є їх низька корозійна стійкість, яку можна запобігти нанесенням на магніти різних захисних покриттів PVD, що ведуть до пасивації поверхні магнітного матеріалу. Оцінено вплив магнітів Nd-Fe-B із захисним покриттям ZrN та без нього після підшкірної імплантації щурам на результати лабораторних аналізів крові.Эффективность лечения различных аномалий прикуса можно повысить с помощью ортодонтических аппаратов на основе постоянных магнитов. Существенным недостатком магнитных материалов является их низкая коррозионная стойкость, которую можно улучшить путем нанесения на магниты различных защитных покрытий PVD, приводящих к пассивации поверхности магнитного материала. Оценено влияние магнитов Nd-Fe-B с защитным покрытием ZrN и без него после подкожной имплантации крысам на результаты лабораторного анализа крови

    Modelling of the 2ν1- ν1 and ν1 band transitions of 13CH4 using high resolution Raman spectroscopy measurements

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    The pump-probe technique for investigating vibrationally excited states via high resolution Raman spectroscopy was applied to CH methane isotopologue. The dipole transitions between A totally symmetric vibrational states are not active in IR spectra but these states can be efficiently studied using selective high resolution Raman spectroscopy. 80 vibration-rotation transitions, most of which belong to the 2ν– ν band have been assigned in the observed Raman spectra reported in this work. Including the Raman transitions in the simultaneous data fit improves the accuracy of the effective Hamiltonian and also rovibrational upper state levels of the ν, 2ν and 2ν (A) bands. A more accurate model of the ν vibration-rotation transitions improves the interpretation of the temperature dependence of Raman spectra involving the Pentad and Tetradecad polyads.Part of the research was performed at Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems under contract of Russian Science Foundation (RSF), grant No. 19-77-10046. The research at the V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The supports of the CNRS (France) in the frame of “Laboratoire International Associé SAMIA”, of IDRIS / CINES computer centers of France and of the ROMEO computer center Reims-Champagne-Ardenne are acknowledged. R.Z. Martínez, D. Paredes-Roibás and D. Bermejo acknowledge the funding received from Project FIS2017-84391-C2-1-P of Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    An improved and extended dual-index multiplexed 16S rRNA sequencing for the Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq platform

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    Abstract Background Recent advancements in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology have ushered in significant improvements in sequencing speed and data throughput, thereby enabling the simultaneous analysis of a greater number of samples within a single sequencing run. This technology has proven particularly valuable in the context of microbial community profiling, offering a powerful tool for characterizing the microbial composition at the species level within a given sample. This profiling process typically involves the sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments. By scaling up the analysis to accommodate a substantial number of samples, sometimes as many as 2,000, it becomes possible to achieve cost-efficiency and minimize the introduction of potential batch effects. Our study was designed with the primary objective of devising an approach capable of facilitating the comprehensive analysis of 1,711 samples sourced from diverse origins, including oropharyngeal swabs, mouth cavity swabs, dental swabs, and human fecal samples. This analysis was based on data obtained from 16S rRNA metagenomic sequencing conducted on the Illumina MiSeq and HiSeq sequencing platforms. Results We have designed a custom set of 10-base pair indices specifically tailored for the preparation of libraries from amplicons derived from the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. These indices are instrumental in the analysis of the microbial composition in clinical samples through sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq and HiSeq platforms. The utilization of our custom index set enables the consolidation of a significant number of libraries, enabling the efficient sequencing of these libraries in a single run. Conclusions The unique array of 10-base pair indices that we have developed, in conjunction with our sequencing methodology, will prove highly valuable to laboratories engaged in sequencing on Illumina platforms or utilizing Illumina-compatible kits