52 research outputs found

    Irrigating trees and shrubs during summer drought (2006)

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    Statistically, most of the Midwest receives sufficient precipitation during the average year to prevent undue stress to plants. However, precipitation is not distributed evenly during the growing season. In most years, stress during midsummer drought conditions causes significant mortality of newly planted trees and shrubs and reduces growth and aesthetic appeal of established landscape plants. In years when drought conditions are more prolonged, homeowners look to rescue measures to protect trees and shrubs, their largest landscape investment.New 6/06/5M

    Preventing construction damage to trees (2010)

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    Trees are a valuable asset in home landscapes. Their shade makes summer living more pleasant and can significantly reduce air conditioning costs. In winter, they shield against wind and snow, reducing heating costs. Leaves act as air cleaners, filtering dust and removing airborne pollutants. Trees shelter wildlife, slow rainfall runoff, muffle noise and provide privacy. But perhaps the main reason people value trees highly is simply the beauty and grace they add to a community. Because a tree takes many years to grow to maturity, wooded building sites command premium prices. All too frequently, however, the trees that make the site attractive are damaged during construction. Trees may decline and die soon after construction work is finished. The homeowner then faces the cost of tree removal in addition to the expense and time needed to grow replacement trees. Trees around older, established homes also suffer from construction damage. Remodeling projects, sidewalk replacement, landscaping projects or utility work can cause injury to treesNew 10/94; Reviewed 4/10/1M

    Selected ground covers for Missouri (2007)

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    Ground covers are low-growing plants that spread quickly to form a dense cover. They add beauty to the landscape and at the same time help prevent soil erosion. Grass is the best known ground cover, but grass is not suited to all locations. Other ground cover plants should be used where grass is difficult to grow or maintain. Unlike grass, most ground cover plants cannot be walked on. They can be used effectively to reduce maintenance work and to put the finishing touch on any landscaping project.Revised 6/02; reviewed and reprinted 8/07/3M

    Fertilizing shade trees (1999)

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    The main reason for fertilizing trees and shrubs in the landscape is to maintain reasonable vigor so that plants will be able to resist environmental stresses and pests. Trees and shrubs in a landscape may require little or no supplemental fertilization if plants are sited correctly, fallen leaves are shredded in place, nutrient containing mulch is used or surrounding turf areas are fertilized. Fertilization is not a panacea. Don't expect it to solve problems associated with careless planting, improper watering or poor drainage. Be certain that new trees and shrubs are suited to the climate and location.Revised 5/99/7M

    How to plant a tree (2012)

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    Trees are a valuable part of any landscape. They provide shade, wind protection and visual appeal. They also reduce energy costs and serve as recreation for children and habitat for wildlife. Given the value of trees, it is wise to put consideration into their selection, planting and maintenance. Regardless of its background, any tree suffers a certain amount of 'transplanting stress' during the period between planting and establishment. It may take several years after planting for a tree to regenerate a balanced root system. Once established, most trees require very little care. However, site preparation, planting technique and post-planting maintenance will all influence the establishment rate. When planting a tree, the main objective is to place a plant that is capable of growing roots rapidly into soil providing a good root growth environment. Many factors influence a tree's ability to grow roots.New 9/04; Reviewed 1/12/1.5M

    Selecting landscape plants : uncommon trees for specimen planting (2008)

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    Reviewed and reprinted 6/08/5M

    Pruning ornamental trees and shrubs (2009)

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    "New 8/09/2M.""Master Gardener.

    Tree placement on home grounds (2012)

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    Trees properly selected and placed can add more in livability and value to the home than any other single landscape feature. They grow continually and are ever-changing. You will never tire of looking at them. Trees around homes provide beauty, but their more practical function is to fulfill needs and solve problems in the home landscape. Trees solve landscape problems by providing framing and background. Trees also improve the appearances of our homes. They can help to absorb noise, freshen the atmosphere, serve as windbreaks, provide privacy, protect, shade, shelter and divide grounds into several use areas. Home landscapes are not, and should not be, identical. Therefore, the same kind of tree cannot be used for the same purpose on every lot. To get the most from your trees, follow these guidelines: Determine where trees will serve the greatest benefit. ; Select trees that fit locations and fulfill needs best. ; Properly plant, care for and maintain trees.Reviewed 1/12/1.5M

    Pruning and care of shade trees (2004)

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    A healthy tree planted where it has room to grow to its natural size and form may need little or no pruning after it becomes established. Yearly pruning during the first few years after planting will often help the tree to become established and to develop a structure that is both strong and aesthetically pleasing. Occasional pruning may be required throughout the life of the tree to remove broken, dead or dying branches or those interfering with pedestrian or automobile traffic. However, once established, most shade trees need not be pruned on a regular schedule.Revised 5/99; Reviewed and reprinted 10/04/5M

    Selecting landscape plants : flowering trees (2010)

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    New 10/94; Reviewed 4/10/1M
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