10 research outputs found

    Berry quality of hybrid grapevine (Vitis) cultivars grown in the field and in a polytunnel

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effect of vineyard location and cultivation system (polytunnel compared to field) on hybrid grapevine berry quality in cold climate conditions. The study was conducted with the hybrid grapevine cultivars ‘Hasanski Sladki’, ‘Zilga’ and ‘Supaga’. Experimental vineyards were located at different sites in a polytunnel and in the field. Soluble solids content ranged from 13.8 to 25.4 °Brix. For all cultivars cultivation in the tunnel had a positive effect on soluble solids content for two experimental years out of three. Acid content was high, ranging from 1.04 to 1.76 g 100 g-1 FW. Growing ‘Zilga’ and ‘Supaga’ in the tunnel reduced titratable acid content every year but for ‘Hasanski Sladki’ in two years. Phenolic content ranged from 53 to 540 g 100 g-1 FW and anthocyanin from 30 to 162 mg 100 g-1 FW. Accumulation of phenols and anthocyanins were affected by location and cultivation methods. For ‘Hasanski Sladki’ in the tunnel, cultivation had a positive effect on phenolic content but for ‘Zilga’ not in every year

    KeskkonnasÀÀstlikud kasvatustehnoloogiad aianduses

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    Tutvustatakse keskkonnasÔbralike tehnoloogiate uurimistulemusi aianduses

    Kasvatustehnoloogiate mÔju mustika (Vaccinium), vaarika ja pampli (Rubus) produktiivsusele ning viljade kvaliteedile

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    The main aims of the investigation were to evaluate the effect of fertilizers, mulches (peat, sawdust, plastic) and environmental condition on growth, yield and chemical composition of some berry cultures. It can be concluded that fertilizers lowered soil pH to a level suitable for good growth and yield of a lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.). Soil acidity increased when elemental sulphur was used, but on loamy sand soil with light texture this treatment did not increase plant productivity. Mulches influenced winter hardiness, productivity and mycorrhizal colonization of the half-highbush blueberry (V. corymbosum x V. angustifolium) cultivars. The plants had the best growth and yield in variants where peat mulch was used. Peat amendment in the soil increased plant growth and the average yield was 68 % higher with mulch addition. Cultivation methods influenced the chemical content of Rubus (R. idaeus L. and R. fruticosus coll.) fruit: fruit from the plants grown without mulch contain more soluble solids. The berries of bilberry (V. myrtillus L.) contain more anthocyanin, total energy value is very low. ’Northblue’ half-highbush blueberry have berries with a low level of fat, protein, anthocyanin and vitamins. The berries of ’Northcountry’ contain more folic acid and riboflavin. The cultivation on peat soil increases the content of water, protein, titratable acidity, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and pyridoxine. However, pyridoxal content decreases on the peat soil. We can recommend N-Tester for the evaluation of blueberry plant. In our experiment a strong relationship between chlorophyll meter readings and nutrients content in leaves, plant growth and yield was indicated. Uurimistöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli vĂ€lja selgitada vĂ€etiste, multĆĄide (turvas, saepuru, kile) ja kasvukoha mĂ”ju mĂ”nede marjakultuuride kasvule, saagikusele ja viljade keemilisele koostisele. VĂ€etised alandasid mulla pH- d ja seelĂ€bi paranes ahtalehise mustika (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) taimede kasv ja saagikus. Mulla happelisus suurenes vÀÀvli kasutamisel, kuid kerge lĂ”imisega liivsavi mulla puhul ei suurendanud see mustikataimede produktiivsus. MultĆĄimine mĂ”jutas oluliselt poolkĂ”rge mustika (V. corymbosum x V. angustifolium) taimede talvekindlust, kasvu, saagikust ning mĂŒkoriisaseentega nakatumist. Parima produktiivsusega olid taimed turbamultĆĄi puhul. Turba lisamine mullale parandas mustikataimede produktiivsust keskmiselt 68%. Kasvatusviis mĂ”jutas vaarika(Rubus idaeus L.) ja pampli (R. fruticosus coll.) keemilist koostist: suurema mahla kuivaine sisaldusega viljad saadi multĆĄita kasvanud taimedelt. Hariliku mustika (V. myrtillus L.) vilju iseloomustas kĂ”rge antotsĂŒaanide sisaldus ning vĂ€ike energeetiline vÀÀrtus. ’Northblue’ viljad olid suured, kuid rasva, proteiinide, antotsĂŒaanide ja vitamiinide sisaldus oli vĂ€iksem. Sordi ’Northcountry’ viljades oli rohkem vitamiine B2 ja B9. Turvasmullal, ammendatud freesturbavĂ€ljal, kasvanud taimede marjad sisaldasid rohkem vett, valke, orgaanilisi happeid, riboflaviini, nikotiinhapet ja pĂŒridoksiini. Taimede seisukorra hindamiseks kasutati edukalt kaasaskantavat klorofĂŒllmeetrit N-tester (SPAD 500), kusjuures tĂ€heldati tugevat seost klorofĂŒllmeetri lugemi ja lehe toitainete sisalduse, taimede kasvuparameetrite ning saagikuse vahel

    Influence of soil type on half-highbush blueberry productivity

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the influence of mineral and peat soil condition on the growth, yield and nutrient uptake of some half-highbush blueberry cultivars. The peat soil experimental site was located in a harvested (milled) peat field. Four half-highbush blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) cultivars (five- and six-year-old plants) were used in the experiment: ‘Aino’, ‘Alvar’, ‘Arne’, and ‘Northblue’. Environmental conditions exercised a considerable influence on biological processes of half-highbush blueberry, at the same time, a genotype-based variation was observed. Cultivar ‘Northblue’ had a higher yield in mineral soil and ‘Aino’ had the highest yield in peat soil considering the average of two years. The peat soil condition in the harvested peat field provided a better supply of nutrients for blueberry bushes compared to mineral soil and this, in its turn, secured better growth and a higher yield of blueberry bushes

    Influence of soil type on half-highbush blueberry productivity

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    Effect of NPK fertilization and elemental sulphur on growth and yield of lowbush blueberry

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    The aim of the research was to determine the effect of fertilizers on the pH of former arable soils and on the growth and the yield of the lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.). Lowbush blueberry fertilization experiments were established in 1999 at two locations at KĂ€rla, Saaremaa, West Estonia and at Vasula, Tartu County, South Estonia. Experimental sites were situated on different soils: soil pHKCl at KĂ€rla was 5.5 and at Vasula 6.2. Elemental sulphur and acidifying fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate and superphosphate) were used in both plantations. Fertilizers were applied based on nutrient in the soil and sulphur was applied at 100 g m 2. Plant growth was recorded in 2001, 2002 and 2003. A positive influence of NPK fertilization on yield was found in both KĂ€rla and Vasula, and yield were 336 g and 41 g higher compared to the control, respectively. The vegetative growth and yield of blueberry depended significantly on soil pH. Elemental sulphur increased soil acidity and on loamy sand soil did not increase plant productivity. The sulphur effect on soil pH began to decrease three years after application. Sulphur can be recommended to increase soil acidity in nutrient-rich soil but, not nutrient poor soil with light texture, where only NPK fertilizers were effective.vo

    Technological maturity of hybrid vine (Vitis) fruits under Estonian climate conditions

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    Vine growing is gaining popularity around the Baltic Sea and the production of commercial wine is also increasing in Estonia. The aims of the experiment were: evaluate the suitability of different grape cultivars for growing in Estonian climate according to Heliothermal Index; determine the wine grapes technological maturity of ‘Hasansky Sladky’, ‘Zilga’ and ‘Rondo’ over 10 years; determine the effect of vineyard locations with different cultivation systems (polyethylene tunnel and field) on wine grapes technological maturity and acids composition of ‘Rondo’. In the field conditions, the soluble solids content ranged from 12.0 to 21.2 °Brix. Titratable acids content ranged from 6.5 to 22.7 g L−1 and the pH was between 2.8 and 3.9. Growing ‘Rondo’ in tunnel increased soluble solids and decreased total acids content. Tartaric acid content ranged from 3.6 to 5.5 g L−1 in field and from 3.7 to 4.3 g L−1 in the tunnel. In the field, malic acid in grapes was significantly higher (5.2–7.8 g L−1) when compared to grapes grown under tunnel conditions (1.9–3.6 g L−1). Estonia is classified as a region with very cool climate for vine cultivation. The latter indicates to the existence of the heliothermal potential for growing early cultivars

    Comparison of Regular Atmospheric Storage versus Modified Atmospheric Packaging on Postharvest Quality of Organically Grown Lowbush and Half-Highbush Blueberries

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of modified atmosphere (MA) packages on the external quality of organically grown lowbush blueberry and half-highbush blueberry (’Northblue’) and the nutritional value of the fruits. Fruits were divided into plastic punnets and stored as follows: regular atmosphere (RA), punnets without packing; punnets sealed in a low-density polyethylene (LDPE, Estiko) bag; punnets sealed in an Xtend® blueberry bag (Stepac). Fruits were stored at 3 ± 1 °C. Compared to RA conditions, the Xtend® package prolonged the postharvest life for 15 days for lowbush and 9 days for half-highbush blueberries. Fruit dry matter (DM) and titratable acidity (TA) were higher in the Xtend® package. Fruit SSC decreased in the LDPE packages and increased in the Xtend® packages during storage. Based on the decreased soluble solids content (SSC) and titratable acidity (TA) ratio (SSC:TA) values during storage, it can be concluded that the taste of the fruits became sourer in all packages. Anthocyanin biosynthesis of lowbush blueberries was suppressed in MA, but this effect was not noticed for ‘Northblue’. Regarding fruit firmness, shrivelling, and decay, there were significant differences between the MA packages, but the genetic differences were more important: half-highbush blueberry fruits were firmer and less shrivelled