59 research outputs found

    Pathological and Non-pathological Irregularities of Nystagmus

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    Irregularities of nystagmus can be found almost in every electronystagmographic record, but only a few are pathological. In this investigation, the authors try to define the border line between pathological and nonpathological irregularities of nystagmus and according to this measure the diagnostic use of findings of irregularities of nystagmus


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    Autori u radu nastoje dati pregled programa Erasmus+ i mogućnosti razmjene u svrhu studiranja i obavljanja stručne prakse u inozemstvu u području visokog obrazovanja. U radu se analizira utjecaj programa Erasmus+ na turizam mladih, odnosno njegov utjecaj na studente i njihov doprinos turističkoj i ostalim djelatnostima zemlje u kojoj su odlučili boraviti. U radu je prikazan nastanak i razvoj programa Erasmus+ te je također izložena usporedba sudionika programa Erasmus za razdoblje od 1987. do 2019. godine. Konačno, poseban dio rada posvećen je i novonastaloj situaciji uzrokovanoj pandemijom COVID-19 i njezinom utjecaju na inozemnu razmjenu studenata i mobilnost mladih

    Upravljanje mernom opremom pri maloserijskoj proizvodnji

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    Successfully managing in laboratory only depends on the personnel and equipment used in special use. The laboratory must have the necessary equipment which must be regularly calibrated. Employees must be completely familiar with the testing methodology, they must know the document the quality system, to be familiar with the rules of the laboratory. The paper describes the procedure by which a monitor measuring equipment operating in the manufacturing process. .UspeŔno upravljanje laboratorijom isključivo zavisi od kadra i opreme koja se koristi u namenske svrhe. Laboratorija mora da ima neophodnu opremu koja mora biti redovno etalonirana. Zaposleni moraju biti potpuno upoznati sa metodologijom ispitivanja, moraju da poznaju dokumenta sistema kvaliteta, da budu upoznati sa pravilima rada u laboratoriji. U radu je opisana procedura kojom se prati rukovanje mernom opremom u procesu proizvodnje.

    Characterization of PDMS membranes fabricated by bulkmicromachining on silicon wafers

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    In this paper we proposed microfabrication scheme for PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) thin membrane fabrication on Si micromachined cavities with square cross section. PDMS network samples for this research were synthesized with the same composition, which are Sylgard 184 (Dow Corning, USA) silicone elastomer base and silicone elastomer curing agent, volume ratio 10:1. Mechanical testing of PDMS elastic properties and bond strength between membranes and oxidized Si wafers, were investigated applying pressurized bulge testing In this paper experimentally determined dependence of the PDMS membrane deflection on pressure load for different membrane thicknesses and sizes of square cavities in Si wafers are given. Also, the influence of different types of Si wafer structuring by anisotropic wet chemical etching on membrane bonding strength were considered

    Upravljanje mernom opremom pri maloserijskoj proizvodnji

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    Successfully managing in laboratory only depends on the personnel and equipment used in special use. The laboratory must have the necessary equipment which must be regularly calibrated. Employees must be completely familiar with the testing methodology, they must know the document the quality system, to be familiar with the rules of the laboratory. The paper describes the procedure by which a monitor measuring equipment operating in the manufacturing process. .UspeŔno upravljanje laboratorijom isključivo zavisi od kadra i opreme koja se koristi u namenske svrhe. Laboratorija mora da ima neophodnu opremu koja mora biti redovno etalonirana. Zaposleni moraju biti potpuno upoznati sa metodologijom ispitivanja, moraju da poznaju dokumenta sistema kvaliteta, da budu upoznati sa pravilima rada u laboratoriji. U radu je opisana procedura kojom se prati rukovanje mernom opremom u procesu proizvodnje.

    Optimization of abrasive waterjet machining process parameters

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    Currently, more than 50 000 different construction materials are available on the market and that number is increasing. Many new materials are often difficult to machine with conventional methods that are currently dominating in production facilities, so the industry is more and more turning to nonā€“traditional machining processes such as abrasive waterjet cutting (AWJC). With the exceptional capabilities that it provides, abrasive waterjet cutting has disadvantages such as surface roughness and striation marks on the cutting surface, which represents a limitation for further application in production. The experimental part of the paper focuses on the verification of the thesis whether conventional material process technologies can be replaced with the abrasive waterjet cutting technology under certain conditions, while maintaining the required quality of the machined surface and productivity. An analysis of the influence of the selected cutting parameters and an optimization of the model was performed on the specimens from the AISI 316L steel on the cutting depth of 25 mm. The results obtained by optimization showed that abrasive waterjet cutting can replace conventional technologies and achieve the required values of the machined surface

    The Use of Ultrasound in Determining the Length of the Provox II Voice Prosthesis

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    The use of speech prosthesis after total laryngectomy has become an international standard for voice restoration today. Provox II voice prosthesis is not permanently inserted, and as such, it must meet the criterion of achieving prolonged retention time within the walls of tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF). Complications after the insertion of speech prosthesis are familiar and anticipated but efforts are being made in order to reduce them. Part of the complications is caused by inadequate choice of the length of the prosthesis. The Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery in Rijeka conducted a study which included 91 patients in the period from 01.01.2004. to 31.12.2010. We used ultrasound and computerized neck tomography on 58 (63.7%) patients in preoperative procedure through which we determined the length of the subsequent TE fistula. At the same time we used this opportunity to specify the length of the speech prosthesis we have inserted primarily or secondary. The number of respondents who had complications, and with whom we used neck ultrasound during preoperative procedure in order to determine the length of the prosthesis, was significantly smaller than the number of respondents who had complications but with whom we did not use the above mentioned procedure (5.6% vs. 15.5%, p=0.042). Comparing our results to other studies, we believe that we managed to reduce the number of complications caused by inadequate length of the prosthesis, by routine preoperative use of neck ultrasound. This procedure has extended the median retention time of the prosthesis within the TE fistula, thus improving the results of speech restoration using voice prosthesis on laryngectomized patients

    Juvenile Angiofibroma of the Maxillary Sinus

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    Juvenile angiofibromas are benign fibro-vascular tumours of the nasopharynx that develop in prepubertal and adolescent males. Typical symptoms are longstanding unilateral nasal obstruction occasionally followed by epistaxes and frequent severe intraoperative haemorrhage of the discovered mass.We report the case of a 14-year-old boy histologically diagnosed with a juvenile angiofibroma in spite of the atypical localisation of the polyploid mass of the left maxillary sinus
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