1,129 research outputs found

    Additional extensions to the NASCAP computer code, volume 1

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    Extensions and revisions to a computer code that comprehensively analyzes problems of spacecraft charging (NASCAP) are documented. Using a fully three dimensional approach, it can accurately predict spacecraft potentials under a variety of conditions. Among the extensions are a multiple electron/ion gun test tank capability, and the ability to model anisotropic and time dependent space environments. Also documented are a greatly extended MATCHG program and the preliminary version of NASCAP/LEO. The interactive MATCHG code was developed into an extremely powerful tool for the study of material-environment interactions. The NASCAP/LEO, a three dimensional code to study current collection under conditions of high voltages and short Debye lengths, was distributed for preliminary testing

    The Liar and the Loophole: Corporate Character Evidence and Impeachment

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    The Federal Rules of Evidence limit the use of propensity character evidence to specific instances, including the impeachment of a witness. The character evidence rules focus textually on individuals, and it is unclear whether they apply to corporations. This note examines whether Rule 404, which prohibits propensity character evidence, and Rule 608, which makes an exception for the purposes of impeachment, apply to corporations. It explores whether corporations can possess character for the purposes of the Rules, examines how corporate vicarious testimony affects impeachment, and investigates whether the rationales for the character evidence rules are applicable to corporations. This note concludes that Rules 404 and 608 should be amended to include corporations, so that corporations testifying vicariously through representatives can be held accountable at trial for prior dishonest acts

    Additional extensions to the NASCAP computer code, volume 2

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    Particular attention is given to comparison of the actural response of the SCATHA (Spacecraft Charging AT High Altitudes) P78-2 satellite with theoretical (NASCAP) predictions. Extensive comparisons for a variety of environmental conditions confirm the validity of the NASCAP model. A summary of the capabilities and range of validity of NASCAP is presented, with extensive reference to previously published applications. It is shown that NASCAP is capable of providing quantitatively accurate results when the object and environment are adequately represented and fall within the range of conditions for which NASCAP was intended. Three dimensional electric field affects play an important role in determining the potential of dielectric surfaces and electrically isolated conducting surfaces, particularly in the presence of artificially imposed high voltages. A theory for such phenomena is presented and applied to the active control experiments carried out in SCATHA, as well as other space and laboratory experiments. Finally, some preliminary work toward modeling large spacecraft in polar Earth orbit is presented. An initial physical model is presented including charge emission. A simple code based upon the model is described along with code test results

    Description and growth of larval and pelagic juvenile pygmy rockfish (Sebastes wilsoni) (family Sebastidae)

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    A developmental series of larval and pelagic juvenile pygmy rockfish (Sebastes wilsoni) from central California is illustrated and described. Sebastes wilsoni is a non- commercially, but ecologically, important rockfish, and the ability to differentiate its young stages will aid researchers in population abundance studies. Pigment patterns, meristic characters, morphometric measurements, and head spination were recorded from specimens that ranged from 8.1 to 34.4 mm in standard length. Larvae were identified initially by meristic characters and the absence of ventral and lateral midline pigment. Pelagic juveniles developed a prominent pigment pattern of three body bars that did not extend to the ventral surface. Species identification was confirmed subsequently by using mitochondrial sequence data of four representative specimens of various sizes. As determined from the examination of otoliths, the growth rate of larval and pelagic juvenile pygmy rockfish was 0.28 mm/day, which is relatively slow in comparison to the growth rate of other species of Sebastes. These data will aid researchers in determining species abundance

    Analysis of the charging of the SCATHA (P78-2) satellite

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    The charging of a large object in polar Earth orbit was investigated in order to obtain a preliminary indication of the response of the shuttle orbiter to such an environment. Two NASCAP (NASA Charging Analyzer Program) models of SCATHA (Satellite Charging at High Altitudes) were used in simulations of charging events. The properties of the satellite's constituent materials were compiled and representations of the experimentally observed plasma spectra were constructed. Actual charging events, as well as those using test environments, were simulated. Numerical models for the simulation of particle emitters and detectors were used to analyze the operation of these devices onboard SCATHA. The effect of highly charged surface regions on the charging conductivity within a photosheath was used to interpret results from the onboard electric field experiment. Shadowing calculations were carried out for the satellite and a table of effective illuminated areas was compiled

    Molecular random tilings as glasses

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    We have recently shown [Blunt et al., Science 322, 1077 (2008)] that p-terphenyl-3,5,3',5'-tetracarboxylic acid adsorbed on graphite self-assembles into a two-dimensional rhombus random tiling. This tiling is close to ideal, displaying long range correlations punctuated by sparse localised tiling defects. In this paper we explore the analogy between dynamic arrest in this type of random tilings and that of structural glasses. We show that the structural relaxation of these systems is via the propagation--reaction of tiling defects, giving rise to dynamic heterogeneity. We study the scaling properties of the dynamics, and discuss connections with kinetically constrained models of glasses.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The external ear morphology and presence of tragi in Australian marsupials

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    Multiple studies have described the anatomy and function of the external ear (pinna) of bats, and other placental mammals, however, studies of marsupial pinna are largely absent. In bats, the tragus appears to be especially important for locating and capturing insect prey. In this study, we aimed to investigate the pinnae of Australian marsupials, with a focus on the presence/absence of tragi and how they may relate to diet. We investigated 23 Australian marsupial species with varying diets. The pinnae measurements (scapha width, scapha length) and tragi (where present) were measured. The interaural distance and body length were also recorded for each individual. Results indicated that all nectarivorous, carnivorous, and insectivorous species had tragi with the exception of the insectivorous striped possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata), numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), and nectarivorous sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps). No herbivorous or omnivorous species had tragi. Based on the findings in this study, and those conducted on placental mammals, we suggest marsupials use tragi in a similar way to placentals to locate and target insectivorous prey. The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) displayed the largest interaural distance that likely aids in better localization and origin of noise associated with prey detection. In contrast, the smallest interaural distance was exhibited by a macropod. Previous studies have suggested the hearing of macropods is especially adapted to detect warnings of predators made by conspecifics. While the data in this study demonstrate a diversity in pinnae among marsupials, including presence and absence of tragi, it suggests that there is a correlation between pinna structure and diet choice among marsupials. A future study should investigate a larger number of individuals and species and include marsupials from Papua New Guinea, and Central and South America as a comparison