102 research outputs found

    The right to inclusive education for children with disabilities in the Republic of North Macedonia: opportunities and challenges

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    A child is a member of a vulnerable group in societies. Children's rights are equal for all children and they cannot be denied, because they are a birthright. However, throughout the world, children with disabilities and their families constantly experience a barrier in regard to the enjoyment of their basic human rights and to their inclusion in society. Their abilities are overlooked, their capacities are underestimated and their needs are given low priority. The barriers they face are more frequently a result of the environment in which they live rather than a result of their impairment. The situation began to change only when requirements to include disabled children in the education system were introduced in legislation. Following the example of other countries worldwide, the Republic of North Macedonia introduced inclusion of children with disabilities in the mainstream educational process, because the right to education is a right for all children, including the ones with special educational needs. For this purpose, the Republic of North Macedonia implemented a series of changes in the educational system for successful inclusion of children with special educational needs. Hence, the main aim of our paper is to represent the actual situation in Macedonian schools regarding the problem of educational inclusion of students with disabilities in the regular school system. The research methods are based on document studies and case studies about changes in social and educational policies for students with disabilities and special educational needs who are included in primary and secondary education. At the same time we shall present some guidelines for teachers who work with these children and future directions for a proper inclusion system in the Republic of North Macedonia, because every child has a fundamental right to education and must be given the opportunity to achieve and reach an acceptable level of learning. In this frame, school societies try to support full participation of students with disabilities in areas of their lives on equal terms, conditions, social justice and basic human rights

    The Therapeutic Effects of Lithium in Affective Disorders

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    Objective The main objective of this research was to explore the psychopathological aspects of affective disorder and the clinical effects of pharmacological treatment with lithium. Materials and Methods: The study involved 40 patientsts (26 females, 14 males) with an average age 45,5 years, hospitalized in the Psychiatric Hospital in Skopje and the Department of Psychiatry of Clinical Hospital in Tetovo, with a clinical diagnosis of affective disorder. The diagnosis of affective disorder is set against the classification DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorder). All subjects were under pharmacological treatment with lithium carbonats whose dose depends of the clinical subentitet, the beginning and duration of the disorder. Clinical-laboratory examinations included: history and clinical status, determination of serum lithium concentration. The serum lithium concentrations were measured by Ion-Selective Electrode (ISE) with the COBAS/INTEGRA 700 analyzer. Results: The results of the research show us that patient with acute phase of mania had higher concentration of lithium in serum compared with patients with bipolar affective psychosis. Also the patients who received combination theraoy (lithium/neuroleptic or antidepressant) mean values of lithium in serum range 1,89 mmol/L compared to patients who only used lithium whose mean values are 0,82 mmol/L. Pearson correlation between two groups was significantly significant at the level of 0,01. Conclusions: With the regular and continued use of lithium in affective disorders and good co-operation with the patient during the therapy could be reduced the relapses of the disease and improved the quality of life of the person. Key words: affective dosprder, lithium therapy, quality of lif

    Теориските аспекти на социометрискиот статус на учениците (отфрлени/прифатени) и неговото образовно значење

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    Живееме во време на егзистенцијални парадокси. Од една страна милиони луѓе гладуваат, а од друга страна непроценливо големи финансиски средства се трошат за вооружување и војни. Милиони луѓе живеат во социјална, културна и технолошка изолација, а на другата страна се развиваат нано технологии и се истражува свемирот. Глобализацијата продира во секој сегмент од човековиот живот и создава скоро неразрешливи дилеми за суштината на човековото опстојување. Во вакви услови општествата кои се стремат да ги достигнат целите на побогатите, подемократичните и похуманите често се соочуваат со проблеми од вредносен карактер. Отсуствува компатибилност меѓу реалниот живот, прокламираните училишни цели и вековните напори на семејството да го зачува својот воспитен интегритет. Трудот претставува преглед и анализа на теориски концепции и истражувачки наоди кои го актуелизираат и потврдуваат значењето на социјалната интеракција во ученичкиот колектив како детерминанта која може да влијае на квалитетот на социјалната интеракција во поширокиот општествен контекст. Постојат неотповикливи докази дека социометрискиот статус на учениците во ученичкиот колектив влијае на нивниот социјален, емоционален и когнитивен развој. Дека статусот на прифатеност и отфрленост се временски релативно стабилни и преносливи во други групи.Оттука се поставува потреба од воспоставување на нова парадигма која ќе промовира уште еден показател (социјална интеракција) за мерење на квалитетот на училишното образование

    Association between Bulimia Nervosa, Body Mass Index and Depression in Period of Puberty

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    Background: Obesity is a condition in which fat accumulates to the extent of having adverse effects on health. Overweight and obesity cause serious problems to health and once a high body mass index (BMI) is an important risk factor for variety of chronic conditions. Obese children and adolescents are openly discriminated in their professional and academic lives, increasing the risk for the development of psychiatric conditions in this population, such as depression, anxiety disorders or eating behaviors.  Objective: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the association between bulimia nervosa, body mass index and depression symptoms in the period of puberty.Methods: The survey was conducted among 401 adolescents (229 boys and 172 girls), aged between 13-15 years, in secondary schools in Pristine, Republic of Kosovo using the Eating Attitudes Test – EAT-26 and the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). At the same time we calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI): a parameter defines as the ration of human body weight and height. Results: Of the total number of students who filled survey (401) the highest percentage (57%) had BMI less than 18.5 kg/m2 while 172 (43%) had BMI of 18.5-25kg/m2. According to the EAT-26, 378 (95%) students had a EAT score indicating a possible diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. At the same time there was positive and significant relationships between body mass index, bulimic symptoms and depression at the level of p<.01.Conclusions: The current findings suggest that bulimic pathology is a great factor for depression among adolescents. Keywords: Obesity, Body Mass Index, Depression, Treatment, Puberty


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    The concept of the professional orientation means to care and help for the young person in deciding about the professional orientation in which he or she will develop considerably his/her working capabilities while a complete rationalization in the creating and expressing of the personality will be achieved. It is known that while the choice is made, which is important for the whole life there is a many factors that influence the person. Reaching the decision is especially difficult for the eight – graders, because they are in the period of developing in which the exterior factors have a major influence while they are making their decision about their future job (work).The basic aim of this research was to be seen if the professional orientation of students depends on their gender. The research is performed on samples of 67 students (examinees) from the eighth grade in several primary schools in Gostivar. The basic mean (instrument) that was used in the research was a Test of Professional Interests (TPI). The results of our research have shown that the greater number of the male students’ choice was A category (mechanical work) and G category (administration) while the female students were mostly interested in category I (social-medicinal work) and category H (educational and cultural work). The level of correlation between the gender and the professional interests is a level of significance of 0,01.The results confirm that professional interests and the selection of the future job (work) of the eight–graders depend on their gender, but also it depends on their personality and the exterior factors


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    The family and its important role in the development of the child is the inspiration for many types of research that have the intention to emphasize certain aspects of family life and the consequences of the family relations in the development of the children.The issue of this research is to find out if there is a connection between the conflict in the family, the divorce of the parents and self-concept in the children of early school age. The research is conducted on 30 children of single-parent families. The children of these single-parent families are children who have lived in families with conflicts and they have been direct or indirect participants in the conflict of the divorced parents.In the process of research, we applied projective techniques: Machover which consists of drawing a person’s figure, as well as a drawing a house and a tree-HTP (House-Tree-Person).The results are obtained through qualitative analysis and interpretation of each drawing particularly.During the investigation the relation between the variables, it is confirmed that there is a considerable connection between the conflict in the family, the divorce of the parents and the self-concept in children. It is confirmed, during the process that the children of divorced parents from negative self-concept. In children of single-parent families it is indicated that this group of children in relation to the psychological picture for themselves presented the following characteristics: lowered EGO, mechanisms for defense, feeling of insecurity, low self-confidence, aggressiveness, great virility, and caution

    Coronavirus COVID-19 disease, mental: health and psychosocial support

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    The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a particular and rare situation. COVID-19 has affected and is likely to affect people from many countries, in many geographical locations. We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, with cities and even entire countries shutting down. The coronavirus has affected nearly every aspect of our lives, from school to work, to sports, to where we eat and what we do. All these changes affected people physically, but also psychologically. It is understandable that during times like this, people may be feeling afraid, worried, anxious, and depressed due to the constantly changing alerts and media coverage regarding the spread of the virus. Hence, the main aim of our paper is to explore the linkage between the coronavirus COVID-19 disease and mental health conditions, such as stress, anxiety and depression. Everyone may experience fear of the consequences of the infection with a potentially fatal new virus, and might experience mental stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression. Based on experience from past global serious viral experiences, the development and implementation of mental health assessment, support, treatment, and services are crucial and pressing goals for the health response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Human beings have an incredible ability to adapt and survive, through altruistic and co-operative means. So for each one of us is important to look after ourselves and each other

    Nekoliko napomena o jeziku srednjovjekovnih hrvatskih crkvenoslavenskih spomenika

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    Chorvatská církevní slovanština je ve své nejstarší podobě (snad z 12. století) doložena ve dvou druzích textů, v těch, které jsou textologicky příbuzné s klasickými staroslověnskými překlady (některé části biblických textů) a které se v chorvatské tradici objevují prakticky v klasické staroslověnštině, a v těch, jejichž staroslověnský překlad neexistoval a které byly do chorvatské církevní slovanštiny přeloženy hlaholity (homilie, rituál, část biblických knih). Právě u těchto textů museli hlaholité použít jazyk – chorvatskou církevní slovanštinu, jejímž základem byl staroslověnský jazyk, kterému se hlaholité naučili z klasických staroslověnských památek, smíšený s okrajovými vlivy domácího jazyka a latinizačními tendencemi, které byly výsledkem přímého překládání textů z latiny bez opory v jakémkoli jiném staroslověnském překladu. Původní podobu jazyka z 12. stol. není snadné definovat, protože památky, které se nám dochovaly jsou většinou nejméně o sto let mladší, a proto poskytují, jak koliv je v nich zachována stará podoba jazyka, pouze přibližnou informaci o tom, jak vypadala chorvatská církevní slovanština aktivně používaná hlaholity. I v námi zpracovaných nejstarších kodexech (VB1 VAT VO) se vyskytují některé kroatismy, je však velmi těžké, ba nemožné posoudit, které náleží k původní jazykové vrstvě a které se do jazyka dostaly později (ve 13. a 14. stol.). Během svého vývoje (do 15. století) jazyk podlehl nejdříve latinizaci syntaktické, později (15. stol.) i lexikální a výraznější hláskoslovné kroatizaci.Hrvatski je crkvenoslavenski jezik u svom najstarijem obliku (vjerojatno od 12. st.) posvjedočen u dvije vrste tekstova, onima koji su tekstološki srodni klasičnim staroslavenskim prijevodima (neki dijelovi biblijskih tekstova) i koji se u hrvatskoj tradiciji pojavljuju praktično u klasičnom staroslavenskom obliku te u onima čiji staroslavenski prijevod nije postojao i koje su na hrvatski crkvenoslavenski preveli glagoljaši (homilije, ritual, dio biblijskih knjiga). Upravo u tim tekstovima morali su glagoljaši uporabiti hrvatski crkvenoslavenski jezik čija je osnova bio staroslavenski jezik, kojemu su se glagoljaši naučili iz klasičnih staroslavenskih spomenika, koji je bio pomiješan s rubnim utjecajem govornoga jezika i latinizirajućim tendencijama koje su posljedica izravnoga prevođenja teksta s latinskoga, bez uporišta bilo u kakvu drugom staroslavenskom prijevodu. Izvorni oblik jezika iz 12. st. nije lako odrediti jer su spomenici koji su se sačuvali većinom barem sto godina mlađi i jer daju, iako je u njima sačuvan stari oblik jezika, tek približnu sliku o tome kako je izgledao hrvatski crkvenoslavenski jezik kojim su se aktivno služili glagoljaši. I u najstarijim kodeksima koje smo obradili (VB1 VAT VO) pojavljuju se neki kroatizmi, ali je veoma teško, čak i nemoguće, prosuditi koji pripadaju izvornom jezičnom sloju, a koji su u jezik dospjeli kasnije (u 13. i 14. st.). Tijekom svojega razvoja (do 15. st.) jezik je najprije bio podvrgnut latinizaciji sintakse, a kasnije (15. st.) i leksičkoj i osobito glasovnoj kroatizaciji

    Presentation of some ancient Macedonian anthroponymy

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    Vo statijata se prika`uvaat desetina stari li~ni imiwa koi se zasvedo~eni vo toponimijata na makedonskiot jazi~en areal. Razgledanite antroponimi mu pripa|aat na najstariot antroponimiski fond na slovenskite jazici i nivnoto prezentirawe ima osoben prinos za zbogatuvaweto na re~ni~kiot sostav na praslovenskata antroponimiska leksika.The author presents old Macedonian anthroponymys: Bezgat, Bradovar, Višeglav, Volovid, Dragožil, Žegovit, Kolodej, Korobud, Ljudogost and Skorogod, which are confirmed in Macedonian language areal toponymy. The above – mentioned anthroponyms belong to the earliest anthroponimical corpus of Slavic languages and they had great importance in the enrichment of the proto-Slavic anthroponimical lexis