86 research outputs found

    Variability of Photosynthetic Parameters Inselected Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)Varieties

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    The aim of this study was to explain the genetic variability of seven varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and two varieties of triticale (hybrid wheat x rye) at unfertilized soil.The investigations included pigments content, leaf area, nitrogen content in the leaf, leaf and mesophyll thickness.Obtained results showed that there is a clear genetic variability in all tested components. Per study values for yield especially the prominent Lazarica genotype and both varieties hybrid species triticale – KG 20 and Knjaz,which also had the highest values for most parameters of productivity.Therefore, these genotypes of wheat can be recommend for organic production

    Characteristics of Germination and Biomass Production of Ocimum Basilicum L. Cultured In Vitro

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    The aim of this study was to investigate impact of nutrient medium on sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in vitro germination, early growth and biomass acumulation. Two different nutrient media (MS and B5 full and half of strait), most commonly used in tissue culture, demonstrated different impact on sweet basil. According to the results, B5 medium significantly outperformed all other media used in this study. We suggest that B5 medium are better for a variety of uses in sweet basil biotechnology, research and production system

    The Prognostic Effect of Circadian Blood Pressure Pattern on Long-Term Cardiovascular Outcome is Independent of Left Ventricular Remodeling

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    We aimed to investigate the predictive value of 24 h blood pressure (BP) patterns on adverse cardiovascular (CV) outcome in the initially untreated hypertensive patients during long-term follow-up. This study included 533 initially untreated hypertensive patients who were involved in this study in the period between 2007 and 2012. All participants underwent laboratory analysis, 24 h BP monitoring, and echocardiographic examination at baseline. The patients were followed for a median period of nine years. The adverse outcome was defined as the hospitalization due to CV events (atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction, myocardial revascularization, heart failure, stroke, or CV death). During the nine-year follow-up period, adverse CV events occurred in 85 hypertensive patients. Nighttime SBP, non-dipping BP pattern, LV hypertrophy (LVH), left atrial enlargement (LAE), and LV diastolic dysfunction (LV DD) were risk factors for occurrence of CV events. However, nighttime SBP, non-dipping BP pattern, LVH, and LV DD were the only independent predictors of CV events. When all four BP pattern were included in the model, non-dipping and reverse dipping BP patterns were associated with CV events, but only reverse-dipping BP pattern was independent predictor of CV events. The current study showed that reverse-dipping BP pattern was predictor of adverse CV events independently of nighttime SBP and LV remodeling during long-term follow-up. The assessment of BP patterns has very important role in the long-time prediction in hypertensive population

    The influence of communication satisfaction on job satisfaction - the case of employees in the Republic of Serbia

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    Communication is one of the processes that take place within a company. However, employees may be more or less satisfied with the communication that takes place in their work environment. Thus, if employees are satisfied with communication inside their company, such communication satisfaction can be expected to have a positive impact on job satisfaction (JS). Employee JS can initiate many other positive consequences in terms of their attitudes and behaviors. One way to achieve this is to increase satisfaction with internal communication. Starting from the above-mentioned, the subject matter of this paper is to examine the relationship between communication satisfaction (CS) and JS on the example of employees in companies in the Republic of Serbia. This research study is aimed at determining whether there is a connection between these phenomena or not. The sample consists of 202 employees. The results of the study have shown that the bivariate correlation between CS and JS is positive. In addition, the results of the study have shown that several dimensions of CS have a statistically significant impact on employee J

    Analiza koncentracije toksičnih i esencijalnih elementa (as, cd, cu, cr, hg, ni, pb, sr, zn) u zooplanktonu sa šaranskog ribnjaka

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    U poslednjih 20 godina zagađivanje slatkovodnih ekosistema toksičnim elementima je u porastu širom sveta. Zagađenjem su pogođeni pre svega izvori za vodosnabdevanje stanovništva i životno okruženje, ali i industrija kao i privreda uopšte. Međutim zbog perzistentnosti i transfera kroz lance ishrane i potencijalnog akumuliranja u ribama i drugim vodenim organizmima koji se koriste u ishrani, toksični elementi predstavljaju stalnu pretnju ljudskom zdravlju. Zagađivanje naših reka teškim metalima nameće pitanje ne samo zdravstvene ispravnosti riba iz reka već i riba iz ribnjaka obzirom da se većina šaranskih ribnjaka napaja vodom iz sistema kanala DTD. Cilj ove studije je bio da se analizira koncentracija 9 elemenata u zooplanktonu koji predstavlja značajnu prirodnu hranu šarana u poluintenzivnom sistemu gajenja. Istraživanje je obavljeno na 4 ribnjačka objekta, tokom dva ciklusa gajenja šarana, od juna do oktobra, na ribnjaku „Despotovo“. Uzorci zooplanktona za analizu elemenata su uzimani sa tri tačke u svakom jezeru pomoću planktonske mrežice veličine 250 µm jednom mesečno. Na ovaj način su sakupljene samo krupnije veličinske klase zooplanktona (Cladocera i Copepoda), koje šaranska mlađ najviše konzumira. Sa svakog jezera je uziman po još jedan uzorak zooplanktona za kvantitativnu i taksonomsku analizu. Koncentracija elemenata je analizirana induktivno spregnutom plazma masenom (ICP-MS) i optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom (ICP-OES). Rezultati su obrađeni jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse (ANOVA) u statističkom programu PAST 3.06. Značajnost razlika testirana je primenom Tukey’s post hoc testa. Podaci su klasifikovani na prolećni, letnji i jesenji aspekt tokom jednog proizvodnog ciklusa. Cladocera su dominirale u populaciji zooplanktona, osim u junu kada su Copepoda bile zastupljenije. Iako nije bilo značajnih razlika u koncentraciji elemenata između godina, osim za Cu i Sr, uočen je karakterističan sezonski obrazac kretanja koncentracija elemenata tokom celog istraživanja. Prolećni i jesenji aspekti u 2012 su bili veći nego u 2013, dok je letnji aspekt u 2013 bio viši nego u 2012. godini. Izuzetak je bila koncentracija Zn u zooplanktonu gde je situacija bila obrnuta. Povišene vrednosti većine toksičnih metala u zooplanktonu na ribnjaku Despotovo se mogu objasniti relativno velikim afinitetom egzoskeleta Cladocera za većinu dvovalentih jona. Nakon adsorbcije elementi na površini ljuštura ovih životinja, tokom vremena bivaju absorbovani kroz telesni zid u unutrašnje organe. Neke studije čak navode da površinski akumulirani kontaminanti na plenu mogu biti dostupniji predatorima od onih akumuliranih u tkivima, zbog niskog pH i visokog nivoa jonske kompleksacije koji vladaju na mestu abstorpcije, u digestivnom traktu većine životinja, Ovi rezultati nameću zaključak da je u budućim istraživanjima kontaminacije vodenih ekosistema i riba poželjno uključiti analize ne samo vode kao izvora toksičnih elemenata, već i odgovarajućih izvora hrane (plena) koji, kako je pokazano, sadrži potencijal ne samo za značajnu akumulaciju elemenata već i njihovu potencijalnu veću biodostupnost konzumentima

    Antioksidativna aktivnost vrsta Mentha longifolia, M. piperita i M. pulegium (Lamiaceae)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the quantity of total phenolics including flavonoids, as well as the antioxidant activity of extracts from the aboveground parts from species of the genus Mentha L. (M.piperita, M.pulegium and M.longifolia). The tested plant species characterized high content of secondary metabolites. In addition, correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant activity is observed. The highest concentration of flavonoids was obtained in acethonic extracts. The highest content of total fenolics, as well as highest antioxidant activity was recorded in methanolic extracts from M. pulegium. The species M. piperita, M. pulegium i M. longifolia can be regarded as promising sources of components with biological properties.Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje količine ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja, kao i flavonoida i antioksidativne aktivnosti ekstrakata nadzemnih delova odabranih vrsta roda Mentha L. (M. piperita, M. pulegium i M. longifolia). Vrste karakteriše visoka koncentracija sekundarnih metabolita, pri čemu je uočena veza izmedju količine fenolnih jedinjenja i antioksidativne aktivnosti. Najveća količina flavonoida dobijena je u acetonskim ekstraktima ispitivanih vrsta. Najveća količina ukupnih fenola, takođe i najveća antioksidativna aktivnost, zabeležena je u metanolnom ekstraktu vrste M. pulegium. Vrste M. piperita, M. pulegium i M. longifolia mogu se smatrati značajnim izvorima bioaktivnih komponenti

    Efekat formi i koncentracija azota na rastenje i sadržaj pigmenata Ocimum basilicum L. u kulturi in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of nitrogen on the growth and concentration of photosynthetic pigments of Ocimum basilicum L. cultured in vitro. Six media were used for research, which differed in form and concentration of nitrogen. According to the obtained results, a significant effect on the roots and shoots length, as well as the concentration of chlorophyll and carotenoids had a nitrate form of nitrogen in contrast to the combination of nitric and ammonium forms. Based on obtained results, it is recommended cultivation basil plants inmedia withpotassium nitrate.Cilj istraživanja obuhvata utvrđivanje uticaja azota na rast i koncentraciju fotosintetičkih pigmenata bosiljaka (Ocimum basilicum L.) proizvedenog u kulturi in vitro. Za istraživanjeje upotrebljenošesthranljivih podloga, koje su se razlikovale po formi i koncentraciji azota. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, značajniji efekat na rast i koncentraciju hlorofila i karotenoida imala je nitratna forma azota u odnosu na kombinaciju nitratne i amonijačne forme. Utvrđeno je da je u procesu gajenja bosiljka kalijum-nitrat pogodan za oplemenjavanje zemljišta


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    The paper presents the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of allergenic plants in the urban area of the Kragujevac city. The ecological characteristics of these plants were determined through ecological index and life forms. During the conducted floristic study, the presence of 78 allergenic plants was determined. Half of the recorded allergenic plant species are woody ornamental plant species. Floristic analysis shows that the allergenic plants are from the Pinophyta and Magnoliophyta divisions from 19 families, most commonly conifers and grasses.Publishe

    Biološka aktivnost vrste Petrorhagia Saxifraga (L.) Link (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Antioxidant activity, total concentration of phenolic compounds and flavonoids were analyzed in water, methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of the species Petrorhagia saxifraga. Total concentration of phenolics ranged from 41,21 to 48,50 mg GA/g of the extract. The concentration of flavonoids varied from 24,64 to 69,67 mg RU/g of the extract. The greatest quantity of phenolic compounds was observed in the ethyl acetate extract, whereas the analyses showed that the methanolic extract contained the highest concentration of flavonoids. The values for antioxidant activity ranged from 874,56 to 672,33 µg/ml. The highest IC50 values were observed in the ethyl acetate extract.Antioksidativna aktivnost, količina ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja i flavonoida analizirani su spektrofotometrijskim metodama u vodenom, metanolnom i etil acetatnom ekstraktu vrste Petrorhagia saxifraga (L.) Link (Caryophyllaceae). Količina ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja je u opsegu od 41,21 do 48,50 mg GA/g ekstrakta. Koncentracija flavonoida je opsegu od 24,64 do 69,67 mg RU/g ekstrakta. Najveća količina ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja izmerena je u etil acetatnom ekstraktu, dok je najveća količina flavonoida izmerena u metanolnom ekstraktu. Antioksidativna aktivnost je u opsegu od 874,56 do 672,33 µg/ml. Najvišu antioksidativnu aktivnost ispoljava etil acetatni ekstrakt, za koji je utvrđena i najveća količina ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja