76 research outputs found

    Zdravstveno stanje teladi i krava holŔtajn frizijske rase u puerperijumu (pregled istraživanja)

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    Intensive cattle farming covers a wide range of technological processes that should enable continued production and optimal use of production capacity. In such circumstances newborn calves have to adapt to different environmental factors, including diet. The technology of growing calves diet was initially based exclusively on a diet of colostrum and then milk. After that, the food introduced other feed (hay, feed mixture), but after three months the milk completely excluded from the diet. For high - dairy cows metabolic disorders such as ketosis, fatty liver syndrome, puerperal paresis, rumen acidosis, laminitis, have been caused by many factors, such as non adequate nutrition nutrition, poor housing conditions and care. Prophylactic treatment of metabolic disorders is done with adequate nutrition that needs to be matched by production meal and product category with health control cows.Intenzivan uzgoj goveda obuhvata niz tehnoloÅ”kih postupaka koji treba da omoguće kontinuiranu proizvodnju i optimalno koriŔćenje proizvodnih kapaciteta. U takvim uslovima novorođena telad moraju da se prilagode na različite činioce okoline, uključujući i način ishrane. U tehnologiji uzgoja teladi ishrana je u početku bazirana isključivo na ishrani kolostrumom, a potom mlekom. Nakon toga se u hranu uvode druga hraniva (seno, krmna smeÅ”a), da bi se posle tri meseca mleko potpuno isključilo iz ishrane. Kod visoko mlečnih kava metabolički poremećaji kao Å”to su ketoza, sindrom masne jetre, puerperalna pareza, acidoza buraga, laminitis, su posledica uticaja mnogih činilaca, kao Å”to su neizbalnsirana ishrana, loÅ”i usovi držanja i nege. Profilaksa metaboličkih poremećaja krava se obavlja ishranom koja treba da bude usklađena prema proizvodnom obroku i proizvodnoj kategoriji uz stalnu kontrolu zdravlja

    Otpornost na kontrolisani termalni stres i tolerancija na zamrzavanje spermatozoida dve grupe nerastova

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    The aim of this study was to find out is it possible to presume success of boars sperm cryopreservation, based on controlled exposure to heat stress and to investigate in vitro quality parameters of frozen/thawed sperm of previously selected 6 boars with good results (group 1) and 6 boars (group 2) with bad results on thermo resistance test (TT). In this investigation, ejaculates of 12 chosen of 75 AI boars (Landrace, Large White, Pietrain and Durock breeds) from SVC Velika Plana (Serbia) were used. Tolerance to heat stress was performed by Schaetz (1963) method. Ejaculates were extended with Androhep plus (1:1) and kept during 60 minutes on 41oC. In cryopreservation of boars semen Westendorf et al. (1975) method, modified by Bwanga et al. (1990). Very significant changes of progressive motility rate were observed after spermatozoa exposure to controlled thermal stress. High correlation coefficient of progressive motility rate of both groups of boars, but higher in group 2 for progressive motility rate after thawing and after heat stress treatment was established. Average progressive motility rate of all 12 boars did not differ before and after thawing. Presence of boars of all breeds represented in the SVC (Large White, Landrace, Duroc and Pietrain) in both quality groups confirms the assumption that suitability for cryopreservation of sperm is individual trait. According data analysis, sperm deep freezing success requires previous selection for potential donors, which have to be consider standard quality parameters testing and controlled stress exposure tests.Cilj rada je da se ustanovi da li moguće odrediti da li je sperma nerasta pogodna za krioprezervaciju da se na osnovu izlaganja spermatozioda kontrolisanom toplotnom stresu i da se ispitaju in vitro parametri kvaliteta odmrznutog semena dve grupe od po 6 nerastova čije je seme dobro (1. grupa) ili loÅ”e podnelo toplotni stres (2. grupa). U istraživanju su koriŔćeni ejakulati 12 od 75 nerastova rasa: landras, veliki jorkÅ”ir, pijetren i durok (L, J, P, D) iz SVC Velika Plana, odabranih na osnovu testa termorezistencije (TT) i svrstanih u dve kvalitetne grupe. Ispitivanje stepena termorezistencije ejakulata u razređenju Androhep-om plus 1:1 60 minuta na 41 oC, je izvedeno metodom po Schaetz-u (1963). Duboko zamrzavanje sperme odabranih nerastova izvedeno modifikovanim postupkom po Westendorf-u i sar. (1975) i Bwanga-i i sar. (1990). Rezultati TT ukazali su na vrlo značajne promene progresivne pokretljivosti spermatozoida posle izlaganja kontrolisanom toplotnom stresu. Ustanovljen je visok koeficijent korelacije kod obe grupe ali ipak neÅ”to viÅ”i kod nerastova 2. grupe za odnos procenta progresivne pokretljivosti spermatozoida posle odmrzavanja i progresivne pokretljivosti posle izlaganja temperaturi od 41oC. Prosečna progresivna pokretljivost spermatozoida svih ispitivanih nerastova se nije značajno razlikovala pre i posle zamrzavanja. Slučajni raspored nerastova svih rasa zastupljenih u SVC (JorkÅ”ir, Landras, Durok i Pijetren) u obe kvalitetne grupe potvrđuje pretpostavku da je pogodnost sperme za krioprezervaciju individualna osobina. Za uspeÅ”nu krioprezervaciju sperme nerastova je neophodna prethodna selekcija potencijalnih donora na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja standardnih parametara kvaliteta i testova u kojima se spermatozoidi in vitro izlažu različitim kontrolisanom stresu

    A New Approach in the Construction of Protection in Brachytherapy ā€“ Brachytherapy Chamber

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    Brahiterapijski uređaji sa izvorima velike aktivnosti (> 370 GBq) postavljaju se u posebne zaÅ”titne bunkere, debljine zaÅ”titnog betonskog zida oko 70 cm, Å”to zahteva opsežnije građevinsko-tehničke radove i povećava cenu izrade (preko 100.000 Eura). Da bi se prevaziÅ”ao problem ograničenog prostora unutar odeljenja brahiterapije, predlažemo izradu ā€žbrahiterapijske komoreā€œ koja bi bila smeÅ”tena u aplikacionoj sali minimalne povrÅ”ine 30 m2. Komandni pult brahiterapijskog uređaja bi se nalazilo u parapetom/paravanom odvojenom delu sale. Brahiterapijska komora, pojedinačnih dimenzija (V x Å ) oko 2 m, u obliku ćiričnog slova P (ŠŸ), izrađuje se od olovnih ploča debljine 5 cm. Sa jedne strane komore (ulaz za pacijenta) navlačiće se pokretni/motorizovani paravan (debljine zida: 5 cm; dimenzija V x Å  oko 2,3 m). U toku zračenja pacijent i uređaj se nalaze u komori. Cena izrade ove brahiterapijske komore sa pripadajućim elementima ne bi prelazila cenu izrade klasičnog brahiterapijskog bunkera.Brachytherapy units with high activity sources (> 370 GBq) are placed in special protective treatment rooms, with concrete wall thickness of about 70 cm, which requires more extensive construction and technical works that increases the cost of production (over 100.000 Euros). In order to overcome the problem of limited space within the brachytherapy department, we propose construction of a "brachytherapy chamber" that would be located in the application teatre with a minimum area of 30 sqm. The control unit would be located in a separated part of the treatment room. The brachytherapy chamber, with an individual dimensions (H x W) of about 2 m, in the shape of the Cyrillic letter P (ŠŸ), is made of lead plates 5 cm thick. On one side of the chamber (patient entrance) a movable/motorized screen (wall thickness: 5 cm; dimensions HxW each approx. 2.3 m) will be constructed. During radiation, the patient and theunit are in the chamber. The construction cost of this brachytherapy chamber with associated elements would not exceed the cost of making a classic brachytherapy treatment room.XXXII Simpozijum DruÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    Influence of claw disorders on milk production in Simmental dairy cows

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    A study on claw disordersā€™ infl uence on milk production was performed during one year on 226 Simmental loose-reared cows. The first trial group included 42, the second 37, and the third 34 cows, with claw changes observed in the first hundred days of lactation, between days 101 and 200, between days 201 and 305, respectively. The control group included 113 cows with no observed changes. Lameness intensity was assessed once a week. Milk yield data were collected three weeks before, in the week of treatment of claws and three weeks afterwards. There were significantly more cows with lameness in the third group than in the other two groups, as well as the most cows with one aff ected limb in the first hundred days of the lactation (P<0.05). Significantly fewer cows with two aff ected limbs were present in the first group. In the second group, more cows were observed with two aff ected limbs than in the first group (P<0.05). In the third group, more cows with three or four aff ected limbs were noticed than in the other groups. The most common claw disorders were: solar ulcer, laminitis, dermatitis digitalis and overgrown claws. Cows whose claws were aff ected between days 101 and 200 of lactation period produced 231 kg less milk than those of the control group; cows whose claws were aff ected in the last third of lactation produced 26 kg less milk. Nevertheless, no significant diff erences were found between milk yields of the control and trial groups (P>0.05). Cows aff ected in the first third of lactation produced less milk (324 kg) than both healthy and cows with claw changes manifested in later stages of lactation. Obtained data confirm that claw disorders may aff ect dairy production

    Analiza primenjenih biosigurnosnih mera u proizvodnji sperme nerastova

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    This paper gives a detailed analysis of the applied biosecurity measures in the production of boar sperm at a swine reproduction center. Biosecurity indicators (existence of a written biosecurity plan, isolation, introduction of newly acquired animals into the herd, herd health, assessment of the personnel attitude towards equipment, traffic control, attitude towards visitors, feeding and watering control, manure management, disposal of dead animal carcasses, attitude towards other animals, rodents and birds control, sanitation) were viewed and evaluated by rating scale: (5) - excellent, (4) - very good, (3) - good, (2) - sufficient, (1) - insufficient, there are resources for improvement (0) - insufficient, with no resources for improvement. Obtained data were analyzed in the SWOT process, taking into account all the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for improving the biosecurity level. The situation in the center is rated as very good, with an average rating of 4.15. However, one disadvantage is serious and related to the boar facilities isolation possibilities, taking into account their location and the presence of two types of male breeding animals (boars and bulls) in the same location. Newly acquired breeding animals are purchased from various sources, but with a rigorous regime of control and not at the same time.U radu je detaljno analizirana primena biosigurnosnih mera u proizvodnji sperme nerastova u jednom centru za veÅ”tačko osemenjavanje svinja. Sagledani su i procenjeni svi indikatori biosigurnosti (postojanje pisanog plana biosigurnosti, izolacija, uvođenje novonabavljenih životinja u zapat, zdravstveni status zapata, ocena odnosa osoblja prema opremi, kontrola kretanja i prometa, odnos prema posetiocima, kontrola ishrane i vodosnabdevanja, izđubravanje, uklanjanje leÅ”eva uginulih životinja, odnos prema drugim životinjama na farmi, kontrola populacija glodara i ptica, sanitacija), i ocenjeni prema skali ocena: (5) - odličan, (4) - vrlo dobar, (3) - dobar, (2) - dovoljan, (1) - nedovoljan, ima resursa za poboljÅ”anje, (0) nedovoljan, nema resursa za poboljÅ”anje. U razmatranju rezultata primenjena je SWOT analiza i utvrđene prednosti, nedostaci, rizici i mogućnosti za podizanje nivoa biosigurnosti. Stanje u centru je ocenjeno kao vrlo dobro, uz prosečnu ocenu 4,15. Međutim, jedan nedostatak je veoma ozbiljan i odnosi se na mogućnost izolacije objekata, uzimajući u obzir njegovu lokaciju i prisustvo dve vrste muÅ”kih priplodnih životinja (nerastova i bikova) na istoj lokaciji. Nove priplodne životinje se nabavljaju iz različitih izvora, ali uz rigorozan režim kontrole i ne u isto vreme. Svakako, izmeÅ”tanje objekata za držanje priplodnih nerastova na drugu bezbednu lokaciju predstavlja složen ali prioritetan zadatak, kojim bi se otklonile brojne pretnje po proizvodnju sperme

    A theory of the reflection of roentgen rays used in industry and medical physics

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    Analizirani su uslovi pod kojima se prolazak i refleksija rendgenskih zraka, koriŔćenih u industriji i medicni, mogu uz visoku tačnost tretirati kao transport čestica koje se mnogostruko rasejavaju, i to izotropno i bez gubitaka energije. Na jednostavan i fizički pregledan način izvedena je integralna jednačina koja opisuje refleksiju za taj slučaj, razjaÅ”njen fizički smisao njenih pojedinih članova, kao i njena reÅ”enja. Navedene su činjenice koje potvrđuju ovakav model transporta.Conditions under which the penetration and reflections of Roentgen rays, used in industry and medical physics, can be treated with a high accuracy as a monoenergetic, multiple collision type of particle beam transport with isotropic scattering, are analysed. In a simple an physicaly transparent way the transport equation describing the reflection of Xrays, for this case, has been derived and the physical meaning of the separate terms of the equation have been discussed. The facts which confirm this physical picture are supplied.XXIV Simpozijum DruÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Zlatibor, 3-5. oktobar 2007

    The influence of chemical and thermal treatment on the point of zero charge of hydrous zirconium oxide

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    Two zirconia samples were prepared by precipitation from aqueous zirconium oxychloride and zirconyl sulfate solutions with potassium hydroxide. The prepared zirconia samples were amorphous. The pH(pzc) values of the zirconia samples, determined in NaCl and NaNO3 solutions, were 6.6 +/- 0.1 and 6.9 +/- 0.1, respectively. After prolonged hydration of zirconia in doubly distilled water, the pH(pzc) decreased to 4.7 +/- 0.3. Crystallization into tetragonal (metastable) + monoclinic zirconia appeared at 691 K. Above 873 K, the tetragonal metastable phase changes to a monoclinic phase. It was shown that crystallite sizes of zirconia treated at 673-1273 K increased from 9.5 to 40.5 nm, respectively. The increase in temperature from 385 to 1070 K increased the pH(pzc) of zirconia samples from 6.6 to 9.0, respectively

    Enterotoksemije teladi visoko-mlečnih krava uzrokovane sa Clostridium perfringes tip B

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    Clostridium perfringens is the most important cause of clostridial enertitic disease in calves. During one calendar year at one dairy farm we isolated Closridium perfringens type B from calves during suckling period. Purpose of our research was to find the most appropriate therapy for that particular farm. It has been found statistically significant defenses (p lt 0,01) between clinical cases in calves within first six months of the year (20) in comparison with the number of calves with symptoms of enterotoxemia in second half of the year (41). Also, statistically significant differences (p>0,01) were observed as far as season was concerned. In the autumn/winter season incidence 47 sick calves were observed in comparison with spring/summer season when 14 animals became sick. It has not been found statistical significant difference (p>0,05) among two groups as far as mortality was concerned. Average age of the animals with symptoms were 71,63 Ā± 8,21 days. Average age for fatal cases were 71,63 Ā± 8,21 days. Average duration of the therapy was 6 days.Enterotoksemija uzrokovana sa Cl. perfringens je perakutno oboljenje sa čestim fatalnim ishodom. U ovom radu su izneti podaci o kretanju enterotoksemije teladi uzrokovane sa Cl.perfringens tip B na farmi visoko-mlečnih krava u toku jedne kalendarske godine. Statističkom analizom ustanovljeno je da postoji značajna razlika (p lt 0,01) između broja obolele teladi u prvih Å”est meseci (20) u odnosu na broj obolele teladi u drugih Å”est meseci (41). Takođe, ustanovljena je statistički značajna razlika (p lt 0,01) u broju obolele teladi u jesenje-zimskom periodu u odnosu na prolećno-letnji period. U jesenjem-zimskom periodu obolelo je 47 teladi dok je u prolećno-letnjem periodu obolelo 14 teladi. Analizom broja uginule teladi između posmatrana dva perioda vremena, nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika (p>0,05). Izračunavanjem deskriptivnih statističkih parametara obolele i uginule teladi ustanovili smo da je prosečna starost obolele teladi na ispitivanoj farmi bila 71,63 Ā± 8,21 dan, a prosečna starost uginule teladi bila je 77,25 Ā± 16,39. Ovo ukazuje da je terapija i lečenje obolele teladi trajalo prosečno oko Å”est dana. Koeficijent varijacije kod uginule teladi je skoro dva puta veći nego kod obolele, Å”to ukazuje na veću varijabilnost vremena lečenja obolele teladi
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