43 research outputs found

    Ecological study of invasive plants in the Ramsar sites of Vojvodina

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    Invazivne vrste su globalno prepoznate kao jedan od najvažnijih faktora ugrožavanja biodiverziteta, a ekosistemi vlažnih područja su posebno podložni biološkim invazijama. Vlažna područja su generalno veoma fragilna i ugrožena zbog čega im je, Ramsarskom konvencijom, dodeljen poseban konzervacioni status na globalnom nivou. Podaci o invazivnim biljkama i njihovim zajednicama u zaštićenim područjima su vrlo oskudni, a Ramsarskom konvencijom nisu definisane odredbe koje regulišu zaštitu vlažnih staništa od invazivnih vrsta. Zbog svega, osnovni ciljevi ove disertacije su utvrđivanje prisustva i distribucije 18 odabranih invazivnih biljnih vrsta i njihovih zajednica, kao i procena invazibilnosti različitih staništa u šest ramsarskih područja severne Srbije, sa kritičkom analizom pravnih aspekata primene Ramsarske konvencije u pogledu kontrole invazivnih vrsta. Istraživanja su obavljena u periodu 2011.- 2015. godina. Napravljeno je ukupno 669 fitocenoloških snimaka sa 481 biljnim taksonom unutar 15 tipova staništa. Kao najzastupljenije, izdvojile su se vrste: Aster lanceolatus, Amorpha fruticosa, Bidens frondosa, Echinocystis lobata i Asclepias syriaca. Na osnovu udela invazivnih vrsta u opštoj pokrovnosti (indeks D%), najviša invazibilnost je utvrđena na prostoru Carske bare i Koviljsko-petrovaradinskog rita, u strukturno složenijim i vlažnijim staništima (C3.2, C3.5, F9.1, F9.3, G1.1), kao i narušenim ili veštačkim staništima (G1.C, I1.5). Najniža invazibilnost je utvrđena za područje Slanog Kopova, kao i za suvlja staništa (D5.2, E1.2, G1.A). Sintaksonomskom analizom su definisane tri grupe invazivnih zajednica sa 12 diferenciranih asocijacija. Rezultati upućuju na odgovorniji, efikasniji i multidisciplinarni pristup u zaštiti istraživanih područja.Invasive species are globally recognized as one of the most important factor for biodiversity loss and wetland ecosystems are particularly susceptible to biological invasions. Wetlands are generally very fragile and vulnerable, which is the reason why they have special global conservation status by the Ramsar Convention. Data on invasive plants and their communities in protected areas are very scarce, and the Ramsar Convention does not prescribe provisions for the protection from invasive species. Hence, the main objectives of this dissertation are determination the presence and distribution of 18 selected invasive plant species and their communities, as well as the assessment of invasibility of different habitats in six Ramsar sites of the northern Serbia, with a critical analysis of the legal aspects of implementation of the Ramsar Convention regarding the control of invasive species. Research was carried out in the period 2011-2015. A total of 669 phytocenological relevés were made with 481 plant taxa within 15 habitat types. The following species were the most abundant: Aster lanceolatus, Amorpha fruticosa, Bidens frondosa, Echinocystis lobata and Asclepias syriaca. Based on the coverage index (D%), the highest invasibility was determined in the area of Carska bara and Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit, in the more structured and humid habitats (C3.2, C3.5, F9.1, F9.3, G1.1), as well as disturbed or artificial habitats (G1.C, I1.5). The lowest invasibility was determined for Slano Kopovo, and in more arid habitats (D5.2, E1.2, G1.A). The syntaxonomic analysis identified 3 groups of invasive communities with 12 differentiated associations. The results indicate a more responsible, efficient and multidisciplinary approach to the protection of the research areas

    Genetic variability in quantitative traits of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes

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    The field pea is very important when it comes to the nutrition of domestic animals, due to a high content of proteins in its grains and aboveground biomass. The aim of this study was to examine genetic variability in quantitative traits of newly created field pea hybrids. The researchers studied two cultivars, one line and their F-3 and F-4 hybrids. The following quantitative traits were analysed: number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, 1000 seed weight and grain yield. The largest number of pods per plant was recorded for the Baccara x L-CC line hybrid, with a statistically significantly larger (P lt 0.01) number of pods per plant than all the other investigated genotypes, lines and hybrids. L-CC line x Baccara, and Sasa x L-CC line had a significantly larger (P lt 0.05) number of grains per pod. The smallest number of grains per pod was recorded for the Sasa and Baccara x Sasa hybrid. The genotype vs. year interaction had a significant (P lt 0.05) influence on 1000 seed weight. Significantly higher (P lt 0.05) 1000 seed weight was recorded for the Baccara genotype, when compared with all other investigated genotypes, lines and hybrids. The lowest 1000 seed weight was recorded for the L-CC line. The genotype x year interaction had a significant influence on the seed yield of field pea. During this research, high seed yields were achieved by the Baccara genotype and Baccara x L-CC line and Baccara x Sasa hybrids

    Determinante konkurentnosti proizvođača poljoprivrednih proizvoda u Republici Srbiji

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    U Srbiji je poljoprivreda tradicionalna privredna grana, sa konkurentskom prednošću čije su komponente sami poljoprivredni proizvodjači, regionalna specijalizacija, trgovinski ugovori sa EU i Ruskom Federacijom, fondovi EU, organska proizvodnja, domaće tržište, slobodno zemlište koje u Srbiji postoji, kao i sami poljoprivredni proizvodi – voće, povrće, industrijsko bilje i žitarice – koji čine skoro četvrtinu ukupnog izvoza. Povoljni klimatski uslovi i prirodni potencijali jesu komparativna prednost poljoprivrede Srbije, ali nisu dovoljno iskorišćeni, pa predstavljaju slabost. Kvalitet poljoprivrednih proizvoda, ukrupnjavanje poljoprivrednih poseda čime bi se direktno uticalo na smanjenje troškova i cena, marketing i menadžment su determinante konkurentskih prednosti. Njihovim unapredjenjem značajno bi se povećala prodaja na ciljnim tržištima, povećale izvozne aktivnosti, a agroprivreda i ukupna privreda Srbije usmerile putem razvoja

    Filamentous fungi isolated from grape marc as antagonists of botrytis cinerea

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    In this paper we report on the isolation and identification of three filamentous fungi from grape marc, and antifungal effect of their cell-free culture filtrates on the growth of Botrytis cinerea, causal agent of gray mold. Grape marc is a waste material that has been used as soil amendment in sustainable agriculture. Isolates originating from grape marc were identified on the basis of morphological features and internal transcribed spacer rDNA or beta-tubulin gene sequencing. The presence of three different species, Penicillium paneum, Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus fumigatus has been detected expressing different effect on the growth of B. cinerea. The effect of crude culture filtrates of selected fungi on B. cinerea growth was tested. Heat sensitivity of the established inhibition effect was examined by autoclaving the crude culture filtrate prior to testing. Additional aim was to determine whether antifungal effect was influenced by previous exposure to B. cinerea in dual liquid cultures. Crude culture filtrate of A. fumigatus K16/2 showed the lowest suppression of B. cinerea growth. A maximal percentage inhibition achieved within the study was 38.2%, 39.8% and 23.8 for crude filtrates of P. paneum K7/1, P. chrysogenum K11/1 and A. fumigatus K16/2, respectively. Presence of B. cinerea in dual liquid culture induced significant increase in antifungal capacity of the culture filtrates in comparison to pure culture filtrates of the chosen isolates. The antifungal activity of all of the isolates' culture filtrates retained after heat treatment suggesting the presence of some thermostable antifungal metabolites. The results indicate the complexity and specificity of the interaction between filamentous fungi and B. cinerea. Grape marc is a good source for isolation od B. cinerea fungal antagonists and their antifungal metabolites. Specificity of fungal-fungal interactions suggests that further research on the antagonistic mechanisms and factors affecting them should be studied separately for each pair of antagonists

    Some indicators of HBV and HCV infections at Zadar General hospital OME INDICATORS OF HBV AND HCV INFECTIONS AT ZADAR GENERAL HOSPITAL

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    Prikazano je stanje proširenosti nosilaca markera na HBV i HCV u Općoj bolnici Zadar. Uzorke krvi smo pregledali na hemodijalizi i na transfuziji u dobrovoljnih darovatelja krvi (DDK) po sistemu snimke trenutnog stanja. Na infektologiji smo obradili bolesnike prema retrospektivnom sistemu praćenja oboljelih. Dijagnostika je u početku rađena metodom ELISA (Ortho), a kasnije metodom RIBA 3 (Ortho), te PCR na HCV-RNA (Roche).In this presentation we show the prevalence of the marker carriers on HBV and HCV in Zadar General Hospital. Samples of blood donators were examined at the Haemodialysis Unit and the Transfusion Department by the cross-sectional study method. At the Department for Infectious Diseases patients were examined by the retrospective case history study method. Diagnostic procedures applied were ELISA (Ortho) method, and later on RIBA 3 (Ortho) and PCR on HCV-RNA (Roche) methods

    Influence of nutrition on productivity and chemical composition of khorasan wheat-triticum turgidum l. Ssp. turanicum jakubz

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    Khorasan wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. turanicum Jakubz.) the white awn population is the optional type of a high-energy grain. This study aimed to examine the influence of plants’ mineral nutrition on the chemical composition of Khorasan grain. The mineral diet used in the supplementary plant nutrition affected the total amount of dry matter and the chemical composition of wheat grains, increasing its nutritional value. At the time of harvest, Khorasan wheat grains contained 89.74% of dry matter, i.e. 10.26% of water, while in the variants with additional nutrition had less dry matter 86.90% and more water, 13.10%, which indicates an extension of the vegetation period of plants in conditions of enhanced mineral nutrition. Mineral nutrition, which primarily increased the amount of nitrogen, statistically significantly affected protein synthesis in plants. Khorasan wheat grains had 14.94% of total proteins in the control and 15.2% in variants with NPP nutrition. Plant nutrition did not have a greater impact on the synthesis of oils in the grains, starch, NFE, and mineral salts content. The supplementary nutrition affected the total amount of dry matter and chemical composition of wheat grain increasing its nutritional value

    Produktivne osobine različitih genotipova pivarskog ječma u uslovima pojačane ishrane azotom

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    Two-year trials have been conducted in Technological Research Center in Zajecar. Research objects were six malting barley genotypes. The experimental crop was top dressed with the following amounts of nitrogen: 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg ha-1. The control variant was not top dressed. The obtained results showed that the genotypes reacted significantly to the increased amounts of nitrogen by changing their production characteristics and seed quality. In addition, the genotypes demonstrated certain varietal differences. A new genotype, Premijum, was highest yielding and it had the lowest total proteins in the grain. The genotype NS-525 had the highest 1000-grain weight (46.8 g). The effect of nitrogen on the studied characteristics depended on N quantity applied. Increasing amounts of nitrogen decrease positive effects on spike length, number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight and yield. However, the protein content in grain kept increasing to the highest nitrogen dose, which lowered the quality of malting barley. The highest yield was obtained by applying 80 and 100 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, depending on the year of study.Dvogodišnja istraživanja izvedena su na poljima Centar za poljoprivredna i tehnološka istraživanja u Zaječaru. Predmet istraživanja bila su šest genotipova pivarskog ječma. Za prihranjivanje useva korišćene su sledeće količine azota 40, 60, 80 i 100 kg ha-1. Kontrola je bila varijanta bez prihranjivanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da genotipovi značajno reaguju na povećane količine azota promenom proizvodnih osobina i kvaliteta semena. Pri tome su ispoljene određene sortne razlike. Novi genotip Premijum bio je najrodniji i sa najmanje ukupnih proteina u zrnu. Najveću masu 1000 zrna (46,8 g) imao je genotip NS-525. Efekti azota na ispitivane osobine zavise od upotrebljene količine. Sa rastućim količinama opada pozitivan efekat na dužinu klasa, broj zrna u klasu, masu 1000 zrna i prinos. Međutim sadržaj proteina u zrnu je rastao do najveće doze azota, čime se pogoršava kvalitet pivarskog ječma. U zavisnosti od godine ispitivanja, najveći prinos zrna dobijen je ishranom biljaka sa 80 odnosno 100 kg ha-1 azota

    Genotipske specifičnosti pivarskog ječma u uslovima intenzivne ishrane azotom

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    A three-year trial (2003-2005) was conducted under agro ecological conditions of Timočka Krajina (the experiment farm of Technological Research Center in Zaječar). Research object were six malting barley genotypes, which were top-dressed with the following amounts of nitrogen in the course of growing season: 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg ha-1. A non-fertilized variant served as a control. The obtained results indicated that the tested genotypes reacted to increased amounts of nitrogen by changing their morphological and biological characteristics as well as the technological values of grain. The effectiveness of the applied nitrogen depended significantly on the distribution of rainfall in periods of highest water uptake by malting barley.Trogodišnji ogledi (2003-2005) su izvedeni u Centru za poljoprivredna i tehnološka istraživanja u Zaječaru. Materijal istraživanja bilo je šest genotipova pivarskog ječma koji su tokom vegetacionog perioda prihranjivani sledećim količinama azota 40, 60, 80 i 100 kg ha-1. Kao kontrola poslužila je varijanta bez prihranjivanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da genotipovi reaguju na povećane količine azota promenom morfoloških i bioloških osobina, kao i promenama tehnološke vrednosti semena. Efekti upotrebljenog azota značajno zavise od rasporeda padavina u periodima najveće potrošnje vode

    Some indicators of HBV and HCV infections at Zadar General hospital OME INDICATORS OF HBV AND HCV INFECTIONS AT ZADAR GENERAL HOSPITAL

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    Prikazano je stanje proširenosti nosilaca markera na HBV i HCV u Općoj bolnici Zadar. Uzorke krvi smo pregledali na hemodijalizi i na transfuziji u dobrovoljnih darovatelja krvi (DDK) po sistemu snimke trenutnog stanja. Na infektologiji smo obradili bolesnike prema retrospektivnom sistemu praćenja oboljelih. Dijagnostika je u početku rađena metodom ELISA (Ortho), a kasnije metodom RIBA 3 (Ortho), te PCR na HCV-RNA (Roche).In this presentation we show the prevalence of the marker carriers on HBV and HCV in Zadar General Hospital. Samples of blood donators were examined at the Haemodialysis Unit and the Transfusion Department by the cross-sectional study method. At the Department for Infectious Diseases patients were examined by the retrospective case history study method. Diagnostic procedures applied were ELISA (Ortho) method, and later on RIBA 3 (Ortho) and PCR on HCV-RNA (Roche) methods


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    An alien mantis species, Hierodula tenuidentata, has expanded its areal in Europe in the last few years. It was registered in several European countries, including some on the Balkan Peninsula. Herein are presented for the first time records of H. tenuidentata on the territory of Serbia, several from the capital city of Belgrade, and one from Novi Kneževac, a town in the northern part of country. The species was recognized for the first time in photos posted in a Facebook group of insect lovers and enthusiasts in 2019, but positive identification only took place in 2020 after group members collected specimens. Social networks can be a very important tool for the monitoring of invasive species in general, and invasive mantids in particular, especially due to their size and attractiveness