341 research outputs found

    Apolipoprotein B gene polymorphisms in patients from Serbia with ischemic cerebrovascular disease

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    The plasma concentration of apoB has recently been reported to be the best lipid predictor of coronary heart disease. The possible associations of genetic markers in the apolipoprotein B gene (XbaI, EcoRI, MspI, Ins/Del, and 4311 A/G polymorphisms) were evaluated in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD) and controls of equivalent BMI. The odds ratio for ICVD in the X+X+ genotype was 2.22, 95% CI 1.24-3.96 (P<0.05), while that for ICVD in the Ins/Ins genotype was 2.82, 95% CI 1.57-5.06 (P<0.05). The patients had significantly higher frequency of the 4311A allele compared to the controls (P<0.01). Our results support the assumption that apoB gene polymorphisms may contribute to the extent of cerebrovascular disease risk

    Sistem komplementa - putevi aktivacije i funkcija

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    The complement system plays an important role in host defense. It is composed of series of plasma proteins which, when activated in a sequential reaction, unleashes a powerful destructive activity towards invading pathogens. Three major pathways exist in the activation of complement: the classical pathway, which is initiated by antibody-antigen binding, the alternative pathway, which is activated by a susceptible foreign surface, and the lectin pathways, which can be triggered by manann-binding lectins. The complement system consists of serum and cell surface proteins that interact with one another and with other molecules of the immune system in a highly regulated manner. Complement proteins are plasma proteins that are normally inactive and they are activated only under particular conditions to generate products that mediate various effector functions of the complement.Sistem komplementa ima značajnu ulogu u odbrani domaćina od patogena. Sastoji se od niza proteina plazme koji se aktiviraju u kaskadnom procesu, dovodeći do oÅ”tećenja patogena. Opisana su tri puta aktivacije sistema komplementa: klasičan (aktivira se vezivanjem C1q komponente komplementa za kompleks antigen-antitelo), alternativni (aktivira se direktnim vezivanjem C3b komponente komplementa za povrÅ”inske molekule mikroorganizama) i lektinski (indukovan je vezivanjem manoza vezućeg proteina za manozne rezidue na povrÅ”ini mikroorganizama). Najvažnija uloga sistema komplementa u urođenom i specifičnom imunitetu je stimulisanje fagocitoze, liza mikroorganizama i pospeÅ”ivanje inflamacije. Komplement ima ključnu ulogu i u uklanjanju imunskih kompleksa

    Prognostic significance of biomarkers in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Akutni infarkt miokarda (AIM) je veliki zdravstveni problem. KarakteriÅ”e ga smrt miocita usled nekroze i apoptoze. U infarktu miokarda sa elevacijom ST-segmenta (STEMI) dolazi do rupture plaka praćenog formiranjem okluzivnog tromba koji je najčeŔće uzrok ishemije miokarda. Uprkos značajnom progresu, uvođenjem perkutane koronarne intervencije (PKI), AIM ostaje jedan od glavnih uzroka smrti i onesposobljenosti. Sa povećanjem broja i vrste dostupnih biomarkera, povećava se mogućnost da se ovi neinvazivni i pristupačni ā€žalatiā€œ koriste u postavljenju dijagnoze, stratifikaciji rizika i pri izboru terapije. Glavni cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrdi prognostički značaj pojedinačnih laboratorijskih biomarkera ili njihove kombinacije u odnosu na smrtni ishod u bolnici i pojavu neželjenih kardiovaskularnih događaja (NKVD) (smrtni ishod, reinfarkt miokarda, moždani udar, revaskularizacija ciljne lezije) tokom 30-dnevnog i 1- godiÅ”njeg praćenja. U ovu prospektivnu studiju je bilo uključeno 200 konsekutivnih bolesnika sa STEMI koji su lečeni pPCI i 100 konsekutivnih bolesnika sa prvim prednjim STEMI uspeÅ”no lečenih pPCI (rezidualna stenoza <20% i TIMI protok 3). Bolesnicima uključenim u studiju uzeti su klinički i demografski podaci, urađena antropometrijska merenja i zabeleženi faktori rizika za kardiovaskularna oboljenja. Kongestivna srčana insuficijencija na prijemu definisana je kao prisustvo kliničkih znakova plućne venske kongestije i označena Kilip klasom. Bolesnici sa kardiogenim Å”okom su isključeni iz studije. Urađen je ehokardiografski pregled i ejekciona frakcija leve komore (LKEF) je izračunata prema Simpsonovom pravilu. Uzorci krvi za analizu biomarkera uzeti su kod 200 bolesnika sa STEMI lečenih pPKI u 4 vremenska perioda od 0 do 7. dana, a uzorci krvi 100 bolesnika sa prvim prednjim STEMI uspeÅ”no lečenim pPKI u 8 vremenskih perioda od 0 do 7 dana. Osim rutinskih biohemijskih i hematoloÅ”kih parametara, određeni su biomarkeri koji pripadaju grupi markera nekroze, ishemije, inflamacije, hemodinamskog stresa, funkcije trombocita i hemostaze i dislipidemije...Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a major healthcare problem. It is characterized by myocardial cell death due to necrosis and apoptosis. In acute STsegment elevation (STEMI), myocardial infarction plaque rupture with the formation of an occluding thrombus is usually the underlying cause of myocardial ischemia. Dispite significant progress utilizing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), AMI remains one of the main causes of death and disability. With expansion of the number and types of biomarkers available, the opportunity to improve diagnosis, risk stratification, and selection of therapy using these noninvasive, affordable tools continues to grow. The main aim of this study was to determine the prognostic value of laboratory biomarker or biomarkers combination in relation to in-hospital mortality and occurrence of major adverse coronary events (MACE) including death, reinfarction, target vessel revascualarisation and stroke during 30 days and 1 year follow-up in STEMI patients treated by pPCI. This prospective study consisted of 300 patients with STEMI who were treated by primary PCI. One hundred patients had first anterior STEMI and was successfully ( 20% of residual stenosis and TIMI flow 3) treated by primary PCI. The clinical and demographic characteristics, anthropometric parameters and cardiovascular risk factors were recorded. Congestive heart failure on admission was defined as the present clinical evidence of pulmonary venous congestion and it was designated as a Killip class. The patients with the cardiogenic shock were excluded from the study. Echocardiographic data were obtained by 2D echocardiographic examination and the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was estimated by Simpsonā€™s rule. Blood samples from 200 patients hospitalized with STEMI treated by primary PCI were subsequently tested for biomarkers in 4 time points from day 0 to day 7, and blood samples from 100 patients with the first anterior STEMI successfully treated by primary PCI were subsequently tested for biomarkers in 8 time points from day 0 to day 7..

    COST 354 - evropska harmonizacija indikatora stanja kolovoznih konstrukcija na putevima

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    In 2004 the COST Action 354 'Performance Indicators for Road Pavements' was initiated by the European intergovernmental scientific network COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) with the main objective to define uniform European performance indicators and indexes for road pavements. The specification of performance criteria from the perspective of road users and road operators is a key prerequisite for the efficient maintenance and management of road pavements. In the context of the Action single indicators, as well as combined indicators are defined for different road networks and pavements taking into consideration functional and structural demands of road pavements, as well as demands from the environmental point of view. These performance indicators should build the basis for the economic evaluation within PMS and PPP contracts.COST akcija 354 'Performance Indicators for Road Pavements' (Indikatori stanja kolovoznih konstrukcija na putevima) je inicirana tokom 2004. godine od strane Evropskog međuvladinog okvira za naučno- tehničku saradnju COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) sa osnovnim ciljem da se definiÅ”u uniformni indikatori i indeksi stanja kolovoznih konstrukcija u Evropi. Definisanje kriterijuma za stanje kolovoznih konstrukcija je iz perspektive korisnika putne mreže i agencija koje se bave održavanjem puteva osnovni preduslov za efikasno upravljanje održavanjem putne mreže. U okviru Akcije su definisani pojedinačni indikatori i indeksi, kao i kombinovani indeksi stanja za različite putne mreže i tipove kolovoznih konstrukcija uzimajući u obzir funkcionalne i strukturne zahteve kao i zahteve u pogledu zaÅ”tite okoline. Ovi indikatori stanja mogu predstavljati osnovu za ekonomsko vrednovanje u okviru sistema za upravljanje održavanjem kolovoznih konstrukcija i ugovora o partnerstvu privatnog i javnog sektora

    Inorganic Sulphur Compounds in the Human Body. I. Oxo Compounds.

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    Sumpor je nakon kalcija i fosfora najzastupljeniji element u ljudskom tijelu, gdje se nalazi u mnogobrojnim anorganskim i organskim spojevima, a u vrlo malim količinama i u elementarnom stanju. U ovom pregledu prikazani su anorganski spojevi sumpora iz klase endogenih okso-spojeva u ljudskom organizmu, koji ponajprije nastaju enzimskim i neenzimskim biosintetskim putevima u stanicama ili izvanstaničnom prostoru. Opisani su sulfati, tiosulfati, Ī¼-disulfido-bis(trioksosulfati)(2ā€“) (tetrationati), sulfiti, hidrogensulfiti, sulfonati i disulfiti najzastupljenijih metala u organizmu (Na+, K+, Ca2+ i Mg2+) i sumporov dioksid. Anioni i SO2 jesu endogene neradikalske sumporove vrste koje se nalaze u znatnim koncentracijama u tjelesnim tekućinama, gdje imaju zasebne fizioloÅ”ke, patoloÅ”ke, metaboličke, detoksikacijske i druge uloge. Međusobno su povezani metaboličkim putevima sumporovih spojeva. Dok je sulfatni ion redovit sastojak elektrolita i izvor sumpora, tiosulfatni ion ima brojne zaÅ”titne funkcije i važan je metabolit, a anioni nastali reakcijom SO2 i vode također su važni metabolički međuprodukti. Novijim istraživanjima prepoznate su uloge sumporova dioksida kao nove signalne molekule i aniona Ī¼-disulfido-bis(trioksosulfata)(2ā€“), kao metabolita koji se stvara tijekom upale crijeva. Istraživanja o opisanoj klasi sumporovih spojeva i njihovoj važnosti za ljudski organizam očito nisu zavrÅ”ena i mogu joÅ” donijeti važne i neočekivane spoznaje. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Sulphur is, after calcium and phosphorus, the most abundant element in the human body, where it can be found in numerous inorganic and organic compounds, and in very small amounts in elementary state. This review presents inorganic sulphur compounds from the class of endogenous oxo compounds present in the human body, which are primarily produced in enzymatic and non-enzymatic biosynthethic pathways in cells or in extracellular matrix. Sulphates, thiosulphates, Ī¼-disulphido-bis(trioxosulphates)(2ā€“) (tetrathionates), sulphites, hydrosulphites, sulphonates and disulphites of the most abundant metals in the organism (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) as well as sulphur dioxide, are described. The anions and SO2 are endogenous non-radical sulphur species which exist in significant concentrations in body fluids, in which they have specific physiological, pathological, metabolic, detoxifying, and other roles. They are mutually connected by metabolic pathways of sulphur compounds. While the sulphate ion is a common component of electrolytes and is a source of sulphur, the thiosulphate ion has several protective roles and is an important metabolite, and the anions produced by the reaction of SO2 with water are also important metabolic intermediates. Newer researches have identified roles of sulphur dioxide as a novel signal molecule, and of the anion Ī¼-disulphido-bis(trioxosulphate)(2ā€“) as a metabolite generated in intestinal inflammation. Investigations on the described class of sulphur compounds and their roles in the human body are obviously not terminated and therefore, still may bring important and unexpected knowledge. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Inorganic Sulphur Compounds in the Human Body. II. Thiocyanates.

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    Sumpor je najzastupljeniji mikroelement u ljudskom tijelu, u obliku mnogobrojnih ne samo organskih već i anorganskih spojeva s različitim ulogama. Ovim pregledom prikazani su anorganski spojevi sumpora iz klase endogenih tiocianatnih spojeva u ljudskom organizmu. Ta se klasa izvodi iz tiocianatnog aniona SCNā€“ ponajprije enzimskim i neenzimskim reakcijama u stanicama ili izvanstaničnom prostoru. SCNā€“ nastaje detoksikacijom endogenih ili egzogenih cianida, djelovanjem endogene bakterijske flore, metabolizmom cianogene hrane ili industrijskom intoksikacijom. Opisani su molekulski i ionski spojevi: tiocianska, izotiocianska, hipotiocianska, (cianido-C)sulfinska i (cianido-C)sulfonska kiselina; soli tih kiselina i aniona 1,2,3-tricianotrisulfida(1ā€“) s najzastupljenijim kationima u organizmu (Na+, K+, Ca2+ i Mg2+); cianotiocianat i bis[(cianido-C)sumpor](S-S) (tiocianogen). Anioni i molekule jesu endogene reaktivne sumporove vrste sa svojstvima pseudohalogena. Nalaze se u značajnim koncentracijama u tjelesnim tekućinama, gdje imaju zaÅ”titne uloge ā€“ detoksikacijsku (uklanjanju cianid) i antimikrobne uloge (mikrobicidno i mikrobiostatski djeluju na razne bakterije, na neke viruse, gljivice i parazite). Metabolički su povezani s endogenim okso spojevima sumpora u ljudskom tijelu. Može se očekivati da će istraživanja o opisanoj klasi sumpornih spojeva razjasniti u bliskoj budućnosti njihove molekulske mehanizme djelovanja u ljudskom tijelu. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Sulphur is the most abundant microelement in the human body, in the form not only of many organic but also of many inorganic compounds with diverse roles. This review presents inorganic sulphur compounds from the class of endogenous thiocyanate compounds present in the human body. The class is primarily produced from the thiocyanate anion SCNā€“ in enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions in cells or in extracellular matrix. SCNā€“ is formed by detoxication of endogenous or exogenous cyanides, by action of the endogenous bacterial flora, in the metabolism of cyanogenic food, and during industrial intoxication. Molecular and ionic compounds are: thiocyanic, isothiocyanic, hypothiocyanic, (cyanido-C)sulphinic and (cyanido-C)sulphonic acid; salts of these acids and the anion 1,2,3-tricyanotrisulfide(1ā€“) with the most abundant cations in the organism (Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+); cyano thiocyanate and bis[(cyanido-C)sulphur](S-S) (thiocyanogen). The anions and molecules are endogenous reactive sulphur species with pseudohalogen properties. They exist in significant concentrations in body fluids, in which they have protective roles ā€“ detoxication (removal of cyanide) and antimicrobial functions (microbicidal and microbiostatic effect on various bacteria, some viruses, fungi and parasites). They are metabolically coupled with endogenous oxo-sulphur compounds in the human body. It is to be expected that investigations on the described class of sulphur compounds in the near future will explain molecular mechanisms of their action in the human body. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Amperometric determination of cholesterol using cholesterol oxidase immobilized on Pt,Ru-C nanocomposite and an ionic liquid-modified carbon paste electrode

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    Cholesterol as very important biomolecule is the precursor of many biologically significant compounds which give strength and flexibility to the biological membranes. It is also a crucial component in lipoproteins, and has an important role to transport hydrophobic molecules in hydrophilic media such as blood [1, 2]. The analytical performance of carbon paste electrodes (CPE) bulk modified with ionic liquid 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide ([AMIM][DCA]), and surface modified with platinum on graphitized carbon (Pt-C) or platinum-ruthenium alloy on graphitized carbon (Pt,Ru-C) for analysis of hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2) were compared. The prepared working electrodes were characterized using scanning electron microscopyā€“energydispersive X-ray spectrometry, together with electrochemical impedance spectroscopic, cyclic voltammetric, and amperometric techniques. After method optimization, an enzyme cholesterol oxidase (ChOx) was immobilized on the surface of Pt,Ru-C/IL-CPE by NafionĀ®. The improved cholesterol amperometric determination was achieved in phosphate buffer solution pH 7.50 at a working potential of 0.60 V. Under the optimized experimental conditions, a linear relationship between oxidation current and cholesterol concentration was in the concentration range from 0.31 to 2.46 ĀµM, with an estimated detection limit of 0.13 ĀµM and relative standard deviation (RSD) below 4.2%. The optimized amperometric method in combination with the developed ChOx/Pt,Ru-C/IL-CPE biosensor showed good repeatability and high selectivity towards cholesterol biosensing despite the presence of possible interferences. The ChOx/Pt,Ru-C/IL-CPE was tested for the determination of the free cholesterol, by its enzymatic reaction product H 2O2, in a human blood serum sample. The percentage recovery ranged from 99.08 to 102.81%, while RSD was below 2.0% for untreated, as well as for spiked human blood serum sample.YISAC 2023 : 28th Young Investigators' Seminar on Analytical Chemistry : the book of abstracts; June 25-28, Belgrad

    Banjski i planinski turizam Srbije

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    Complex tectonics and heterogeneous structure of rocks relief in Serbia have conditioned the occurrence of a great number of mineral, thermomineral gaseous and radioactive sources. Curative spring water in Serbia are hypothermal, homeothermal and hyperthermal. This is the basis for balneologic tourism. Some spas are near to the mountains, and for this reason, it is necessary to complementary develop spa and mountain tourism.Složena tektonika i heterogen sastav stena reljefa Srbije, uslovili su pojavu velikog broja mineralnih, termomineralnih, gasnih i radioaktivnih izvora. Lekoviti izvori u Srbiji su hipotermalni, homeotermalni i hipertermalni. To je osnova banjskog turizma. Nekoliko banja Srbije je u blizini plani-na, te je neophodan komplementaran razvoj banjskog i planinskog turizma

    Naučni opus Jovana Cvijića posvećen Istočnoj Srbiji

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    The scientific work of Jovan Cvijić (1865-1927) is big and heterogeneous. The famous scientist dealt with physical and social geography with the same success. His scientific papers about Serbia are of particular importance. Serbia and Balkan peninsula were the subject of his systematic investigations for forty years. The bibliography of Jovan Cvijić's scientific papers about Serbia and Balkan peninsula is rich and cited very frequently.Naučno stvaralaÅ”tvo Jovana Cvijića (1865-1927) veliko je i raznovrsno Znameniti naučnik se sa podjednakim uspehom bavio fizičkom i druÅ”tvenom geografijom. Od posebnog značaja su naučni radovi Jovana Cvijića posvećeni Srbiji. Srbija i Balkansko poluostrvo bili su mu predmet sistematskih istraživanja 40 godina. Bibliografija naučnih radova Jovana Cvijića o Srbiji i Balkanskom poluostrvu bogata je i često citirana

    Evaluation of microbial diversity of the microbial mat from the extremely acidic Lake Robule (Bor, Serbia)

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    Extremely acidic environments are frequently formed in areas impacted by mining activities, and Lake Robule is such an ecosystem. Although an extreme environment, Lake Robule is inhabited by acidophilic microorganisms. We investigated biodiversity of the macroscopic structure known as a microbial mat formed on the lake bottom in shallow waters. Microbial mats are common in acidic environments, but their composition can differ significantly from site to site. Microbial diversity of the mat from Lake Robule was investigated using both cultivation-dependent and metagenomic approaches. The results showed the mat to be mostly inhabited by heterotrophic acidophilic bacteria. When compared to the microbial community of Lake Robule's surface water, the microbial mat proved to be a more complex community. A biogeochemical model of the mat of Lake Robule is proposed on the basis of our results and available published data
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