17 research outputs found


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    The COVID-19 pandemic affected practically every country in the world and changed how people lead their daily lives. The purpose of research was to ascertain the relationship between physical activity levels and the incidence of health issues among pupils. This research was conducted using an anonymous online survey that contained selected questions from the World Health Organization's health behaviour in schoolchildren (HBSC questionnaire). The sample of participants consisted of 500 elementary and high school students from the territory of southern Serbia. It was observed that less than 1% of students reported having poor health, while 6% of participants said that they were dissatisfied with their health overall, compared to 94% of students who reported being satisfied with their health. Additionally, a total of 88% of students evaluated their lives with the highest marks, out of which 28% considered their lives to be the greatest they could possibly be. 90% of participants from this sample of students in southern Serbia reported engaging in physical activity three or more times per week, whereas only 3% of students reported engaging in physical activity only once a week or not at all. The key finding of this study proved that students who engaged in greater physical activity had fewer health issues than students who engaged in the least amount of physical activity. There are numerous benefits to being physically active, including how it influences the maintenance of human health and helps children grow and develop properly. Therefore, the importance of this work is reflected in the possibility of gaining knowledge about physical activity during the state of emergency and the connection between physical activity and health problems that emerged among students in southern Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic


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    The aim of this study is to determine the state of postural disorders in the sagittal and frontal planes of the spinal column, as well as any gender differences in first-year elementary school students. The participant sample comprised 138 school children, 73 male and 56 female participants, all from the territory of the municipality of Knjaževac, Serbia. The measuring instrument, the Formetric 4D System, Diers, Germany was used for the assessment of postural disorders of the spinal column. The testing results were presented in terms of frequencies and percentages, while the chi-square independence test was used to determine differences in spinal deformity incidence between male and female participants. The results obtained indicate that, in the sagittal plane, deformity was present in a total of 73.9% of the sample (72.6% among the male and 75.4% among the female participants), whereas in the frontal plane this percentage amounted to 84.1% (84.9% among the male, and 83.1% among the female ones). Moreover, the results indicate that no statistically significant differences were found in terms of the incidence of postural disorders between male and female participants in the sagittal plane (sig=0.859) and in the frontal plane of the spinal column (sig=0.949). In view of the results obtained, it can be concluded that a high incidence of spinal postural disorders in both the frontal and sagittal planes was equally present in participants of both genders.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi zastupljenost i razlika prema polu u posturalnim poremećajima kičmenog stuba u sagitalnoj i frontalnoj ravni učenika prvog razreda osnovne Å”kole. Uzorak ispitanika sačinjavalo je 138 učenika, tj., 73 ispitanika muÅ”kog pola i 65ispitanika ženskog poila sa teritorije gradske opÅ”tine Knjaževac, Srbija. U proceni posturalnih poremećaja kičmenog stuba koriŔćen je merni instrument Formetric 4D System, Diers, Germany. Rezultati merenja predstavljeni frekvenciono i procentualno, dok je za utvrđivanje razlika u zastupljenosti deformiteta kičmenog stuba između ispitanika muÅ”kog i ženskog pola koriŔćen je Hi kvadrat test za testiranje nezavisnosti. Rezultati su ukazali da je u sagitalnoj ravni prisutnost deformiteta na ukumnom uzorku 73.9% (kod ispitanika muÅ”kog pola 72.6% i kod ispitanika ženskog pola 75.4%), dok je u frontalnoj ravni taj procenat generalno iznosio 84.1% (kod ispitanika muÅ”kog pola 84.9% i kod ispitanika ženskog pola 83.1%). Takođe, rezultati su ukazali da nisu uočene statistički značajne razlike u zastupljhenosti posturalnih poremećaja između ispitanika muÅ”kog i ženskog pola u sagitalnoj (sig=0.859) i frontalnoj ravni kičmenog stuba (sig=0.949). U skladu sa dobijenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da je visok nivo zastupljenosti postualnih poremećaja kičmenog stuba u frontalnoj i sagitalnoj ravni podjednako prisutan kod ispitanika oba pola

    Korelacija med telesno zgradbo in hitrostjo oziroma gibčnostjo pri otrocih, starih od 9 do 10 let

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    Purpose: Physical growth of children is measured by changes in body size and/or body composition, as well as by changes in motor skills. Motor skills can be affected by many factors, such as genetic predisposition, body composition, socio-economic conditions, and the like. Accordingly, the aim of the research is to determine the correlation between body composition with speed and agility of children aged 9 to 10 years. Methods: The sample included 40 participants (29 boys and 11 girls, 9.47 Ā± 0.5 years). Body height (BH), body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI) and body fat (BF), and basal metabolism (BMR) were determined to assess body composition. The BOT-2 subtest was used to assess speed and agility, which includes: Shuttle Run (1SAA), Stepping Sideways over a Balance Beam (2SAA), One-Legged Stationary Hop (3SAA), One-Legged Side Hop (4SAA), Two-Legged Side Hop (5SAA), and Total Speed and Agility (TSAA). Results: The results of correlation statistics indicated the existence of negative correlations between: height and 3SAA (r=-.353, p=.026)weight and 3SAA (r=-.422, p=. 007)weight and TSAA (r=-.359, p=.023)BMI and 3SAA (r=-.342, p=. 031)BMI and TSAA (r=-.333, p=.036)BMR and 3SAA (r=-.369, p=. 019)BMR and TSAA (r=-.363, p=.021). Conclusion: Based on the results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between body composition and speed and agility. In addition to body composition, a correlation was found between body height and performance of one-legged stationary hop, as well as between basal metabolism, the one-legged stationary hop test and the overall results achieved in motor skill tests


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    This paper aims to determine the impact of plyometric training programs of short duration (6 weeks) and high frequency (3 times a week) on the motor skills and body composition of female football players. The total number of participants was 24 female football players, four of whom were excluded due to absence from the final testing (mean value of height 167.53 Ā± 6.09; and mean value of weight 58.32 Ā± 8.87). The sample of variables used in the study, to which all the participants were subjected, represents the assessment of body composition, explosive power of the lower extremities, speed, agility, and endurance assessment. The results of the research showed that the six-week program of specific plyometric training for Serbian Super League football players in the basic preparatory period of the season did not affect statistically significant changes in the monitored body composition parameters. Also, the statistically significant changes did not occur in the parameters of explosive power and speed, which was expected according to the age category and level of competition of the participants, which was confirmed by previous research. The changes that occurred with high statistical significance are changes in agility tests with and without a ball as well as in the parameters of cardiorespiratory endurance.Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi efekte kratkotrajnog (6 nedelja) i visoko frekventnog (3 puta nedeljno) pliometrijskog treninga na motoričke sposobnosti i telesnu kompoziciju fudbalerki. Ukupan broj ispitanica u ovoj studiji bio je 24, od kojih su četiri isključene zbog izostanka sa finalnog testiranja (srednja vrednost visine 167.53 Ā± 6.09; srednja vrednost težine 58.32 Ā± 8.87). Uzorak varijabli koriÅ”cĢenih u istraživanju, kom si pristupile sve ispitanice, predstavlja procenu telesne građe, eksplozivne snage donjih ekstremiteta, brzine, agilnosti i izdržljivosti. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da Å”estonedeljni program specifičnog pliometrijskog treninga za fudbalerke Superlige Srbije u pripremnom periodu sezone nije uticao na statistički značajne promene pracĢenih parametara telesne kompozicije. Takođe, nisu se desile statistički značajne promene u parametrima eksplozivne snage i brzine, Å”to je bilo očekivano prema starosnoj kategoriji i stepenu takmičenja ispitanica, Å”to je potvrđeno prethodnim istraživanjem. Promene koje su se desile sa visokim statističkim značajem su promene u testovima agilnosti sa i bez lopte, kao i u parametrima kardiorespiratorne izdržljivosti


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    The primary aim of this study was to quantify the relationship between body composition variables and explosive power performance in female adolescent football players. A secondary aim was mesure the influence of body composition on explosive power in female adolescent football players. A cross-sectional study included sixteen female adolescent football players (age: 14.5 Ā± 0.97 years; height: 170.06 Ā± 4.39 cm; weight: 61.35 Ā± 11.25 kg) competing as part ofĀ  the Serbia Development League. The body composition parameters were: muscle mass in percentage (MM), body fat mass in kg (BFM), body fat mass in percentage (PBF), while explosive power parameters were: CMJ Jump Height in cm (CMJHeight), CMJ Relative maximal F (CMJF), CMJ Relative maximal P (CMJP), SJ Jump Height in cm (SJHeight), SJ Relative maximal F (SJF), SJ Relative maximal P (SJP). Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between all tests and a simple linear regression analysis was applied to determine the influence between body composition and explosive power performance. Significant regressions were found between MM and CMJHeight (r = 0.50, p ā‰¤ 0.05, R2 = 0.25) and MM and SJHeight (r = 0.69, p ā‰¤ 0.003, R2 = 0.47). Also, regression analyses were found between PBF and CMJHeight (r = 0.58, p ā‰¤ 0.02, R2 = 0.33) and PBF and SJHeight (r = 0.72, p ā‰¤ 0.002, R2 = 0.51). Lower values of body fat mass and body fat mass in percentage and higher values of muscle mass lead to better results in explosive power performance.Cilj ove studije bio je da se kvantifikuje odnos između varijabli telesne kompozicije i eksplozivne snage kod fudbalerki u period adolescencije. Sekundarni cilj je bio uticaj telesne kompozicije na eksplozivnu snagu kod kod fudbalerki u period adolescencije. Transverzalna studija obuhvatila je Å”esnaest fudbalerki (godine: 14,5 Ā± 0,97; visina: 170,06 Ā± 4,39; težina: 61,35 Ā± 11,25) koje su se takmičile u okviru Razvojne lige Srbije. Parametri telesne kompozicije su bili: miÅ”ićna masa u procentima (MM), masa telesne masti u kg (BFM), masa telesne masti u procentima (PBF), dok su parametar eksplozivne snage bili: CMJ Visina skoka u cm (CMJHeight), CMJ Relativni maksimalni sila (CMJF), CMJ Relativni maksimalni snaga (CMJP), SJ Visina skoka u cm (SJHeight), SJ Relativna maksimalna sila (SJF), SJ Relativna maksimalna snaga (SJP). Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije je koriŔćen za određivanje korelacije između svih testova, a analiza linearne regresije su primenjene da bi se utvrdio uticaj između sastava tela i performansi eksplozivne snage. Pronađene su značajne regresije između MM i CMJHeight (r = 0,50, p ā‰¤ 0,05, R2 = 0,25) i MM i SJHeight (r = 0,69, p ā‰¤ 0,003, R2 = 0,47). Takođe, pronađene su regresione analize između PBF i CMJHeight (r = 0,58, p ā‰¤ 0,02, R2 = 0,33) i PBF i SJHeight (r = 0,72, p ā‰¤ 0,002, R2 = 0,51). Manje vrednosti mase telesne masti i mase telesne masti u procentima i veće vrednosti miÅ”ićne mase utiču na bolje rezultate u performansama eksplozivne snage


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    The aim of this research was to determine the effects of small-sided games (SSGs) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on body composition in adolescent soccer players. A total of 60 young male soccer players (Age: 15.6Ā±0.6 years) were recruited. We registered the following body composition variables: body fat, percentage of fat mass (BF%), muscle mass, body mass, total body water (TBW), and BMI. Players were randomly assigned to the SSG or HIIT group during the last eight weeks of the season. The HIIT group showed significantly improved body fat and body fat % (pā‰¤0.05), whereas no change was observed for body mass, BMI, body water and muscle mass in both groups. In conclusion, HIIT training improved or maintained body composition status in adolescent soccer players. On the contrary, SSG training seems to increase body fat and consequently affect playersā€™ performance at the end of the season.Cilj ove studije bio je utvrditi efekte igara na malom prostoru (SSG) i visoko intenzivnog intervalnog treninga (HIIT) na telesnu kompoziciju kod mladih fudbalera. Ukupan broj učesnika u ovoj studiji bio je 60 (Uzrast: 15.6Ā±0.6 godina). Za procenu telesne kompozicije koriŔćene su sledeće varijable: telesne masti, procenat telesnih masti (BF%), miÅ”ićna masa, telesna masa, ukupna količina vode (TBW) i BMI. Igrači su bili nasumično raspoređeni u SSG ili HIIT grupu tokom poslednjih osam nedelja u sezoni. HIIT grupa pokazala je značajno poboljÅ”anje telesnih masti i procenta telesnih masti (pā‰¤0.05),dok promene nisu uočene u telesnoj masi, BMI, telesnoj vodi i miÅ”ićnoj masi u obe grupe. Zaključili smo da je HIIT trening poboljÅ”ao ili zadržao postojeći status telesne kompozicije mladih fudbalera. S druge strane, SSG trening je povećao telesne masti i time uticao na performanse igrača na kraju sezone

    Exercise-based interventions in middle-aged and older adults after myocardial infarction

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    This study summarized the relevant literature and aimed to determine the effect of exercisebased interventions after myocardial infarction in middle-aged and older adults. Studies were identified and analyzed according to the PRISMA guidelines. The following electronic databases were used: Google Scholar, PubMed, Mendeley, Science Direct, and Scopus. The identified studies had to be longitudinal, be published in English, have taken place between 2010 and 2020, involve participants who had suffered myocardial infarction, and address different types of exercise-based interventions to be included. Of the 592 relevant studies identified, 20 were included in the qualitative analysis. After analyzing the results obtained, it could be concluded that different types of exercisebased interventions or their combination have a positive effect after myocardial infarction in middleaged and elderly adults. It can also be suggested that the combination of a cycle ergometer and a treadmill may be the most effective exercise-based intervention. An adequate choice of intensity and volume is crucial, with the optimal duration of the experimental program and the type(s) of exercises adapted to participants after myocardial infarction

    Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition (BOT-2) Short Form: A Systematic Review of Studies Conducted in Healthy Children

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    Motor skill competence of children is one of the important predictors of health because if a child is physically active during early childhood, the possibility of occurrence of many chronic diseases in adulthood will be reduced. The aim of this study was to systematically review the studies conducted in healthy children using the shorter form of the Bruininks-Oseretsky (BOT-2) and to determine the applicability in cross-sectional studies and pre-post designs. The search and analysis of the studies were done in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. An electronic databases search (Google Scholar, PubMed, Mendeley, Science Direct, and Scopus) yielded 250 relevant studies conducted from 2011 to 2020. A total of 21 studies were included in quantitative synthesis, with a total of 3893 participants, both male and female. Through this study, the BOT-2 test proved its broad applicability, so it can be concluded that this test can be used to improve motor proficiency in a healthy population of children. Hence, it is necessary to invest a lot of time during the implementation of various programs so that children would adequately develop their basic motor skills so they broaden their own repertoire of movements