25 research outputs found
Simulation of electromagnetic field propagation generated by radio waves from antennas for mobile cellular communications
The methods frequently employed for predicting the intensity of an electromagnetic field in urban localities are based on empirically established factors. In order to predict the intensity of the electromagnetic field in an adjacent transmitter zone and on building facade flats, the method of simulating of direct visibility rays seems to be a suitable tool. With reference to the introduced method, the article describes the offered algorithm applied for performing experimental calculations. Also, the method of monitoring has been based on the calculated values of the intensity of the electromagnetic field
Selecting the distinctive points of the land surface for modelling the relief
In order to prepare a project on rebuilding an old or constructing a new road and work drawings, knowledge of the present local objects is necessary. The performance of road construction or reconstruction is aimed at using digital models for the relief and at helping with more precise design, a decrease in the environmental impact and work optimization. Digital local models are most frequently prepared according to data on laser scanning. Redundant metering data on height points have been accumulated using a laser scanning technique. Because of redundant height points, for automatically creating and designing a model for the relief, computer resources must be irrationally used under slower modelling processes. The methodology provided in the article could be suitable for eliminating redundant points of height metering keeping them in distinctive relief positions. According to the proposed methodology, an algorithm has been created and used in the experimental theory for eliminating redundant points. In order to check the correctness of algorithm performance, a project on road reconstruction has been simulated and the volumes of land works using relief models created in the event of the full and filtrated array of height points have been compared
An effective database management of the urban underground facilities and topographic information
In developed countries the most accurate and reliable spatial data (M 1:500–1:1000) are extensively used. The same spatial object could be inscribed into separate systems: utilities companies have some systems, municipality collected catalogues of CAD data, separately developed real estate map. The same spatial objects are repeated and reiterated, unreasonable costs are incurred for their storage, the customers find it complicated to determine and select the best and appropriate spatial data required just for their own needs. This article suggests the solution of the problem. Authors have introduced the idea to compose and develop information system specialized for topography and infrastructure subsequently to be merged and coordinated. The model for data storage, data provision to the customers and service activities is defined. The available electronic services for the spatial data are described as advantageous for implementation on topographic maps, for inspection and monitoring of construction projects, for the issue of permits of excavation works and for the other activities
Variability of estimated contamination extent depending on calculation methods
The aim of research was to analyse the changes of contamination extent (E, %) estimated using two methods of background calculation by eliminating anomalies outside the interval mean±2s or median±2MAD (s is standard deviation, MAD is median absolute deviation) and optional normalisation. Two methods were used for estimation of background values (B) and upper threshold values (T) of Ag, As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, U, V, Zn and selected major elements according to their contents in topsoil samples from football fields in less contaminated districts of Klaipėda. Then two different sets of B and T values were applied to the whole geochemical data set. After determination of two sets of concentration coefficients (Kk), four sets of enrichment factors were calculated: two simple (EF1) (normalisation by Al) and two complex (EF3) (normalisation by Al, K, Ti). Estimation of E using T values resulted in lower percentage compared to percentage of sites where Kk1, EF11 or EF31, because the latter 3 indices depend on B values. Since all T values obtained by median±2MAD method are much lower (by 6-37.1%) than by mean±2s method, respective E is much higher: for 11 pollutants it is higher by more than 5% (range 6.3-34.2%). Since the absolute difference between B values estimated by two methods is much lower (only for Sn and Mn exceeds 5%) than the difference between T values, the influence of different B values on estimated E is much lower. Higher than 5% absolute difference between two sets of E estimated according to Kk1 is observed for 5 pollutants, according to EF31 for 4 and according to EF11 only for 3 pollutants. So E estimated according to EF11 is least of all influenced by the method of determination of B values, besides, it usually gives the highest E
The peculiarities of self-efficacy and leadership among university students of physical education and sports studies programmes
The problem of this scientific research: this scientific research is novelty, because the peculiarities of self-efficacy and leadership among university students of physical education and sports studies programmes settings was never exhaustively investigated and in this thesis are analized in complex. In literature self-efficacy (Malinauskas, Brusokas, 2010), and leadership peculiarities (Lee, 2005). are examined separately. Thats why the problem question is still unanswered: what are nowadays university physical education and sports studies programmes first and last course students self-efficacy and leadership peculiarities? Hypothesis: last course students of university physical education and sports studies programmes has major self-efficacy and stronger leadership manifestation than first course students. Goal of the research – to reveal the peculiarities of self-efficacy and leadership among university students of physical education and sports studies programmes. Tasks of the research: 1. To reveal the peculiarities of common self-efficacy and career self-efficacy among first and last course students of university physical education and sports studies programmes. 2. To eveluate the pecularities of leadership among first and last course students of university physical education and sports studies programmes. Object of the research: - the peculiarities of self-efficacy and leadership among university students of physical education and sports studies programmes. Methods of the research – survey methods: P. Northouse (2012) questionaire of leadership. Scale of common self-efficacy (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995). Scale of career self-efficacy sources. Scale of carrer self-efficacy research components. Respondents: ramdomly sample volume was concluded from 283 students ( 152 first course students and 131 last course students). Conclusions: was found that career self-efficacy among last course students of university physical education and sports studies programmes is more based (p<0,05) on these sources: indirect experience, surounding persuasion and personal achievements comparing with first course students. After comparing level of career self-efficacy among first and last course students of university physical education and sports studies programmes revealed that last course students has major career self-efficacy (p<0,05), also they have major indicators of career self-efficacy components (p<0,05) – information about profession, pursuit of career goals and career planning than first course students. Also disclosed that common self-efficacy of first and last course students does not statistically reliably differ. After assessment of reaserch results of first and last course students among university physical education and sports studies programmes revealed that major signs of leadership is in last course students (p<0,05). Last course students was characterized by guiding leadership, supporting leadership and participation leadership
The Land Surface Break Lines Determination by Fitting the Local Planes
Straipsnyje pristatomas sukurtas LIDAR skenuotų taškų apdorojimo metodas. Taškų klasifikavimo metodas pagrįstas taškų atrinkimu artimoje gretimybėje ir lokalios plokštumos pritaikymu. Lokaliai plokštumai pritaikyti skaičiuojamos tikrinių vektorių reikšmės, taikomas Jacobi iteracijų metodas. Sukurtoji preliminari šlaito viršaus ir apačios linija tikslinama pritaikant lokalias plokštumas kairėje ir dešinėje kiekvieno segmento pusėje. Pagal aprašytą algoritmą sukurtos kompiuterinės programos. Testinėje teritorijoje išbandytas siūlomo metodo patikimumas. Lyginant rezultatus su tradiciniais kartogafavimo metodais toje pačioje teritorijoje gautais duomenimis, parinktos tinkamos algoritmo parametrų reikšmės. Eksperimento rezultatai patvirtino, kad sudarius šį algoritmą galima pasiekti M 1:1000 ir smulkesnių mastelių planų kokybę.Abstract in English. The paper analyses the method of processing LIDAR points. The method of point classification is made with reference to selecting points in the neighbourhood and to fitting a local plane. The values of eigenvectors are calculated and the iteration method of Jacobi is used for fitting the local plane. The approximately created slope top and bottom lines are revised fitting the local plane on the left and right side of each segment. Computer programs are made with reference to the algorithm. The proposed method is employed in the tested territory. The correct values of the parameters of the algorithm are chosen comparing the obtained results with cartography data traditional in this territory. The results of the carried out experiment confirm that the algorithm allow to achieve the excellent quality of the maps at a scale 1:1000
The land surface break lines determination by fitting the local planes
The paper analyses the method of processing LIDAR points. The method of point classification is made with reference to selecting points in the neighbourhood and to fitting a local plane. The values of eigenvectors are calculated and the iteration method of Jacobi is used for fitting the local plane. The approximately created slope top and bottom lines are revised fitting the local plane on the left and right side of each segment. Computer programs are made with reference to the algorithm. The proposed method is employed in the tested territory. The correct values of the parameters of the algorithm are chosen comparing the obtained results with cartography data traditional in this territory. The results of the carried out experiment confirm that the algorithm allow to achieve the excellent quality of the maps at a scale 1:1000.
Article in Lithuanian
Žemės paviršiaus lūžio linijos padėties nustatymas lokaliai pritaikant plokštumas
Santrauka. Straipsnyje pristatomas sukurtas LIDAR skenuotų taškų apdorojimo metodas. Taškų klasifikavimo metodas pagrįstas taškų atrinkimu artimoje gretimybėje ir lokalios plokštumos pritaikymu. Lokaliai plokštumai pritaikyti skaičiuojamos tikrinių vektorių reikšmės, taikomas Jacobi iteracijų metodas. Sukurtoji preliminari šlaito viršaus ir apačios linija tikslinama pritaikant lokalias plokštumas kairėje ir dešinėje kiekvieno segmento pusėje. Pagal aprašytą algoritmą sukurtos kompiuterinės programos. Testinėje teritorijoje išbandytas siūlomo metodo patikimumas. Lyginant rezultatus su tradiciniais kartogafavimo metodais toje pačioje teritorijoje gautais duomenimis, parinktos tinkamos algoritmo parametrų reikšmės. Eksperimento rezultatai patvirtino, kad sudarius šį algoritmą galima pasiekti M 1:1000 ir smulkesnių mastelių planų kokybę.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: LIDAR, skaitmeninis paviršiaus modelis, plokštumos pritaikymas, lokalusis paviršius, lūžio linija, tikrinė reikšmė, tikrinis vektorius
Physiotherapy on tennis players shoulder joint pain and amplitudes
The object: shoulder joint range of motion, pain assessment. Research problem: Increasing physical activity among non-professional sportsmen is a positive thing. However, the characteristics of the chosen sport, sometimes causing unwanted complications. Physically active people who play tennis counterirritants permanent and rotating repetitive movements can increase the risk of damage to the shoulder joint and the surrounding structures. Physical therapy can be a good preventive and therapeutic tool. The aim: to determine the effects of physical therapy in chronic shoulder joint pain tennis player. Objectives of the study: 1. Rate shoulder joint movements and range of motion before and after physiotherapy. 2. Rate shoulder joint pain before and after physiotherapy. The study hypothesis: We believe that the targeted individual physiotherapy treatments can relieve pain and hearth shoulder joint range of motion of a tennis player. Methods of research: 1. Analysis of the literature. 2. Testing 3. Mathematical Statistics. Test: It was tested physically active - male (n = 12). All subjects participated in the study voluntarily, and in particular they have been informed about the prospective study, its purpose, and the method used to obtain the data anonymous. Subjects were non-professional tennis players. The mean age was 32-35 years old, the dominant hand (right). Conclusion: • Applied appropriate physical therapy lasted for 6 weeks significantly (p <0.05) improvement in the experimental group on the right shoulder joint range of motion. • Applied appropriate physical therapy lasted for 6 weeks significantly (p <0.05) reduced the experimental group on the right shoulder joint pain
Skaitmeninių žemėlapių sudarymo technologija. Simbolizavimas ir anotavimas
Knygoje aprašytos skaitmeninių žemėlapių objektų simbolizavimo ir anotavimo technologijos. Skirtingos technologijos analizuojamos AutoCAD Civil, GeoMap programinės įrangos aplinkoje. Išnagrinėtos erdvinių duomenų importavimo, skaitmeninio žemėlapio objektų anotavimo procedūrų automatizavimo AutoLisp ir Visual Basic for AutoCAD priemonėmis galimybės. Sudaryti program pavyzdžiai, aprašyta taikyti operatoriai ir funkcijos.
Knyga skirta VGTU Geodezijos ir kadastro katedros bakalaurų studijų pakopos ketvirto kurso bei magistrų studijų pakopos antro kurso studentams, paranki ir kitų specialybių studentams, studijuojantiems programas, susijusias su geodezija, kartografija, teritorijų planavimu bei statinių projektavimu
The connection of ellipsoidal and normal heights when applying the collocation method
The prognostic normal heights models compiled by the collocation method are analysed in the article. The elipsoidic heights determined by GPS measurements are used for this case. Systems of equations are applied for prognostic modelling applying polynoms of a relevant order. The parameters of the optimal prognostic model are obtained according to statistical declinations of elipsoidic and normal heights at identical points. This is performed by changing the sequence of the polynoms and the elements of matrix of weights at elipsoidic and normal heights. The formulas for evalution of the influence of the elipsoidic heights errors for the accuracy of the parameters of prognostic model are presented.
Article in Lithuanian
Elipsoidinių ir normalinių aukščių sąsaja, taikant kolokacijos metodą
Santrauka. Straipsnyje analizuojami normalinių aukščių prognozės modeliai, sudaryti kolokacijos metodu, įtraukiant GPS matavimais nustatytus elipsoidinius aukščius. Prognozės modeliams sudaryti išvedamos lygčių sistemos, taikant atitinkamos eilės daugianarius. Optimalaus prognozės modelio parametrų reikšmės gaunamos pagal statistinius elipsoidinių ir normalinių aukščių nuokrypius identiškuose taškuose, keičiant daugianarių eilę ir elipsoidinių bei normalinių aukščių svorių matricos elementus. Pateikiamos formulės elipsoidinių aukščių klaidų įtakai prognozės modelio parametrų bei normalinių aukščių tikslumui įvertinti.
Raktažodžiai: elipsoidiniai ir normaliniai aukščiai, prognozavimas, kolokacija, kovariacija, GPS, geoidas