2,231 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance Against Recommendations: The Cases of the Strong Executive and the Strong Ownership

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    There are several basic configurations of corporate governance according to the separation of ownership and control (Jensen’s theory). Effective governance is described as a situation when an owner (or group of owners) keeps the right to ratify and monitor strategic decisions while management has the right to initiate and implement those decisions. There are two particular situations how this recommendation is partially broken and both situations are linked to CEO duality. The first case happens when an owner loses or does not exercise the right to monitor management of the organization and is termed as the strong executive. The second case is called the strong ownership and is distinguished by an owner taking over implementations of the decisions. The focus of the study was to explore particularly configurations of the strong executive and the strong governance. A mixed method research design was chosen to explore the differences between the basic governance configurations. The sample was chosen by purposive sampling and covered a hundred for-profit organizations of all size and from all sectors of economy. The data were collected through interviews with representatives, mainly members of top management. We revealed that both of these configurations can bear good corporate performance but also bigger risks. The strong executive is typical for organizations with dispersed ownership or a publicly owned organization and the performance of the organization is fully dependent on competencies but also personalities of managers. This configuration contains a high risk of misuse of authority. The strong ownership is effective in small organizations while in a larger organization leads to an overexertion of owners and low performance because they usually face problems to keep focus on the strategic issues of the organization.Existuje několik základních konfigurací správy podle oddělení vlastnictví a kontroly (Jensen teorie). Efektivní řízení je popsáno jako situace, kdy vlastník (nebo skupina vlastníků) udržuje právoratifikace a sledování strategických rozhodnutí. Při řízení má právo zahájit a provádět tato rozhodnutí. Existují dva zvláštní případy, kde toto doporučení neplatí a obě situace jsou spojeny s CEO dualitou.První případ se stane, když vlastník ztratí, nebo nevyužije právo kontrolovat management organizace a je pojmenován jako silná exekutiva.Druhý případ se nazývá silná správa vlastníka a vyznačuje se tím, že vlastník převezme implementaci rozhodnutí.Zaměření studie bylo zaměřeno na prozkoumání zejména konfigurace se silnou exekutivou a silnou správou.Smíšená metoda designu výzkumu byla vybrána, aby prozkoumala rozdíly mezi stanovenou konfigurací.Vzorek byl vybrán záměrným výběrem a vztahuje se na sto ziskových organizací všech velikostí a ze všech sektorů ekonomiky. Údaje byly získány prostřednictvím rozhovorů se zástupci, zejména členy vrcholového managementu. Zjistili jsme, že obě z těchto konfigurací mohou nést dobré firemní výsledky, ale také větší rizika. Silná exekutiva je typická pro organizace s rozptýleným vlastnictvím nebo ve veřejném vlastnictví organizace a výkonnosti organizace je plně závislá na kompetencích, ale také osobnosti manažerů. Tato konfigurace obsahuje vysoké riziko zneužití pravomoci.Silná správa je účinná v malých organizacích, zatímco ve větších organizacích vede k nízké výkonnosti, protože se obvykle potýká s problémy udržet strategické zaměření organizace.There are several basic configurations of corporate governance according to the separation of ownership and control (Jensen’s theory). Effective governance is described as a situation when an owner (or group of owners) keeps the right to ratify and monitor strategic decisions while management has the right to initiate and implement those decisions. There are two particular situations how this recommendation is partially broken and both situations are linked to CEO duality. The first case happens when an owner loses or does not exercise the right to monitor management of the organization and is termed as the strong executive. The second case is called the strong ownership and is distinguished by an owner taking over implementations of the decisions. The focus of the study was to explore particularly configurations of the strong executive and the strong governance. A mixed method research design was chosen to explore the differences between the basic governance configurations. The sample was chosen by purposive sampling and covered a hundred for-profit organizations of all size and from all sectors of economy. The data were collected through interviews with representatives, mainly members of top management. We revealed that both of these configurations can bear good corporate performance but also bigger risks. The strong executive is typical for organizations with dispersed ownership or a publicly owned organization and the performance of the organization is fully dependent on competencies but also personalities of managers. This configuration contains a high risk of misuse of authority. The strong ownership is effective in small organizations while in a larger organization leads to an overexertion of owners and low performance because they usually face problems to keep focus on the strategic issues of the organization

    Threat Detection Through Correlation of Network Flows and Logs

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    A rising amount of mutually interconnected and communicating devices puts increasing demands on cybersecurity operators and their tools. With the rise of end-to-end encryption, it is becoming increasingly difficult to detect threats in network traffic. With such motivation, this Ph.D. proposal aims to find new methods for automatic detection of threats hiding in encrypted channels. The focus of the proposal is on correlating the data still available in the encrypted network flows with the data contained in the logs of network applications. Our research is in the initial phase and will contribute to a Ph.D. thesis in four years

    Experimental demonstration of sub-wavelength image channeling using capacitively loaded wire medium

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    In this letter we experimentally demonstrate a possibility to achieve significant sub-wavelength resolution of a near-field image channeled through a layer of an electromagnetic crystal. An image having radius of λ/10\lambda/10 has been realized using an electrically dense lattice of capacitively loaded wires. The loading allows to reduce the lattice period dramatically so that it is only a small fraction of the free-space wavelength. It is shown that losses in the structure only decrease the total amplitude of the image, but do not influence the resolution.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Friction coefficient measurements of silencers on specialized duct tract

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    This article describes test methods on air duct track in Laboratory of Environmental Engineering. It focuses on measurement of silencer parameter like is pressure loss coefficient. Firstly, the paper describe the measurement apparatus with description of calculation method by standard ISO 7235 and energy equation. Then the paper presents three ways how to accomplish measurement because such way is not covered by procedure in standard. Then follows the evaluation of results of measurements on three types of silencer designed for HVAC applications. The article is concluded with discussion over measured data with outline for further research.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/CebiaTech/2016/001


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    The first part of the article reviews the possible methods for LPG and air mixture forming (injection of gaseous or liquid state LPG) and their influence on the operating properties of an SI engine. The next chapter explains the processes that take place when liquid state LPG is injected into the air flow of an internal combustion engine intake manifold. A simplified calculation is used to show that the injection of liquid state LPG is associated with extreme low temperature of the LPG injected into intake manifold and with ice formation on the outlet nozzle. The article sets out the design of an end part injector (EPI) for liquid state LPG that reduces the risk of icing of the outlet nozzle. The results of experimental research indicate very good operational properties for a vehicle SI engine with the combustion mixture formed by the injection of liquid state LPG into the engine intake manifold. The calculation results are confirmed by recording plots of LPG pressure inside the end part of injector (EPI) and the temperature on the outlet nozzle (ON) of the LPG injector. Visual inspection of injection of liquid state LPG into the intake manifold clearly supports the performed measurements. The conclusions summarize the knowledge gained from the laboratory investigation of liquid state LPG injection into an engine intake manifold. V úvodní části článku jsou připomenuty možné způsoby tvoření směsi LPG se vzduchem (vstřikování LPG v plynném nebo kapalném stavu) a jejich vliv na provozní vlastnosti zážehového motoru. Další kapitola vysvětluje děje, které působí na průběh vstřikování LPG v kapalném stavu do nasávaného vzduchu v sacím potrubí motoru. Pomocí zjednodušeného výpočtového modelu je ukázáno, že vstřikování LPG v kapalném stavu je principiálně spojeno s extrémně nízkými teplotami LPG na výtoku ze vstřikovací trysky a s rizikem tvoření námrazy na výtokové trysce a příp. i v sacím potrubí. V článku je ukázána konstrukční úprava koncové části vstřikovače LPG s potlačeným rizikem pro tvoření námrazy. Výsledky experimentálního výzkumu na zkušebním zážehovém motoru s tvořením směsi vstřikováním LPG v kapalném stavu ukazují velmi kvalitní vlastnosti motoru. Měření průběhu tlaku LPG v koncové části vstřikovače a měření teplot na výtokové trysce potvrzují výsledky provedených výpočtů. Měření na zkušebním motoru doplňují vizualizace vstřikování LPG do sacího potrubí. V závěru článku je souhrn poznatků z výzkumu tvoření směsi vstřikováním LPG v kapalném stavu do sacího potrubí motoru

    Implicarea cerebelului în angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală

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    Introduction. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is characterized by deposits of beta amyloid in small and medium-sized vessels of the brain and leptomeninges. Lobar hemorrhage is a primary clinical sign of CAA. A subset of hemorrhages located in the cerebellum are thought to be associated with amyloid storage. Aim of the study. Analysis of the involvement of the cerebellum in CAA. Materials and methods. Patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage that were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging were selected. Data was accrued retrospectively from 2009- 2015 and prospectively from 2015 to 2019. Patients were diagnosed with CAA according to Boston criteria. The pattern of distribution of microhemorrhages, changes in white matter and cognitive abilities of patients with and without cerebellar involvement were analyzed. Results. Out of a total of 718 patients, 189 (26.3%) were examined by brain MRI. Of the 189 patients, 155 met the Boston criteria for the diagnosis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Patients with CAA and cerebellar involvement were younger (67 + -6 years vs 72 + -10 years, p < 0.001), and have more microhemorrhages 33 + -23 vs 3 + -9, p < 0.001. Patients with cerebellar involvement had a more white matter hyperintensities according to the Fazekas scale. In addition, cognitive disorders are more prevalent in patients with cerebellar involvement, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Conclusion: cerebellar involvement is not uncommon in CAA. Most patients have cerebellar microbleedings, have a more aggressive microvascular pattern, and more prominent cognitive changes.Introducere: Angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală (AAC) este caracterizată prin depozite de amiloid beta în vasele creierului și leptomeningelui. Hemoragia intracerebrală (HI) lobară este semnul clinic al angiopatiei amiloide. Se presupune că un subgrup de hemoragii localizate în cerebel sunt asociate cu AAC. Scopul lucrării: Analiza implicării cerebelului în angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală. Materiale și metode: Au fost selectați pacienții cu hemoragie intracerebrală spontane investigați imagistic prin rezonanță magnetică. Au fost analizați retrospectiv pacienții internați în perioada 2009- 2015 și prospectiv în perioada 2015-2019. Pacienții au fost diagnosticați cu AAC conform criteriilor Boston. Au fost analizate pattern-ul distribuției microhemoragiilor, modificările substanței albe și capacitățile cognitive ale pacienților cu și fără implicarea cerebelului. Rezultate: Din totalul de 718 pacienți, 189 (26,3%) au fost examinați prin IRM cerebrală. Doar 155 pacienți au îndeplinit criteriile Boston pentru diagnosticul de AAC. Pacienții cu AAC și implicarea cerebelului sunt mai tineri (67 +-6 ani vs 72+-10 ani, p < 0.001), și au mai multe microhemoragii comparativ cu pacienții cu ACC fără implicarea cerebelului, 33+-23 vs. 3+-9, p < 0.001. La pacienții cu implicarea cerebelului s-a înregistrat un grad mai sever de afectare a substanței albe conform scalei Fazekas, și o prevalență mai mare a dereglărilor cognitive, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Concluzie: implicarea cerebelară nu este rară în AAC. Majoritatea pacienților prezintă microhemoragii cerebelare și hemoragii multiple, au un pattern microvascular mai agresiv, cu dereglările cognitive sunt mai proeminente

    Dependability Evaluation of Time Triggered Architecture Using Simulation

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    The method presented in this paper uses a generic C-language written simulation model of an embedded distributed computer system aimed for a safety-critical control application. The considered system is built using Time Triggered Architecture (TTA) concepts. The aim of the presented simulation method is to evaluate the system capability to tolerate a chosen category of faults. The model, being written in ANSI-C, is portable and machine-independent. Its structure is modular and flexible, so that the system to be studied and the experiment setting can easily be changed. The functionality of this model is demonstrated on a set of fault injection experiments aimed mainly to evaluate the correctness of the Time Triggered Protocol (TTP/C) that implements the abstract concepts of TTA. These experiments were done within the EU/IST project Fault Injection for Time triggered architecture (FIT)


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală (AAC) este caracterizată prin depozite de amiloid beta în vasele creierului și leptomeningelui. Hemoragia intracerebrală (HI) lobară este semnul clinic al angiopatiei amiloide. Se presupune că un subgrup de hemoragii localizate în cerebel sunt asociate cu AAC. Scopul lucrării: Analiza implicării cerebelului în angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală. Materiale și metode: Au fost selectați pacienții cu hemoragie intracerebrală spontane investigați imagistic prin rezonanță magnetică. Au fost analizați retrospectiv pacienții internați în perioada 20092015 și prospectiv în perioada 2015-2019. Pacienții au fost diagnosticați cu AAC conform criteriilor Boston. Au fost analizate pattern-ul distribuției microhemoragiilor, modificările substanței albe și capacitățile cognitive ale pacienților cu și fără implicarea cerebelului. Rezultate: Din totalul de 718 pacienți, 189 (26,3%) au fost examinați prin IRM cerebrală. Doar 155 pacienți au îndeplinit criteriile Boston pentru diagnosticul de AAC. Pacienții cu AAC și implicarea cerebelului sunt mai tineri (67 +-6 ani vs 72+-10 ani, p < 0.001), și au mai multe microhemoragii comparativ cu pacienții cu ACC fără implicarea cerebelului, 33+-23 vs. 3+-9, p < 0.001. La pacienții cu implicarea cerebelului s-a înregistrat un grad mai sever de afectare a substanței albe conform scalei Fazekas, și o prevalență mai mare a dereglărilor cognitive, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Concluzie: implicarea cerebelară nu este rară în AAC. Majoritatea pacienților prezintă microhemoragii cerebelare și hemoragii multiple, au un pattern microvascular mai agresiv, cu dereglările cognitive sunt mai proeminente.Introduction. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is characterized by deposits of beta amyloid in small and medium-sized vessels of the brain and leptomeninges. Lobar hemorrhage is a primary clinical sign of CAA. A subset of hemorrhages located in the cerebellum are thought to be associated with amyloid storage. Aim of the study. Analysis of the involvement of the cerebellum in CAA. Materials and methods. Patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage that were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging were selected. Data was accrued retrospectively from 20092015 and prospectively from 2015 to 2019. Patients were diagnosed with CAA according to Boston criteria. The pattern of distribution of microhemorrhages, changes in white matter and cognitive abilities of patients with and without cerebellar involvement were analyzed. Results. Out of a total of 718 patients, 189 (26.3%) were examined by brain MRI. Of the 189 patients, 155 met the Boston criteria for the diagnosis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Patients with CAA and cerebellar involvement were younger (67 + -6 years vs 72 + -10 years, p < 0.001), and have more microhemorrhages 33 + -23 vs 3 + -9, p < 0.001. Patients with cerebellar involvement had a more white matter hyperintensities according to the Fazekas scale. In addition, cognitive disorders are more prevalent in patients with cerebellar involvement, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Conclusion: cerebellar involvement is not uncommon in CAA. Most patients have cerebellar microbleedings, have a more aggressive microvascular pattern, and more prominent cognitive changes

    Enriching DNS Flows with Host-Based Events to Bypass Future Protocol Encryption

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    Monitoring of host-based events and network flows are the two most common techniques for collecting and analyzing cybersecurity data. However, events and flows are either monitored separately or correlated as alerts in higher aggregated forms. The event-flow correlation on the monitoring level would match related events and flows together and enabled observing both data in near real-time. This approach allows substituting application-level flow information that will not be available due to encryption, which is being employed in a number of communication protocols. In this paper, we performed the event-flow correlation of the DNS protocol. We developed a general model that describes the relation between events and flows to enable an accurate time-based correlation where parameter-based correlation is not feasible. Based on the model, we designed three event-flow correlation methods based on common parameters and times of occurrence. We evaluated the correlation methods using a recent and public dataset, both with and without the extended flow information, to simulate DNS flow encryption. The results of the method combining parameter-based and time-based matching show that matching related DNS events to flows is possible and substitutes the data that might soon be lost in encryption