74 research outputs found

    El estilo cerámico Carmen y su presencia en el valle medio de Chincha, costa sur del Perú

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    En este artículo se describe y discute la cerámica asociada a lo que se conoce en la literatura arqueológica como la «Fase o Estilo Carmen» (circa 200-400 d. C.) recuperada en nuestras recientes investigaciones en los sitios de Cerro del Gentil y Pampa del Gentil, ubicados en el valle medio de Chincha, en la costa sur del Perú. La presentación hecha aquí del análisis de la cerámica recolectada y su contexto de recuperación nos acercan a la comprensión de la ocupación humana que habrían tenido estos sitios que, por lo general, se han relacionado con la sociedad Nasca.Cet article décrit et analyse la céramique associée à ce que l’on connaît dans la literature archéologique comme Phase ou Style Carmen (circa 200-400 a. J.C.) trouvées récemment sur les sites Cerro del Gentil et Pampa del Gentil situés dans la moyenne vallée de Chincha, sur la côte sud du Pérou. La présentation de l’analyse de la céramique collectée et des caractéristiques de la récupération permet de mieux comprendre l’occupation humaine de ces sites généralement associés à la société Nasca.This article describes and discusses the ceramics known in the archaeological literature as “Carmen Phase or Style” (circa 200 -400 AD) that were recovered in our recent research at the sites of Cerro del Gentil y Pampa del Gentil, located in the mid Chincha valley, at the south coast of Peru. The analysis of the pottery and its archaeological contexts provide us with a better understanding of human occupation of these sites mainly related with Nasca Society

    Integration of ancient DNA with transdisciplinary dataset finds strong support for Inca resettlement in the south Peruvian coast

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    Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis provides a powerful means of investigating human migration, social organization, and a plethora of other crucial questions about humanity’s past. Recently, specialists have suggested that the ideal research design involving aDNA would include multiple independent lines of evidence. In this paper, we adopt a transdisciplinary approach integrating aDNA with archaeological, biogeochemical, and historical data to investigate six individuals found in two cemeteries that date to the Late Horizon (1400 to 1532 CE) and Colonial (1532 to 1825 CE) periods in the Chincha Valley of southern Peru. Genomic analyses indicate that these individuals are genetically most similar to ancient and present-day populations from the north Peruvian coast located several hundred kilometers away. These genomic data are consistent with 16th century written records as well as ceramic, textile, and isotopic data. These results provide some of the strongest evidence yet of state-sponsored resettlement in the pre-Colonial Andes. This study highlights the power of transdisciplinary research designs when using aDNA data and sets a methodological standard for investigating ancient mobility in complex societies

    Subchondral pre-solidified chitosan/blood implants elicit reproducible early osteochondral wound-repair responses including neutrophil and stromal cell chemotaxis, bone resorption and repair, enhanced repair tissue integration and delayed matrix deposition

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    Background: In this study we evaluated a novel approach to guide the bone marrow-driven articular cartilage repair response in skeletally aged rabbits. We hypothesized that dispersed chitosan particles implanted close to the bone marrow degrade in situ in a molecular mass-dependent manner, and attract more stromal cells to the site in aged rabbits compared to the blood clot in untreated controls. Methods: Three microdrill hole defects, 1.4 mm diameter and 2 mm deep, were created in both knee trochlea of 30 month-old New Zealand White rabbits. Each of 3 isotonic chitosan solutions (150, 40, 10 kDa, 80% degree of deaceylation, with fluorescent chitosan tracer) was mixed with autologous rabbit whole blood, clotted with Tissue Factor to form cylindrical implants, and press-fit in drill holes in the left knee while contralateral holes received Tissue Factor or no treatment. At day 1 or day 21 post-operative, defects were analyzed by micro-computed tomography, histomorphometry and stereology for bone and soft tissue repair. Results: All 3 implants filled the top of defects at day 1 and were partly degraded in situ at 21 days post-operative. All implants attracted neutrophils, osteoclasts and abundant bone marrow-derived stromal cells, stimulated bone resorption followed by new woven bone repair (bone remodeling) and promoted repair tissue-bone integration. 150 kDa chitosan implant was less degraded, and elicited more apoptotic neutrophils and bone resorption than 10 kDa chitosan implant. Drilled controls elicited a poorly integrated fibrous or fibrocartilaginous tissue. Conclusions: Pre-solidified implants elicit stromal cells and vigorous bone plate remodeling through a phase involving neutrophil chemotaxis. Pre-solidified chitosan implants are tunable by molecular mass, and could be beneficial for augmented marrow stimulation therapy if the recruited stromal cells can progress to bone and cartilage repair

    Rasgo 11 Profile

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    13. La ocupación Inca en la cuenca del Titicaca

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    Los pueblos quechuas que vivían en la región de Cusco construyeron un poderoso estado conquistador que se extendió por un enorme área en un plazo de tiempo relativamente corto. A través de los siglos, la naturaleza del Estado Inca se ha definido y redefinido, con interpretaciones que van desde un estado totalitario a un imperio benévolo “socialista” (Arze 1941; Baudin 1928). En una línea similar, los escritores del siglo xx interpretaron lo inca más como un gran estado redistribuidor, en el q..

    14c dates from Taraco, Peru

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