57 research outputs found

    The significance of implementation of life course concept into the theoretic basis of health promotion

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    The acceptance of the postulate that people's health is the general interest of human society and also its basic resource for development represents the shift in the focus of the health care system and the society from disease and treatment to health promotion and preservation, healthy lifestyles affirmation and to development of a healthy environment. The promotion of health is becoming the key area for public healthcare actions, and thus a key element of nursing practice. Through the presentation and comparison of the current concept of health promotion based on the bio-psycho-social model and the basic postulates of the Life Course Theory, the author implies the necessity of expanding the existing frames in health promotion theory and the significance of implementation of Life Course Theory into the nursing curriculum, giving at the same time basic guidelines for its practical application within the health promotion activities of the nurses

    Prevention measures and suppression of coxsackie virus infection in health institutions

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    Hospital (nosocomial, intrahospital) infections have become a significant indicator of the global quality of healthcare services in terms of frequency and influence on the increase of morbidity and mortality of the infected and in terms of overall treatment expenses. An increase in the rate of viral hospital infections is evident in last few decades as a consequence of the changes in the epidemic characteristics of the causer and of resistance to antiviral drugs. Coxsackie virus, among other existing human pathogens, has been detected as a significant causative agent for a series of diseases. The work presents the basic epidemiological characteristics and manifestations of Coxsackie virus infections; also it represents general and specific measures of prevention and suppression of the infection in hospital environment and a special role of the nurses in the process. Occurrence and widespread of the Coxsackie virus infections imposes the need for corrections and amendments of existing preventive and treatment solutions in hospital praxis, also it demands an integrated approach based on enhanced measures of epidemic surveillance, education of the staff and programs of promotion of a quality healthcare service. Since the suppressing of hospital infections lies in legal obligation of all the participants in a healthcare service, conscientious and professional attitude of the nurses can be of great significance in the reduction of the patients and staffsā€™ exposure to the infective agents

    Rizična ponaŔanja adolescenata na hraniteljstvu i bioloŔke dece hranitelja

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    Increased vulnerability of adolescents without parental care is often related to displaying risk behavior, thus the researches that show increased display of such behavior in population of adolescents in family or board accommodation are common. With the aim of investigating differences between behavior of adolescents in foster families and foster parent's biological children a survey has been conducted with 150 foster families from five regional centers for foster family accommodation and adoption, at a specimen of 109 adolescents, aged 12 to 24. The data were gathered using Wisconsin Youth Risk Behavior Survey, version from 2013. The results of the research did not confirm the assumption of increased risk behavior of adolescents in foster care. The most present behaviors in both researched groups are: endangering personal safety, unhealthy diet habits and consumption of cigarettes, whilst the consumption of marihuana and other narcotics are the least present behaviors. Nevertheless, it is proven that self-aggression and bullying victimizations are more present with adolescents in foster care, while insufficient physical activity, risk sexual behavior and misuse of alcohol are present with foster parent's biological children. But, the differences proven not only that are not statistically significant yet can be, in great deal, attributed to different age of adolescents from sub specimen. The findings of research and practical implications important for prevention of risk behavior of adolescents who are growing in foster families are summed up in conclusion.Povećana vulnerabilnost adolescenata bez roditeljskog staranja često se dovodi u vezu sa ispoljavanjem rizičnih ponaÅ”anja, te nisu retka istraživanja koja ukazuju na veću zastupljenost ovih ponaÅ”anja u populaciji adolescenata koji se nalaze na domskom ili porodičnom smeÅ”taju. U cilju ispitivanja razlika u rizičnim ponaÅ”anjima adolescenata na hraniteljstvu i bioloÅ”ke dece hranitelja, sprovedeno je istraživanje u 150 hraniteljskih porodica iz pet regionalnih centara za porodični smeÅ”taj i usvojenje, na uzorku od 109 adolescenata, uzrasta od 12 do 24 godine. Podaci su prikupljeni Anketom o rizičnom ponaÅ”anju mladih, verzija Viskonsin iz 2013. godine. Rezultati istraživanja nisu potvrdili pretpostavku da su kod adolescenata na hraniteljstvu zastupljenija rizična ponaÅ”anja. U obe ispitivane grupe najprisutnija su ponaÅ”anja koja ugrožavaju ličnu bezbednost, ukazuju na nezdrave navike u ishrani i na konzumiranje cigareta, dok su upotreba marihuane i drugih droga najmanje zastupljena ponaÅ”anja. Ipak, utvrđeno je da su autoagresivna ponaÅ”anja i viktimiziranost vrÅ”njačkim nasiljem prisutniji kod adolescenata na hraniteljstvu, dok je kod bioloÅ”ke dece hranitelja prisutnija nedovoljna fizička aktivnost, rizično seksualno ponaÅ”anje i konzumiranje alkohola. Međutim, uočene razlike ne samo da uglavnom nisu statistički značajne, već se većim delom mogu pripisati različitom uzrastu adolescenata iz poduzoraka. U zaključku su sumirani istraživački nalazi i izvedene praktične implikacije značajne za prevenciju rizičnih ponaÅ”anja adolescenata koji odrastaju u hraniteljskim porodicama

    Appropriateness of therapeutic and informative communication to the health literacy level of health service users

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    Health literacy implies the knowledge, motivation, and competence of an individual to find, understand, evaluate and apply health information for the purpose of judging and making decisions about health. In the field of health literacy three levels of functionality are distinguished: functional (basic), interactive and critical health literacy. The assessment of the health literacy level is carried out by standardized instruments such as: REALM (Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine), WRAT (Wide Range Achievement Test), CLOZE test, TOFHLA (Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults) and NVS test (The Newest Vital Sign). The contemporary concept of health places health literacy in health resources as a factor that contributes to increasing health potential, and therefore quality of life as well. The importance of the appropriateness of therapeutic and informative communication in the daily work of health workers is reflected in the assessment of the level of health literacy of the users and the application of adequate methods and techniques of communication in the provision of health services, especially in dealing with vulnerable groups and groups at risk

    Documenting of extravasation of cytotoxic agents

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    As a potential complication of a systemic administration of cytotoxic agents, extravasation requires particular caution of all health practitioners involved in treatments of oncological patients. In the light of the fact that more than 100.000 doses of chemotherapy are indicated worldwide and more than 1.000.000 intravenous infusion of cytostatic drugs are administered on daily bases, it is upsetting that in the case of cytostatic administration through peripheral intravenous cannulas extravasation occurs in 0,5 to 6% of oncological patients, while in the case of administration through central venous lines it occurs in 6% of the cases. Each extravasation results in tissue damage and depending on type and features of the administered substance can be manifested in different forms, from skin reaction to tissue necrosis. By highlighting the multiple significance of documenting and accident reporting, the authors state the necessary elements and propose the form of a nurse documenting list for the cases of extravasation of cytostatic agents. A nurse must document the following data on an accident: patient's name and surname, date of birth, name of the clinics, primary oncological diagnosis, date and time of extravasation, name of the cytotoxic drug, symptoms and signs of extravasation and the measures undertaken. The accurate documenting and reporting of accidents are legally binding for health practitioners, particularly nurses, as a result of the need to map the risk factors of their occurrence, to assess compliance of the standard nursing procedures in administration of cytostatic therapy, to follow up the course of the management of complications, outcomes and the undertaken measures but also to improve the existing and develop new preventive strategies

    An Analysis of Studentsā€™ Drawings for the Purpose of Considering the Efficiency of Teamwork (Programme Content: Marine Life Community)

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    In this paper, a comparison is made between the levels of efficiency achieved when applying team teaching vs. conventional expository teaching, in the framework of the teaching unit ā€œMarine Life Communityā€, involving the students of the sixth grade of ā€œDvadeseti oktobarā€ elementary school in Belgrade. In order to accomplish the tasks of this paper, a model of a pedagogical experiment with parallel groups [experimental (E) and control (C)] was applied, involving 100 students.The aim was to identify and measure the differences and compare the efficiency of these two teaching approaches through an analysis of studentsā€™ drawings.Group E was presented the course content through teaching instruction, which included the presentation of an educational film, after which the students were shown printed photos. In group E the biology teacher presented the characteristics of sea-living communities, and the art teacher presented the distribution, different shapes and colours of marine organisms. Group C was presented the same content through traditional teaching methods: oral presentations, illustrations and demonstrations.The results of our research show that the students who participated in team teaching demonstrated better drawings according to the number and variety of marine organisms.The results of our study reflect the greater productivity of the students and the higher degree of motivation and activity.These results are based on the application of a great number of visual teaching technologies in the didactic model of team teaching

    Drought-induced Changes in the Antioxidant System in Pisum sativum L.

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    Background: This study was carried out for an understanding of the antioxidant mechanisms of field pea varieties under osmotic stress conditions caused by a lack of water. The activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APx) and glutathione reductase (GR) were examined and analyzed. The gene expression levels of Cu/Zn SOD, cAPx and GR genes were also examined. Methods: Osmotic stress was stimulated using PEG 6000 with the osmotic potential of -0.1 MPa in 10 days old plant seedlings. The activity of the antioxidant enzymes was measured in the shoots and roots of pea seedlings. The gene expression levels of genes coding antioxidative enzymes were examined by the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique. Arabidopsis 18S rRNA was used as endogenous control. Result: Osmotic stress changed the activities of antioxidant enzymes in the shoots and roots of pea seedlings. Varieties more tolerant to osmotic stress showed a significant increase in antioxidant activities in shoots and roots, while sensitive varieties showed a significant decrease. The results of the analysis of the expression of genes, coding for antioxidant enzymes, showed that the reaction of the tested cultivars to ROS was the result of increased expression of the tested genes in tolerant cultivars, i.e. decreased expression in sensitive cultivars

    Public health significance of pronunciation of voices in pre-school children

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    A survey conducted in the pre-school "Čika Jova Zmaj" in Belgrade between February and April 2016 in the pre-school age population showed significant representation of articulation disorders. In relation to the total number of children surveyed (427), the correct pronunciation was registered in 259 children (60.65%), while the dyslalia was registered with 168 children (39.34%). The reality that about 40% of preschool children today have a distortion of excuses, imposes the need to correct these disorders and highlights their public health significance from the perspective of potential problems in social integration and psychosocial development of these children. The results of our research on articulation disorders in pre-school children, depending on gender, were: in the pre-school age, 53% of speech disorders were recorded. Voice disorders of fricative, africat and lateral were present in over 80%, with prevalence from the group frikative. They dominated the distortion of the pronunciation of the following voices: L, Č, Š, Ž, S and Z, with the presence of distortion in over onethird of boys. In the population of pre-school age, speech disorders are represented by 46%. The voice disorders of fricative and africat are dominant. Distortion of pronunciation of voices CH, Š, S, C, Z and L, with prevalence of distortion, is singled out. The reality that articulation disorders are the most common speech disorders, imposes the need for systematic monitoring of articulation development at the earliest age. The first step towards the prevention of speech disorders is team work carried out in the framework of primary health care

    Analiza NS inbred linija kukuruza

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    Genetic markers, from morphological to molecular, in function with early Heterosis is a prerequisite for the successful commercial maize production. It does not appear in any cross of two inbred lines, and therefore, the determination of combining abilities of parental lines is essential. The most commonly used method for determining combining abilities is diallel analysis. Besides conventional methods for diallel analysis, a new biplot approach has been sugested. In this paper, we studied the combining ability for grain yield in a set of genotypes obtained by diallel crossing system of six inbred lines. Both, the Griffing's conventional method and the biplot approach have been used for diallel analysis. Comparing the GCA values from biplot analysis and Griffing's method, similar results can be observed, with the exception of NS L 1051 and NS L 1000 whose ranks are interchanged. Biplot analysis enables the SCA estimation of parent inbred, and the highest SCA has inbred B73D. Biplot analysis also allows the estimation of the best crosses. Inbred B73D shows the best results when crossed with testers Mo17Ht, NS L 1051 and N152, inbred N152 combines best with testers NS L 1001 and NS L 1000, whereas the cross of inbred NS L 1051 with tester B73D results with the highest grain yield per plant in comparison with other testers.Određivanje kombinacionih sposobnosti roditeljskih inbred linija, radi iskoriÅ”tavanja heterozisa, je od suÅ”tinske važnosti. NajčeŔće koriŔćen metod je dialelna analiza. Pored konvencionalnih metoda dialelne analize za procenu kombinacionih sposobnosti, u poslednje vreme prisutan je i novi pristup analize kombinacionih sposobnosti. U ovom radu smo proučavali kombinacione sposobnosti za prinos zrna u setu genotipova dobijenih dialelnim sistemom ukrÅ”tanja Å”est linija. Pored primene konvencionalne metode analize po Griffingu, koriÅ”ten je i biplot pristup za sagledavanje podataka. Upoređujući vrednosti OKS dobijenih biplot analizom i primenom Griffing-ovog metoda, dobijeni su slični rezultati, sa izuzetkom NS L 1051 i NS L 1000 čiji su rangovi zamenjeni. Biplot analiza omogućava i procenu PKS samih roditeljskih linija. Najveća vrednost PKS zapažena je kod linije B73D, a zatim slede: NS L 1051, NS L 1001, Mo17Ht, N152 i NS L 1000. Biplot analiza takođe omogućava i procenu najboljih ukrÅ”tanja. Inbred linija B73D pokazala je najbolje rezultate u ukrÅ”tanju sa linijama Mo17Ht, NS L 1051 i N152, N152 sa NS L 1001 i NS L 1000, dok se linija NS L 1051 najbolje kombinuje sa testerom B73D

    Uticaj različitih proporcija egzotične germplazme na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu kukuruza

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    Two main questions in programs introgressing exotic maize germplasm into temperate materials are the choice of available exotic sources to work with, and the proportion of exotic germplasm that should be incorporated into adapted germplasm. The objective of this study was to compare effects of different proportions of tropical maize inbred line NC298 in hybrids male parent on grain yield and grain moisture content, using method of orthogonal polynomials. Methods of direct crosses and backcrosses were used to form four hybrid groups (six hybrids each) containing 0, 25, 50 and 75 percent of tropical exotic germplasm, respectively, by their male parent (or one half of mentioned proportions in the corresponding hybrids). The linear components of the germplasm proportions sum of squares, were significant (p lt 0.01) for both grain yield and moisture content and the cubic effect (p lt 0.05) for grain yield only. Results in this study clearly suggested backcross foundation populations with an adapted line to be appropriate selection sources for both grain yield and grain moisture content.Inkorporacija egzotične germplazme u genetički materijal umerenog klimata nameće dva osnovna pitanja: izbor i proporciju odgovarajućih egzotičnih izvora. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio poređenje efekata različitog udela tropske linije kukuruza NC298 u očinskoj komponenti hibrida, na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu, primenom metode ortogonalnih polinoma. Metodom direktnih i povratnih ukrÅ”tanja dobijene su četiri grupe hibrida (po Å”est hibrida u svakoj) koje su sadržale 0, 25, 50 i 75 procenata tropske germplazme, u njihovoj očinskoj komponenti (ili jednu polovinu pomenutih procenata u odgovarajućim hibridima). Sume kvadrata linearne komponente, bile su značajne (p lt 0.01) za prinos zrna i za udeo vode u zrnu, dok su sume kvadrata kubnog efekata bile značajne (p lt 0.05) samo za prinos zrna. Rezultati ovih istraživanja jasno ukazuju da su početne populacije nastale povratnim ukrÅ”tanjem sa adaptiranom linijom pogodan izvor za selekciju na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu
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