6 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Sumberdaya pesisir dan laut dewasa ini mengalami degradasi sebagai akibat dari perilaku pemanfaatan yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Pemanfaatan cenderung bersifat destruktif dan merusak, serta tidak mempertimbangkan aspek konservasi dan keberlanjutan sumberdaya. Masyarakat memegang peranan penting, karena itu pengelolaan dengan berbasis pemberdayaan sumberdaya lokal. Tradisi dan hukum adat yang mempunyai kaitan dan bermanfaat terhadap upaya pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut di Kabupaten Lembata Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive pada narasumber dan tokoh-tokoh kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi lestari penangkapan 12.813 ton/thn dan rata-rata produksi penangkapan selama lima tahun untuk ikan pelagis sebesar 91,56% dan ikan pelagis sebsar 40,92%, serta tingkat pemanfaatan baru mencapai 19,88%. Potensi dan luas areal budidaya sebesar 886 Ha, dengan tingkat pemanfaatan 180 Ha (20,32%). Nilai kearifan lokal yang mempunyai peranan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir adalah Badu, Muro, Kolo Umen Bale Lamaq, Poan Kemer Puru Larang, Toto, Bito Berue, Lepa Nua Dewe, Bruhu Bito dan Leffa Nuang. Ketaatan masyarakat terhadap nilai kearifan lokal sangat tinggi, karena mereka memiliki kesadaran dan persepsi bahwa eksistensi kehidupan mereka tidak terlepas dengan eksistensi kehidupan makhluk lainnya dalam kebersamaan di bumi yang satu dan sama ini. Kata-kata Kunci: Pengelolaan, Pemberdayaan, Kearifan Lokal, dan Sumberdaya Pesisi


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    One of the districts in East Nusa Tenggara that has mangrove forests along the coastline is Kupang City, particularly West Oesapa region. Based on the result of preliminary observation, mangrove forest has been used as a recreational area. On the other hand, the partially of mangrove forest area has been earmarked for aquaculture area and it is an early indication of mangrove forest damage. In order to ensure the sustainability, the conservation efforts are needed which couldn’t be separated from community participation. Therefore, the need for a study about the community participation degree in conserving mangrove forest. A total of 30 respondents are interviewed using a questionnaire, taken by purposive. In-depth interviews are conducted to 5 villagers as key informants. Data include socioeconomic conditions, knowledge, perception, and community participation on mangrove forest. Data are analyzed by crosstab to examine the relationship between knowledge and perception, knowledge and participation, and perception and participation. The research result shows that the community knowledge about the benefits of mangrove forests is high, which is 68%. Knowledge of damage is low, which is 74%, but the knowledge of damage prevention is high, which is 77%. The community perception of benefits, damages and prevention is high at 68%, 55% and 49%. Community participation in training of the important existence and mangrove forest utilization is low, which is 65%, and 61%, while participation in the prevention of damage is high, which is 49%.

    The Study of Dragonfly (Odonata) Diversity as Bioindicator of Water Quality in Science Techno Park Spring-Beleknehe Village

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    Dragonflies are bioindicator insects for the quality of the aquatic environment, especially springs. This study aims to determine the types of dragonflies that live in the Science Techno Park (STP) spring, Beleknehe village, Nekemese sub-district, Kupang District. STP is owned by Widya Mandiri Catholic University. This research was conducted in September 2022. Data collection consisted of dragonfly samples and abiotic factors. Dragonfly samples were obtained using insect nets and hand sorting, while abiotic factor measurements included physical (TDS, DHL) and chemical (hardness, iron, sulfate, Mn, NO3, NO2) parameters. The results of the study revealed that there were four types of dragonflies namely Neurothemis stigmatizans, Coenagrion lunulatum, Megalagrion sp., and Orthetrum pruinosum. The four dragonflies found showed that the quality of the Science Techno Park spring was still in good condition


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    Sumberdaya pesisir dan laut dewasa ini mengalami degradasi sebagai akibat dari perilaku pemanfaatan yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Pemanfaatan cenderung bersifat destruktif dan merusak, serta tidak mempertimbangkan aspek konservasi dan keberlanjutan sumberdaya. Masyarakat memegang peranan penting, karena itu pengelolaan dengan berbasis pemberdayaan sumberdaya lokal. Tradisi dan hukum adat yang mempunyai kaitan dan bermanfaat terhadap upaya pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut di Kabupaten Lembata Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive pada narasumber dan tokoh-tokoh kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi lestari penangkapan 12.813 ton/thn dan rata-rata produksi penangkapan selama lima tahun untuk ikan pelagis sebesar 91,56% dan ikan pelagis sebsar 40,92%, serta tingkat pemanfaatan baru mencapai 19,88%. Potensi dan luas areal budidaya sebesar 886 Ha, dengan tingkat pemanfaatan 180 Ha (20,32%). Nilai kearifan lokal yang mempunyai peranan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir adalah Badu, Muro, Kolo Umen Bale Lamaq, Poan Kemer Puru Larang, Toto, Bito Berue, Lepa Nua Dewe, Bruhu Bito dan Leffa Nuang. Ketaatan masyarakat terhadap nilai kearifan lokal sangat tinggi, karena mereka memiliki kesadaran dan persepsi bahwa eksistensi kehidupan mereka tidak terlepas dengan eksistensi kehidupan makhluk lainnya dalam kebersamaan di bumi yang satu dan sama ini. The coastal and marine resources nowadays are degrading as the result of the behavior in exploiting them neglecting the essence of environmental aspects. The exploitation tends to be destructive without considering the conservation aspects and resources sustainability. The communities play important role, therefore, the management based on the communal wisdom is one of the essential things. Traditions, and traditional laws which relevant and potential for the efforts of coastal and marine resources in Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The method used in this research is a descriptive method in which the technique of sampling taken conducted in purposive way towards the key persons. The results of this research shows that fishing potential catch is 12.813 tone/year and the average production catch during the last five years for pelagis fish 91,56% and demersal fish 40,92%, while the target of exploitation only reach 19,88%. The potential and width of marine culture area cover 886 ha, with the potential reaches only 180 ha (20,32%). The value of Communal Wisdom plays important role in managing the coastal resources include Badu, Muro, Kolo Umen Bale Lamaq, Poan Kemer Puru Larang, Toto, Bito Berue, Lepa Nua Dewe, Bruhu Bito dan Leffa Nuang. The obedience of communities on the communal wisdom is very uprooted as they realize and think that their life existence can not be separated from the other living beings (creatures) that share the same world

    Keanekaragaman Bakteri Di Sumber Mata Air Science Techno Park Desa Taloetan Kecamatan Nekamese

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    Bacteria play an important role as bioindicators of water quality and also play a role in the ecological cycle that helps degrade organic materials in spring sources. The spring is one of the springs located in the development site of Science Techno Park Widya Mandira Catholic University located in Taloetan Village, Nekamese District, Kupang Regency. This study aims to determine what bacteria, dominant bacteria, and characters contained in the source of Science Techno Park springs in Taloetan Village, Sub-District. The stages in this study are as follows: 1. Isolation of bacteria from spring water sources 2. Bacterial purification and 3. Characterization of bacteria 4. Identification of bacteria is by matching the characters tested with Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 9th.  The results showed that sourced from two sampling points obtained as many as 20 bacterial isolates. at point one as many as nine isolates namely isolates and colon as many as eleven isolates namely BA 1.1, BA 1.2, BA 1.3, BA 1.3, BA 1.4, BA 1.7, BA 1.8, BA 1.9, BA 1.10, BA 2.1, BA 2.2, BA 2.3, BA 2.3, BA 2.4, BA 2.5, BA 2.6, BA 2.7, BA 2.8, BA 2.9, and BA 2.10. The conclusion of this study is that 20 bacterial isolates from samples of Science Techno Park springs  in Taloetan village, nekamese have similarities with 13 genera, namely acidomonas, acinetobacter, microbacterium, bordetella, brucella, salmonella, xanthobacter, marinomonas, aeromonas, escherichia, spirillum, azotobacter, flavobacterium.,  the dominant genus in the springs  of Science Techno Park in Taloetan Village, Nekamese District, namely the genus Acidomonas and the genus Salmonella, and the characteristics of bacteria in general are bacil, all bacterial isolates can ferment types of glucose sugar, all bacteria can’t grow at temperatures of 50ºC, cannot grow at pH 3, and cannot grow at NaCl 10% & 15%. Keywords: bacteria, spring source, isolation, characterization, and identificationBakteri berperan penting sebagai bioindikator kualitas air dan juga berperan dalam siklus daur ekologi yang membantu mendegradasi bahan-bahan organik pada sumber mata air. Sumber mata air merupakan salah satu sumber mata air yang terdapat di tempat pengembangan Science Techno Park Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira yang terletak di Desa Taloetan, Kecamatan Nekamese, Kabupaten Kupang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bakteri apa saja, bakteri yang dominan, dan karakter-karakter yang terdapat dalam sumber mata air Science Techno Park Di Desa Taloetan Kecamatan. Adapun tahapan dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut  1. Isolasi bakteri dari sumber mata air 2. Purifikasi bakteri dan 3. Karakterisasi bakteri 4. Identifikasi bakteri yakni dengan mencocokkan karakterkarakter yang diuji dengan  buku Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 9th.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bersumber dari dua titik pengambilan sampel diperoleh sebanyak 20 isolat bakteri. pada titik satu sebanyak sembilan isolat yakni isolat  dan titik dua sebanyak sebelas isolat yakni BA 1.1, BA 1.2, BA 1.3, BA 1.ˉ3BA 1.ˉ4, BA 1.7, BA 1.8, BA 1.9, BA 1.10,BA 2.1, BA 2.2, BA 2.3, BA 2.ˉ3 , BA 2.4, BA 2.5, BA 2.6, BA 2.7, BA 2.8, BA 2.9,  dan BA 2.10. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah 20 isolat bakteri dari sampel mata air Science Techno Park di desa taloetan, nekamese memiliki kemiripan dengan 13 genus yaitu acidomonas, acinetobacter, microbacterium, bordetella, brucella, salmonella, xanthobacter, marinomonas, aeromonas, escherichia, spirillum, azotobacter, flavobacterium., Genus  yang  dominan pada sumber mata air Science Techno Park Di Desa Taloetan Kecamatan Nekamese yaitu  genus Acidomonas dan genus Salmonella, dan karakter-karakter bakteri pada umumnya bentuknya bacil, semua isolat bakteri dapat menfermentasikan jenis gula glukosa, semua bakteri tidak dapat tumbuh di suhu 50ºC, tidak dapat tumbuh di pH 3, dan tidak dapat tumbuh di NaCl 10% & 15%. Kata Kunci: bakteri, sumber mata air, isolasi, karakterisasi, dan identifikas