21 research outputs found

    Ekphrasis in the travel agency catalogues

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    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja problematyki ekfrazy w tekstach użytkowych. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej przedstawiony został teoretycznoliteracki sposób definiowania zagadnienia ekfrazy przez M. Czermińską, M.P. Markowskiego, A. Dziadka oraz S. Wysłouch. Druga część przynosi rozważania dotyczące ekfrazy jako gatunku mowy. Przedstawione zostało stanowisko badawcze B. Witosz, która zajmowała się zagadnieniem ekfrazy w odniesieniu do przewodnika turystycznego. Trzecia część prezentuje zagadnienie ekfrazy w tekstach użytkowych. Autorka referatu podejmuje problematykę ekfrazy w tekstach ofert turystycznych. Wyniki badań zostały zilustrowane licznymi przykładami pochodzącymi z materiałów promocyjnych biur podróży.The aim of this text is a describition of ekphrasis in comrecial text. The papier consists of three parts. The first part is a presentation of theory of literature way of defining ekphrasis by M. Czermińska, M.P. Markowski, A. Dziadek and S. Wysłouch. The second part is about defining of ekprasis as a genre by B. Witosz. The last part of the text is a description of ekprasis in commercial text. The research results were illustrated by many examples derived from travel agency catalogues

    Metastasis of breast cancer to the bone

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    Spinal metastases are a complex but common manifestation of primary cancer. The most common use of spinal metastases is breast, lung and prostate cancer. Management of patients suffering from spinal metastases, which take into account the characteristics of cancer and various methods of treatment consisting of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Metastatic spine cancer surgery is used with a low risk of complications because it results in significant relief of pain and long-term survival burdens. Pain relief, prevention of bone complications and maintenance of quality of life are included in the recommendations in metastatic bone disease. Knowledge related to the pathophysiology of painful metastases is changing quite quickly. However, for analyzing the pathophysiology of painful bone metastases may be the key to analgesic effects with minimal side effects

    Women’s expectations regardings medical outpatient implemented in gynaecological

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    Admission Primary health care is the first level of a professional medical service, to which patients with their ailments and health problems apply. Access to basic health care services should be free from any physical, organizational and financial barriers due to the willingness to use the services of various patients. Objective of the work The aim of the work was to get to know the expectations of women regarding the medical care provided in the gynaecological clinic. In order to achieve the research objective, the issues concerning, among other things, the level of satisfaction of women with the functioning and offering of medical services in the gynecological clinic as well as the expectations of women during visits to the gynecological clinic were chosen. Material and methods The research was based on the method of a diagnostic survey using a standardized questionnaire, which was addressed to women using gynecological outpatient services. Results The research shows that the most frequent respondents visited the gynecologist once every three years, (49.33%, n = 74). Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between the professional activity of the surveyed women and the frequency of visits to the gynecologist (p = 0.004). The study showed that most often during the visit to the gynecological clinic, the respondents expected: gynecological examination (93.33%), cytological examination (83.33%) and breast examination (69.33%). Conclusions Expectations of women during a visit to the gynecological clinic concern primarily the obtaining of information on research and treatment. Women using the gynecological clinic are satisfied with the offered medical services and the way the clinic operates. Women aged 30-41 with higher education are significantly more satisfied with the gynecological clinic than women under 30 and over 40 years of age and with basic or vocational and married education

    Cerebral stroke - preclinical diagnosis and in conditions of the hospital accident ward

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    AdmissionThe cerebral stroke is a direct distress of the health and the life. The patient with the suspicion of stroke requires urgent intervention irrespective of the course of manifestations and their degree of the intensity. During the help at the preclinical stage an evaluation of practical parameters and registering direction and dynamics of changes are most important in this respect. As part of dealing on the Hospital accident ward with the sick person with the stated cerebral stroke one should verify and implement changes in applied curing by team members medical lifeguards.Purpose of researchAnalysis of diagnostic and therapeutic standards is a purpose of the work applied with patients with the cerebral stroke at the preclinical stage and as part of the care on the Hospital accident ward. Materials and methodsInformation taken from medical documentation of course of the process of diagnostics and curing 130 patients with the diagnosed cerebral stroke at medical institutions in the province constitutes research material Lublin. Analysis of medical documentation covered years 2013 up to 2016.DiscussionThe most frequent object manifestations stated at patients from the examined group: giddiness, headache, disequilibrium, nausea and/or the vomiting, the dysphagia, visual disturbances, pareses and hypoesthesias. According to analysis results and with literature at sick persons with the cerebral stroke a computed axial tomography and a magnetic resonance, as well as additional examinations are made examinations leading the way.ConclusionsAccording to the analysis of the results amongst early complications they observed: cerebral oedema, widen/ing moving the arrangement of the cellular brain, the secondary ischaemia of the haemorrhagic stroke. All described disorders of the awareness were diagnosed in the early phase of the cerebral stroke i.e. 4-5 hours from the beginning of the riot of any neurological warning signals

    Health behaviors in a group of women treated surgically for breast cancer and selected clinical and socio-economic parameters

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    Introduction Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women, accounting for nearly 1.7 million cases and over 0.5 million deaths worldwide. The basic solution is surgical treatment. The execution or closing of the variometer ends with the element of unpicking. Objective The ability to fight cancer is ongoing. Analyzed declared costs in the economic variety. Materials and methods The study was provided by a patient from Lublin in 2016. The concept of a diagnostic survey was used. Old planm and questionnaire. IZZ) by Z. Juczyński. Results In order to obtain the correct result, the following criteria should be applied: IZZycie 90.41 points, which corresponds to the standard 7-10 stena and is interpreted as a high result. Conclusions Patients admitted to the Lublin Oncology Center for treatment of breast cancer. In the studies, the most sensitive were psychological attitude and the lowest eating habits. In the time of interest, eating habits were not such statistical information. Key words: breast cancer, health behavior

    Assessment of knowledge about hypertension

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    Węgorowski Paweł, Michalik Joanna, Buchcic Zbigniew, Stanisławek Andrzej, Domżał–Drzewicka Renata. Assessment of knowledge about hypertension. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(7):873-887. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.885368 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4770 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.07.2017. Revised: 10.07.2017. Accepted: 31.07.2017. Ocena poziomu wiedzy pacjentów na temat nadciśnienia tętniczego Assessment of knowledge about hypertension Paweł Węgorowski 1, Joanna Michalik 1, Zbigniew Buchcic 2, Andrzej Stanisławek 1, Renata Domżał–Drzewicka 1 1 Katedra Onkologii i Środowiskowej Opieki Zdrowotnej, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 2 Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej w Łęcznej, Oddział Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii Autor do korespondencji: Joanna Michalik [email protected] Tel. 600 065 151 Wstęp Z badań epidemiologicznych wynika, że choroby układu krążenia znajdują się w czołówce chorób dotykających polskie społeczeństwo. Pomimo postępów we współczesnej medycynie, co druga osoba doświadcza ostrych lub przewlekłych powikłań sercowo - naczyniowych. Cel badań Celem badań w niniejszej pracy była ocena poziomu wiedzy pacjentów na temat profilaktyki, diagnostyki i leczenia nadciśnienia tętniczego. Materiały i metody W pracy zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, w jej obrębie technikę ankiety, zaś jako narzędzie badawcze – kwestionariusz ankiety własnego autorstwa. Badania ankietowe przeprowadzono czerwiec – sierpień 2015 roku na terenie Samodzielnego Publicznego Zespołu Opieki Zdrowotnej we Włodawie. W badaniach wzięło udział 60 osób. Grupa została podzielona - 30 osób, które chorują na nadciśnienie tętnicze i 30 osób, które nie chorują, czyli osoby zdrowe. Wnioski W grupie badanych poziom wiedzy dotyczący czynników mających wpływ na występowanie nadciśnienia tętniczego jest wysoki zarówno wśród chorych jak i zdrowych. Większość chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym prozdrowotny tryb życia kojarzy z prawidłowym żywieniem, unikaniem alkoholu, paleniem tytoniu, brakiem stresu i racjonalnym odpoczynkiem. Wśród działań profilaktycznych zarówno chorzy jak i zdrowi proponowali podobne postępowanie. Dyskusja Wiedza pacjentów na temat nadciśnienia tętniczego i jego skutków może mieć wpływ na skuteczność leczenia. Niezmiernie ważna powinna być edukacja zdrowotna pacjentów przez personel medyczny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem samokontroli ciśnienia tętniczego przez chorych. Podsumowując należy stwierdzić, iż z uwagi na duże ryzyko wystąpienia powikłań, zarówno leczenie, jak i profilaktyka nadciśnienia tętniczego mają duże znaczenie. Słowa kluczowe: nadciśnienie tętnicze, styl życia, profilaktyka Admission Epidemiological studies show that cardiovascular diseases are at the forefront of diseases affecting Polish society. Despite advances in modern medicine, every second person experiences acute or chronic cardiovascular complications. Purpose of research The purpose of this study was to assess patients' knowledge of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. Materials and methods The paper used the method of the diagnostic survey, within the framework of the survey technique, and as a research tool - questionnaire survey of its own author. The survey was conducted June - August 2015 in the Independent Public Health Care Team in Włodawa. 60 people participated in the study. The group was divided - 30 people with hypertension and 30 people who are not sick or healthy people. Conclusions In the study group, the level of knowledge about the factors influencing the occurrence of hypertension is high both among the sick and the healthy. Most patients with hypertension have a healthy lifestyle associated with proper nutrition, alcohol avoidance, smoking, lack of stress and rational rest. Among prevention activities, both the sick and the sick proposed similar treatment. Discussion Patient knowledge about hypertension and its effects can affect the effectiveness of treatment. Medical education should be of paramount importance for medical staff, with particular attention to the self-control of blood pressure by patients. In summary, it is important to note that due to the high risk of complications, both treatment and prevention of hypertension are important. Key words: hypertension, lifestyle, preventio

    Using the benefits of primary health care (PHC) through women cured for breast cancer

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    Admission. The treatment of patients with breast cancer over the years has changed significantly. In view of the above, these patients are more and more often long-term patients, not only oncological but also PHC. Aim: To present opinions of women being treated for breast cancer on the use of PHC services. Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 95 patients of oncological counseling. The research tool was the original questionnaire, GSES - Scale of Generalized Own Efficiency. The results from the obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Older patients treated more often with PHC are treated for additional disease, apart from cancer, with a low level of their own effectiveness, with basic or vocational education. However, the services of PHC nurses are more often used by people with higher education. Patients of the oncological counseling center assess lowly the healthcare providers for oncology education. Conclusions: A small share of PHC employees in education of patients treated for breast cancer causes that oncologic outpatient clinic patients for PHC apply mainly for: obtaining a prescription, ruling or performing diagnostic tests

    Support received by women with breast cancer in the event of side effects of chemotherapy

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    Admission. Correct chemotherapy introduces many side effects. These effects, spread over time and in connection with a chronic disease such as breast cancer, put the patient in a crisis situation, which verifies the needs in terms of social support. Goal: Showing the type of social support expected and received by women treated with cytostatics for breast cancer. Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 110 women - patients of oncology departments of two Lublin hospitals diagnosed with breast cancer and during chemotherapy. The research tool was the author's questionnaire. The results from the obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Patients expect information support about their illness and treatment from a doctor. In some respects, most of them receive such support. The respondents receive emotional support from their families, more than half of them received an offer of material support. There is a statistically significant relationship between education and the need for material assistance, and a relationship between the next cycle of chemotherapy and the demand for spiritual support. Conclusions: Patients treated with cytostatics, regardless of their level of education, expect information support from professionals. Such support cannot be provided by family or friends. They receive emotional support from loved ones, but during chemotherapy, the demand for spiritual and material support increases, regardless of education

    Language ways of expressing assurance in the texts of tourist offers

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    The role of receiver in the process of creating the tourist advertising offer (on the basis of travel agency catalogues)

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    Celem rozprawy była odpowiedź na pytanie o rolę odbiorcy w procesie tworzenia tekstów ofert, a także scharakteryzowanie wykładników gatunkowych katalogu biura podróży i opisanie stopnia sformalizowania schematu oferty turystycznej. Materiał badawczy, w postaci 200 egzemplarzy katalogów biur podróży wydanych przez różnych touroperatorów, został poddany analizie tekstologicznej, genologicznej i dyskursywnej. Opracowana została problematyka sposobów uobecniania się podmiotu w tekście poprzez wskazanie grup odbiorczych tekstu oferty, a także opisanie zagadnienia technik argumentacyjnych, aspektu aksjologicznego, grzeczności językowej, procesów nominacyjnych oraz roli emocji i komponentu graficznego w przekazie katalogu biura podróży. Wyniki badań posłużyły do stworzenia listy wskazówek dla redaktorów tekstów ofert oraz opisania wzorca gatunkowego katalogu biura podróży.The aim of this dissertation was to answer the question of the role of receiver in the process of creating the tourist advertising offer as well as characterizing the genre features of travel agency catalogue and describing the level of formalization of rules used in the process of creating tourist advertisements. The research material, which consist of 200 catalogues published by different tour operators, was analyzed by using methodology of theory of text, genre and discourse. Moreover, the way of expressing subject in tourist advertisements was presented, especially by pointing out groups of receivers, describing the argument and value strategies and the role of emotion and graphic component in the text of travel agency catalogues. Research results were used to create a list of guidelines for editors as well as to describe the genre of travel agency catalogue