29 research outputs found

    The mediating role of types of coping styles in the relations between temperamental traits and staff burnout among psychiatric nurses

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    Aim: Temperamental traits are indicated as some predictors of occupational burnout. At the same time, researchers emphasize that the importance of temperamental features for occurrences of burnout syndrome in medical staff is dependent on numerous intermediary variables, including ways of handling problematic situations. The overarching aim of presented studies was to examine whether styles of coping with stressful situations mediate relationships between temperamental traits and particular components of occupational burnout in psychiatric nurses. Method: The study examined 60 women working in the psychiatric healthcare sector. Three psychological methods were employed in this research project: (1) Strelau TemperamentInventory by Strelau and Zawadzki (STI); (2) Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations by Endler and Parker (CISS); (3) Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). Results: Conducted analyses allowed to confirm the mediating role of task style and emotional style in relationship between temperamental traits (briskness, perseveration, emotional reactivity, sensory sensitivity, activity) and occupational burnout. In the case of avoidance style there are no grounds to consider it as a mediator in the area of analyzed dependencies. Conclusions: Providing psychiatric nurses with help: (1) should focus more on strengthening task style, rather than on rising awareness regarding the harmfulness of avoidance tendencies in the area of coping; (2) what seems important is developing the ability to experience negative emotions revealed in contacts with patients in a creative way

    The need for social support and the health condition of parents of children with cancer

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    Introduction. Parents of children with cancer are exposed to severe stress which is caused by the processof medical treatment of their child. Mental stress and physical exhaustion are related to the level of supportreceived, provided by different social groups. Health problems are mainly visible in the incidence of somaticsymptoms, anxiety and insomnia, functional disorders or symptoms of depression. Objective. Searching for the relationship between the level of support experienced and the health conditionin parents of children with cancer. Patients and methods. The surveyed group consisted of N = 86 parents of children with cancer agedfrom 21 to 53 years (M = 38.70, SD = 6.48). Women constituted 75.6% of the respondents, whereasmen 24.4%. Social Support Scale by K. Kmiecik-Baran and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) by D.Goldberg were used in the survey. Results and conclusions. The analyses conducted allowed to detect a link between support and healthcondition. It transpired that instrumental, valuing and emotional support from family and friends as wellas informational and valuing support from professionals are of great importance for well-being

    Osobowościowe uwarunkowania poczucia własnej godności osób w okresie późnej dorosłości: Analiza badań własnych

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    The aim of research. The results of the research carried out by the Author were presented in this article. People (N=315) in late adulthood (60–75 years old) took part in the research. Its primary goal was to identify the personal predictors of sense of self-dignity. Methods. Two psychological methods were applied in the discussed project, such as: (1) Questionnaire of Sense of Self-Dignity (QSSD-3); (2) NEO-Five Factor Inventory. Results. The analyzes revealed that among the distinguished psychological variables, the role of the predictor of sense of self-dignity in late adulthood is fulfilled by the Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Extraversion. Conclusions. The findings obtained in the research may be a significant back-up for psychologists and social workers while defining ways of aid efforts taken towards elderly people having problems with the overall and adequate sense of self-dignity assessment.Cel badań. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki zrealizowanych przez Autora badań, którymi objęto 315 osób w okresie późnej dorosłości (60–75 lat). Ich głównych celem była identyfikacja osobowościowych predyktorów poczucia własnej godności. Metody. W omawianym projekcie badawczym zastosowano dwie metody psychologiczne takie jak: (1) Kwestionariusz Poczucia Własnej Godności (KPWG-3); (2) Inwentarz Osobowości NEO-FFI. Wyniki. Przeprowadzone analizy ujawniły, że spośród wyróżnionych zmiennych psychologicznych rolę predyktora poczucia godności w okresie późnej dorosłości pełnią Ugodowość, Sumienność oraz Ekstrawertyczność. Wnioski. Otrzymane wyniki mogą stanowić wartościową pomoc dla psychologów czy pracowników socjalnych w zakresie określenia kierunków oddziaływań pomocowych względem osób starszych, których poczucie godności może być zagrożone wskutek ujawniających się wraz z wiekiem negatywnych zmian rozwojowych

    Polska adaptacja Skali Przebaczenia Małżeńskiego (MOFS) F.G. Paleari, F.D. Finchama, C. Regalii

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    The following article outlines the results of academic endeavours to develop a Polish adaptation of F.G. Paleari, F.D. Fincham and C. Regalia’s Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale (MOFS). The results obtained through the Polish version are comparable to those obtained with the help of the original research tool, which proves that the Polish MOFS scale adaptation can be successfully used for research purposes. The scale consists of 10 items covering two dimensions: Benevolence and Resentment-Avoidance. The scale testing the procedure involved a research sample consisting of 745 people. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient oscillated between 0.72 and 0.87.W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki prac nad polską adaptacją Skali Przebaczenia Małżeńskiego (The Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale – MOFS) F.G. Paleari, F.D. Finchama oraz C. Regalii (2009). Przedstawiono właściwości psychometryczne polskiej wersji MOFS. Otrzymane rezultaty są porównywalne z danymi dla wersji oryginalnej narzędzia i potwierdzają, że polska wersja skali MOFS może mieć zastosowanie w badaniach naukowych. Skala składa się z 10 itemów tworzących 2 wymiary: Uraza-Unikanie oraz Życzliwość. Od strony psychometrycznej opracowana została w badaniach 745 osób. Współczynniki zgodności wewnętrznej (α-Cronbacha) dla poszczególnych wymiarów wyniosły odpowiednio 0,87 dla wymiaru Uraza-Unikanie i 0,72 dla wymiaru Życzliwość

    Obraz rodzeństwa chorego psychicznie a dobrostan rodzeństwa zdrowego

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    This article is concerned with issues related to mental well-being by healthy individuals with siblings who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or depression. The purpose ofthe research project was to find a link between the sibling’s personality and cognitive assessment of their illness and the psychological well-being of siblings. The study involved 30individuals whose siblings were mentally ill. Measurement of mental well-being of healthy people was done by The Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWB) by C. D. Ryff and C. L. Keyes.The perception of a real and perfect picture of the sibling’s personality was characterized by H. Gough and A. B. Heilburn’s The Adjective Check List (ACL), and the evaluation of thedisease was made using S. Steuden, K. Janowski and A. Warda’s The Scale of Evaluation of Sibling’s Mental Illness (SOCOB). The results of the research revealed, among other things,that healthy siblings have a negative image of their mentally ill brothers and sisters. The generalized sense of well-being of a healthy sibling is higher when it shows more positivelythe image of the sibling’s personality. The assumption that the divergence between a real and ideal personality image will result in lower well-being by healthy siblings has notbeen confirmed by the study

    Wisdom and wellbeing in polish older adults: the mediating role of forgiveness

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    ObjectivesPossible correlations between wisdom and wellbeing among older people have been extensively debated in psychology. At the same time, researchers emphasize that the effect of older adults' wisdom on their wellbeing depends on numerous mediators. A review of the literature suggests that forgiveness might be one such variable. Thus, this study aimed to investigate whether forgiveness mediated the relationship between wisdom and wellbeing in late adulthood.MethodIn total, 481 participants aged from 60 to 92 years (M = 68.84; SD = 6.31) were involved in the study. All older people participating in the study lived independently in their households. Four psychological instruments were used: (1) the Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale; (2) the Heartland Forgiveness Scale; (3) the Psychological Wellbeing Scale; and (4) the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Therefore, the measurement of the analyzed variables was self-reported.ResultsThe results showed that forgiveness mediated the relationships between wisdom and wellbeing in the older population. The indirect effects demonstrated that forgiveness mediated the relationships between wisdom and wellbeing. Wisdom related to higher forgiveness (β = 0.21; p < 0.01), which, in turn, was related to a higher level of psychological (β = 0.48; p < 0.01) and subjective (β = 0.36; p < 0.01) wellbeing.ConclusionThese findings suggest that forgiveness is an important element of wisdom and wellbeing. The greater the wisdom the participants showed, the stronger the tendency to forgive and the better wellbeing they reported

    Cechy temperamentu i style radzenia sobie ze stresem jako predyktory wypalenia zawodowego u pielęgniarek psychiatrycznych

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    Among the predictors of the staff burnout, the temperament and styles of coping with stress are indicated. The superior goal of the presented researches was to examine the degree to which both temperamental traits and specific styles of proceeding in the face of stressful situations are explaining the variability of the results in the area of staff burnout among psychiatric nurses. To accomplish this goal, the studies were carried out, in which 60 women working in psychiatric medical care sector were examined. In experimental project, three methods of psychologic survey were applied, such as 1) the Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI) by J. Strelau and B. Zawadzki (FCZ-KT), 2) the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) by N.S. Endler and J.D.A. Parker, 3) the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). The statistical analysis carried out allowed the confirmation of predictive role of sensorial sensitivity, task style and emotional style in the staff burnout. In case of avoiding style and other five temperamental traits, there is no reason to consider these variables the predictors of staff burnout. The results of the studies carried out suggests that in the psychological or therapeutic assistance provided to psychiatric nurses: 1) to a greater extent it is needed to concentrate more on strengthening active involvement in solving the occupational problems than on realising the harmfulness of avoiding tendencies in the area of coping, 2) it seems important to shape the ability of aware experiencing the negative emotions revealing in contact with the psychiatric patient

    The Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale. For Diagnosis in Brain Damage: An Individual Approach

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    The use of the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale in diagnosing organic brain damage raised many controversies. The interdependence between the results of the verbal and performance scales has proved to be more complex than Wechsler had formulated it. Lack of unambiguous results showing the diagnostic value of the organicity indices that he had suggested, as well as a continuous interest in the problem were the reasons for presenting an analysis of there cases on the basis of which not so much the value of differences between the scales was shown as the usefulness of analysis of the way the test tasks are performed when such analisis is confronted with the life history of the subjects. The obtained results allow one to extend and change the interpretation of the test results beyond the sollutions suggested by Wechsler

    Psychologiczne aspekty powodzenia i niepowodzenia w małżeństwie

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    Psychologiczne aspekty powodzenia i niepowodzenia w małżeństwi

    Polish adaptation of F.G. Paleari, F.D. Fincham and C. Regalia’s Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale (MOFS)

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    The following article outlines the results of academic endeavours to develop a Polish adaptation of F.G. Paleari, F.D. Fincham and C. Regalia’s Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale (MOFS). The results obtained through the Polish version are comparable to those obtained with the help of the original research tool, which proves that the Polish MOFS scale adaptation can be successfully used for research purposes. The scale consists of 10 items covering two dimensions: Benevolence and Resentment-Avoidance. The scale testing the procedure involved a research sample consisting of 745 people. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient oscillated between 0.72 and 0.87.W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki prac nad polską adaptacją Skali Przebaczenia Małżeńskiego (The Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale – MOFS) F.G. Paleari, F.D. Finchama oraz C. Regalii (2009). Przedstawiono właściwości psychometryczne polskiej wersji MOFS. Otrzymane rezultaty są porównywalne z danymi dla wersji oryginalnej narzędzia i potwierdzają, że polska wersja skali MOFS może mieć zastosowanie w badaniach naukowych. Skala składa się z 10 itemów tworzących 2 wymiary: Uraza-Unikanie oraz Życzliwość. Od strony psychometrycznej opracowana została w badaniach 745 osób. Współczynniki zgodności wewnętrznej (α-Cronbacha) dla poszczególnych wymiarów wyniosły odpowiednio 0,87 dla wymiaru Uraza-Unikanie i 0,72 dla wymiaru Życzliwość