81 research outputs found

    Ferroelectric liquid crystal for use in a new generation of LCDs

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    The key to improvements in liquid crystalline displays lies in the continuous synthesis and studies of new kinds of liquid crystalline substances. Among them, ferroelectric compounds are the subject of much attention, due to the potential progresses in switching time, colour depth, and other qualities of liquid crystal displays. In this paper we describe the research of the physical properties of 4-(2-methylbutoxy)phenyl 4-(octyloxy)-benzoate for purposes of its potential application in liquid crystal displays

    Studies of new antiferroelectric liquid crystal based on quantum-chemical model

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    Physical properties of new thermotropic antiferroelectric liquid crystal have been studied. Experiments were done by use of complementary methods such as differential scanning calorimetry, polarizing optical microscopy and X-ray powder diffractometry. Acquired data from X-ray powder diffractometry was examined under application of quantum chemical approach. It has been found that compound studied exhibits stable enantiotropic antiferroelectric SmC_{A}^{*} phase in the wide temperature range while ferroelectric phase SmC^{*} is very narrow

    Elastic scattering of 27.5 MeV alpha particles on 27^{27}Al, 28^{28}Si, 32^{32}S, Ti and 59^{59}Co nuclei and the r0r_{0} discrete ambiguity of the optical potential

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    Angular distributions for elastic scattering of alpha particles on 27^{27}Al, 28^{28}Si, 32^{32}S, Ti and 59^{59}Co nuclei have been measured in the angular range from about 20^{\circ} to 179^{\circ} (LAB). The experimental data were fitted with the optical model in full angular range. Many sets of four-parameter potentials, describing the elastic scattering, were found with the depths of the real part ranging from 40 to 450 MeV. A new discrete ambiguity in the optical model namely in r0r_{0} was observed

    Deproteinated Potato Wastewater as a Sustainable Nitrogen Source in Trichosporon domesticum Yeast Lipids Biosynthesis—a Concept of Valorization of Wastewater from Starch Industry

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    This study determines the ability of an isolated Trichosporon domesticum yeast strain to accumulate intracellular lipids in media with deproteinated potato wastewater (DPW) containing various carbon sources. The yeast strain was isolated from kefir and identified by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequence analysis. The sequence was deposited in GenBank under accession number MH094668, and the strain was deposited in Polish Collection of Microorganisms as T. domesticum PCM 2960. DPW is an inexpensive and valuable source of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and other elements in yeast cultures. DPW supplemented with glucose medium was most effective at stimulating lipid biosynthesis by T. domesticum PCM 2960 and bioreactor incubation resulted in a final lipid yield of 4.8 g L−1. The lipids of the T. domesticum PCM 2960 biomass were characterized by high contents of linoleic acid (Δ9,12C18:2), oleic acid (Δ9C18:1), palmitic acid (C16:0), and α-linolenic acid (Δ9,12,15C18:3). Theoretical calculations for biodiesel properties showed that the methylated esters of lipids from T. domesticum PCM 2960 biomass cannot be used as a biodiesel in diesel engines. Additionally, the ability to produce biofilm as one criterion for pathogenicity was tested. The ability for biofilm formation by the isolated strain was low. This study provides a promising solution for the more economical production of microbial lipids with DPW

    Bioresorbable Stent in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    The exact causes of failure of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction are still unknown. A key to successful ACL reconstruction is the prevention of bone tunnel enlargement (BTE). In this study, a new strategy to improve the outcome of ACL reconstruction was analyzed using a bioresorbable polylactide (PLA) stent as a catalyst for the healing process. The study included 24 sheep with 12 months of age. The animals were randomized to the PLA group (n = 16) and control group (n = 8), subjected to the ACL reconstruction with and without the implantation of the PLA tube, respectively. The sheep were sacrificed 6 or 12 weeks post-procedure, and their knee joints were evaluated by X-ray microcomputed tomography with a 50 m resolution. While the analysis of tibial and femoral tunnel diameters and volumes demonstrated the presence of BTE in both groups, the enlargement was less evident in the PLA group. Also, the microstructural parameters of the bone adjacent to the tunnels tended to be better in the PLA group. This suggested that the implantation of a bioresorbable PLA tube might facilitate osteointegration of the tendon graft after the ACL reconstruction. The beneficial e ects of the stent were likely associated with osteogenic and osteoconductive properties of polylactide

    Circulating sCD138 and Some Angiogenesis-Involved Cytokines Help to Anticipate the Disease Progression of Early-Stage B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    Syndecan-1 (CD138) is a transmembrane heparin sulfate proteoglycan expressed on distinct stages of differentiation of B-lymphoid cells. Its prognostic value in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) has not been evaluated so far. The serum concentration of sCD138 and some angiogenesis-involved cytokines: vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basis fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and endostatin were studied in 52 previously untreated patients with B-CLL. We found that bFGF and sCD138 levels were significantly higher in B-CLL patients than in controls. In patients with sCD138 level or endostatin level below the median value the lymphocyte count was higher than in patients with serum level of those cytokines above the median value. In patients with progressive disease bFGF level was significantly higher and sCD138 level significantly lower than in patients with stable one. Moreover, high sCD138 level was associated with longer lymphocyte doubling-free survival, and, on the limit of statistical significance, a high endostatin level was associated with shorter progression-free survival. We conclude that serum sCD138 level is increased in early stage B-CLL patients and may have a positive prognostic value as to the dynamics of the disease

    Ulice, Centra, Peryferie

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    Ze wstępu: "Niniejszy tom jest kolejnym zbiorem wybranych artykułów z kilku konferencji Wydziału Architektury i Sztuki a zarazem zalążkiem projektowanej nowej serii publikacji pod tytułem „Część i całość”. Mając świadomość, że idea ta obejmuje swym zasięgiem wszelkie dziedziny ludzkiej aktywności, koncentrujemy się na problematyce, która związana jest z tym zagadnieniem i specyfi ką naszego Wydziału. W różnorodności problemów i zagadnień jakie poruszaliśmy przez lata przewija się idea i opowieść o wychowaniu przez sztukę. Wspomnę o znaczeniu edukacji poprzez tak szlachetne dyscypliny jak architektura i sztuki piękne, które są niewątpliwie ważnym ogniwem w rozwoju społeczeństw. Mówimy o szansie „Sztuk” w nowocześnie pojętym wychowaniu jednostki, o włączeniu Jej w nurt świadomości społecznej. Niewątpliwie naszym posłannictwem jest określenie sensu sztuki jako znaczącego elementu w życiu człowieka, sztuki dającej piękną perspektywę oryginalnego przeżywania Świata, sztuki pozwalającej otworzyć się na nowe możliwości Jego postrzegania."(...

    Extracts of Phenolic Compounds from Seeds of Three Wild Grapevines—Comparison of Their Antioxidant Activities and the Content of Phenolic Compounds

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    Phenolic compounds were extracted from three wild grapevine species: Vitis californica, V. riparia and V. amurensis seeds using 80% methanol or 80% acetone. The total content of phenolic compounds was determined utilizing the Folin-Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent while the content of tannins was assayed with the vanillin and BSA precipitation methods. Additionally, the DPPH free radical scavenging activity and the reduction power of the extracts were measured. The RP-HPLC method was applied to identify the phenolic compounds in the extracts, such as phenolic acids and catechins. The seeds contained large amounts of tannins, catechins and gallic acid and observable quantities of p-coumaric acid. The total content of phenolic compounds and tannins was similar in the extracts from V. californica and V. riparia seeds. However, the total content of total phenolic compounds and tannins in the extracts from V. californica and V. riperia seeds were about two-fold higher than that in the extracts from V. amurensis seeds. Extracts from seeds of the American species (V. californica and V. riparia) contained similarly high concentrations of tannins, whereas extracts from seeds of V. amurensis had approximately half that amount of these compounds. The content of catechin and epicatechin was similar in all extracts. The highest DPPH• anti-radical scavenging activity was observed in the acetonic and methanolic extracts of V. californica and V. riparia seeds— while the acetonic extract from the V. californica seeds was the strongest reducing agent