22 research outputs found

    Heuristic algorithm for single resource constrained project scheduling problem based on the dynamic programming

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    We introduce a heuristic method for the single resource constrained project scheduling problem, based on the dynamic programming solution of the knapsack problem. This method schedules projects with one type of resources, in the non-preemptive case: once started an activity is not interrupted and runs to completion. We compare the implementation of this method with well-known heuristic scheduling method, called Minimum Slack First (known also as Gray-Kidd algorithm), as well as with Microsoft Project

    Computation of generalized inverses by using the LDLāˆ— decomposition

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    AbstractAn efficient algorithm, based on the LDLāˆ— factorization, for computing {1,2,3} and {1,2,4} inverses and the Mooreā€“Penrose inverse of a given rational matrix A, is developed. We consider matrix products Aāˆ—A and AAāˆ— and corresponding LDLāˆ— factorizations in order to compute the generalized inverse of A. By considering the matrix products (Rāˆ—A)ā€ Rāˆ— and Tāˆ—(ATāˆ—)ā€ , where R and T are arbitrary rational matrices with appropriate dimensions and ranks, we characterize classes A{1,2,3} and A{1,2,4}. Some evaluation times for our algorithm are compared with corresponding times for several known algorithms for computing the Mooreā€“Penrose inverse


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    A novel kind of a hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics for real-time matrix inversion has been recently proposed and investigated. Our goal is to compare the hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics on the one hand, and conventional explicit neural dynamics on the other hand. Simulation results show that the hybrid model can coincide better with systems in practice and has higher abilities in representing dynamic systems. More importantly, hybrid model can achieve superior convergence performance in comparison with the existing dynamic systems, specifically recently-proposed Zhang dynamics. This paper presents the Simulink model of a hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics and gives a simulation and comparison to the existing Zhang dynamics for real-time matrix inversion. Simulation results confirm a superior convergence of the hybrid model compared to Zhang model

    Validation of 10 microsatellite loci for their use in parentage verification and individual identification in the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina

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    The aim of the study was to assess a commercially available microsatellite panel for use in paternity and identification analyses in the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina, an ancient livestock guarding breed. Allele frequencies for 10 microsatellite loci (PEZ01, FHC2054, FHC2010, PEZ05, PEZ20, PEZ12, PEZ03, PEZ06, PEZ08 and FHC2079) were determined in 103 unrelated Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog individuals. The loci revealed varied levels of polymorphism (five to 12 alleles), with an average of 7.83 per locus. Average values of observed heterozygosity and polymorphic information content (PIC) were 0.64 and 0.66, respectively. Nine out of 10 microsatellite markers were highly informative with PIC values higher than 0.5. The obtained value of combined power of exclusion (0.9989) confirms usefulness of this panel of microsatellites for parentage verification, while the value of combined power of discrimination of 0.9999 clearly shows that the panel can conclusively identify individual dogs. In conclusion, the results obtained suggest that the selected set of commercially available microsatellite markers may be used as a routine tool for parentage verification and individual identification in the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog. Although analysis of genetic variability of the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog was not the primary focus of the study, the established values of major diversity indices disclose a highly variable gene pool in the breed

    Comparative analysis of parameters of intraoperative and postoperative pain in bitches undergoing laparoscopic or conventional ovariectomy

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the parameters of intraoperative and postoperative pain in bitches undergoing laparoscopic or conventional ovariectomy. The study was conducted on 20 healthy, adult bitches of medium and large breeds. All the bitches were subjected to the same anesthetic protocol. Carprofen was applied preoperatively, and general anaesthesia was carried out with a combination of medetomidine, propofol and sevoflurane. The bitches were divided into two groups of 10 individuals each. The first group underwent conventional ovariectomy while the second one was subjected to the laparoscopic procedure. The intensity of intraoperative pain was estimated at different time points by measuring changes in heart and respiratory rate, arterial blood pressure, and body temperature. A multifactor pain scale was used to assess the intensity of postoperative pain. Dogs in the group which was scheduled for conventional ovariectomy (COV group) responded to painful intra-operative stimuli with increased heart rate and respiratory rate. Arterial blood pressure and body temperature decrease was detected in COV group. Laparoscopic ovariectomy induced less intra- and postoperative pain when compared to conventional ovariectomy. Beside that, the total anaesthesia time and postoperative recovery were shorter in dogs that underwent laparascopic ovariectomy


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    Razvili smo dvostruko video snimanje flore i faune s ZRGB kamerom u vizualnom i infracrvenom spektru. U članku se pokazuju se sličnosti i razlike apsorpcije svjetla s materije, objekta u pokretu. Potvrđene su teze o jednakosti apsorpcije bliske infracrvene radijacije (NIR) u cijeloj flori s izuzetkom kore drveća. Sve latice cvijeća i listova odbijaju infracrvenu zraku. Nasuprot, koža i dlaka životinja različito apsorbira NIR i svaki njihov dio ima svoju vlastitu Z vrijednost. U fauni postoji korelacija refleksije svjetla između vizualne i infracrvene apsorpcije. Video ZRGB kamera omogućuje promatranje kretanja u ā€žkameleonskom svijetuā€œ kroz ā€žZ-kontrastā€œ i ā€žRGB-kontrastā€œ sa dvostrukim istovremenim snimanjem. Postavljaju se novi postupci odgonetavanja i sakrivanja u flori i fauni. U članku su dati načini mjerenja Z vrijednosti postignuti s ZRGB kamerom u video modu. Razlika vizualne i infracrvene apsorpcije svjetla na flori i fauni proÅ”iruje projektiranje sustava kamuflaže u kretanju

    Mogućnost upotrebe interspecijske i intraspecijske varijabilnosti chd1 gena ptica u forenzici

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    Nowadays, illegal trafficking and smuggling of animals are among the greatest threats to many avian species. Most commonly smuggled birds belong to parrots, song birds, raptor species and owls. All of these species are protected by national and international legislations. In order to prevent and reduce wildlife trafficking, DNA methods have become an important forensic tool in species and sex identification. In this study, CHD1R/CHD1F primer pair was used to amplify a part of the CHD1 gene from 65 birds that belong to 43 species. For 36 species this is the first time that the length of CHD1 amplicons was measured for the purpose of species determination. The results were visualized using capillary electrophoresis and enabled simultaneous determination of sex and species. Based on the number of amplicons (two in females, one in males) sex was successfully determined in all species, even in cases where gel electrophoresis failed to give results. Moreover, the species was successfully determined in most bird species based on the species-specific sizes of CHD1 amplicon. The method used in this study is of great importance for veterinary forensic medicine and the prevention of wildlife smuggling. Still, further work is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of the method in all bird species.Ilegalna trgovina i krijumčarenje divljim vrstama danas predstavlja jednu od najvećih pretnji koje ugrožavaju populacije velikog broja ptica. NajčeŔće vrste kojima se ilegalno trguje su papagaji, ptice pevačice, grabljivice i sove. Sve ove vrste ptica su zaÅ”tićene nacionalnim ili međunarodnim zakonskim regulativama. U cilju prevencije i smanjenja ilegalne trgovine, molekularne metode su postale bitno forenzičko oruđe u identifi kaciji vrste i pola zaÅ”tićenih vrsta ptica. U ovom istraživanju ispitano je ukupno 65 uzoraka ptica (ukupno 43 vrste), a u cilju umnožavanja dela CHD1 gena koriŔćen je CHD1R/CHD1F par prajmera. Za 36 vrsta ovo je prvi put da je dužina CHD1 gena određivana u cilju identifi kacije vrste. Dobijeni produkti su vizuelizovani koristeći kapilarnu elektroforezu i omogućili su simultano određivanje pola i vrste. Na osnovu analize amplikona (dva kod ženke, jedan kod mužjaka), pol je uspeÅ”no identifi kovan kod svih vrsta, čak i kod onih kod kojih gel elektroforeza nije bila uspeÅ”na.Vrsta je uspeÅ”no određena kod većine ptica na osnovu veličine CHD1 amplikona specifične za vrstu. Metoda koriŔćena u ovoj studiji je od velikog značaja u veterinarskoj forenzici i prevenciji ilegalne trgovine životinjama. Ipak, dalji rad na ovoj metodi je neophodan da bi se potvrdila efi kasnost metode na svim vrstama ptica

    Gis techology in regional recognition of the distribution pattern of multifloral honey: the chemical traits in Serbia

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    GIS is a computer-based system to input, store, manipulate, analyze and output spatially referenced data. There is a huge range application of GIS that generally sets out to fulfill: mapping, measurement, monitoring, modeling and management. In this study, GIS technology was used for the regional recognition of origin and distribution patterns of multifloral honey chemical traits in Serbia. This included organizing and analyzing the spatial and attributive data of 164 honey samples collected from different regions of Serbia during the harvesting season of 2009. Multifloral honey was characterized in regards to mineral composition, sugar content and basic physicochemical properties. The kriging method of Geostatistical Analyst was used for interpolation to predict values of a sampled variable over the whole territory of Serbi


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    Abstract: We introduce a heuristic method for the single resource constrained project scheduling problem, based on the dynamic programming solution of the knapsack problem. This method schedules projects with one type of resources, in the non-preemptive case: once started an activity is not interrupted and runs to completion. We compare the implementation of this method with well-known heuristic scheduling method, called Minimum Slack First (known also as Gray-Kidd algorithm), as well as with Microsoft Project