145 research outputs found

    Uticaj različitih sistema uzgoja na proizvodnju, sastav mleka i ocenu telesne kondicije koza Alpina rase

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    This paper presents the results of testing the impact of different farming systems on milk production, milk composition (milk fat, protein and dry matter without fat) and body condition score of Alpine breed goats in different growing systems during one production year. Control of the amount and chemical composition of milk included a total of 59 French Alpine goats at the age of 2-3 years (2-3 lactations), which are divided into two groups with approximate similar body weight. In the first group of goats a stable diet was applied. Goats had a sufficient amount of alfalfa hay available (ad libitum) and the addition of about 0.5 kg of concentrate that is administered twice a day. Goats in the second group in addition to 0.5 kg of alfalfa hay, received 0.25 kg of concentrate and in the period from April to October during the day stayed at the outlet and the surrounding pasture. Control of body weight of goats and body condition were performed once every two months from March to October, while the rate of body condition (BCS) was given score of 1-5. Somatic cell count and chemical quality of milk were controlled on a daily basis in the laboratory for raw milk AD Mlekara - Subotica on the device CombiFoss 6200 FC. Both groups of goats had a statistically significant increase in production of milk (about 45 l) and the average daily milk yield (of about 0.15 l) in the second compared with the third lactation (p (lt) 0.01). It was also determined statistically significant effect of lactation on content of protein, dry matter without fat (DMwF) and the number of somatic cells in milk in both groups of goats. Body condition score of the analyzed groups of goats varied over time, and statistically significant differences were found in July (p = 0.021) and September (p = 0.013), where goats from the second group that remained at the pasture in the examined period had higher scores for BCS compared with the first group.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja različitih sistema uzgoja na proizvodnju, sastav mleka (sadržaj mlečne masti, proteina i suve materije bez masti) i ocenu telesne kondicije koza rase Alpina u različitim sistemima uzgoja u toku jedne proizvodne godine. Kontrolom količine i hemijskog sastava mleka bilo je obuhvaćeno ukupno 59 koza francuske alpine u starosti 2-3 godine (2-3 laktacija), koje su podeljene u dve grupe sa približnom telesnom masom. Kod prve grupe koza primenjivan je stajski način ishrane. Koze su na raspolaganju imale dovoljnu količinu lucerkinog sena (ad libidum) kao i dodatak oko 0.5 kg koncentrata koji je davan u dva navrata u toku dana. Koze druge grupe su pored 0.5 kg lucerkinog sena, dobijale 0.25 kg koncentrata i u periodu od Aprila do Oktobra meseca su u toku dana boravile na ispustu i okolnom paÅ”njaku. Kontrola telesne mase koza i ocena telesne kondicije kontrolisane su jednom u dva meseca počev od marta do oktobra meseca, pri čemu je pri oceni TK davana ocena od 1-5. Broj somatskih ćelija kao i hemijski kvalitet mleka, kontrolisan je svakodnevno u laboratoriji za sirovo mleko AD 'Mlekare' - Subotica na aparatu CombiFoss 6200 FC. Obe grupe koza imale su statistički značajno veću proizvodnju mleka (za oko 45 l) i prosečnu dnevnu mlečnost (za oko 0.15 l) u drugoj u poređenju sa trećom laktacijom (p (lt) 0.01). Utvrđen je i statistički značajan uticaj laktacije na sadržaj proteina, suve materije bez masti (SMbM) i broja somatskih ćelija u mleku kod obe grupe koza. Ocena telesne kondicije analiziranih grupa koza varirala je tokom vremena, a statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su tokom jula (p=0.021) i septembra meseca (p=0.013), gde su koze druge grupe koje su u ispitivanom periodu boravile na paÅ”njaku, imale viÅ”e ocene BCS u poređenju sa prvom

    Autohtona Balkanska rasa koza - sastav i osobine jarećeg trupa

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    Investigations were realized within the program of protection of genetic resources of autochthonous goat breeds - Balkan goat breed. Trial was carried out on farms of individual producers, breeders on the territory of Svrljig region, on 12 male kids of average age of 63 days and average body mass prior to slaughtering of 10,54 kg. Objective of the research was to determine the meat yield (dressing percentage), share of by products of in body mass prior to slaughtering and in processed carcass, commercial value of carcass (by evaluation of conformation, covering of carcass and kidneys with fat tissue, colour of meat and tallow) and share of main carcass parts. Results of the research indicated that kids of Balkan goat breed at stated age have average body mass of 10,54 kg and yield of warm carcass with head and giblets of 58,89%, which is high value and is within the limits for yield realized by kids of approximate age of pure goat breeds. Shares of slaughter by products (rumen, small intestines, skin, abomasus), giblets (liver, lungs, heart, spleen, kidneys), fat tissue (peritoneum, kidney, mesentherium) and head in cooled carcass are also within the limits realized by kids of pure goat breeds. Commercial value of carcass, established based on assessment of conformation (scored as good), covering of carcass and kidneys with fat tissue (scored as medium), colour of meat and tallow (scored as very good) is good and within the values realized by kids of pure goat breeds. Quality of carcass evaluated based on share of main carcass parts of category I (thigh, loin part) of 33,41%, category II (back, shoulder, neck) of 38,68% and category III (breast, second fore thigh, second thigh) of 26,91%, was very good. Muscle, fat and binding tissue (meat in narrow sense) made 2/3, whereas bones made 1/3 of the mass of three rib cut, which is also very good. Ratio of muscle and fat tissue was also very favourable - 5,08.Ispitivanja su obavljena u okviru programa zaÅ”tite genetskih resursa autohtonih rasa koza - balkanske rase. Ogled je izveden kod individualnih odgajivača na području SvrljiÅ”kog regiona, na 12 muÅ”kih jaradi prosečnog uzrasta 63 dana i prosečne telesne mase pred klanje od 10,54 kg. Cilj ispitivanja je bio da se utvrdi prinos mesa (randman), udeo pratećih proizvoda klanja u trupu pred klanje i u ohlađenom trupu, komercijalna vrednost trupa (ocenom konformacije, prekrivenosti trupa i bubrega masnim tkivom, boje mesa i loja) i udeo osnovnih delova trupa. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju da jarad balkanske koze u navedenom uzrastu imaju prosečnu telesnu masu od 10,54 kg i randman toplog trupa sa glavom i iznutricama od 58,89%, Å”to predstavlja visoku vrednost i nalazi se u granicama vrednosti randmana koji postižu jarad približnog uzrasta plemenitijih rasa koza. Udeo pratećih proizvoda klanja (burag, tanka creva, koža, siriÅ”te), iznutrica (jetra, pluća, srce, slezina, bubrezi), masnog tkiva (peritoneum, bubrežno, opornjak) i glave u ohlađenom trupu su takođe u granicama koje postižu jarad plemenitijih rasa koza. Komercijalna vrednost trupa, utvrđena na osnovu ocene konformacije (ocenjena je kao povoljna), prekrivenosti trupa i bubrega masnim tkivom (ocenjena je kao osrednja), boje mesa i loja (ocenjene su kao veoma povoljne) je dobra i u okviru vrednosti koju imaju jarad plemenitijih rasa koza. Kvalitet trupa, procenjen na osnovu udela osnovnih delova trupa I kategorije (but, slabinski deo) od 33,41%, II kategorije (leđa, plećka vrat) od 38,68% i III kategorije (grudi, podlaktica potkolenica) od 26,91%, je veoma povoljan. MiÅ”ićno, masno i vezivno tkivo (meso u užem smislu) čini 2/3, dok kosti čine 1/3 mase trorebarnog isečka, Å”to je veoma povoljno. Odnos miÅ”ićnog i masnog tkiva je takođe povoljan i iznosi 5,08

    The effects of using conjugated linoleic acid in the diet of pigs on fattening performance, carcass composition and quality of muscle and fat tissue

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    Konjugovana linolna kiselina (CLA ā€“ Conjugated Linoleic Acid, eng.) predstavlja smeÅ”u geometrijskih izomera cisĪ”9, cisĪ”12 - oktadekadienske (linolne - 18:2 n-6) kiseline, za koju su utvrĊeni mnogi pozitivni efekti kao Å”to su antikancerogeno dejstvo, poboljÅ”anje konverzije hrane i smanjenje koliĉine masnog tkiva i povećanje udela miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trupu Å£ivotinja. Ishrana svinja sa dodatkom CLA dobija sve veći znaĉaj poslednjih godina, jer utiĉe na poboljÅ”anje karakteristika trupa i kvaliteta mesa svinja, a u isto vreme, to je naĉin za dobijanje mesa i proizvoda od mesa obogaćenih sa CLA. MeĊutim, njen uticaj na kvalitet mesa, a naroĉito na tehnoloÅ”ke i senzorne parametre kvaliteta, nije u potpunosti definisan. Razliĉiti literaturni podaci o efektima ishrane svinja sa dodatkom CLA na proizvodne parametre (rezultate tova i sastav trupa), uz nedovoljno ispitane efekte koje ona poseduje na tehnoloÅ”ki, senzorni i nutritivni kvalitet mesa, bili su glavni razlozi postavljanja ovog ogleda. Eksperiment je postavljen kako bi se ispitali efekti dodavanja CLA hrani u zavrÅ”noj fazi tova svinja. U ogledu su koriŔćeni tovljenici muÅ”kog i Å£enskog pola ĉiste rase Å”vedski landras, a CLA je dodata u formi ulja u koliĉini od 0,3% u hranu tokom poslednjih 45 dana tova. Ulje CLA koriŔćeno u ovom ogledu, je kao aktivnu komponentu sadrÅ£alo 60% CLA, koja se sastojala od smeÅ”e dva izomera u odnosu 1:1 (30% cis-9, trans-11 i 30% trans-10, cis-12). Ogled je trajao 175 dana, a ulje CLA je dodavano u ishranu tokom poslednjih 45 dana tova (od 130. do 175. dana), tako da je svako grlo iz ogledne grupe dobilo dnevno u proseku 15 g ulja CLA, tj. ukupno 675 g ulja CLA tokom celog ogleda. Proseĉna telesna masa tovljenika obe grupe na poĉetku ishrane sa CLA bila je oko 66 kg, a na kraju (posle 45 dana) oko 103,5 kg, nakon ĉega su Å£ivotinje zaklane. IstraÅ£ivanje je obuhvatilo ispitivanje rezultata tova, sastava trupa i parametara tehnoloÅ”kog, senzornog i nutritivnog kvaliteta miÅ”ićnog i masnog tkiva. Rezultati istraÅ£ivanja su pokazali da CLA nije imala statistiĉki znaĉajan uticaj na masu tovljenika tokom ogleda. Proseĉan dnevni prirast (PDP) tovljenika muÅ”kog pola u kontrolnoj grupi je tokom prvih 7 dana bio znaĉajno viÅ”i u poreĊenju sa oglednom grupom (p=0,032), da bi se od 2. nedelje pa do kraja ogleda smanjio, pri ĉemu je najveća razlika u PDP-u izmeĊu grupa utvrĊena za 4. nedelju ogleda (p=0,012)...Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA - Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a mixture of geometric isomers of cisĪ”9, cisĪ”12 ā€“ octadecadienoic (linoleic acid - 18:2 n-6) acid, for which many positive effects were identified, such as anticancer effect, improved feed conversion and reduction of the amount of fat and increase of the share of muscle tissue in the body of animals. Nutrition of pigs with the CLA supplement is gaining increasing importance in recent years because of the impact on improvement of the carcass characteristics and meat quality of pigs, but at the same time, it is a way to get meat and meat products enriched with CLA. However, its effect on meat quality, especially on the technological and sensory quality parameters, has not been t fully defined. Various published data on the effects of feeding pigs with the addition of CLA on production parameters (fattening and carcass composition), with insufficiently studied effects that it has on technological, sensory and nutritional quality of meat, were the main reasons for setting up this experiment. The experiment was designed to examine the effects of adding CLA to diets for pigs in the final stage of fattening. Male and female purebred Swedish Landrace fatteners were used in the experiment, and CLA was added in the form of oil in an amount of 0.3% of the food during the last 45 days of fattening. CLA oil used in this experiment, as the active ingredient contained 60% CLA, which consisted of a mixture of two isomers in a ratio of 1:1 (30% cis-9, trans-11 and 30% trans-10, cis-12). The trial lasted 175 days, and the CLA oil was added to the diet during the last 45 days of experiment (from 130. to 175. day), so that each animal in the experimental group received daily on average 15 g CLA oil, i.e. total of 675 g CLA oil during the entire experiment. The average body mass of fatteners of both groups at the start of the CLA diet was about 66 kg, and at the end (after 45 days), about 103, 5 kg, after which the animals were slaughtered. The research included examination of the fattening performance, carcass composition and parameters of technological, sensory and nutritional quality of muscle and fat/fat tissue..

    Dietary fibre as phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions with reduced content of sodium chloride

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    The aim of this research was to examine the possibility of phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions containing 0.3 % of phosphate (CON) with 0.3 % and 0.6 % of dietary fibre of various plant origin, namely, wheat (treatments WH3, WH6), maize (CN3, CN6), pea (PA3, PA6) and potato (PT3, PT6). The pH values of all treatments were similar (6.12ā€“6.27) and corresponded to emulsified-type meat products. Phosphate replacement by fibre led to higher cooking loss (CL) values, from 1.29 (CN6) to 2.43 (PT6) times, not significantly only in CN6 and PA6. Increment in the fibre content led to a significantly lower CL only in the case of maize fibre. On the other hand, all treatments with dietary fibre had significantly lower fluid release under pressure compared to control, while the influence of different fibre types and increase in fibre content was not observed. WH6, CN3, CN6 and PA3 had significantly higher lightness, while all treatments, except for WH6 and PA6, had significantly higher redness. Yellow tones were similar within all treatments. Texture parameters were affected by phosphate replacement with dietary fibres, as hardness and chewiness were higher, while springiness and cohesiveness were lower. No effect of the type of fibre or its level was observed

    Comparison of the fatty acid composition of five different fat tissues in Swedish Landrace pig

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    Fat is one of the most important edible products derived from slaughtered pigs and its fatty acid composition depends, among others, on the location in the carcass. The main objective of the present study was to compare the fatty acid composition of the five different fat tissues (taken from the lard, subcutaneous fat from back area, intramuscular fat from M. Longissimus dorsi, intermuscular fat from round and subcutaneous fat from belly region) in Swedish Landrace pig breed. A significantly higher share of total polyunsaturated fatty acid content was found in intermuscular fat (especially higher share of linoleic (18:2 n6) and Ī³-linolenic (18:3 n-3) acid), compared to other fat depots (p<0.05). Total saturated fatty acid content was highest in lard fat, mainly due to a higher share of stearic acid (18:0). The highest share of total n-6 fatty acids was found in intermuscular fat, while intramuscular fat had the highest n-6/n-3 ratio (which is inconsistent with the nutritional recommendable values). Subcutaneous fat from back and belly region had similar content of major fatty acids. The obtained data confirm that the various pig adipose tissues are different in their fatty acid composition

    Mogućnost upotrebe kozjeg mesa u proizvodnji tradicionalnog sudžuka

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    Two variants of sucuk were made: one of beef meat and beef tail fat and another of goat meat and goat tail fat with meat/fat ratio of 75/25 and the same ingredients. After filling, the sausages were hung to dry in a traditional smoking house (without the possibility to control the temperature or humidity). Weight loss, pH, non-protein nitrogen content, basic chemical composition, instrumental colour measurement and sensory evaluation were done for both variants. Both variants had an almost identical weight loss (36.98 beef sucuk and 36.25 goat sucuk). Changes in pH value and non-protein nitrogen content had the same tendency and end values did not differ. The basic chemical composition at the end of production indicates that both variants were of very good quality. L*and b*values did not differ, but there was a significant difference in a*value (11.72 beef and 14.15 goat). In terms of appearance, texture and taste, assessors gave poorer grades to goat sucuk, but these grades do not indicate that the product is unacceptable (they were more than 5). It is possible to replace goat tail fat with beef fat to appease the specific flavour of the product and to make it more acceptable to consumers who may not be used to such flavour.U Srbiji, sudžuk se tradicionalno proizvodi u planinskom delu, uglavnom u malim pogonima ili domaćinstvima, u jesenjem i zimskom periodu, kada to klimatski uslovi (temperatura i relativna vlažnost) dozvoljavaju. U ovom ogledu napravljene su dve varijante sudžuka: prva od goveđeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa goveda i druga od kozjeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa koza. Kod obe grupe kobasica je odnos meso/masno tkivo bio 75/25 i koriŔćeni su isti začini i aditivi. Nakon punjenja, kobasice su suÅ”ene u tradicionalnoj puÅ”nici. Kod obe varijante kobasica određen je: gubitak mase tokom suÅ”enja, pH, neproteinski azot, osnovni hemijski sastav i izvrÅ”eno je instrumentalno merenje boje i senzorska ocena. Obe grupe kobasice su imale skoro identičan gubitak mase tokom suÅ”enja (36,98 kod goveđeg i 36,25 kod kozjeg sudžuka). Promene pH vrednosti i neproteinskog azota tokom zrenja su imale istu tendenciju i njihove krajnje vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale. Na osnovu podataka za osnovni hemijski sastav na kraju procesa proizvodnje, zaključeno je da su obe grupe kobasica bile veoma dobrog kvaliteta. L*i b* vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale, dok je statistički značajna razlika između grupa utvrđena za vrednost a*(11,72 kod goveđih i 14,15 kod kozjih kobasica). U pogledu senzornih karakteristika: spoljnog izgleda, teksture i ukusa, kozji sudžuk je ocenjen neÅ”to slabije, međutim, takav proizvod je i dalje bio veoma prihvatljiv (sve ocene su bile iznad 5). Jedan od načina da se smanji specifična aroma sudžuka napravljenog od kozjeg mesa, Å”to bi ga učinilo prihvatlivijim za Å”iru grupu potroÅ”ača, jeste zamena kozjeg loja sa goveđim

    Antimicrobial activity of sweet basil and thyme against salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis in egg-based pasta

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    Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis is known as one of the most common pathogenic bacteria causing salmonellosis in humans. Raw materials of animal origin (eggs, chicken meat) are frequent vectors that transmit this bacterium. Since eggs are used for the production of pasta, due to insufficient thermal treatment during pasta drying, they can be a potential risk to consumer health. Different essential oils of herbs can be used to reduce present pathogenic microorganisms. This paper compares a decrease in the number of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis (D) ATCC 13076 and Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis isolated from outbreaks of salmonellosis in egg-based pasta under the influence of thyme and sweet basil essential oils. The results indicate that the utilized oils were more effective against the epidemic strain than the ATCC strain. In addition, thyme oil caused a more significant inhibition of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis during the production process

    Prinos mesa jaradi srpske bele koze u zavisnosti od telesne mase pre klanja

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    Investigations were carried out on three groups of kids of Serbian White breed as follows: group of lighter kids, average body mass at slaughtering 12,65 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) and average age of 70 days; group of medium heavy kids, body mass of 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) and average age of 97 days, and group of heavy kids, body mass prior to slaughtering of 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) and average age of 129 days. Objective of this research was to determine the meat yield (dressing percentage) and share of some slaughtering products in the mass prior to slaughtering and share of giblets in the mass of chilled carcass. It was established that heavier kids have lower dressing percentage (55,01%) compared to lighter (57,21%) and medium heavy kids (58, 21%), more favorable conformation evaluation (4,22 points in heavier, 3,77 points in medium heavy and 3,52 points in lighter kids), better covering of carcass with fat tissue (3,71 points in heavier, 3,66 points in medium heavy and 3,32 points in lighter kids) and better evaluation of the meat color (4,78 points in heavier, 4,66 points in medium heavy and 3,79 points in lighter kids). Share of edible giblets/offal (pre-stomach, small intestines, mesentherium) in the mass of carcass prior to slaughtering was higher in lighter kids (6,45%) compared to medium heavy (5,83%) and heavy kids (6,15%). Share of giblets/offal in chilled carcass was the lowest (15,91%) in heavy kids, slightly higher (17,16%) in medium heavy and the highest in lighter kids (18,86%).Ispitivanja su obavljena na tri grupe jaradi srpske bele koze i to: lakÅ”ih, prosečne telesne mase pri klanju 12,654 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta od 70 dana; srednje teÅ”kih telesne mase 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 97 dana i teÅ”kih telesne mase pred klanje 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 129 dana. Cilj ovih ispitivanja bio je da se utvrdi prinos mesa (randman) i udeo nekih pratećih proizvoda klanja u masi pred klanje i udeo iznutrica u masi ohlađenog trupa. Utvrđeno je da teža jarad imaju manji randman (55,01%) u odnosu na lakÅ”e (57,21%) i srednje teÅ”ke (58, 21%), povoljniju ocenu konformacije (4,22 poena u težih, 3,77 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,52 poena u lakÅ”ih), bolju prekrivenost trupa masnim tkivom (3,71 poena u težih, 3,66 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,32 poena u lakih) i bolju ocenu boje mesa (4,78 poena u teÅ”kih, 4,66 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,79 poena u lakÅ”ih). Udeo jestivih iznutrica (predželudac, tanka creva, opornjak) u masi trupa pred klanje je veći u lakih jaradi (4,45%) u poređenju sa srednje teÅ”kim (5,83%) i teÅ”kim jaradima (6,15%). Udeo iznutrica u ohlađenom trupu je najmanji (15,91%) u teÅ”kih, neÅ”to veći (17,16%) u srednje teÅ”kih i najveći (18,86%) u lakih jaradi

    Meat products and functional food

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    Functional food is a term for food products fortified with ingredients that possess benefiā€‘ cial physiological effects. Meat products are characterized by relatively high salt, fat and saturated fatty acid contents. Moreover, phosphates and nitrites are also marked as potential harmful components. Designing meat products as functional food has been associated with replacement (and/or reduction) of these components with other, especially natural, ingrediā€‘ ents that possess beneficial effects. The development of such products poses quite a chalā€‘ lenge since it requires the creation of a product with improved functional properties and the same sensory quality as conventional ones. Results of numerous studies into improving the nutritional properties of meat products indicate that the meat industry has responded to the changes of lifestyle and perception of food
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