342 research outputs found

    Cosmological Recombination of Lithium and its Effect on the Microwave Background Anisotropies

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    The cosmological recombination history of lithium, produced during Big--Bang nucleosynthesis, is presented using updated chemistry and cosmological parameters consistent with recent cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements. For the popular set of cosmological parameters, about a fifth of the lithium ions recombine into neutral atoms by a redshift z∼400z\sim 400. The neutral lithium atoms scatter resonantly the CMB at 6708 \AA and distort its intensity and polarization anisotropies at observed wavelengths around ∼300μ\sim 300 \mum, as originally suggested by Loeb (2001). The modified anistropies resulting from the lithium recombination history are calculated for a variety of cosmological models and found to result primarily in a suppression of the power spectrum amplitude. Significant modification of the power spectrum occurs for models which assume a large primordial abundance of lithium. While detection of the lithium signal might prove difficult, if offers the possibility of inferring the lithium primordial abundance and is the only probe proposed to date of the large-scale structure of the Universe for z∼500−100z\sim 500-100.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Spin waves: theory and applications

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    Magnetic materials can support propagating waves of magnetization; since these are oscillations in the magneto static properties of the material, they are called magneto static waves (sometimes 'magnons' or 'magnetic polarons'). This book discusses magnetic properties of materials, and magnetic moments of atoms and ionsIntroduces magnetism and discusses magnetic properties of materials, magnetic moments of atoms and ions, and the elements important to magnetismCovers magnetic susceptibilities and electromagnetic waves in anisotropic dispersive media among other topicsContains problems at the end of each chapter, many of which serve to expand or explain the material in the textIncludes bibliographies for each chapter that give an entry to the research literature

    Frequency and power dependence of spin-current emission by spin pumping in a thin film YIG/Pt system

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    This paper presents the frequency dependence of the spin current emission in a hybrid ferrimagnetic insulator/normal metal system. The system is based on a ferrimagnetic insulating thin film of Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG, 200 nm) grown by liquid-phase-epitaxy (LPE) coupled with a normal metal with a strong spin-orbit coupling (Pt, 15 nm). The YIG layer presents an isotropic behaviour of the magnetization in the plane, a small linewidth, and a roughness lower than 0.4 nm. Here we discuss how the voltage signal from the spin current detector depends on the frequency [0.6 - 7 GHz], the microwave power, Pin, [1 - 70 mW], and the in-plane static magnetic field. A strong enhancement of the spin current emission is observed at low frequencies, showing the appearance of non-linear phenomena.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Single magnon excited states of a Heisenberg spin-chain using a quantum computer

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    Excited states of spin-chains play an important role in condensed matter physics. We present a method of calculating the single magnon excited states of the Heisenberg spin-chain that can be efficiently implemented on a quantum processor for small spin chains. Our method involves finding the stationary points of the energy vs wavenumber curve. We implement our method for 4-site and 8-site Heisenberg Hamiltonians using numerical techniques as well as using an IBM quantum processor. Finally, we give an insight into the circuit complexity and scaling of our proposed method.Comment: 12 Pages, 15 figure

    Self-Induced Quasistationary Magnetic Fields

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    The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with temporally dispersive magnetic solids of small dimensions may show very special resonant behaviors. The internal fields of such samples are characterized by magnetostatic-potential scalar wave functions. The oscillating modes have the energy orthogonality properties and unusual pseudo-electric (gauge) fields. Because of a phase factor, that makes the states single valued, a persistent magnetic current exists. This leads to appearance of an eigen-electric moment of a small disk sample. One of the intriguing features of the mode fields is dynamical symmetry breaking

    Rovibrationally resolved photodissociation of HeH+

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    Accurate photodissociation cross sections have been obtained for the A-X electronic transition of HeH+ using ab initio potential curves and dipole transition moments. Partial cross sections have been evaluated for all rotational transitions from the vibrational levels v"=0-11 and over the entire accessible wavelength range 100-1129 Angstrom. Assuming a Boltzmann distribution of the rovibrational levels of the X state, photodissociation cross sections are presented for temperatures between 500 and 12,000 K. A similar set of calculations was performed for the pure rovibrational photodissociation in the X-X electronic ground state, but covering photon wavelengths into the far infrared. Applications of the cross sections to the destruction of HeH+in the early Universe and in UV-irradiated environments such as primordial halos and protoplanetary disks are briefly discussed
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