10 research outputs found

    Do pedometers motivate people to walk more?

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    Physical activity confers many important health benefits. The 'active living message' recommends that adults should accumulate 30 ruin of moderate-intensity physical activity (e.g. brisk walking) on most--preferably all--days of the week, but the populations of most developed countries are not meeting this target. Walking is one mode of activity that most people can do without skills, equipment, facilities or extra expense and walking has less bias in terms of age, sex and social class than facility-based exercise. Thus we need to investigate interventions that promote walking

    Cojectivity and the human sciences

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    Hermeneutic Phenomenology meets Transformative Learning

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    The research methods that have been employed in the latest studies on transformative learning are several. This diversity can be considered as a strength insofar as each method, with its underlying philosophy of research, has contributed to the enhancement of transformative learning, namely disclosing new insight