952 research outputs found


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    Das Delikt des Hochverrats im NS-Staat, in der DDR und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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    Als Beitrag zur Forschung um die Entwicklung des Hochverrats wurden die seit 1933 existierenden Hochverratsdelikte untersucht. Aufgrund zahlreicher außerrechtlicher Faktoren liegt der Fokus der rechtshistorischen und vergleichenden Betrachtung nicht allein auf den Normen und deren Anwendung, sondern es wird auch die Entwicklung der Rechtsordnungen des NS-Staat, der DDR und der BRD im Kontext ihres gesellschaftlichen und geschichtlichen Hintergrundes beleuchtet. Die historisch-kritische und objektiv-analytische Analyse zeigt Parallelen und Unterschiede in der Anwendung der Hochverratsnormen, im Ergebnis aber eine Kohärenz zwischen den materiell-rechtlichen Hochverratstatbeständen und der gesellschaftspolitischen Entwicklung. Im Ergebnis bestätigt sich die Hauptthese der Dissertation von einem jedem Staats- und Rechtssystem inhärenten und mit dem politischen Selbstvertrauen korrelierenden Risiko, Bestand und Verfassungsordnung über das notwendige Maß hinaus zu schützen und dass unabhängig der Staats- und Rechtsform der strafrechtliche Staatsschutz maßgeblich von außerrechtlichen Faktoren beeinflusst wurde und Kehrseite des (gesellschafts-)politischen Systems ist

    Collaborative Challenges of Multi-Cohort Projects in Pharmacogenetics-Why Time Is Essential for Meaningful Collaborations

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    Multi-cohort projects in medicine provide an opportunity to investigate scientific questions beyond the boundaries of a single institution and endeavor to increase the sample size for obtaining more reliable results. However, the complications of these kinds of collaborations arise during management, with many administrative hurdles. Hands-on approaches and lessons learned from previous collaborations provide solutions for optimized collaboration models. Here, we use our experience in running PGX-link, a Swiss multi-cohort project, to show the strategy we used to tackle different challenges from project setup to obtaining the relevant permits, including ethics approval. We set PGX-link in an international context because our struggles were similar to those encountered during the SYNCHROS (SYNergies for Cohorts in Health: integrating the ROle of all Stakeholders) project. We provide ad hoc solutions for cohorts, general project management strategies, and suggestions for unified protocols between cohorts that would ease current management hurdles. Project managers are not necessarily familiar with medical projects, and even if they are, they are not aware of the intricacies behind decision-making and consequently, of the time needed to set up multi-cohort collaborations. This paper is meant to be a brief overview of what we experienced with our multi-cohort project and provides the necessary practices for future managers

    Collaborative challenges of multi-cohort project in pharmacogenetics - why time is essential for meaningful collaborations.

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    UNSTRUCTURED Multi-cohort projects in medicine provide an opportunity to investigate scientific questions beyond the boundaries of a single institution, and to increase sample size for more reliable results. However, the complications of these kinds of collaborations arise during management, with many administrative hurdles. Hands-on approaches and lessons learned from previous collaborations provide solutions for optimized collaboration models. Here, we use our experience in running the Swiss multi-cohort project PGX-link to show the strategy we used to tackle different challenges from project set up to getting the relevant permits, including ethics approval. We set PGX-link into an international context, since our struggles were similar to those encountered during the SYNCHROS project. We provide ad-hoc solutions for cohorts, general project management strategies, and suggestions for unified protocols between cohorts that would ease current management hurdles. Project managers are not necessarily familiar with medical projects, and even if they are, they are not aware of the intricacies behind decision making, and consequently of the time needed to set up multi-cohort collaborations. This paper is meant to be a brief overview of what we went through with our multi-cohort project and provides the necessary practices for future managers

    The impact of perceived donor liver quality on post-transplant outcome.

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    BACKGROUND We analysed the impact of perceived liver donor quality on transplant recipient outcomes. METHODS this prospective cohort study included all deceased liver donors during 2008-2018 in the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Perceived low-quality liver donors were defined when refused for ≥5 top listed recipients or for all recipients in at least one centre before being transplanted. The effect of liver donor quality on relisting or recipient death at 1 week and 1 year after transplantation was analysed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard models. A 1:3 matching was also performed using a recipient score. RESULTS Of 973 liver donors, 187 (19.2%) had perceived poor-quality. Males, obesity, donation after circulatory death and alanine aminotransferase values were significantly associated with perceived poor-quality, with no significant effect of the perceived quality on re-listing or death within the first week and first year post-transplant [(aHR) = 1.45, 95% CI: (0.6, 3.5), P = 0.41 and aHR = 1.52 (95% CI 0.98-2.35), P = 0.06], adjusting by recipient age and gender, obesity, diabetes, prior liver transplantation and model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score. At 1 year, prior liver transplantation and higher MELD score associated with higher risk of re-listing or death. CONCLUSION Comparable post-transplant outcomes with different perceived quality liver donors stresses the need to improve donor selection in liver transplantation

    Bacteremia During the First Year After Solid Organ Transplantation: An Epidemiological Update.

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    BACKGROUND There are limited contemporary data on the epidemiology and outcomes of bacteremia in solid organ transplant recipients (SOTr). METHODS Using the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study registry from 2008 to 2019, we performed a retrospective nested multicenter cohort study to describe the epidemiology of bacteremia in SOTr during the first year post-transplant. RESULTS Of 4383 patients, 415 (9.5%) with 557 cases of bacteremia due to 627 pathogens were identified. One-year incidence was 9.5%, 12.8%, 11.4%, 9.8%, 8.3%, and 5.9% for all, heart, liver, lung, kidney, and kidney-pancreas SOTr, respectively (P = .003). Incidence decreased during the study period (hazard ratio, 0.66; P < .001). One-year incidence due to gram-negative bacilli (GNB), gram-positive cocci (GPC), and gram-positive bacilli (GPB) was 5.62%, 2.81%, and 0.23%, respectively. Seven (of 28, 25%) Staphylococcus aureus isolates were methicillin-resistant, 2/67 (3%) enterococci were vancomycin-resistant, and 32/250 (12.8%) GNB produced extended-spectrum beta-lactamases. Risk factors for bacteremia within 1 year post-transplant included age, diabetes, cardiopulmonary diseases, surgical/medical post-transplant complications, rejection, and fungal infections. Predictors for bacteremia during the first 30 days post-transplant included surgical post-transplant complications, rejection, deceased donor, and liver and lung transplantation. Transplantation in 2014-2019, CMV donor-negative/recipient-negative serology, and cotrimoxazole Pneumocystis prophylaxis were protective against bacteremia. Thirty-day mortality in SOTr with bacteremia was 3% and did not differ by SOT type. CONCLUSIONS Almost 1/10 SOTr may develop bacteremia during the first year post-transplant associated with low mortality. Lower bacteremia rates have been observed since 2014 and in patients receiving cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variabilities in incidence, timing, and pathogen of bacteremia across different SOT types may be used to tailor prophylactic and clinical approaches