43 research outputs found

    Novel zinc-based fixative for high quality DNA, RNA and protein analysis

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    We have developed a reliable, cost-effective and non-toxic fixative to meet the needs of contemporary molecular pathobiology research, particularly in respect of RNA and DNA integrity. The effects of 25 different fixative recipes on the fixed quality of tissues from C57BL/6 mice were investigated. Results from IHC, PCR, RT–PCR, RNA Agilent Bioanalyser and Real-Time PCR showed that a novel zinc-based fixative (Z7) containing zinc trifluoroacetate, zinc chloride and calcium acetate was significantly better than the standard zinc-based fixative (Z2) and neutral buffered formalin (NBF) for DNA, RNA and protein preservation. DNA sequences up to 2.4 kb in length and RNA fragments up to 361 bp in length were successfully amplified from Z7 fixed tissues, as demonstrated by PCR, RT–PCR and Real-Time PCR. Total protein analysis was achieved using 2-D gel electrophoresis. In addition, nucleic acids and proteins were very stable over a 6–14-month period. This improved, non-toxic and economical tissue fixative could be applied for routine use in pathology laboratories to permit subsequent genomic/proteomic studies

    Application of ultrafast gold luminescence to measuring the instrument response function for multispectral multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging

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    When performing multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging in multiple spectral emission channels, an instrument response function must be acquired in each channel if accurate measurements of complex fluorescence decays are to be performed. Although this can be achieved using the reference reconvolution technique, it is difficult to identify suitable fluorophores with a mono-exponential fluorescence decay across a broad emission spectrum. We present a solution to this problem by measuring the IRF using the ultrafast luminescence from gold nanorods. We show that ultrafast gold nanorod luminescence allows the IRF to be directly obtained in multiple spectral channels simultaneously across a wide spectral range. We validate this approach by presenting an analysis of multispectral autofluorescence FLIM data obtained from human skin ex vivo

    Use of functional feeding strategies to protect Atlantic salmon from virally-induced inflammatory diseases- mechanistic insights revealed by transcriptomic analysis

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    Over the past few years one of the major concerns in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farming industry has been the increasing incidence and severity of inflammatory viral diseases. Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) and cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) are currently two of the most prevalent viral diseases in commercial Atlantic salmon farms in Norway. Mortality levels in both diseases are generally low but morbidity can be very high with the associated chronic inflammatory response lasting for several months. The consequent reduced growth performance is causing considerable financial impact as HSMI has become increasingly widespread in recent years. The impact of CMS is further exacerbated as it generally affects large fish close to harvest. HSMI lesions occur in the atrium and ventricle in the heart including inflammation and necrosis in epi- endo- and myocardium along with myositis of red skeletal muscle. CMS lesions are commonly observed in the spongy myocardium in the atrium and ventricle of the heart with severe mononuclear inflammation and necrosis. Furthermore, circulatory disturbances associated with reduced cardiac function cause multifocal liver steatosis and necrosis in both diseases. Currently there are no vaccines or any other effective treatments for these diseases and so alternative therapies that could potentially modulate the intensity of the inflammatory response could be crucial to improve the clinical manifestation of the diseases. Therefore, the overall aim of the present study was to evaluate the concept of “clinical nutrition” to improve the clinical symptoms of both viral diseases, HSMI and CMS, through the use of functional feeds formulated with reduced lipid content and increased proportions of anti-inflammatory fatty acids to moderate the apparently uncontrolled inflammatory response in the heart tissue associated with both diseases and also alleviate the secondary hepatic lesions. The experimental work consisted of three major dietary trials in Atlantic salmon in seawater. Two large trials investigated the effects of functional feeds in Atlantic salmon challenged with Atlantic salmon piscine reovirus (ASRV) and piscine myocarditis virus (PMCV), the causal agents of HSMI and CMS, respectively. In both trials, heart transcriptome, heart and liver histopathology and tissue lipid and fatty acid compositions and metabolism were determined post-infection in fish fed with the functional feeds in comparison with fish fed with a standard commercial feed formulation considered as a reference diet. All the functional feeds were formulated to have reduced digestible energy through lower dietary lipid and higher protein contents, and increased levels and proportions of anti-inflammatory long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) compared with the reference diets. Histopathology, fatty acid composition and gene expression of heart were assessed over a long time-period of 16 weeks and 14 weeks post-challenge with ASRV and PMCV, respectively. Viral load in heart tissue, hepatic histopathology and fatty acid composition of liver and head kidney along with expression of the genes involved in the eicosanoid and LC-PUFA and eicosanoid biosynthesis pathways were also determined in the HSMI trial. The third trial was a nutritional trial evaluating the effects of dietary digestible energy content on lipid and fatty acid metabolism in salmon fed diets containing graded amounts of lipid. Fatty acid composition of liver and heart were assessed over 12 weeks, along with the hepatic expression of genes of lipid and fatty acid metabolism. The results of this research are presented in four chapters (Chapters 2-5) as four paper manuscripts. The manuscripts/Papers are either published (Chapter 2), in review (Chapter 3 and 4) or drafted for submission (Chapter 5) in appropriate peer-reviewed international journals. Chapter 2 and 3 correspond to the HSMI trial, Chapter 4 to the nutritional trial, and Chapter 5 to the CMS trial. Chapter 2 showed that viral load and histopathology scores were lower in fish fed the functional feeds, especially diet FF1, which displayed better performance. Diet strongly influenced the expression of genes related with the immune and inflammatory responses, with delayed expression in fish fed the functional feeds. Up-regulation of pro-inflammatory genes was correlated with the higher viral load observed at early-mid stages of the disease in fish fed the reference diet (ST). Expression of genes related with the immune response at 16-weeks post challenge reflected the differences in immunomodulation between the functional feeds, with fish fed diet FF1 showing lower expression. Therefore, severity of the heart lesions was correlated with the intensity of the immune response and could be associated with tissue anti-inflammatory LC-PUFA levels. Chapter 3 was focused on liver histopathology, fatty acid composition and LC-PUFA biosynthesis, along with phospholipid fatty acid composition and eicosanoid production in head kidney and heart tissue at early and late stages of ASRV infection. Liver was severely affected by the virus at the beginning of the infection in fish fed the reference ST diet, but the level of lesions were similar in all dietary groups at the end of the trial. Hepatic expression of fatty acyl desaturases was significantly depressed in fish fed the ST diet compare with fish fed the functional feeds despite the lower levels of dietary LC-PUFA in that feed. Thus endogenous production and bioavailability of anti-inflammatory LC-PUFA was potentially enhanced in fish fed the functional feeds. Changes in tissue lipid content, mobilization of fatty acids involved in inflammatory responses and changes in expression of transcription factors and genes involved in eicosanoid biosynthesis were more prominent in head kidney, confirming the important role of this organ in dietary immunomodulation after viral infection. To a lesser extent similar changes were observed in heart tissue, suggesting in situ production of eicosanoids could also be important. The unexpected effects of diet on expression of genes of LC-PUFA biosynthesis were specifically investigated in the trial described in Chapter 4. One aim of this study was to clarify whether dietary lipid content or viral infection was the cause of altered expression of desaturase genes between the different diets. Hepatic expression of other genes of lipid and fatty acid metabolism were also determined to evaluate metabolic changes associated with dietary lipid/energy level. In general, reduction of dietary energy and lipid contents while maintaining similar proportions of dietary fatty acids, led to a general up-regulation of genes involved in lipid biosynthetic pathways. Thus salmon fed lower energy diet showed increased liver expression of fatty acyl desaturases in comparison with fish fed higher energy levels. Heart transcriptomic data in Chapter 5 showed a similar delay in the inflammatory response in fish fed the functional feeds after PCMV infection as observed in the HSMI study. Modulation of inflammatory responses, similar to that previously described after ASRV infection, was also observed in fish fed the functional feeds. However, the differences in the expression of immune related genes and the level of heart lesions were not as prominent at mid-late stages of the disease as in fish fed FF1 in the HSMI trial. The present study demonstrated the beneficial effects of a clinical nutrition approach via functional feeds in two viral inflammatory diseases, HSMI and CMS, currently affecting farmed Atlantic salmon. Dietary immunomodulation increased the availability of anti-inflammatory LC-PUFA and significantly influenced the expression of the genes related with the immune/inflammatory response reducing the level and severity of cardiac and liver lesions and therefore improving the performance of fish suffering the diseases

    Die Stoffwechselwirkungen der Schilddrüsenhormone

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    Trefoil Peptide gene expression in small intestinal Crohn\u27s disease and dietary adaptation

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    We examined the patterns of trefoil peptide gene expression in the ulcer-associated cell lineage (UACL) and mucosa adjacent to Crohn\u27s disease in humans and during gastrointestinal adaptation to enteral feeding in rats. In the UACL, human spasmolytic polypeptide (hSP) mRNA and peptide are present in the acinar and proximal duct cells, whereas pS2 mRNA and peptide are found in the distal duct cells and in the surface cells. In mucosa adjacent to UACL, pS2 mRNA and peptide are expressed ectopically by goblet cells and neuroendocrine cells. Intestinal crypts associated with the UACL showed marked neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia. Ultrastructural immunolocalization showed pS2 to be copackaged in the mucous cell and neuroendocrine granules. The copackaging of a secretory protein in both mucous and neuroendocrine granules, which have different functions, is unusual and indicates an important role for pS2 in the secretory process itself or as a ligand delivered to its receptor via multiple routes. We also cloned the newest trefoil peptide, intestinal trefoil factor (ITF), from human and rat intestinal mucosa. Using in situ hybridization we demonstrated its synthesis by normal rat intestinal goblet cells. RNAse protection analysis revealed that the level of mRNA for rat ITF in small and large intestine was affected by the process of enteral feeding. We conclude that trefoil peptides are widely distributed in the intestine in human inflammatory boweldisease and are of considerable potential functional importance

    Chronic subcutaneous administration of kisspeptin-54 causes testicular degeneration in adult male rats

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    The kisspeptins are KiSS-1 gene-derived peptides that signal through the G protein-coupled receptor-54 (GPR54) and have recently been shown to be critical regulators of reproduction. Acute intracerebroventricular or peripheral administration of kisspeptin stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. This effect is thought to be mediated via the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) system. Chronic administration of GnRH agonists paradoxically suppresses the HPG axis after an initial agonistic stimulation. We investigated the effects of continuous peripheral kisspeptin administration in male rats by use of Alzet minipumps. Initially we compared the effects of acute subcutaneous administration of kisspeptin-10, -14, and -54 on the HPG axis. Kisspeptin-54 produced the greatest increase in plasma LH and total testosterone at 60 min postinjection and was used in the subsequent continuous administration experiments. Chronic subcutaneous long-term administration of 50 nmol kisspeptin-54/day for 13 days decreased testicular weight. Histological examination showed degeneration of the seminiferous tubules associated with a significant decrease in the circulating levels of the testes-derived hormone, inhibin B. Plasma free and total testosterone were also lower, although these changes did not reach statistical significance. Further studies examined the effects of shorter periods of continuous kisspeptin administration. Subcutaneous administration of 50 nmol kisspeptin-54 for 1 day increased plasma LH and testosterone. This effect was lost after 2 days of administration, suggesting a downregulation of the HPG axis response to kisspeptin following continuous administration. These findings indicate that kisspeptin may provide a novel tool for the manipulation of the HPG axis and spermatogenesis. Copyright © 2006 the American Physiological Society