28 research outputs found

    Tourism Destination Management: A Collaborative Approach

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    Collaboration is a key factor of sustainable growth across territories and industrial sectors. Tourism, one of the largest industries in the world, has been subject to strongest innovation in the last years. Main reasons of this reside both in the availability of new ICTs - Information and Communication Technologies - and organizational models, which directly connect tourists among them and with service providers, and in the always more personalized supply of tourism experience. Tourism destinations can benefit of such innovations if they are able to reorganize the territorial tourism offer around different pattern of collaboration in order to give 2.0 tourists opportunities to live an augmented tourism experience. This paper deals with the possible forms of collaborative networks that can rise within a destination with a focus on relationships between services delivered by the Tourism Destination and the requests of services at the different phases of the tourist 2.0 lifecycle

    Management of peripheral facial nerve palsy

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    Peripheral facial nerve palsy (FNP) may (secondary FNP) or may not have a detectable cause (Bell’s palsy). Three quarters of peripheral FNP are primary and one quarter secondary. The most prevalent causes of secondary FNP are systemic viral infections, trauma, surgery, diabetes, local infections, tumor, immunological disorders, or drugs. The diagnosis of FNP relies upon the presence of typical symptoms and signs, blood chemical investigations, cerebro-spinal-fluid-investigations, X-ray of the scull and mastoid, cerebral MRI, or nerve conduction studies. Bell’s palsy may be diagnosed after exclusion of all secondary causes, but causes of secondary FNP and Bell’s palsy may coexist. Treatment of secondary FNP is based on the therapy of the underlying disorder. Treatment of Bell’s palsy is controversial due to the lack of large, randomized, controlled, prospective studies. There are indications that steroids or antiviral agents are beneficial but also studies, which show no beneficial effect. Additional measures include eye protection, physiotherapy, acupuncture, botulinum toxin, or possibly surgery. Prognosis of Bell’s palsy is fair with complete recovery in about 80% of the cases, 15% experience some kind of permanent nerve damage and 5% remain with severe sequelae

    The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda

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    Using a teaching model framework, we systematically review empirical evidence on the impact of entrepreneurship education (EE) in higher education on a range of entrepreneurial outcomes, analyzing 159 published articles from 2004 to 2016. The teaching model framework allows us for the first time to start rigorously examining relationships between pedagogical methods and specific outcomes. Reconfirming past reviews and meta-analyses, we find that EE impact research still predominantly focuses on short-term and subjective outcome measures and tends to severely underdescribe the actual pedagogies being tested. Moreover, we use our review to provide an up-to-date and empirically rooted call for less obvious, yet greatly promising, new or underemphasized directions for future research on the impact of university-based entrepreneurship education. This includes, for example, the use of novel impact indicators related to emotion and mind-set, focus on the impact indicators related to the intention-to-behavior transition, and exploring the reasons for some contradictory findings in impact studies including person-, context-, and pedagogical model-specific moderator

    Product R & D, process R & D and market dynamics: A simulation study

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    This paper presents a simulation study carried out for the investigation of the dynamics of the combined development-production-selling system of a firm. Different product line management strategies were evaluated with respect to its operational results for a specified time interval. It was found that strategies that balance the intensity and timing of the development projects with the products' life-cycles characteristics result in superior performance compared to strategies that focus on development efforts or life cycles only

    Model-based assessment of military aircraft engine maintenance systems

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    The paper describes the development and use of a modular system dynamics model for analysing the dynamics and for assessing the long-term performance of military aircraft engine maintenance systems. Life-cycle engine maintenance is considered as a dynamic system whose behaviour is influenced by parameters specific to the engine's reliability and maintenance characteristics, to the operational requirements, and to the maintenance infrastructure. We show how the model can be used for supporting the aircraft procurement decision through the assessment of its engine's maintenance system, as well as for understanding and determining maintenance system behaviours, towards which operational adjustments of the maintenance infrastructure can be made in a more informed way