221 research outputs found

    Bonobo personality predicts friendship

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    In bonobos, strong bonds have been documented between unrelated females and between mothers and their adult sons, which can have important fitness benefits. Often age, sex or kinship similarity have been used to explain social bond strength variation. Recent studies in other species also stress the importance of personality, but this relationship remains to be investigated in bonobos. We used behavioral observations on 39 adult and adolescent bonobos housed in 5 European zoos to study the role of personality similarity in dyadic relationship quality. Dimension reduction analyses on individual and dyadic behavioral scores revealed multidimensional personality (Sociability, Openness, Boldness, Activity) and relationship quality components (value, compatibility). We show that, aside from relatedness and sex combination of the dyad, relationship quality is also associated with personality similarity of both partners. While similarity in Sociability resulted in higher relationship values, lower relationship compatibility was found between bonobos with similar Activity scores. The results of this study expand our understanding of the mechanisms underlying social bond formation in anthropoid apes. In addition, we suggest that future studies in closely related species like chimpanzees should implement identical methods for assessing bond strength to shed further light on the evolution of this phenomenon

    Protein processing characterized by a gel-free proteomics approach

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    We describe a method for the specific isolation of representative N-terminal peptides of proteins and their proteolytic fragments. Their isolation is based on a gel-free, peptidecentric proteomics approach using the principle of diagonal chromatography. We will indicate that the introduction of an altered chemical property to internal peptides holding a free α-N-terminus results in altered column retention of these peptides, thereby enabling the isolation and further characterization by mass spectrometry of N-terminal peptides. Besides pointing to changes in protein expression levels when performing such proteome surveys in a differential modus, protease specificity and substrate repertoires can be allocated since both are specified by neo-N-termini generated after a protease cleavage event. As such, our gel-free proteomics technology is widely applicable and amenable for a variety of proteome-driven protease degradomics research

    Facial width-to-height ratio is associated with agonistic and affiliative dominance in bonobos (Pan paniscus)

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    Facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) is associated with social dominance in human and non-human primates, which may reflect the effects of testosterone on facial morphology and behaviour. Given that testosterone facilitates status-seeking motivation, the association between fWHR and behaviour should be contingent on the relative costs and benefits of particular dominance strategies across species and socioecological contexts. We tested this hypothesis in bonobos (Pan paniscus), who exhibit female dominance and rely on both affiliation and aggression to achieve status. We measured fWHR from facial photographs, affiliative dominance with Assertiveness personality scores and agonistic dominance with behavioural data. Consistent with our hypothesis, agonistic and affiliative dominance predicted fWHR in both sexes independent of age and body weight, supporting the role of status-seeking motivation in producing the link between fWHR and socioecologically relevant dominance behaviour across primates

    Back pain in Portuguese schoolchildren: prevalence and risk factors

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    2 Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention In Sport, Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, Portugal Background: Regarding children aged _10 years, only a few international studies were conducted to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain. Although other studies on the older Portuguese children point to prevalence between 17% and 39%, none exists for this specific age-group. Thus, the aim of this study was conducted to establish the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain in schoolchildren aged 7–10 years. Methods: A cross-sectional survey among 637 children was conducted. A self-rating questionnaire was used to verify prevalence and duration of back pain, life habits, school absence, medical treatments or limitation of activities. For posture assessment, photographic records with a bio-photogrammetric analysis were used to obtain data about head, acromion and pelvic alignment, horizontal alignment of the scapulae, vertical alignment of the trunk and vertical body alignment. Results: Postural problems were found in 25.4% of the children, especially in the 8- and 9-year-old groups. Back pain occurs in 12.7% with the highest values among the 7- and 10-year-old children. The probability of back pain increased 7 times when the children presented a history of school absences, 4.3 times when they experienced sleeping difficulties, 4.4 times when school furniture was uncomfortable, 4.7 times if the children perceived an occurrence of parental back pain and 2.5 times when children presented incorrect posture. Conclusions: The combination of school absences, parental pain, sleeping difficulties, inappropriate school furniture and postural deviations at the sagittal and frontal planes seem to prove the multifactorial aetiology of back pain

    Bonobo personality:Age and sex effects and links with behavior and dominance

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    Abstract The study described in this chapter examines whether individual differences in six rating-based bonobo personality dimensions—assertiveness, conscientiousness, openness, attentiveness, agreeableness and extroversion—are related to sex, age, behaviours and dominance. To these ends, the study tested predictions based on previous studies of human and chimpanzee personality, and bonobo behaviour and socio-ecology. Sex and age differences in assertiveness, openness and extroversion, and correlations between these personality dimensions and behaviour were consistent with predictions. Conscientiousness showed associations with observed behaviours but requires further investigation as sex and age effects differed from those reported in humans and chimpanzees. Agreeableness and attentiveness showed few associations with age, sex and behaviours, indicating the need to further investigate validity of these factors. This chapter shows that personality dimensions in bonobos are correlated with sex, age and behaviours in ways that are consistent with what is known for bonobos and their socio-ecology. L’étude dĂ©crite dans ce chapitre examine si les diffĂ©rences individuelles dans six dimensions de personnalitĂ© bonobos basĂ©es sur Ă©valuation—Affirmation de soi, Conscience, Ouverture, Attention, AgrĂ©abilitĂ©, et l’Extroversion—sont liĂ©es au sexe et l’ñge et les comportements et la dominance. L’étude a testĂ© les prĂ©dictions basĂ©es sur des Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes de la personnalitĂ© humaine et chimpanzĂ©, et le comportement bonobo et la socioĂ©cologie. Les diffĂ©rences de sexe et d’ñge dans l’Affirmation de soi, l’Ouverture et l’Extroversion et les corrĂ©lations entre ces dimensions de personnalitĂ© et de comportement Ă©taient cohĂ©rents avec nos prĂ©dictions. La Conscience montre des associations avec les comportements observĂ©s mais a besoin plus de recherche vu que les effets du sexe et de l’ñge diffĂšrent des effets rapportĂ©s chez les humains et les chimpanzĂ©s. L’AgrĂ©abilitĂ© et l’Attention n’avaient pas autant d’associations avec l’ñge, le sexe et les comportements. Cela montre qu’il faut plus rechercher la validitĂ© de ces facteurs. Cette Ă©tude montre que les dimensions de personnalitĂ© chez les bonobos sont corrĂ©lĂ© Ă  l’ñge, au sexe et aux comportements de maniĂšres qui sont cohĂ©rentes avec notre connaissance des bonobos et de leur socioĂ©cologie.</jats:p

    ECOPLAN-SE: Ruimtelijke analyse van ecosysteemdiensten in Vlaanderen, een Q-GIS plugin

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    ECOPLAN-SE is een ruimtelijk expliciete tool (QGIS) voor het beoordelen van de impact van landgebruikveranderingen op de levering van ecosysteemdiensten. De ontwikkeling van deze tool kadert in het het SBO-project “ECOPLAN” (Planning for Ecosystem Services). ECOPLAN ontwikkelt ruimtelijk expliciete informatie en instrumenten voor de beoordeling van ecosysteemdiensten. Het ontwerpt instrumenten voor de evaluatie van functionele ecosystemen als een kostenefficiĂ«nte strategie om de landgebruiksefficiĂ«ntie en milieukwaliteit te verbeteren. Het ontwikkelt open source eindproducten voor het identificeren, kwantificeren, waarderen, valideren en monitoren van ecosysteemdiensten. Deze producten kunnen door administraties en consultants worden ingezet in projectontwikkeling, kosten-baten analyses, milieueffecten rapportering, etc

    Adult bonobos show no prosociality in both prosocial choice task and group service paradigm

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    Previous studies reported contrasting conclusions concerning bonobo prosociality, which are likely due to differences in the experimental design, the social dynamics among subjects and characteristics of the subjects themselves. Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the occurrence of prosociality in animals: the cooperative breeding hypothesis and the self-domestication hypothesis. While the former predicts low levels of prosociality in bonobos because they are non-cooperative breeders, the latter predicts high levels of prosociality because self-domestication has been proposed to select for high levels of tolerance in this species. Here, we presented a group of thirteen bonobos with two platform food-provisioning tasks: the prosocial choice task (PCT) and the group service paradigm (GSP). The latter has so far never been applied to bonobos. To allow for free choice of participation and partner, we implemented both tasks in a group setting. Like in previous PCT studies, bonobos did not choose the prosocial option more often when a group member could benefit vs not benefit. In the GSP, where food provisioning is costly, only subadult bonobos showed a limited amount of food provisioning, which was much lower than what was previously reported for chimpanzees. In both experiments, adult subjects were highly motivated to obtain rewards for themselves, suggesting that bonobos behaved indifferently to the gains of group members. We suggest that previous positive food-provisioning prosociality results in bonobos are mainly driven by the behaviour of subadult subjects. The lack of prosociality in this study corresponds to the hypothesis that proactive food provisioning co-occurs with cooperative breeding and suggests that proactive prosociality might not be part of the self-domestication syndrome in bonobos
