969 research outputs found

    Storage requirement definition study

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    A dish Stirling solar receiver (DSSR) and a heat pipe solar receiver with TES (HPSR) for a 25 kWe dish Stirling solar power system are described. The thermal performance and cost effectiveness of each are analyzed minute by minute over the equivalent of one year of solar insolation. Existing designs of these two systems were used as a basis for the study; TES concepts for the DSSR and alternative TES concepts for the HPSR are presented. Parametric performance and cost studies were performed to determine the operating and cost characteristics of these systems. Data are reported for systems (1) without TES and with varying amounts of TES, (2) with and without a fossil fuel combustor, (3) with varying solar to fossil power input, and (4) with different system control assumptions. The principal effects of TES duration, collector area, engine efficiency, and fuel cost sensitivity are indicated. Development needs for each of the systems are discussed and the need and nature of possible future TES solar modular experiments are presented and discussed

    A Conceptual Design Study on the Application of Liquid Metal Heat Transfer Technology to the Solar Thermal Power Plant

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    Alkali metal heat transfer technology was used in the development of conceptual designs for the transport and storage of sensible and latent heat thermal energy in distributed concentrator, solar Stirling power conversion systems at a power level of 15 kWe per unit. Both liquid metal pumped loop and heat pipe thermal transport were considered; system configurations included: (1) an integrated, focal mounted sodium heat pipe solar receiver (HPSR) with latent heat thermal energy storage; (2) a liquid sodium pumped loop with the latent heat storage, Stirling engine-generator, pump and valves located on the back side of the concentrator; and (3) similar pumped loops serving several concentrators with more centralized power conversion and storage. The focus mounted HPSR was most efficient, lightest and lowest in estimated cost. Design confirmation testing indicated satisfactory performance at all angles of inclination of the primary heat pipes to be used in the solar receiver

    Construct Validity of Dimensions of Adaptive Behavior: A Multitrait-Multimethod Evaluation.

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    The construct validity of four dimensions of adaptive and maladaptive behavior was investigated using the multitrait-multimethod matrix procedure of Campbell and Fiske (1959). Measures off our traits cognitive competence, social competence, social maladaption, and personal maladaption were obtained on a sample of 157 persons with moderate, severe, or profound mental retardation using each of three methods of measurement-standardized assessment instrument, day shift staff ratings, and evening shift staff ratings. Applying the Campbell and Fiske rules of thumb and recently proposed structural equation modeling techniques to the data demonstrated strong convergent validity, clear discriminant validity, and only moderate levels of method variance in the observed measures. implications of the results for the assessment of adaptive behavior and its dimensional structure were discussed

    NuSTAR Reveals an Intrinsically X-Ray Weak Broad Absorption Line Quasar in the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy Markarian 231

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    We present high-energy (3-30 keV) NuSTAR observations of the nearest quasar, the ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) Markarian 231 (Mrk 231), supplemented with new and simultaneous low-energy (0.5-8 keV) data from Chandra. The source was detected, though at much fainter levels than previously reported, likely due to contamination in the large apertures of previous non-focusing hard X-ray telescopes. The full band (0.5-30 keV) X-ray spectrum suggests the active galactic nucleus (AGN) in Mrk 231 is absorbed by a patchy and Compton-thin (N_H ~ 1.2^(+0.3)_(-0.3) x 10^(23) cm^(–2)) column. The intrinsic X-ray luminosity (L_(0.5 – 30 keV) ~ 1.0 × 10^(43) erg s^(–1)) is extremely weak relative to the bolometric luminosity where the 2-10 keV to bolometric luminosity ratio is ~0.03% compared to the typical values of 2%-15%. Additionally, Mrk 231 has a low X-ray-to-optical power law slope (α_(OX) ~ –1.7). It is a local example of a low-ionization broad absorption line quasar that is intrinsically X-ray weak. The weak ionizing continuum may explain the lack of mid-infrared [O IV], [Ne V], and [Ne VI] fine-structure emission lines which are present in sources with otherwise similar AGN properties. We argue that the intrinsic X-ray weakness may be a result of the super-Eddington accretion occurring in the nucleus of this ULIRG, and may also be naturally related to the powerful wind event seen in Mrk 231, a merger remnant escaping from its dusty cocoon

    Milky Way Mass Models and MOND

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    Using the Tuorla-Heidelberg model for the mass distribution of the Milky Way, I determine the rotation curve predicted by MOND. The result is in good agreement with the observed terminal velocities interior to the solar radius and with estimates of the Galaxy's rotation curve exterior thereto. There are no fit parameters: given the mass distribution, MOND provides a good match to the rotation curve. The Tuorla-Heidelberg model does allow for a variety of exponential scale lengths; MOND prefers short scale lengths in the range 2.0 to 2.5 kpc. The favored value of scale length depends somewhat on the choice of interpolation function. There is some preference for the `simple' interpolation function as found by Famaey & Binney. I introduce an interpolation function that shares the advantages of the simple function on galaxy scales while having a much smaller impact in the solar system. I also solve the inverse problem, inferring the surface mass density distribution of the Milky Way from the terminal velocities. The result is a Galaxy with `bumps and wiggles' in both its luminosity profile and rotation curve that are reminiscent of those frequently observed in external galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 31 pages including 8 figures and 3 table

    CASTER - a concept for a Black Hole Finder Probe based on the use of new scintillator technologies

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    The primary scientific mission of the Black Hole Finder Probe (BHFP), part of the NASA Beyond Einstein program, is to survey the local Universe for black holes over a wide range of mass and accretion rate. One approach to such a survey is a hard X-ray coded-aperture imaging mission operating in the 10--600 keV energy band, a spectral range that is considered to be especially useful in the detection of black hole sources. The development of new inorganic scintillator materials provides improved performance (for example, with regards to energy resolution and timing) that is well suited to the BHFP science requirements. Detection planes formed with these materials coupled with a new generation of readout devices represent a major advancement in the performance capabilities of scintillator-based gamma cameras. Here, we discuss the Coded Aperture Survey Telescope for Energetic Radiation (CASTER), a concept that represents a BHFP based on the use of the latest scintillator technology.Comment: 12 pages; conference paper presented at the SPIE conference "UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV." To be published in SPIE Conference Proceedings, vol. 589

    Northern Borneo stalagmite records reveal West Pacific hydroclimate across MIS 5 and 6

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    Over the past decades, tropical stalagmite δ^(18)O records have provided valuable insight on glacial and interglacial hydrological variability and its relationship to a variety of natural climate forcings. The transition out of the penultimate glaciation (MIS 6) represents an important target for tropical hydroclimate reconstructions, yet relatively few such reconstructions resolve this transition. Particularly, comparisons between Termination 1 and 2 provide critical insight on the extent and influence of proposed climate mechanisms determined from paleorecords and model experiments spanning the recent deglaciation. Here we present a new compilation of western tropical Pacific hydrology spanning 0–160 ky BP, constructed from eleven different U/Th-dated stalagmite δ^(18)O records from Gunung Mulu National Park in northern Borneo. The reconstruction exhibits significant precessional power in phase with boreal fall insolation strength over the 0–160 ky BP period, identifying precessional insolation forcing as the dominant driver of hydroclimate variability in northern Borneo on orbital timescales. A comparison with a network of paleoclimate records from the circum-Pacific suggests the insolation sensitivity may arise from changes in the Walker circulation system. Distinct millennial-scale increases in stalagmite δ^(18)O, indicative of reduced regional convection, occur within glacial terminations and may reflect a response to shifts in inter-hemispheric temperature gradients. Our results imply that hydroclimate in this region is sensitive to external forcing, with a response dominated by large-scale temperature gradients

    Transformation of ENSO-related rainwater to dripwater δ^(18)O variability by vadose water mixing

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    Speleothem oxygen isotopes (δ^(18)O) are often used to reconstruct past rainfall δ^(18)O variability, and thereby hydroclimate changes, in many regions of the world. However, poor constraints on the karst hydrological processes that transform rainfall signals into cave dripwater add significant uncertainty to interpretations of speleothem-based reconstructions. Here we present several 6.5 year, biweekly dripwater δ^(18)O time series from northern Borneo and compare them to local rainfall δ^(18)O variability. We demonstrate that vadose water mixing is the primary rainfall-to-dripwater transformation process at our site, where dripwater δ^(18)O reflects amount-weighted rainfall δ^(18)O integrated over the previous 3–10 months. We document large interannual dripwater δ^(18)O variability related to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with amplitudes inversely correlated to dripwater residence times. According to a simple stalagmite forward model, asymmetrical ENSO extremes produce significant offsets in stalagmite δ^(18)O time series given different dripwater residence times. Our study highlights the utility of generating multiyear, paired time series of rainfall and dripwater δ^(18)O to aid interpretations of stalagmite δ^(18)O reconstructions

    Selection of patients for heart transplantationin the current era of heart failure therapy

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    AbstractObjectivesWe sought to assess the relationship between survival, peak exercise oxygen consumption (Vo2), and heart failure survival score (HFSS) in the current era of heart failure (HF) therapy.BackgroundBased on predicted survival, HF patients with peak Vo2<14 ml/min/kg or medium- to high-risk HFSS are currently considered eligible for heart transplantation. However, these criteria were developed before the widespread use of beta-blockers, spironolactone, and defibrillators—interventions known to improve the survival of HF patients.MethodsPeak Vo2and HFSS were assessed in 320 patients followed from 1994 to 1997 (past era) and in 187 patients followed from 1999 to 2001 (current era). Outcomes were compared between these two groups of patients and those who underwent heart transplantation from 1993 to 2000.ResultsSurvival in the past era was 78% at one year and 67% at two years, as compared with 88% and 79%, respectively, in the current era (both p < 0.01). One-year event-free survival (without urgent transplantation or left ventricular assist device) was improved in the current era, regardless of initial peak Vo2: 64% vs. 48% for peak Vo2<10 ml/min/kg (p = 0.09), 81% vs. 70% for 10 to 14 ml/min/kg (p = 0.05), and 93% vs. 82% for >14 ml/min/kg (p = 0.04). Of the patients with peak Vo2of 10 to 14 ml/min/kg, 55% had low-risk HFSS and exhibited 88% one-year event-free survival. One-year survival after transplantation was 88%, which is similar to the 85% rate reported by the United Network for Organ Sharing for 1999 to 2000.ConclusionsSurvival for HF patients in the current era has improved significantly, necessitating re-evaluation of the listing criteria for heart transplantation
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