33 research outputs found

    Woven Thermal Protection System (WTPS) a Novel Approach to Meet NASA's Most Demanding Reentry Missions

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    NASA's future robotic missions to Venus and outer planets, namely, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, result in extremely high entry conditions that exceed the capabilities of current mid-density ablators (PICA or Avcoat). Therefore mission planners assume the use of a fully dense carbon phenolic heat shield similar to what was flown on Pioneer Venus and Galileo. Carbon phenolic (CP) is a robust Thermal Protection System (TPS) however its high density and thermal conductivity constrain mission planners to steep entries, high heat fluxes, pressures and short entry durations, in order for CP to be feasible from a mass perspective. The high entry conditions pose certification challenges in existing ground based test facilities. In 2012 the Game Changing Development Program in NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate funded NASA ARC to investigate the feasibility of a Woven Thermal Protection System (WTPS) to meet the needs of NASA's most challenging entry missions. This presentation will summarize maturation of the WTPS project

    TPS Architectures and the Influence of Material and Architecture on Failure Mode Evolution

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    A primary focus of the Entry Systems and Technology Division at NASA Ames is design, development, qualification and certification of Thermal Protection Systems for current NASA missions. Another primary focus is the development of new thermal protection systems for upcoming missions that address shortfalls in the existing suite of TPS. Examples of such shortfalls include performance at higher capability and reduction in mass. NASA is also investing in TPS sustainability ensuring the long term availability of TPS solutions for future missions. The specific TPS selection, for a given mission , depends on a number of parameters including the missions risk posture. For all missions the goal for TPS is efficient and reliable performance and to achieve these goals an understanding of the materials (composition and architecture) is required for proper design and use of the chosen TPS. Analytic tools are used to inform on a material (systems) response to a given environment and the response itself depends on the materials properties which are driven by its composition and architecture. This presentation will review the different generic ablative TPS architectures and anticipated corresponding failure modes

    Assessment of the State of the Art of Ultra High Temperature Ceramics

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    Ultra High Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) are a family of materials that includes the borides, carbides and nitrides of hafnium-, zirconium- and titanium-based systems. UHTCs are famous for possessing some of the highest melting points of known materials. In addition, they are very hard, have good wear resistance, mechanical strength, and relatively high thermal conductivities (compared to other ceramic materials). Because of these attributes, UHTCs are ideal for thermal protection systems, especially those that require chemical and structural stability at extremely high operating temperatures. UHTCs have the potential to revolutionize the aerospace industry by enabling the development of sharp hypersonic vehicles or atmospheric entry probes capable of the most extreme entry conditions

    Woven TPS - A New Approach to TPS Design and Manufacturing

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    NASA's Office of the Chief Technologist (OCT) Game Changing Division recently funded an effort to advance a Woven TPS (WTPS) concept. WTPS is a new approach to producing TPS materials that uses precisely engineered 3D weaving techniques to customize material characteristics needed to meet specific missions requirements for protecting space vehicles from the intense heating generated during atmospheric entry. Using WTPS, sustainable, scalable, mission-optimized TPS solutions can be achieved with relatively low life cycle costs compared with the high costs and long development schedules currently associated with material development and certification. WTPS leverages the mature state-of-the-art weaving technology that has evolved from the textile industry to design TPS materials with tailorable performance by varying material composition and properties via the controlled placement of fibers within a woven structure. The resulting material can be designed to perform optimally for a wide range of entry conditions encompassing NASAs current and future mission needs. WTPS enables these optimized TPS designs to be translated precisely into mission-specific, manufactured materials that can substantially increase the efficiency, utility, and robustness of heat shield materials compared to the current state-of-the-art material options. By delivering improved heat shield performance and affordability, this technology will impact all future exploration missions, from the robotic in-situ science missions to Mars, Venus and Saturn to the next generation of human missions. WTPS can change the way NASA develops, certifies, and integrates TPS into mission life cycles - instead of being a mission constraint, TPS will become a mission enabler. It is anticipated that WTPS will have direct impact on SMD, HEOMD and OCT and will be of interest for DoD and COTS applications. This presentation will overview the WTPS concept and present some results from initial testing completed

    Aerothermal Testing of Woven TPS Ablative Materials

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    Woven Thermal Protection Systems (WTPS) is a new TPS concept that is funded by NASAs Office of the Chief Technologist (OCT) Game Changing Division. The WTPS project demonstrates the potential for manufacturing a variety of TPS materials capable of wide ranging performances demanded by a spectrum of solar system exploration missions. Currently, missions anticipated to encounter heat fluxes in the range of 1500 4000 Watts per square centimeter are limited to using one proven material fully dense Carbon Phenolic. However, fully dense carbon phenolic is only mass efficient at heat fluxes greater than 4000 Watts per square centimeter, and current mission designs suffer this mass inefficiency for lack of an alternative mid-density TPS. WTPS not only bridges this gap but also offers a replacement for carbon phenolic, which itself requires a significant and costly redevelopment effort to re-establish its capability for use in the high heat flux missions recently prioritized in the NRC Decadal survey, including probe missions to Venus, Saturn and Neptune. This poster will summarize some recent arc jet testing to evaluate the performance of WTPS. Both mid density and fully dense WTPS test results will be presented and results compared to heritage carbon phenolic where applicable

    Ongoing TPS Development at NASA Ames Research Center

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    CRASTE poster on TPS Development at NASA ARC

    Progress in Manufacturing and Characterizing Domestic Lyocell PICA (PICA-D) and Comparison to Heritage PICA

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    NASA ARC is working with SMD-PSD to address PICA rayon sustainability concerns. In FY16/17, Lyocell Based PICA (PICA-D) was manufactured and limited testing performed showing it to be a good candidate as a potential replacement for heritage rayon. Establishing PICA-D as a "drop in replacement" will allow missions to depend on and design missions with PICA without any risk typical of a replacement. Establishing the extended capability of PICA-D will allow Sample Return Missions with higher entry speed that were not considered before

    Sustaining PICA TPS for Future NASA Robotic Science Missions

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    Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA), invented in the mid 1990's, is a low-density ablative thermal protection material proven capable of meeting sample return mission needs from the moon, asteroids, comets and other "unrestricted class V destinations" as well as for Mars. Its low density and efficient performance characteristics have proven effective for use from Discovery to Flagship class missions. It is important that NASA maintain this TPS material capability and ensure its availability for future NASA use. The rayon based carbon precursor raw material used in PICA preform manufacturing required replacement and requalification at least twice in the past 25 years and a third substitution is now needed. The carbon precursor replacement challenge is twofold the first involves finding a long-term replacement for the current rayon and the second is to assess its future availability periodically to ensure it is sustainable and be alerted if additional replacement efforts need to be initiated. Rayon is no longer a viable process in the US and Europe due to environmental concerns. In the early 80's rayon producers began investigating a new method of producing a cellulosic fiber through a more environmentally responsible process. This cellulosic fiber, lyocell, is a viable replacement precursor for PICA fiberform. This presentation reviews current SMD-PSD funded PICA sustainability activities in ensuring a rayon replacement for the long term is identified and in establishing that the capability of the new PICA derived from an alternative precursor is in family with previous versions of the so called "heritage" PICA.State of the Art Low Density Carbon Phenolic AblatorsStardust SRC post flight withPICA forebody heat shield(0.8m max. diameter)PICA Processing StepsRole of Rayon/Lyocellin PICA

    Post-Flight Evaluation of Stardust PICA Forebody Heatshield Material

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    This presentation was part of the session : Sample Return ChallengesSixth International Planetary Probe WorkshopPhenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) was developed at NASA Ames Research Center under the lightweight ceramic ablator development program in the '80s. PICA has the advantages of low density (~ 0.27g/cc) coupled with efficient ablative capability at high heat fluxes making PICA an enabling technology for the Stardust mission. Three cores at key locations were extracted from the forebody heatshield of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule (SRC) post flight and evaluated. Core locations include a near stagnation core, a flank core and a segment taken from the shoulder of the heatshield. Evaluation included density profiles, recession determination, thermal analysis profile, PICA bondline examination, strength of remaining virgin PICA, emissivity profile, chemical analysis profile and microstructural analysis. Comparisons between experimental density profiles and profiles derived from FIAT, a tool used to predict ablative performance, are in good agreement. Recession comparisons from measured values and FIAT predictions are currently being obtained. In addition a laser scanning tool developed at ARC is being used to evaluate recession measurements and compare to experimental and predicted values. In general, the PICA material examined in the cores is in good condition and intact. Impact damage is not evident and the main degradation observed was that caused by heating on entry. A substantial amount of "virgin" PICA was present in all cores examined. It is noted that the post-flight analysis of the Stardust heat shield is especially important since PICA is baselined for both the Orion (CEV) and Mars Science Laboratory vehicles.NASA; NESC; Orion Thermal Protection System Advanced Development Projec

    Investigation of Performance Envelope for Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA)

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    The present work provides the results of a short exploratory study on the performance of Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator, or PICA, at high heat flux and pressure in an arcjet facility at NASA Ames Research Center. The primary objective of the study was to explore the thermal response of PICA at cold-wall heat fluxes well in excess of 1500 W/cm (exp 2). Based on the results of a series of flow simulations, multiple PICA samples were tested at an estimated cold wall heat flux and stagnation pressure of 1800 W/cm (exp 2) and 130 kPa, respectively. All samples survived the test, and no failure was observed either during or after the exposure. The results indicate that PICA has a potential to perform well at environments with significantly higher heat flux and pressure than it has currently been flown